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I made this account to read and to give the gifts of "Ideas", not to lead. Also I'm Canadian and a Warhammer fan, that is all. Also feel free to ask me anything.

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    Story Idea part 12

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    Story Idea part 11

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    Captain Hooke

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    Story Idea part 10

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    It may be corrupt... but it keeps everything together

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    Story Idea part 9

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    Story idea list part 8

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Story Idea part 11 · 2:21am May 18th, 2017

This is just a list for me to keep track, If you want one PM me.

Captain Hooke
Idea starts on a dark rainy night in Equestria, a few dozen Colts and filly of all ages and species would wake up in the middle of the night and be greeted to a wondrous sight and then a open window. The next morning, the screams from dozens of panicking mothers, fathers and family members would echo throughout Equestria, as they call to their missing children and find them gone from their beds. None are as loud as Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow dash, when they find that the CMC has gone missing alongside a few others in Ponyville. Panicked and concerned with this, Twilight soon mails her mentor who soon arrives to Ponyville to investigate.

Celestia after greeting the main 6 and investigating the scene, senses great and old magic involved. She then tells them of a similar event that has happened a century ago, with dozens of foals going missing. The being behind this never to be found and the children were never recovered. Celestia and Twilight soon manage to find a way to track them with a powerful ritual. However it was disturbed by a malevolent force and it sucks in the main 6 (and maybe some others) to a unknown island. While regaining their bearings, Twilight would confirm that they are still on Equis but for some reason are unable to leave the surround sea and teleport or signal for help. Somewhat blocked by something or someone and a constant wall of fog covering the seas a certain distance from the island.

On said island, they would soon encounter creatures out of a fantasy book. With Merponys, Treants and etc. Soon they would find some of the missing foals who are seemingly having a fun time and all under the watch of a bipedal being called "Pan" by the other foals (Twilight would soon recognize him as a Human, How wrong is she going to be).

Who when confronted by a angry main six, would tell them that he was protecting them by taking them away first with his magic from a evil Immortal known as "Hook". Whose main goal is to kidnap children every once in a while and absorb their souls to feed himself and his crew of "pirates", however "Hook" has managed to kidnap a few from his watch (The CMC) and he is unable to get them. He then points them to the location of "hooks" ship and asks for their assistance to "banish" Hook, gifting them some weapons to "banish" him. Applejack having a uneasy feeling about this but pushes it aside to save her sister from this "monster".

Skip a bit, The main six would attack the "Pirate" ship (which is soon revealed to be a old derelict WW2 Battleship). Encountering "Hook" and his band of "pirates", which is comprised of humans and for some reason quite a few ponies. This would soon lead to a fight and just as "Hook" is about to be stabbed by Rainbow dash. She is soon stopped by the CMC.

Eventually after tensions decrease. It is soon made apparent that it was "Hook" or Captain Hooke was actually the one trying to save the foals from a Fairy god known as "Pan", who would encourage the Foals to have fun till they each slowly die from "accidents" then he would feast.

After he stumbled upon "Pans" old island on Earth during WW2 and soon after began to fight said god, devastating the old island and denying "Pan" his meal. In "Pans" rage, he dragged them to a new world and cursed those under Hookes command with immortality. The captain and the remaining crew vowed to spend that immortality to defeat "Pan" and to save the children.

His "Pirates" compromised of those in his original crew and from those very few foals he managed to save from "Pans" first feast on Equestria. Now the main six are stuck on a island with a derelict WW2 Battleship, a crew of immortal humans and ponies led by Captain Hooke and a hungry Fey god with a island of fey monsters and creatures under his beck and call, alongside great and powerful magic.

"Fate" is NOT nice.

A "caretaker" (Think janitor/engineer god, that makes sure that all universes are in balance, working "right" or not become clogged.) notices something strange when a few universes are going "Rogue". Unable to interfere directly he tries another solution. The "caretaker" talks with "Fate" and decides to pluck a group of humans (who are all friends) who died on the planet (Earth) he was currently cleaning, after their very recent deaths. Giving them the option to be granted abilities and rebirth to help him fix a few problem universes via contract in return for a boon from him after it gets completed. The humans accept.

The "caretaker" then grants them a "rebirth" in new bodies to fit their destination, along with new abilities to assist them in their task. However what the "caretaker" does not know is that "Fate" was tricking him into this. began to let the power go to their heads as they solve what problems each universe had then moved on. The chants, adoration and power/wealth (not to mention a decent amount of manipulation by "fate", so they'll be her champions/agents) causing them to corrupt themselves, turning into the antithesis of what they were assigned to stop and thus starts destroying the world they were meant to save.

One of them tries to stop his friends but is killed very slowly via torture by them ( The other friends being convinced by "fate" that he was possessed and must be "saved"). "Fate" seeing what may be a kink in the plan does everything she can to make him suffer ( telling his friends to torture him, cursing him with bad luck and etc)

He dies from all this and is confronted by the "caretaker" (Who was convinced by "fate" that he destroyed the world) punishes him for destroying the last world. However unable to truly get rid of him due to the contract banishes him into a desolate and uninhabitable area in the next universe (Equestria) to ensure his quick death, but not after stripping him as much as possible of any thing that might help him.

