• Member Since 17th Dec, 2015
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I made this account to read and to give the gifts of "Ideas", not to lead. Also I'm Canadian and a Warhammer fan, that is all. Also feel free to ask me anything.

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  • 367 weeks
    Story Idea part 12

    This is just a list for me to keep track, If you want one PM me.


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    Story Idea part 11

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    Story Idea part 10

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    It may be corrupt... but it keeps everything together

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    Story Idea part 9

    This is just a list to keep track of my ideas, if you want one PM me.

    Pantomime Alicorn *ADOPTED*

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  • 375 weeks
    Story idea list part 8

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Story Idea List PT 5 · 3:52am Feb 8th, 2017

Making a log of all my ideas here, so I don't forget. You want one, feel free to contact.

Soul Mind (Taken)
So we have a unicorn who has a "Extreme" problem with using magic (Like burning water even though it's not on a stove or near anything flammable or etc, kind of problem). Despite her best efforts and of those with or around her, she can't control or use her magic "well enough" and generally causes chaos or get into trouble unintentionally. This leads to her being a form of outcast in society and wanting to lead a quiet life.

So obviously she gets into trouble, this time with a giant grotesque monster/being that would normally enter your mind, torture you then kill/eat you in real life.

In a very desperate life or death situation and cursing her inability to use magic, she stumbles/finds a book on "Black" magic (necromancy and stuff ETC). Desperate, she blitzes thru it and finds a spell that is supposed to protect the user and thier soul. However a problem hits and the magic goes "Poof" and the monster laughs, partially destroys the book then proceeds to enter her mind, both completely unaware that the spell worked in completely "Different" way then it's original purpose.

Meanwhile Earth on the other hand is going through a demon invasion with a hunger for souls. A regiment of soldiers/civilians compromised of people from all walks of life and hiding in a town in the middle of nowhere, waits for their inevitable death with a last stand. However, just as the town is wiped out and the demons about to feast after stripping all the Humans souls. The town and the souls all disappear, leaving a flat ground and a small army of very confused and hungry demons.

Meanwhile in the Unicorns mind, the town reappears and everyone is very confused as they all remember dying and about to be eaten. When all of a sudden they see a screaming unicorn run into their midst being chased by what looks to be a giant demon. Just as the Demon is about to grab the unicorn and torment it, it sees that it's surrounded by a town full of angry bipedal beings holding black "Sticks". It was the last thing it ever saw.

Skip a bit, Unicorn is surprised that she's alive but is confused with the bipedal beings. They talk a bit and the Humans find out that their still alive but in the minds of the unicorn. Unicorn soon realizes that it might be her fault because of the spell she did and offers to fix it, if that section of the "book" wasn't destroyed or if she wasn't horrible with magic. The Humans are surprisingly okay with this as the alternative is resting in a demons stomach to suffer for all eternity and your soul stuck in the mindscape of a adorable technicolor pony seems to be a way better choice. So the Humans begin to rebuild/protect her "Mindscape" which is coincidentally their Town and home now.

It ends up with the unicorn waking in the real world and finding out that she can listen or talk to the Humans mentally and eventually be able to summon these Humans outside her mind to provide assistance.

However thanks to other ponies confusing her as a wise and powerful wizard/summoner, due to her summoning powerful and wise beings (Humans) from nowhere then them dispersing or vanishing later without a trace and her vast knowledge of numerous subjects (The Humans had a big library in town and every human was willing to share what they know, coming from numerous backgrounds).

Things then begin to spiral out of control as kingdoms, beings, villains and heroes alike. Either want to kill, use, control or learn from her.

Digital World

Humanity in the future finds out that their world is gonna experience some kind of event, a event that makes it a very very bad idea to stay or be on the planet when it starts. Countless solutions to prevent this and if necessary leave Earth have been planned or carried out, but tensions,past resentments boil up and instead of working together. Everyone goes their own way or prevents the others from completing theirs.

However as advanced as Humanity is, it is deemed impossible that they'll stop the event or even be able to leave their world in time.

