• Member Since 17th Dec, 2015
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I made this account to read and to give the gifts of "Ideas", not to lead. Also I'm Canadian and a Warhammer fan, that is all. Also feel free to ask me anything.

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    Story Idea part 12

    This is just a list for me to keep track, If you want one PM me.


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    Story Idea part 11

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    Captain Hooke

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    Story Idea part 10

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    It may be corrupt... but it keeps everything together

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    Story Idea part 9

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    Story idea list part 8

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Story Idea List PT 2 (Don't mind this unless you want to) · 12:51am Jan 10th, 2017

Story Idea List, Don't mind this unless you want to.
Making a log of all my ideas here, so I don't forget. My notebook got wrecked after a "something" so I decided to keep the ideas online here as a way to keep track of my Ideas and I'm using this as a pseudo-notebook.

If you want one of these ideas, feel free to pm me or something. Most of these can be found posted by me in the HIE forums.

Aliens with "skewed" view on friendship

A once advanced alien race has regressed mentally and scientifically (Either thru war, disease or some other thing and in a sense pampered by their machines and society). They fell into a technological level way lower then their original level, are heavily dependent on the few remaining more advanced machines (Too advanced to fail) in order to create incredibly lesser advanced machines to maintain their society and to serve them. and in a stagnant state with little to no progression due to the lack of need or inability to progress.

They somehow come into contact with two races on two different planets ( Equestrians and Humans), and they in their child-like state of mind want to make friends with them. However, they have little to no experience in talking with others preferring to use or let the machines to do this.

So since the Equestrians lack the infrastructure for the machines to get information, they decide to do it the hard way (In person or something) considering that they look small and harmless. It's awkward at first but it works out well for both sides, thanks to the aliens child-like state of mind and behavior.

However, things go differently for the Humans. As we have the infrastructure for the machines to search but since it's so Alien or strange, and with little to no grasp of Human society or a firm grasp of our language, the Alien machines get into our Movies, Video games and other bits of history. The machines come to the conclusion that the best way to welcome Humans and make friends with them.... is to wage a great war against them and commit numerous atrocities/crimes against Humanity since Humans love to fight and would welcome a war. (according to their sources).

Thus began the invasion of Earth by the aliens (who just want to be our friends, so their not wiping out the Human race), forcing Humanity into a long war by taking a decent chunk of Earth and attacking the other countries of the world, while Humanity is forced to work together and fight back against a foe that seems to want to wipe them out (not really).

Jump a few years/decades or whenever, a war scarred and battered Humanity finds or gets a way to Equestria and finds the Aliens their interacting with the Equines. They decide to give a "Greeting" of their own, when the Alien (The one that's exterminating Humanity in a sense) sees them and proceeds to "Attack" them (Since the Machines think that's the best way to greet Humans) . Ponies see the Humans start shooting and killing their "Alien" friends and things escalate from their to war against the Humans.

Jump till a bit later and the Equines find that this war was a huge misunderstanding after getting heavily involved in this war and making out what their "Alien" Friends view on Human ways of Friendship and very horrified at what they done to the humans.

Displaced Human Cult

A human decides to start a "Cult" back on Earth, with him as a the "Messiah" or "god" who would lead them to a new and peaceful world. After getting a large amount of "Overeager" followers he convinces them to liquidate and bring whatever they have for the eventual journey ( Valubles, supplies, weapons, ETC) he then leads them to a large compound in the middle of a desert, where they would prepare for the "trip" away from those "sinners" and for the journey to a new world.

What the cultist don't know is that the leader is a con-man, very charismatic and a incredibly great actor (Able to hide his emotion or show different emotions) and is basically getting them to gather a lot of Wealth in one place for him. Once he feels he has enough, he'll convince everyone to get drunk or drugged for the journey, while taking everything and driving off.

It goes wrong when some of the "cultists" get overeager and excited, just as he's about to run off and gets everyone including the Leader killed unintentionally.

