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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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Side 6th ACT Stuff · 12:02am Jun 22nd, 2023

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This Stuff is still canon, I'm giving its own space. This stuff happens during the 6th ACT in a sense. Sort of a side gig you could say.

The Adventures of the Elements of Secondary

Alternate Idea: The Adventures of the Elements of Secondary: A series of episodes that continues their adventures…

Detail Idea: The Elements of Secondary episodes: Every time they finish a mission or whatever, all of them sit outside on the grassy fields, mostly as the sun is setting, and eat a certain type of special ice cream. Perhaps it being blue, and they eat in Equestria in the fields/outskirts of Stalia. And it is started by the griffin guy as a way of celebrating a job well done, and he knows of the ice cream since he lived there for a while, and it’s a nice and wholesome moment, especially for The Master, who sits and takes it all in…
(Yes, it'll be episode based)

My Little Pony: Universal Magic: Presents: The Adventures of Mercenaries of Future City:

This will be a little side series where there are more adventures with the sim trooper and the mercenaries. It could go beyond one season.

(Yes, it'll be episode based)

My Little Pony: Universal Magic: Presents: Retro Pop City:

A little side series details with life in the city of Retro Pop City that was from Mane... It could go beyond more than one season (Yes, it'll be episode based)
Detail Idea: Retro Pop City/The Windows Saga: For the adventures of RPC, Critic A.I., SJW Man and his little team, and a few other probably, will make an appearance there with sJW Man trying to make RPC his new home or something. Also there are these little robot, sphere things called Helpers which range from male to female voices and they are just hanging around, help others or run a business for somepony, you know, robots, THE FUTUR, YOU GET THE IDEA. And three in particular comes to mind. Two are news anchor, a male and female robot who does the news of RPC and play off one another. And the third one that comes into the Windows Saga is a female one, overly happy, and excited sometimes and tries her best to help…

Also for the adventure series, I have ideas for characters, not confirmed, just ideas. The main character is a teen/tween aged boy who is new moving to the city, as his mother passed away, his dad being a great detective, decides to start a new, as he says that is what mom would have want. So they both move to the city as that his where his dad got the job from, and as typical as this stuff goes, the boy is having trouble fitting in, and is told to go out and explore his new world, as it is quite a big one.

But he told to stay out of trouble, and not to go outside the city limits, as there are parks and forest with things to do, but he just wants to make sure he is safe is all, and is also told to be back by a certain time. And so he goes out on his own and explores, where he meets the other main, not confirmed yet, characters. The first one is a male that is somewhere between the age of 19-25, and is a huge trouble maker, but can be friendly if gotten to know him. He is sleek, smooth, and has a way with the ladies at times. And the boy first sees him when the older male is being chased by the Military Force, not the police, in the subway station. And later on the boy befriends him on the subway. The second is a female, who is above the boy’s age, like 17-18, but she is cute, maybe has red hair that goes straight down, or whatever cute design that you can think of, and is nice and kind, and while not the brightest in all situations, she is there for support, and the boy has a bit of a crush on her. The third is another female, a bit of a tom boy-ish one, the one who went to high school, but nothing else, and just hangs around the city, and know of the other male, but there is no real relationship between the two, but there is a suspected previous relationship that failed, but there is a tease every now and then…I guess…and the boy befriends both females as well. As for main, I would like to say there would be 3 more, but I don’t know yet, this is just first draft in my head after all.

Anyways, that helper that I mentioned from before that was also in the Windows Saga is also thrown into the mix and happens to know the other three personally, and is excited when she finds out that the boy is new and shows him around a bit. She also briefly mentions the EoP from time to time, as this takes place between two episodes from the Saga. And so the only one that is left that I have for now is the town’s Superhero, named Captain Man! And he actually does have Super Powers per say, but he has an ego to go along with those words, and is high and mighty when he gets interviewed about protecting the city. I’m thinking a blonde afro, with sun glasses, a bit of a tan, white cape, very muscular, and a light blue shirt, thingy, but again, first draft. And of course he has some sort of connection to the main characters, but not sure where that lies yet…Also there is a step mother for the boy, and maybe a dog…

Update: Ok, for Captain Man, he knows the group from begging them to help stage a crime so he could save the day and get his start. And so there is a bit of an in and out friendly relationship with it…

Also, there are two more characters to add for the main group of kids. Another is a male, mid high school age, as a job, is sort of the weakling/helpless of the group, a little bit of the comic relief, and is clumsy at times. And he has a little sister that is the smart one that is a geek and acts emotionless most of the time, wears glasses, and knows around a computer. These 6 make up the main group of friends, along with the female Helper (The one from the Windows Saga), and that little relationship with Captain Man.

As for the step mom, towards the beginning, the father is dating someone else, a hot milf I suppose, and is nice and sweet towards the kid, and may or may not become his new step mom, and of course the kid has trouble accepting it, but at some point he comes around a little.

And as for the dog, the dog will be a thing, not sure what breed, but a big, husky probably, and will be a gift from the father to the son after they moved into their middle class apartment.

Also at first, the father does not take kindly to his son’s new friends, and sees them as trouble makers, but soon he is fine with it, but keeps an eye on them from time to time.

