• Member Since 22nd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2022


More Blog Posts97

  • 377 weeks
    Story Idea Time

    This is a story idea I've had rattling around my head for a while. If anyone's interested, feel free to make use of it, just make sure to drop me a post when you do, I'd love to see your take on the idea.

    Story: Hero In Equestria
    Genre: Human, Slice of Life
    Rating: Any, depending on writer's preference.

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  • 380 weeks

    It's raining outside
    Maybe inside too
    I can't tell though
    Inside, I can't feel the rain on my skin

    Perhaps it's just the temperature
    That would explain the cold
    But not why I hear the rain falling
    a steady drip-drip down my nose

    I'm standing in the rain, you see
    It splashes from skin to shirt
    And if it's not raining
    Then why are my eyes so wet?

    It's hailing outside

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  • 380 weeks
    For the first time ever...

    I'm not going to be single for Valentine's Day.

    I don't know how to feel about that, so you guys tell me how to feel.

    Anyways, happy Single's Awareness Day! Those of you enjoying the day, kudos to you. Those of you suffering from this day... my condolences.

    0 comments · 319 views
  • 381 weeks
    It's Been Awhile | Stories for the Future

    Hey everyone; today I realized that I've been doing a ton of reading on this site... but not so much of the interacting and stuff. SO!
    A blog post about what's going on, what I'm doing, etc.

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    2 comments · 407 views
  • 419 weeks
    Another year

    Another year I walk the sands
    They shift and change beneath my feet
    Yet through it all I walk.

    Another year I see the others walk the sands
    Some falter and slip beneath the sand
    Others lay roads for still later others to tread

    The roads vanish beneath the sands
    And yet they are the sands themselves
    So perhaps they never were, or still are

    Some do not walk the sands like I

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Sharky needs some love! · 11:55pm Aug 2nd, 2012

Over the course of trying to talk to Sharky White, Writer Extraordinaire, on his blog about Itsmyfuneral, Writer Extraordinaire, he has shown time and again that he believes he is not worthwhile.
Meanwhile, I believe that he is indeed very worthy, just like IMF and many others, all of whom have amazing writing skills.

Please, help me support them, as both of these amazing authors constantly tell me that they feel they aren't good enough writers for my compliments, while I disagree wholeheartedly.

They deserve the praise I give them, as they write the stories I no-longer-secretly write self-inserts for, because the people they create are deliciously well made, the scenes are suberbly made, tot he point where I'll read exactly one second-person fic, and that's IMF's, while Sharky is the only Harem Complex character I like other than Tsukune from Monster High, a manga that I think they are on par with (it's a globally published Manga, and fairly popular, and still being written)

They are the only writer I will take that kind of story from, because all others in those categories suck monsterous, unwiped sh:yay:-covered [REDACTED], while these rock.

In case you somehow haven't heard of them, or the word, here they are:
IMF's The Darkness Within Us All, Sharky White's My Better Life, and The Word.


Report Quantum_Shift · 280 views ·
Comments ( 27 )

Which categories? Anyhow, I'll be giving them a look.

Both are HiE Adventure-heavy stuff, things I normally get bored of a few chapters in.
Sharky's passed 60 chapters already and is still one of my top 10 HiE fics ever.

266296 Sounds familiar. Anyhow, it shall be checked, but it's a longfic if I ever saw one, later, perhaps. At least it's not monolithic like Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons.

I noticed errors in that message, people won't believe people with poor grammar or spelling errors in their statements. I know this from experience.
And yeah, don't forget that IMF has a tumblr: Ask a Sketch Pony
I've had to THREATEN him to take my praise for ANYTHING and that doesn't work all the time.

Which message? There's no major errors in the blog post.

And the main point here is that IMF and Sharky are both awesome and win.

266316 Oh, you MEANT to say 'suberb' instead of 'superb'?
And I can now easily tell that you intentionally misplaced the space in 'tot he point'.
I apologize for being SO blind.:rainbowwild:

Don't worry folks, this isn't going to start a flame war, he's my pal.

Will do!! He is a friend of yours, therefore a friend of mine! And I never leave my friends hanging!:rainbowdetermined2:

Those were totally on purpose! :facehoof:
Shut up, you're stupid and I can prove it.


Also, I think I left my keys at your house.

Oh, I KNOW I'm stupid (in the original sense) I do admit I have aspergers and ADHD:twistnerd:

And I've talked to you in person countless times, I know for a fact that you aren't dumb, though you are absent-minded, because I haven't seen your keys anywhere. Sorry.

Sure they were.
Go lie down now, reasonable people are talking now. :ajsmug:

:twilightangry2: aaargh, where did I leave them?!

266359 I could make a crass/vulgar comment but we both know I'm far above that...

oh [Buy Some Apples] I can't keep a straight face :rainbowlaugh:
...have you checked up your A:yay:?

Yeah, you [Buy some [Canteloupe]], you should be more careful.
Especially since you forgot the " 'm " after your I.

266370 ...how much sleep do you miss, I have no clue WHAT you mean, you should sleep more... What the F:yay: am I saying!?

Have you not seen the last two episodes of FiW?

As for what you're saying, no-one knows that.

266379 I have seen the last two episodes, it's just the novelty has worn out.
I meant I was wondering why I tried to get you to sleep MORE, and the 'you need sleep' bit was because you noticed an error that wasn't there. Take a look.

Harem Complex is a story trope in which a character (usually male) gets a large group (anywhere from 3 to as many 20 ore more) of favorably endowed members of compatible races/genders/etc. that are in love with/in lust with the main character. said character is either oblivious to their advances, or unwilling to break off the bonds of friendship he or she has formed with the group's members.
As such, each of the group then usually either tries to kill each other to get the character's attention by process of (messy) elimination, or they come to an agreed-to set of rules that they can all abide by that turns the whole thing into a sort of even playing field for them all.
IMF has avoided this by simply having his character get ALL the Mares!, which works well enough.

As for the stories... it's mostly me d:yay:ing around with my awesome Gary-Stu OC, or similar silliness.
Also, I'm not too good at writing.

I'm currently trying to write a story in which the Human gets to Equestria... and promptly dies. Story goes on, as the ponies involved in finding his corpse (he was alive when they found him) try to figure out what he was, what he was doing, and why he appeared 50 yards straight up in an explosion.

As said, IMF avoided one of the issues by utilizing the Marry Them All end trope, which is where the character ducks out of the decision-making process by just having all the girls for himself, or all the guys for herself, or any combination thereof needed to explain the situation at hand/hoof/claw/whatever.

Am I a mighty author? I wanna be a mighty author. But I suppose I'm simply, well, not. Carry on with this classification of writers mighty; they deserve such a distinction, I don't.

I was hilighting two of the Mighty Authors that had recently been giving me grief for saying they were both good. They's been having "I'm worse than you!" contests since.

I go away to build a computer for a bit and when I come back I find one of my favorite writers thinking he's not worth anything?! Sharky, you sir are one of my favorite writers ever. The other 2 are Coal Buck and Tallestbrony. There are many other authors I like, but I f***ing love you and the other two (no homo). I swear if you become all sad and think that your not worthwhile again, I am gonna make Pinkie throw a party for you. And how did I miss Funeral's fic? I must of missed it when I was looking for stories. Gotta start reading his fic now and see which spot he's worthy to take on my 'favorite authors' list.

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