They all soon wake up in their compound in some area of Equestria.
The Cultists then believe that the "Messiah" has kept his word and begin praising and worshiping him, while the "Messiah" is freaking out on the inside, but on the outside he's calm and collected.

Freaking out due to not being back on Earth; not to mention that he can't exactly get away with the stuff he tried to con and from his small army of fanatical "Worshipers" who would tear him to shreds or shoot him then tear him to shreds, if he doesn't play the role of a wise Leader/Messiah and continue to lead them or if they find out this was a con.

The rests of the notes are somewhat impossible to read, but I can make out that the leader meets the ponies and eventually (only HE) discovers that only the Humans have a form of innate magic. The magic known as "belief", where individual humans are weak but as theirs more humans it gets stronger. . So if they believe he is the "Messiah" he will be the Messiah.

"Video game" Humanity

Discord in his younger and more rebellious years, stumbles upon Humanity in the 21st century (Or something) and is fascinated by us and the Chaos and fun caused by our wide variety of video games and decides to "Spice" things up for us then move on.

He "blesses" (Cursed) all of Humanity to be forced into our video games (RTS, FPS, RPGS, MMO and ETC), all of them connected to each other like a world of their own but all humans "Players" are forever locked in the limbo of Death, killing and respawn (depending on game). Only able to move to other games and unable to truly "die".

Needless to say Humanity learns "creative" ways to survive, take advantage of the system and to "Evolve" over time. Soon a civilization/government is formed, where the number one "Player" on the Scoreboard (A little something left behind by Discord to count achievements, grade or skill) is effectively the Leader of all "Video Game" Humanity and is heavily contested by "Players".

However, if their is one thing that can unite all of the "Players, it is their utter hatred and contempt for Discord (when your forced to watch friends and love ones fight each other and die, only to come back and do it all over again. It will make some people angry).

Which is why when a "player" finds a way to Equestria and discovers (A Very very older Discord) Discords location, he immediately returns to tell the others and they are all eager for revenge.

Pacifist Humanity
Humanity has always existed on Equestria and is known to be a martial race of fierce and intelligent warrior/scholars, always learning and finding new ways to fight and hidden knowledge and always adaptable.

Constantly fighting any and all "Horrors/evil empires/ Monsters and ETC", just for the challenge or the thrill of battle ( When you have a choice to fight midget technicolor ponies or any other of the "Nice" races or the chance to fight a race of Eldritch Horrors from a desolate landscape that'll sooner bite your face and suck your soul. The Eldritch Horror will be more "Fun" to fight)

Soon after all Threats have been "wiped", Humanity retreats somewhere and is never seen again. Their stories passing into myth and legends, and their cities and achievements turn to rubble or are forgotten as time goes by and the centuries past.

Centuries later one of the "Horrors/evil empires/ Monsters" Humanity has fought has returned and the ponies and various other races are powerless or not effective at fighting this threat. Celestia seeing the Urgency in this, decides to convince every race to gather a diplomatic/search party (Main 6 and various others) to seek out the Humans, due to their skills and experience in fighting this foe.

Eventually they do find them after a dangerous journey or something and discover that Humanity all these centuries ago has decided to adopt the idea of "Swords to ploughshares" and leave the path of war, seeking to instead work the advancement of Peace and the strict abhorrence of violence.

Normally they would be happy at this, however now they have to convince a "pacifist" Humanity to pick up and embrace their old heritage to combat this foe.

"Undead" humanity

So when the world of Equis (Or whatever its called) first began countless centuries (or Eons) ago. Their was only darkness, Chaos and the occasional ancient "Evil God/being" worshiping race or cthulhu-esque monster.

Out of all these races that existed back. Their was Humanity, who decided to get together in order to protect themselves from these stronger races from being eaten or sacrificed. Over time these Humans began to represent the first example of what is now "Order" and "Law" instead of "Chaos" and "Disorder".
Humanity soon began to combat and purge the "Evil" and eventually won, creating a vast empire over the once Chaos-ridden land.