Also to clarify, the boy is are tween age, like I said, sort of like middle school age per say…

Also the older male of the group, the trouble maker one, will have a brown, dusty coat and maybe smokes a little…and is cool with the kid…

Also in one episode, they cross over with Universal Magic and end up in the pony world as well…and when they hear stories about Knight and his friends from the Helper, they don’t believe her.

Also the Elements of Secondary and Mercenaries from Future city also make a guest appearance in an episode or two…

Also this is inspired by the 2000's anime...like Sonic X.... *dying inside intensifies*

So I'm thinking anime for what I was thinking...for whatever reason in my head...

Update: Also the step mother cannot have babies has she has a disease or something that will prevent the fetus from developing, and having a step son would make her happy. And at some point, the group of friends go out and try and solve the mystery of the Ghost of XP as well as the other computers, as in a way, they are still around, but not really, and of course they find the Wise one and such and talk to him and what not.

Detail Idea: 1st episode of Retro Pop City:

So here’s is some more details for the first episode.

So the kid moves into the city with his dad on a car trip. The mom died and the dad thinks it would be great for a new start and for them to move on. They also have a dog with them. And so the father, a police chief for another place decides to take a job in RPC. He isn’t looking forward to it, but he knows it’ll be good for his son. So they move into a fancy apartment complex at a skyscraper somewhere. And as they are having their stuff moved in, the kid wants to be alone. So the father tells him ok, but to stick to only nearby and only for a little bit. (irresponsible I know… but…whatever…) And so the kid goes out exploring the city, but he’s all alone. No one seems to care for him or see him as nothing. The place is dark and bleak for him. He isn’t sure what to do, especially after the death of a parent of his. He’s down in the dumps. And since no one seems to like him, he is along and sad, and afraid. And he is alone in a nearby alley somewhere. But then he hears some commotion nearby. A bigger, more older looking kid, slightly out of high school you could say or something is running from the police or the RPCPD. And he is having fun with it while having a smile on his face. Eventually he runs around the corner and sees the kid, and behind the kid is some cover. So he goes into the cover and tells the kid to be tell him he ran the other way.

And so the police come to the area and ask the kid what he is doing all by himself? But then the police say to forget him and just tell him to get home as they continue running in the other direction to find the older kid. And once the coast is clear, the bigger kid comes out of the cover, says something witty and says thanks as he is on his way. But as he is about to go, the kid asks if he can go with him. The big kid is hesitant at first, asks if he has any friends to be with. The kid says no, and so the big kid says yes. So the two start a conversation and as they are walking and talking, the kid explains that he is new there. And so the big welcomes him and shows him the places. For example an ice cream stand that knows the big kid by name. Eventually they come across a similar aged to the big kid, a tom boy girl. She introduces herself, teases at the big kid, and they continue showing the kid around the town. They see Captain Man, gives a brief introduction to him. And then they move on.

Eventually they meet their loser friend, still in high school, and he is the weakling of the group you could say. He says he is missing his younger sister and can’t find her and panics. But the big kid says to calm down and says they will find her. So they head to the café to calm down. There they talk and the loser friend introduces himself to the kid. And then the little sister and the crush walks in. The little sister is in middle school and is somewhat anti social, but in a cold hearted way with some cynicism thrown in while being tech savvy and know how to code. All the while the older brother wants to get close to her in a brother sister relationship, but she pushes him away. As for the crush, she is in middle school too and about the same age as the kid, is pretty looking, girly, has blonde hair, and is nice and kind. And the kid of course gets a crush immediately on her.

The loser friends asks why did the little sister walked off, and the little sister said she saw something she wanted so they went to get it, no big deal. And so with everyone there, they spend the day there and talk. And the kid notices this and is starting to feel happy, like that there is hope in his life. And the big kid notices this too and teases him with it. Eventually it gets late and they all go home with the big kid walking the kid home. The kid shows him the way to his home, and once the big kid sees this, the big kid says that place is too fancy for him. Then the father comes by and is concerned and is sort of angered at the kid. He was going for a long time and was worried about him. And then he sees the big kid and asks who he is.

The big kid explains what happened, and then the father says to leave. The kid then goes to the apartment upstairs with the father and the father tells him to stay away from him or he’ll go to jail on day because of his influence. He doesn’t like his type. So they then eat, discuss the kid’s school, and tells him he can wait a week before he starts school so he can settle in. However the kid says he wants to start tomorrow (mostly because of his crush) and the father asks if he is sure he wants to as he is surprised by that. And then the kid says yes, and so the father says ok then. So the next day comes, they are at the school, and the principle is saying that it would be tough to register him when they are already into the school year already. But then the father gives him an annoyed look and the principle starts to swat and says he can probably do something for the new police chief. The kid gets told where to go, the father tells the kid before he goes that he’ll be home late and that he trusts him he’ll be fine and to stay out of trouble.

So the kid goes into his new school and sees his crush. The kid sees his crush and the little sister, and they have the same class and the crush shows him around. And then after school the gang gets together and hangs out for a bit, with the loser friend saying he doesn’t need to be having around them, explaining the big kid and the tomb boy girl’s back story with the tomboy girl being a run away as a kid and the big losing his parents to a house fire and being an orphan and never being adopted and being alone just like how the kid was earlier. And to end the episode off, the gang goes to some festival during the weekend at night, a low point happens, but they are all fine in the end. And the possible adventures are after that.

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