• Member Since 17th Dec, 2015
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I made this account to read and to give the gifts of "Ideas", not to lead. Also I'm Canadian and a Warhammer fan, that is all. Also feel free to ask me anything.

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    Story Idea part 12

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    Story Idea part 11

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    Story Idea part 10

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    It may be corrupt... but it keeps everything together

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    Story Idea part 9

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    Story idea list part 8

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Story Idea part 12 · 2:28am May 18th, 2017

This is just a list for me to keep track, If you want one PM me.


In Equestria, where monsters and beings from myth and legend roam the land and bands of adventurers journey for loot and glory. A young magical prodigy (Earth pony or Pegasus) is widely mocked by his fellows magic users (unicorns), not because he is incompetent at it (he is incredibly talented at it.). He is mocked because all of his fellows are unicorns (laughing at the other tribes inferior "magic" or something), the other races not bother using magic besides their innate ones due to the incredible difficulty and how time consuming it is.

Said prodigy unable to learn more then the scraps and useless bits available (due to Tribe-ism, like racism but you get the idea.), and wanting to become stronger so that he may become a adventurer/hero (for his own reasons). Forced to perhaps resort to learning the more "dark" arts to achieve his goals.

However before he can try this, he notices a pony that drops a book. Wanting to return it till he manages to read the title of it...... a one-of a kind ancient and "banned in all of existence" book on summoning. He decides to keep it and give it a try once he gets home, the lure of something that rare too tempting to return. Upon enacting said ritual and accidentally using the book as the fuel needed to jump start it, he soon finds a giant figure of a somewhat intimidating bipedal being with enough muscle to make the strongest of Minotaurs cry in inadequacy, arms as thick as medium sized pony and in his hand grasping that resembles a tree more then a staff. The key thing noted was the tiny wizard hat on top of his head and it's earth shaking cry of "I AM A WIZARD".

The bipedal being was a human inhabitant of a alternate fantasy Earth. Adopted and raised into a wizard family, after his barbarian tribe left him to die since he was "scrawny" and "weak". Said human was raised alongside the prodigy son of said wizard family and soon towered over them in height and strength, while honestly believing that he can do magic and be a wizard like his "father" and "brother". The family and his brother (by adoption) didn't have the heart to tell him that he wasn't a wizard and never will be or that he was adopted. So they just played along with it, gave a wizard hat (looks like a tiny fez on his head), a "staff" ( a literal tree, he ripped out of the ground) and humored him. While he ran around smashing goblins and "unfortunates" with his giant "staff" or casting "fist" and yelling at enemies that he is "invisible" and them being too scared to say otherwise till he fell into a trap meant for his brother and got sent to Equestria.

Now the prodigy has to deal and hide a 8ft plus musclebound human that thinks yelling "I AM INVISIBLE" is a invisibility spell (the sad part was that it works, but only due to the intimidation factor of a 8ft+ mountain of angry muscle), prove to the magical community that he can "truly" do magic (despite his race) and having to deal with a nefarious group that is not very happy to find out that he used and destroyed the only copy of that book in existence.

The human thinking in his "dim" head, that this was may be a mission giving to him by his brother to assist and protect this "pony" with his mighty magical prowess and his first step..... is to cast "fist" at his enemies.

Sons of man, Sins of the mother

In the beginning of the world of Equis, the Alicorns and ponies led by Queen Faust have forged a mighty empire. Arrogant in their beliefs and might, they attempted to gain even more power by tapping into other dimensions/realms. This would soon lead to their first and last contact with a non-equis lifeforms, when they stumble upon Earth and it leads to a hostile clashes during first contact due to difference culture, beliefs and language.They were soon wiped to extinction, despite fighting with everything they had and in a sense "bloodies" them. The Alicorns leaving the planet behind due to not having the strength or will to hold it, after a change in leadership.

(some time after this) The Empire would fall apart from internal and external dissension, the mighty Alicorns too few and ideologically split between each other to maintain a decent hold.( most of the few that were left, feels shame and remorse at destroying another race due to differences.). Eventually millennia later Celestia and maybe Luna are the Alicorns left who remembers the Empire, still feeling remorse at their actions. They decide to revive a human and succeeds from a old skull (The Human is unaware of the genocide and thinks he was "accidentally" ended up here from Earth.). So that they can at least absolve themselves of this guilt before they die.

