• Member Since 17th Dec, 2015
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I made this account to read and to give the gifts of "Ideas", not to lead. Also I'm Canadian and a Warhammer fan, that is all. Also feel free to ask me anything.

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    Story Idea part 12

    This is just a list for me to keep track, If you want one PM me.


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    Story Idea part 11

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    Story Idea part 10

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    It may be corrupt... but it keeps everything together

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    Story Idea part 9

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    Pantomime Alicorn *ADOPTED*

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  • 375 weeks
    Story idea list part 8

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    The Voice

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Story idea list part 8 · 6:16am Mar 22nd, 2017

This is just a list to keep track of my ideas, if you want one PM me.

The Voice
A Human dies on Earth and soon finds himself in the mind of a Unicorn preforming a ritual in Pre-unification period of Equestria. The unicorn hearing the voice in his head, is convinced that he is a spirit or at least is "possessing" him and panics. The Human decides to introduce himself as "The Voice" and the unicorn soon learns that he can provide great advice and/or unheard of ideas. However, when the "voice" is not providing ideas or advice.... he is incredibly snarky and a ass.

Years later the unicorn is dying of old age, the "voice" expecting to die with the unicorn; he does not expect to be put into the head of the son/daughter and soon they begin to panic since their father was right about having a "voice" stuck in his head. This soon passes off as a boon for the family secret as they have a guiding voice of reason/knowledge in their head (despite the fact that he's snarky and a ass). The future generations would just scoff and laugh at this, seeing this as a folk tale or family joke... till the person who previously had the voice dies and then they find out they now have it and it's real.

Said Future generation would invest a decent amount of time researching or creating new methods of magic to get rid of it... only to give up and just "play", get along or use the voice to their advantage. This soon gives the family a fierce reputation of being wise, skilled in magic or somewhat crazy (talking as if someone was their and etc). Skip a thousand plus years or so and the "voice" soon finds himself in familiar territory, as his current host dies from a unfortunate accident. He finds himself in the head of the hosts daughter.... he finds himself in the head of Twilight Sparkle.

Golem "Adopted"
Start with a standard Human in Equestria insert. He/she ends up their, meets the Mane six (or some other ponies) and etc etc. However some time later the Human finds themselves to be rather lonely, despite making some friends with the locals and forming bonds. He is still lonely and suffering from loneliness, being the only one of his kind in Equestria.

With the urge to talk to another Human due to some form of longing, he decides to sculpt a human out of clay (or wood or stone, depends on the "adopter") as a makeshift-person. Before finishing the statue, he recalls a legend that his Jewish grandfather told him. A story about men or "Golem" made of clay and given life through either rituals or engraving certain Hebrew "words" on parts of the body. Seeing no harm in this, he decides to write what little he remembers and substituting it with what he thinks is a good "equivalent". Soon after he finishes, he tries to start a conversation with it and it unsurprisingly doesn't talk back since it's a statue, he turns to leave. However he soon notices the sound of footsteps behind him while walking away, turning around he sees it following and looking at him like a child would to a parent.

Skip a bit and after a bit of screaming, he is surprised by this but however is not surprised considering that magic is "real" and commonly used here. However as time passes and his pony "friends" learn of the "golem" (deeming it as a simple magical construct), he soon finds out that his "golem" is "aware", once it starts speaking in fragmented English/Hebrew to him.

It isn't until later that one of his friends (or Twilight Sparkle) finds out that he didn't make a magical construct. He actually created sentient life through "magical means", something once deemed impossible by everyone. They attempt to replicate the process again, however it soon proves that it doesn't work with them and that it only works when the human is the one doing it.

This leads to a "out roar" as scholars and scientist from all over Equestria and some overseas, try to meet, study and research the first magically-made sentient life form. With some claiming that he is creating and "enslaving" them to his will (He's not, their just following him despite his protest and constantly try to serve/protect him), some want to classify them as objects and property and take them apart to study the "Human" magic in them. The Human however is not aware of the foreign powers or villains who want to use them as a way to conquer to world or serve as a source of cheap labor (them needing no rest or food and able to work no matter what).