The Human wakes up in a undead pony body and finds that he is cursed by the "Caretaker" (He does not now that it was "Fate" who did it.) with bad luck and now stripped of much of the abilities that was granted to him, now stuck with the bare bones of it. The Human now undead Pony vows to get revenge on his so called "friends" and the "Caretaker" for what he has suffered thru in the last life.

However he has his work cut out for him as "Fate" has ensured that his "friends" have a head start in Equestria to hunt him down and spread their influence, while using him as a scapegoat for the troubles of this universe. Not to mention that he is unaware of "Fates" role in all this and thinks that she might be perhaps his only ally, in this hostile world.

Magic man *Adopted by Fimforever*

Magic has always existed on Earth, first discovered and used in the primitive times of Humanity. Over the centuries, it was soon lost the more the Humans spread in numbers and grew. However it was not lost due to Humanity becoming more civilized or embracing Technology/science.

It was lost because Earth Human magic has a Limited supply in existence. When Humanity was very few in numbers we were able to do wonders and miracles and locking themselves in history as either gods or messiahs, but the more Humans that exist. The more diluted and weak the magic will become each Human takes their share, until it becomes incredibly non-existent .

The Idea starts when All of Humanity is split between two factions embroiled in World war three. Very soon after the war starts, all of Humanity dies quickly when a secret weapon is unleashed by all three sides and has the unintended effect of burning the atmosphere. The only survivors being a small group of scientist from both factions on a space station who didn't have enough time to wonder about what caused their world to turn a fiery red. Feeling as if they just became a "Sun" as the magic no longer spread out in billions and billions of humans is now concentrated to a very small number.

The magic in such a concentrated amounts and in such a incredibly short time frame, caused a tear and soon launches the space station to another world (Equestria).

Idea spreads in two here.

The first idea was that they would land on a Equestria with a human presence, though said Human presence would be unable to use/wield magic.... YET. Their existence is somewhat tenuous, due to said world being stuck in a war of it's own. Between two or more factions (Good,bad or etc) the Humans are used as troops by both or one side, due to being expendable and generally not as useful when compared to the other races and their "abilities".

However, some rogue humans who wanted nothing to do with the war sees the burning space-station fall from the sky and land in a massive boom a distance away. Skip a bit they meet with the "Scientists" and mistakes them for the lost "gods" of Humanity due to the uncanny likeness as described from legends, along with them flying to the Earth from a fiery chariot and wielding powerful "godly" magic (unskillfully and accidentally most of the time, but these Humans don't know better and the timing of these accidents were great). It soon gets out of hands, when one of the scientists somehow accidentally gave the ablity to use magic to one of the "rouge" humans. This soon starts a trickle then a small wave of humans (Deserters, "rogues" and etc) flooding towards the scientist, claiming their divinity to be able to grant them "magic" and flocking to follow their gods.

Soon after both sides fighting the war in Equestria finds out about this. Some from both sides seeing this as a threat to them (with a small handful of humans having more power then entire schools or cities of mages and magic users), the benefit that the humans may perhaps become a game changer or even something that would signal that something "big" would happen.

The second idea was that The humans would crash land in Equestria , they would soon eventually find themselves separated and be in "control" (barely) of the concentrated magic of all Humanity.

Some of the Scientists would eventually find themselves with the ponies, who would either get along with them, become curious at their appearance and/or perhaps fearing them when the humans soon prove to be able to do things normal magic cannot. While some of the humans would find themselves in not so fortunate situations with some "individuals", with a few of them realizing this new power they have..... and how to get even more of it when they realize the correlation with the massive amounts of dead humans to their new found powers.

The humans craving power learning as much as they can about their power and begins a hunt to track down the remaining humans, with each and every killed helping to increase the power of those left. Now the humans in Equestria have to deal with thier new-found powers, those that want to use it to their advantage, the death of all they know and love and not to mention that one of them is slowly tracking and killing the other humans. Them knowing that another has fallen when they feel suddenly "refreshed" or stronger.

Chocolate romance
A Chocolatier on Earth is obsessed with trying to craft a new kind of chocolate/sweets. However due to a long going health craze, cheaper mass produced sweets, a few other factors (recession and etc). Not to mention the fact that he took a very large debt to pay for his schooling, "experiments" and his failing business. The people (thugs) who lent him the money, were not amused that when they came to collect he didn't have the money and the fact that he only had chocolate on hand. He soon had a "death by Chocolate" via forced drowning headfirst into a pool of molten chocolate.

Meanwhile In Equestria. The oldest chocolate-making company in Equestria, one favored by the rich, the nobility and the masses has fallen into a very steep decline as the owner dies and as new kinds of sweets come into the market. The owner trying to pass on the recipes, techniques and knowledge to his daughter to carry on the family business. However said heir was incredibly spoiled and thus spent no effort to learn, despite the fathers insistence.