However, what they don't know was that as a last act before their destruction. Humanity's best and brightest, aware that the end for all Humanity is coming begins a plan known as the "Sons of Man". A project that would see them using whatever resources they have splicing the Dna of the invaders and using it to evolve/"uplift" various animal species on Earth, in the hopes that said species would avenge them.

After Humanity destruction and a long time after they have left Earth. The "sons" of humanity begins to worship the extinct humans as gods, marveling at the long forgotten ruins/wonders and their achievements and vowing to one day achieve "vengeance" for their fallen gods.

They are soon put into overdrive, when they manage to find a way to Equestria and the scouts find out and report back with great reverence.... that they have sighted one of the "gods" and that he is being held "captive" and possibly brainwashed by their enemy. Leading to them undertaking a holy mission to "save" him.

The hidden gods of VR *Adopted by ObeyBunny*

In the future, a new and unheard of company to create a VR multiplayer god game called "The Hidden Gods" using a new AI technology created seemingly out of nowhere by one of their technicians. Expecting to make a quick buck on this due to the saturation of other games with similar concepts but to their surprise it was highly successful.

Not only because that it was a VR Game with Multiplayer (that is a small factor) but rather how they went with it. Instead of having full control of your citizens/race like in the other games. It is the lack of control that attracts people to this as you are a "hidden god" that can only influence their thoughts, insert ideas or grant "blessings" and "miracles" at a cost and requiring the need of worshippers/people in your domain. The Npc's of this game being given a very complex AI that evolves and gain their own thoughts, motives and dreams/desires. With them not being bound to a single place or village and with free will, It's normal for them to leave/migrate to other locations due to a neglectful/horrible "god" (unless forced to stay by "alternative" means) or die off due to other "gods" or factors. The end goal is to have your race/civilization dominate the others either by force, culturally or religiously, as time progresses (in-game decades or centuries pass). The other plus side was a also the large modding community for it.

This idea starts with a small group of friends growing bored with doing team matches with people, stumbles upon a MLP-based modded server. Seeing this and intrigued (not to mention being fans) decides to give it a try, starting together with a small village of Ponies (which they found adorable) and soon met their competitors..... who strangely enough have weird names that sound similar if not the same to to MLP villains. Needless to say under the experienced eyes and voices of the friends, begin to guide their village into a city. Soon (or centuries, millenia in-game) in a hard fought world, they all dominate all the others either culturally (by absorbing them) or by force, leaving only the last player " Pope-of-Discordianism".

Just as the friends defeat the last player (with great difficulty, due to said players unpredictable tactics), they receive a PM stating "that this was the most fun he has had in many millennia.... and that they should continue this game with his "brother"." The friends thinking that this guy was referring to in-game years and to his brother for a match.... agrees to this seeing that this was also a lot of fun for them. Needless to say, they soon find themselves blacking out and thinking that perhaps their VR equipment broke again.

Skip a bit the humans would find themselves in the city from the game as their "hidden god" avatars, however the key thing they notice is that for some reason.... the NPC's are acting stranger then usual. Overhearing them using their powers (after no small amount of practice and swearing), they overhear that the NPC's are panicking about being unfamiliar lands and cursing the god known as "Pope-of-Discordianism" for this and with no small amount of praying towards the Human for protection and guidance. Needless to they manage to clue things together with the message from before and eventually realize that....they should probably start learning how to use their powers as their gonna be here for a very long time and their gonna need every bit.

Meanwhile In Equis, a desolate and unlivable land is now a verdant and fertile paradise after what seems to be a city suddenly appears from nowhere. Starting what is now seen as a gold rush, as hordes of officials, diplomats or ambassadors descend on the glorious city either to convince them to join them or to perhaps "bully" them into a better deal. However as the Humans are too busy guiding their citizens, controlling their new powers and managing/counteracting the schemes and plans of the other nations. They don't notice a few of their new "citizens" leave to spread the word of the heretic religion of a fallen god known as "Discordianism".