"Knights" or the Squires that pretend
On an Alternate Earth, lies a band of legendary knights (who are actually very arrogant asses). Dressed in the finest of armor and adorned with the badges of honors and combat, the most powerful and holiest of relics/spells covering them. These knights would journey the land like many others and seek the legendary grail. Said by legend to be adorned with 6 rare jewels and that drinking from it would grant the bearer eternal strength and life. This has led to the dedication of many knights who seek to recover/drink from this cup and gain it's rewards.

However, this idea is not about those knights. This is about their current squires (the ones before dying horribly.), future "knights in training" and the errand boys. Under the "guise" of training (Shining armor, make camp, do the paperwork), fighting alongside them in their scraps of armor and rusty weapons (Their mentors telling them that they have to earn/find it themselves and their famlies too poor or cheap to get them.) and the "adoration" towards their mentors ( Not wanting to be knights, seeing that being a noble/merchant is a lot safer, profitable and has a longer life-span. However their families "insists" on it, that and the fact that there mentors goes thru squires with common regularity.).

Their mentors find a clue towards the possible location of the "grail" and they sally forth to find it (which means that the Squires are doing everything, while they ride in leisure). Upon finding the ruins they all enter, the knights walking forward bravely clad in plate while the Squires have to rely on what protection they can scour up between themselves. This soon results in them splitting up due to a cave in, with the squires calling for assistance. The knights remarks that " They'll be okay and that they can find a way out themselves" and move onwards into a different direction.

Eventually the squires come upon a large monster deeper in the ruins and eagerly falls upon it in in glorious combat (In truth, they just ran around screaming and hitting it with a rusty/old weapons . It dying only when they managed to topple a column or three on top of it). After vanquishing the beast, they find old bodies of some unfortunate long-deceased knights with very decent gear in a nearby room. Wanting to avoid dying by "beast" and seeing the chance to replace their weapons and armor with something way better, they swarm over it (Glory and honor being overrated and survival seems to be the better choice).

Soon after wearing their new spoil's, they find a doorway that says basically "the grail is this way" in fancy speak. Seeing this and that if they recover it, they can head back to the safety of their homes with a knighthood and away from their "mentors". They enter and soon notice that on the other side of the doorway saying "Also theirs no going back this way, once you come in" in fancy speak but it was too late to run back once the light hits.

Meanwhile in Equestria during the Canterlot wedding/changling attack (forgot what it was called) some ponies ends up getting attacked. Just as their gonna die/get injured, a light shines and out of a suddenly appearing doorway a few bipedal "knights" appear. The changelings attack and the "knights" (the squires) reacting with experience and adrenaline to a giant "monster" heading towards them, does what they normally do. They attack them viciously and makes sure it doesn't get up...ever.

Eventually after the attacks and etc, it resorts to them stating that they are "knights" of a foreign realm (since nobles and knights are always treated better then "peasants" and "Squires" in their experience) and that they are trying to recover a grail covered in six gems in their grand journey. Regaling them of their "adventures" (from the knights perspective not the squires, though it was the squire doing most of the work.) and trying to find a way back home.

Soon after they find out that their "mentors" have arrived somehow to Equestria along with someone "else" (villain or something) and that they now seek the Elements. The squires unaware that the six elements are in fact the jewels that line the cup and give it, it's power. The Squires unaware of this, try to recover the Elements since it may be a way home for them.

Hide and go Soul "Adopted"
Ever since the beginning of time, whenever any sentient being has died. Their soul would enter the afterlife and head to where it believes it should go or whatever fate it thinks it deserves deep down in his consciousness. This has not been the case for the more "famous" souls in human history in the last few millennia, as a powerful being has taken to adding them to his "collection" like a collector after rare items. Seeing them as "entertaining" and "New", while putting them on display and denying them passage to the afterlife for eternity.