However all civilizations must fall eventually, and when Humanity began dying out.
They buried all of their dead and themselves in a massive underground tomb-city/catacombs, filled with their treasures, achievements along with any dark and dangerous "Eldritch" artifacts/weapons they were unable to destroy from their wars. With their grasp of arcane knowledge and ancient magics of all kinds, they armed their final resting place with the strongest of spells and curses along with enough dark magic to turn a god to ashes for good (If your gonna protect the final resting place of your people from looters, along with making sure that the dark artifacts stay out of the "Wrong" hands. You don't go cheap)

Jump a very VERY long time later, Human artifacts and ruins are seen to be incredibly valuable due to their mastery of magic and as the "First" race to form a civilization. This leads to numerous villains, treasure hunters, would-be conquerors and explorers trying to find the mythical tomb-city of Humanity (Their version of El Dorado), it's mythical storage of Incredibly powerful Eldritch weapons and it's vast wealth.

Then we have villain who breaks his way into the heart of the tomb-city and is chased by the Elements of Harmony and the princess, who wants to stop him.

They try to blast the Villain but he dodges it and gets away, after the beam narrowly misses him and instead hits a nearby "Eldritch" Book (Cookie for who gets this). This causes a chain reaction throughout the Tomb as the magic of Harmony is clashing with the power of the book along with the ancient spells and dark magic woven into the city. The end result is that it awakens the ENTIRE Tomb of Humans, not as undead monsters wanting flesh, or under the control of a evil necromancer; rather as themselves as if they were still alive but dead.

They are also not happy that their home was broken into, their belongings being stolen and pawned and they are REALLY not happy that a Villain has made off with what may be a world ending artifact, despite their best efforts to seal it away.

Terracotta Army??

They were sent to Equestria and they become essentially a race of Sentient Golems capable of making more of their own? or a one-shot TCB Fic where magic once existed on Earth and the Dragon Emperor knew that it was coming and created the army by sealing all magic on Earth and the souls of loyal soldiers into the clay bodies so that they can protect his home centuries in the Future.

Mutant Humanity and domed cities

All of Pony kind lives in advanced self-contained mobile cities, due to the world around them being destroyed by some sort of disaster very long ago and constantly experiencing seismic quakes that makes creating permanent buildings difficult. Those who are not living in said cities or without protection are either killed or mutated by the energy (Or radiation, taint, whatever makes sense to you) to horrific and monstrous forms constantly aggressive and violent to all.

The ponies and their princesses, however do not have much idea on how the cities work due to the fact that most of the knowledge and records of the Early days have been lost or destroyed besides maintenance and basic functions to keep it working. Only recently have they managed to reverse-engineer the technology and knowledge to create a more primitive, smaller but working version of their mobile homes called "villages" to help alleviate their growing population and desire for more space.

Jump sometimes later. The ponies in the Cities have recently begun to receive reports of attacks by new kind of mutant, armed with weapons and tech similar to theirs but more primitive and flimsy along with strange abilities attacking their outposts and "Villages". The Princesses soon declare a state of extermination on these beings, as soon as they receive the reports.

Now the bipedal "Mutants" is in fact Humanity whose entire race has been exposed to the "energy" (Or whatever you want) over numerous generations and the constant danger from the "Wildlife". This exposure has allowed them to in a sense adapt, change and thrive in this new environment, granting them new abilities and benefits.

The Princesses declared war on them because she knew who they were and why they were attacking. The reason being that the cities they now live in, the technology they use and what little knowledge they have of the past, once belonged to humanity. The only reason they have these was after Humanity invited the ponies into the cities during the early days of the disaster. However tensions rose to the point that a violent coup happened and they banished all Humans outside, but not before the Humans leaders destroyed as much knowledge and records about the cities to spite the ponies.

If you want one of these ideas, feel free to pm me or something.

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