A human ends up in an alternate Equestria (Que in curse, accident, death or flying bear related "death") where their Goddess "Faust" has spent her power granting all inhabitants (ponies, gryphons and also our human) something known to Humans as "classes", to help and protect them from a more hostile environment. Where all pony/beings are granted a "class" by some mystic force, they would find themselves stuck and excelling in said "class" then be able to "level it up" (for ex, militia to guardsmen to soldier and etc). However these "classes" are sometimes related to a "cutie mark" or any other types of "identification with the other races, it is somewhat common that they are also not related.

Said human would end up in the wilderness and would barely survive a encounter with a hostile wildlife/monster. Only surviving due to him channeling his inner rage and hate at being killed off by what he regards as "fantasy" monsters and fighting back, then being saved last minute by a very old berserker "class" being (pony, Minotaur or etc). The berserker then seeing that said Human is confused, lacking a "class" and somewhat impressed by the Humans rage/fight decides to train/pass down his knowledge before he dies to the human.

Skip a bit, as the barbarian is stuck trying to figure out how the "human" has not managed to gain the "barbarian" class despite him teaching all the skill required to be one to "said" Human and with him excelling in each one. He decides to talk a walk to think of a solution. The Human a bit frustrated at all this, decides to take a walk and once in a clearing, decides to sing one of his favorite genres...... Swedish Death metal (or some other genre). It soon becomes surprising to him when he feels.... clearheaded and that his singing somehow becomes better.

It becomes apparent when the Barbarian finds him with a solution to the "class" problem then when he hears the human. He laments on how "careless" he was leaving the Human alone. The Human has been given the "class" of Bard, one of the most rarest (due to them "dying" to numerous factors) and useless "class" out their. Great at parties, the crowds and if their lucky (or survive long enough) be able to grant a few buffs or so but in a fight..... a villager or even a pillow would stand a better chance of winning then a bard then both of them gets attacked. Angry at this fact, being attacked after such bad news and unbeknownst to him, he sings and channels his rage into him and his mentor and soon devastates the monster with unheard of strength and fury. Somehow mutating his "class" of Bard with his skillset of Barbarian into a Bard-barian during the fight, something deemed impossible to happen as once you get a "class" it becomes set.

Now our Human is forced to exist adn survive in a world as the only one of his kind and class, with others somewhat Eager to see what a "Bard-barian" can do or how it may hinder them.

Legacy of Pinnochio

A kid orphaned at a young age by a "accident" with permanent severe scarring was abandoned by the few remaining relatives he had and was bounced around for a few years from foster home to home, being shunned and ridiculed for his "looks". Until he was adopted by a long distant "eccentric" grandfather who lived alone in the woods in their ancestral home and was taught his family's innate "inheritance", which was Puppet-making/wood working. For Generations the family has passed down the artisans skills to carve and shape with wood and it was only recently that in the last few generations they have left it behind for other lines of work, leaving the grandfather as the sole member left.

Many years later as the man is working at his workshop and deep in concentration, the grandfather suddenly passing away from old age leaving only the family home, a antique tool set, a old trunk with a antique puppet of a little boy along with a book of note on family carving "techniques" to him. Putting the finishing touches on a project and about to call a client as to inquire about delivery, he is surprised that the moment he opened the door of his house he sees.... a fey-like beauty of a woman dressed in blue.

He soon finds out that the woman is a fey with a grudge against his family due to the fact that his many times grandfather known as "Gepetto" centuries ago stopped her monthly session of eating/torturing children in his town by carving a life-like puppet of a little boy, having a passing gypsy enchant it and then tricked her into trying to eat it. It succeed with the puppet taking a decent portion of her powers and left her in a coma/dormant state for centuries... which she has now awoken and wants to kill the last member carrying on the legacy and to reclaim the "puppet".

Skip a bit. The man is somehow sent to Equestria with the trunk his grandfather left him after the Fey activates a fail-safe, Gepetto set up centuries ago and seeing her target so close and now so far, she activates her powers and it clashes sending them to another world.