However, recently the being has turned his eye to a new unknown universe known as "Equestria" and just as he tries to enter the dimension. He is rebuffed by the unknown presence of "magic" existing on this realm and a shock-wave enters his collection shattering the displays of the "Human" souls. Taking this chance at freedom all of them decide to work together to run and escape but in a foreign environment, most of them are soon caught. However a decent number of them make it to the portal and escape through it, which was left unattended and open due to the "being" trying to round up his "precious" collection. The being soon notices this and vows to do whatever it takes to get his "belongings" back.

The souls of important historical figures soon find themselves in a new universe, as they attempt to pass into the "afterlife" and truly escape. They are shocked to find that they are unable to (seeing as this universe is not theirs) and they are even more shocked to see that they are slowly rotting/fading due to the presence of ambient "magic". In a emergency and not wanting to "die" again (Dying without passing into the afterlife would mean complete erasure), They are forced to enter the bodies of the sentient inhabitants to act as a shield.

Skip a bit and as the souls all find a "host" to hide and shield in. Some are working alongside their new "hosts", providing whatever assistance they can or knowledge (Think passive abilities they had in life and stuff), some forcefully taking over and fighting with the original owners and a few taking over the bodies of those in a coma or dead. Each one of the "hosts" adopting quirks or behaviors, the soul had back when it was alive.

(for example, Nikola Tesla inhabiting a eccentric inventor and giving him ideas in return for rent, Johnny Appleseed working with Applejack or Trotsky or Lenin starting something in the Griffon kingdoms)

However some things they all have in common is that each one of them has their own goals (Good or bad), on what to do with this new lease on life in a sense. Not to mention that the collector is trying to find a way to reach his lost "belongings" and to perhaps pick up a few newer pieces for his collection.

Underwater Humanity
Earth is now under the seas. Centuries of Global warming and a variety of factors has led to Earth leading a existence out of "Waterworld". However the surface is now unlivable with constant storms and mile high waves, any vessel caught on the surface would soon find themselves below it and dead.

However Humanity still survives. In the early days of the "flooding", companies and governments started construction of various underwater city's and outposts meant to sustain a underwater population or as a attraction for the tourists, vehicle companies created submersibles of various sizes for private and public uses. Everyone carried on with their lives, uncaring that the water is getting higher as time passes and caring when it was too late to fix it.

Decades or centuries later, Humanity lives below the waves in various per-flooding and after-flooding cities and outposts and travel or scavenge the sea in Subs. The surface and the Sun is just a myth to them and as time passes, less and less of these cities are their. As they fall to either lack of resources, giant mutant sea life and the thing that never changes.. war with other humans.

Eventually leading to one of the last bastions of Humanity remaining, "Atlantis" one of largest subs made by a group of man before the "flooding". Rivaling most or all of the underwater cities in power and size, it survives only due to the fact that it can remain mobile and scavenge new areas with it's small fleet of subs and it's vast armaments installed after the flooding to deter threats..... or it did before it was sucked into a vortex after scavenging a site and damaging something in underwater america known as "Area 51".

Idea branches into two paths here.

First idea, is that "Atlantis" ends up in the Equestrian seas and hides beneath the waves. In unfamiliar terrain and not noticing any noticeable underwater landmarks, they stay under and roam the seas before surfacing and seeing the sun and surface for the first time in centuries. However they soon encounter a equestrian fleet (Primitive) being attacked by Sea life (or rival nations, pirates or etc), they assist. Eventually leading to the legend of a a horde of small Metal "Fish" and a giant mountain sized "whale". Leading to the elements being sent to find/meet and study this creature for Equestria.

Second Idea is that a underwater nation in Equestria is taken over by a "baddie" (Nightmare moon, underwater version of Sombra, bloodthirsty chibi Cthulhu). Using a army of biological war machines/ monsters and etc. They slowly choke the seas and restricting vital trade, food source and etc to all other nations. Knowing that this is a critical situation, they amass their fleets together into a coalition to try and find a solution. This does not end well, with a sneak attack that devastates the allied fleets and soon forces them to a final battle near a allied port.