She soon learns that with her fathers death, the money and influence is gonna dry up. So she decides to do the best thing she can think of, she enters a famous contest to perhaps save the company with the the judge/taster being Celestia herself. The heir thinks that making chocolate shouldn't be difficult at all, if her father was successful then she whose is related to said person can easily do it. The contest soon ends with the first case of food poisoning to a "Alicorn" in history, the instant collapse of his business and a lot of other nasty stuff.

The Heir seeing that her lifestyle is at a end, the fact that she ruined her family business alone and the realization that her "friends" and remaining family have left her to dry or stripped her of what was left of the company due to the scandal of poisoning their monarch with chocolate. She tries to end it by jumping into a river and as she jumps in. She soon finds that the fall was "softened" by the fact that she landed on someone midway into the river and after landing in the river, she sees a floating pony body and hastily drags it to shore thinking that she may have perhaps injured said pony.

Skip a bit, the pony in the river is the human "Chocolatier" reborn for some unknown reason to Equestria. The Heir thinks that said pony has amnesia due to her landing on said person midway during her suicide attempt, with his attempts to say that he wasn't a pony in the first place. However she soon begins to see that it may be a blessing when said pony accidentally stumbles on to her fathers old chocolate making kit and manages to make sweets that she hasn't even seen or tasted before, with said "pony" claiming to be a Chocolatier when he was a "Human".


A bunch of friends/misfit (A kleptomaniac, a hardcore player and etc) heads to a annual fantasy/medieval event, as knights. They are soon approached by a merchant (event personnel in character) and receive a quest to slay a warlock, living in a nearby "cave". Said group heads off and finds a actual hidden cave, unaware that the actual cave was a plywood building with a word cave on it.

Said group would soon stumble upon a actual warlock (performing a ritual to tap into a dimension full of magic, to siphon some for his plan and to renew the magic keeping him "alive"). Eventually this would lead to a series of misunderstanding with a somewhat senile wizard (He has immortality, but not eternal youth, not to mention that he still thinks it's the middle ages) mistaking them for actual knights hunting him down. He soon breaks into a rant about how stupid they are and look, not to mention how "futile" it is now to stop him...., unaware that the kleptomaniac in the group has nicked something vital to keeping the ritual stable (since it looked shiny). Deciding to just start the ritual so he can get some magic to "zap" them. It ends up horribly for everyone and sends them and the warlock to Equestria.

Meanwhile in Equestria. Humanity has once existed in modest numbers, living alongside the other races. Well known to wear ornate and strong armor in battle, having a unique noble and knightly culture/mindset and worships the ideals and spirit of Chivalry. however a millennia ago, the Nightmare ended up desecrating their mausoleums and tombs, raising their noble dead as either undead or as "Knightmares". The souls of noble human knights shoved into their suits of armor and corrupted to fulfill her quests for domination. The humans angered at this travesty fought back. Needless to say, this soon lead to their extinction as they became the main focus of the Nightmares wrath in a short and very intense conflict. However they managed to buy time for the Equestrians to get their act together and amass enough strength to banish her to the moon.

Our Humans end up in the same coordinates they were on Earth but the Equestrian equivalent, which coincidentally was the hidden vaults of Celestia. However due to the "unorthodox" method of travel and that they had no "magic" to protect them from the nature of their travels, they ended up being only "souls". Said "souls" were then transferred to the nearest vessel..... a row of ornate human armor gifted or recovered by Celestia after the humans went extinct.

Skip a bit, Celestia (and maybe some other ponies) would enter the vaults to see what the disturbance was and find what was once a neat and orderly row of ancient armor.... now move around and panic. Celestia thinking that they were perhaps "Knightmares" gone dormant now active, attacks to free them from their torment. However she is soon stopped by how "Human" they are acting.

The Humans panicking from being stuck in a unfamiliar body (or armor), the sudden lack of flesh or feeling and not to mention being surprised attacked by what looks like a unicorn/bird hybrid, falls into something that made them feel a bit more comfortable..... they alternate between their "Event" characters (which were knights) and their real life personas. The Equestrians believe that these "knights" were once under the thrall of the Nightmare as her "Knightmares" and only recently came free of it's influence... their time under her power and the passage of time having driven them a bit "insane".

Now our Humans are stuck in a Pony-world as "living" armor, having to make sure that their "misfits" attitudes don't get out of hand (aka keep a eye on the kleptomaniac suit of armor and keeping "borrowed" stuff in his stomach cavity.) and maintain a sense of "nobility" and "chivalry" like the extinct humans due to expectations. However the humans have forgotten that the Warlock they met back on Earth has also arrived on Equestria (With his original body, due to him having magic) and now in a magic-rich world, seeks allies (other villains or pawns) for his plans and revenge on those who wronged him.

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