This leaves us in a dark spot till a group of scientists discovers something and figures out a possible solution. They discover that the "Internet" isn't a man-made network of computers but rather it's a actual place/world/universe that we somehow found a way to use and access with our computers and that it's technically possible to relocate and survive there but at the cost of "dying" in RL in order to receive a from that can get their.

Stuck in a catch-22 situation, they decide to go with it as they'll live technically (forever in a sense, numbers can't really die) and manage to get a decent amount of people to this new world before the "event" hit and RL Humanity and their history is wiped out, the only remnants of Humanity is the digitized humans.

Skip a really long time. Earth or whatever they call the planet Equestria is in, begins to reach a point where they soon manages to create computers of their own. This soon becomes more important to every species, when one of the lesser known races (sheep or something, just not the main ones) manages to connect to a piece of the "internet" (left abandoned and locked off by the Humans, long ago) and recovers minuscule fragments of information and ancient (by Human standards) technology from past Humanity (which is more advanced then them), this greatly advances the race that found it to a position of power due to the new tech and knowledge.

This soon starts what is a undercover "Gold rush" and "cold war" between everyone (countries, governments and etc) in a sense to find and recover these, whether for power, knowledge on the race before, wealth or influence. All of them trying to find get a piece of this, all with great difficulty due to the locked off nature of it and the amount of "Junk data" they have to sift thru for the pieces that can be used or research.

Skip a while later, Twilight or a another pony (OC or one of the backgrounds) begins to have a theory that perhaps their is more to this "Internet" and "Humanity" and that it may be bigger then what it is. With a fusion of magic and experimental "recovered" technology in the form of a "laptop", tries to access more of the "internet" for research or to "scavenge".

However something happens when they decide to test a new program, A human that was near the "locked off" section doing maintenance was sucked in due to his carelessness and in a sense sent to the real world and into the laptop.

Pony is surprised at the size of the info she recovers, scared when it's seems to be aware and almost faints when she finds out that it's a Human who is supposed to be extinct.

Skip a bit, everyone wants that Laptop when they find out, since it has a living Human in it and with it the possibility of all their technology, information and culture at their claws/hooves/hoofs/horn. The pony has to protect the Human, learn as much as they can hopefully and keep the info away from the "baddies". The Human is trying to get "home" despite their primitive tech, to stop being pestered by the pony and to keep the ponies from accessing the other parts of the "Internet" as pieces are locked for very good reasons.

Brothers in Court

Two Humans, both of them brothers by blood end up in Equestria. However despite knowing/living each other for a long time and the fact that both of them are stuck in a unknown and strange place, they both really hate for each other (Ideology, views on life or something).

After they recover from the shock of meeting and seeing strange things, these two brothers realize that they have no choice but to stick together in a unknown world. Though they don't have to make it easy for each other, So they end up moving and traveling together, while constantly trying to ruin/screw over the others day and this gets them both into a lot of trouble.

A bit later, they end up in a situation and somehow thru a series of events. Both of them manages to get jobs as advisors to a crooked (and quite stupid) king or being in a position of decent-great power. With their new position and wanting to screw over the other brother, both of them begin to give advice from completely opposite perspectives and viewpoints to their boss (Think something like minister of left and minister of right, kind of deal. Both in different sides and with different opinions, views and stances)

hoping to perhaps outshine and maybe ruin the other. Their "boss" does nothing and just promotes this as it gives actually good advice and ideas for him.

This soon gets out of hand, when both brothers in their schemes to defeat the other ramps up more support, power and influence then their boss. With them eventually overthrowing their boss due to his attempts to "consolidate" power (He tried to kill them, it didn't work since they stopped trying to ruin the other brother and go after the mutual enemy), this ends with them installing and becoming the advisors to the next king (who is a puppet in a sense, but better liked then the last one)

So now we have two brothers, who hate each other and with a passion to screw the other over (Not hate-kill, more like you will suffer kind of hate) in a position of great power and from everyone's (but the two brothers and their subjects) viewpoint is a powderkeg and would end up in a civil war. So the Equestrians want to try and prevent this as it might spill over to them and perhaps try and unite the brothers and end their rivalry. However, theirs a third party that wants to make sure that the war does happen.

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