Feeling something kicking him and soon waking up in a burnt clearing, along with tasting chalk. He is surprised to see the puppet in the trunk come to life..... and kicking him awake (The magic in Equestria "jumpstarting" and activating the stale but potent magic in the puppet)

Skip a bit more. The man soon realizes where he is from due to a small phase he went thru as a teen and with the "boy" and his tools set in toll, sets off to introduce himself and probably get assistance from the village of Ponies. later on the man is not shocked as ponies flee and scream from his scarred face and looks, his only comfort being the puppet walking with him and decides to leave the town and deal with it by "proxies" (the puppet). Eventually he would set himself up near Ponyville and skillfully carve things from wood to sell what he makes (the puppet doing the selling of course, due to how he looks like a "innocent" child).

Surprisingly he eventually finds that he is able to bring some of his carvings and puppets to life (due to the magic in the atmosphere and with the powers of the "blue" fey sealed in the original puppet), he finds himself pony and human shaped puppets to act as his proxies, friends and protectors. Finding himself unable to meet them face to face due to the looks of fear, disgust and cries of monster aimed at him when he does try. He however is unaware that the Fey are patient and overall very vindictive as she tries to find a way to get to the human for her "revenge".

Human "Ingredients"

In Equestria, a wealthy aging pony is a initiate in a cult that starts a ritual in the ruins of a old civilization. However something goes wrong with this after a inferno sprouts out and burns away many members of the cult, the sole survivor being her. As she was about to flee and perhaps regroup with the other branches of the cult. She is soon stopped by the cries of children. looking back thru the room she is surprised to see a group of small bipedal children with various injuries, various states of unconsciousness.

She finds that they are Human children. Humans who according to myth and lore are literal living "philosopher stones" and "Panacea" combined containing more magic then anything in existence. If harvested as "ingredients", they would be able to create potions that can cure the worst illness, enhance potions to near mythical levels and not to mention being the ultimate source of power for rituals to tear even time and space. Realizing that if she turns these children in to her fellow "cultist" from the other branches, she would cement her status among them. However she soon feels a pang of something as she looks at them... that something known as the feeling of motherhood to one who want to but was unable to.

Skip some time (years or a decade, depends), the aging pony is reaching her limit with her old age getting to her and sensing that perhaps her death may be imminent and that no one would be their to protect her adoptive "sons" and "daughters". She decides to find someone to take care of them, however she is unable to find someone as those she trusted in her old life as they were either with the cult, Friends and family likely to "harvest" them for wealth, power or prestige and the remaining are untrustworthy to hide a group of humans from the cult or ne'er do wells. At least till she remembers about her niece (many times removed or something) who so happens to live in a rural town known as Ponyville.

Realistic Drawings

Two MLP artists/drawers working for Hasbro, end up In Equestria and meets up with the ponies. One did it because he enjoyed it his work (will be known as the hasbro one for here) and is a Brony (He hates the other guy due being tormented by the person in the distant past and is now his boss.).

The other guy was once a bully in the past but then changed soon after, only to be hit with a series of unfortunate events eventually ending up working for his ex-victim (the Hasbro Guy).

They both have power to bring their drawings to life, with the tools they brought from Earth with them. The Hasbro one was able to bring his drawings to life better and more permanently than the other guy's, whose drawings would look lifeless and a "unnatural" look before soon collapsing or fading away as if they were missing some key thing.

Skip a bit later. The Hasbro one uses his powers to frame the other guy for a crime , due to him feeling that he was the one thing that didn't fit with this place.(Which wasn't difficult considering that already had a dislike for this place and along with some difficulties with the ponies). This results in the other guy getting his drawing tools confiscated (by the Hasbro guy) and then banished far away with supplies as to show “Decency” and “Kindness” (The Hasbro guy convincing the ponies to let him pack it as a last gesture to their “friendship”… and sabotaging it with useless things and a “surprise”)

Hasbro guy would soon use his drawing tools and the "confiscated" one to work on bringing joy and fun to the ponies with his sentient and living drawing, from simple drawing to more elaborate masterpieces. The ponies unaware that he’s slowly and secretly moving into drawing things darker, more sinister and considerably more evil as time passes.

Skip a bit, the other guy is forcefully banished to a isolated area and stuck in a situation due to him finding the “surprise” in his supplies. Unable to fight back and facing imminent death, he decides to use his blood and his fingers as a brush to perhaps draw something. Not expecting it to work in the first place but a chance is nonetheless still a chance. He is soon surprised to that his drawing not only came to life but was more potent (the basis that to give life… you need life)

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