The "Atlantis" appears during a last battle between the coalition of the Equestrian fleets. At first remarking at the sun then suddenly noticing at a distance a horde of sea monsters attacking a injured fleet of ships (Very primitive ships). They get involved either because they think those are fellow humans ( old Human pact about a truce when attacked by sea monsters) or they get mistaken as part of the Coalition and get attacked forcing them to get involved.

Either way, it involves the Coalition seeing what looks like a giant mountain sized "Iron" Fish, attacking the sea creatures below the seas with weapons, along with a small fleet of smaller "Iron" fish. Eventually this pushes "Atlantis" to join the Coalition, in return for a alliance, supplies and finally for once in their life the chance to live on the mythical "Land".

Humans have always existed in Equestria since and before the country was even founded, though records for their existence before Equestria was founded is scarce or "strange". However, one would expect some kind of culture or perhaps even some sort of history with such a long length of existence. You are completely wrong.

Humans at least to the ponies and all of the other species knowledge are one of the most boring, quiet and/or emotionless species out their (To the point that Maud pie, has more emotions and fashion sense then one, Discord is disturbed by their lack of reaction to him and his antics and Pinkie can't even make one smile a single inch). With almost no culture, history and/or emotion, they are always just their living among the ponies and others like normal people.... but extremely boring and quiet.

This idea starts after one of the Human friends to the elements gets injured/maimed by an animal. Later on with night peaking, Fluttershy decides to check up on him and sees all the humans very stealthy walking as a group into the forest. All holstering weapons and carrying the wounded Human on a stretcher.

Thinking that they're going to hunt/hurt the animal who maimed the human and surprised that the Humans are feeling "something", she gathers her friends and quietly follow them into the Everfree. However, instead of heading deeper to the forest like they expected, they see the humans walk up to a cliff and pull a secret switch and enter a doorway. Getting in before the doorway closes, they soon find themselves hiding on a electric train heading somewhere (Twilight is salivating at something that has been theorized but never been deemed possible now in front of her).

Soon after finding themselves on the train, they soon find themselves entering a underground city.... a underground city of partying Humans. Humans showing more emotions, passion and culture then ever seen in all of non-human recorded history. All of the humans are wearing unique and colorful clothing/costumes, parades as far as the eye can see and a unique culture seen and heard by perhaps the first non-human. (Imagine Carnival at Rio de Janeiro) The elements forget about why they came here in the first place and get involved in the festivities, seemingly "infected" by the atmosphere of happiness and etc (The human thinking they are just very good costumes and too busy having fun).

Skip a bit, they eventually get caught by the humans from Ponyville at the party and being told that they'd normally mind wipe whoever stumbled upon this back to the stone-age. They have to skip that due to the fact that the elements may interfere with the process, they have them swear to keep it secret from all or "else". They all promised and continue with the festivities till they return home. They barely kept it a secret for a few weeks, before they start sneaking friends and family to experience the Human carnival and soon it eventually spreading with their friends and etc.

However what the ponies don't know is that theirs a reason they went deep underground to have fun and show their emotions. Humans have the passive ability to enhance the emotions and feelings of non-humans with their own (For example, their happy every non-human around them feels happier, their angry and the non-human wants to rip someones face off), but for some reason negative emotions are magnified more then the positive emotions.

This was what led to the acceleration events of "the Blizzard" which arrived a while after the Equestrians (before unification) came to the Human lands. The Humans enhancing the hatred the separate tribes had for each other, with the Humans suffering the most from this once the "chill" came. Gathering together and deeming that they're too weak and not as numerous anymore to push the Equestrians away, they left to live underground and deciding to put a spell or "trance" on all humans above ground to mute their emotions, and allowing them to release this when they head underground to in a sense "party" the boredom away in a monthly carnival.

Eventually this soon gets out of hand, when the ponies underground soon begin to experience the other aspects of Human emotions like (Anger, hate and etc) spreading back to the surface as more and more ponies come down and the occasional Human opting to not listen to the elders and skip the "emotion muting".

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