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State of the Lemur - 06/19/2015 · 2:49am Jun 20th, 2015

It's 2015 and still awesome shiet like this shows up. F'naaaa. Maybe I should have ridden the wave and written two sequels by now.

So... yes... I went and saw the same film that everyone else has seen. Like a titillating striptease from beyond the white picket fence, this movie taunted and taunted me until I was able to roll into the theatres and glue my eyes to its mosquito-bred innards. (For real, though, what the Hell? This movie was sold out for evening showings on a Nietzsche-dayum Monday. F'naaaa... friggin' Summer Vacation...)

I believe my assessment of it is the same as everyone else's. It has enough merit to make it the 2nd Best Jurassic Park Film. I'm actually in the wyrd school that considers JP3 superior to JP2. Lost World just has... far too many cringe-worthy moments to be aptly worshipped, imo.

More than anything, the climax of this movie won it for me. It goes all over the place to make references to the first film (aka the best film), even if those nods are relatively gratuitous and see-through. A certain fecking zebra was right; the dialogue is abysmally stupid, and if there's one thing that I can't stand in movies--especially horror flicks--it's when all of the problems could be easily avoided if only the main characters weren't such goddam fucking MORONS. It's almost why--as much as I lurve the concept--I can't ever find a zombie movie that I can 100% fully respect. In the end, zombies aren't the problems. The real supervillain is human incompetence. Much like real life. Meh.

Still, despite the self-fapperizing CGI (which I readily expected going in), JP4 was an overall smexy package. I still don't quite understand why it gets so much hype, though... at least so much hype that it almost feels (to me) that it's eclipsing Mad Max. Fury Road was simply a superior movie, reliance on practical effects or not. But the sheer amount of talent and dedication that went into Fury Road almost sorta makes it feel like it... I dunno... deserves the spotlight better? But, f'naaa, in the end I suspect that CG and spectacle sell more than practicality and impractical subwoofer cars.

Also Chris Pratt biceps.

I'm feeling madly nostalgic for the 90s all of the sudden... am I the only one?

And then there's these flankholes.

It's been a long week (only, no, it really hasn't). Every marsupial this side of the digital Bible Belt has enjoyed an infinite number of critical conversations regarding this episode, so let's not tread and re-tread old grounds too much, shall we?

I lurved it. I knew going in that I would lurve it. While a part of me secretly hoped that there'd be some kind of reference--any reference--to a tiny piece of residue that a certain lemur has added to the fandom, I was greatly... insanely impressed with what they could afford to give us all as a whole.

It's been said that this episode had a shitty plot... in that there was no plot whatsoever. Whelp, as if the title of the episode wasn't indication enough, I very much doubt that such is very relevant in the first place. Long before I fell in lurve with MLP, I was (and still am) a devoted fan to the t.v. series M*A*S*H. So I'm quite used to the idea of writers going "FUCK IT" and making super gimmicky episodes that attempt to present the substance of the show in a new and creative light, even if it sacrifices the overall immersion of the series.

I can't speak for the writers, but I think every now and then a professional contributor to the canon show has to make a Hiccups or a Life Scoots or--Hell--even a Bon Bon Bon Bon Bon Bon every now and then. It's required for sanity, breathing room, and all the lacy petticoats in between. Okay, maybe I'm just projecting a wee bit on that last part.


When I first heard about this episode, part of me was afraid that it would savagely destroy fanfic ideas and headcanon. And while that may be partially true (it's true with every single episode, when you think about it), I found that this fueled more new ideas and fanfictional concepts than any other installment that we've had in a long, long time. Stuff like Vinyl being mute, Derpy being lovably adorkable, the Doctor going bowling, friggin' adoracute Bon Bon being a friggin' secret agent nomg--they're all very inspiring, and oh-so-exploitable. Just how many inane "that one nameless squatting changeling" fics have we enjoyed in the first week alone? The Saturday I watched this, I was filled this enormous... brony buzz, the likes of which I hadn't enjoyed in ages. It was refreshing, and not for one bit do I feel like the fandom's been diluted through oodles of needless pairing.

I mean... goddam, people... it's fun to have fun... right?

Yeah... that's right

Watch this masterpiece in full and comment on it, I dare you

Say... isn't there a new episode tomorrow?

-Fat Bellies and Sodasplosions

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Comments ( 16 )

Well well well, you missed my post on your wall then.
cut scenes from the episode

The original Vinyl Scratch and Octavia scene involved Vinyl crashing at Octavia's house and destroying her sofa. So she goes to Quills and Sofas to buy a new one. They weren't originally roommates, but The Hub and Hasbro made them roommates.

I want to believe.

Must not get hopes up...Must not get hopes up...Must not think about the elephant in the room... :V

Isn't it odd that winter lasted just one episode—again? Not even a wrap-up.

The best part in JP2 was when the spoiled rich kids got eaten by little dinosaurs.

Okay, seriously. What the fuck is 'f'naaa', why do you keep using it, and how do you even pronounce it?

The correct way to pronounce F'naaa is at the end of this video.
As for why, I dunno. It's just one of Skirty's quirks.

I kinda sorta liked the episode I guess. It wasn't really made for me, since I'm not really in love with the background characters. It was for those fans, and it seems to have made them really happy. Castle Sweet Castle and Bloom and Gloom are still my favorites. I'm just kinda waiting for one that'll entertain me like those.

It's kinda hard for me to not the like the episode.

Unlike many fellow fans of the show, I am NOT a fan of the fandom. I enjoy it hear and there, yes. I like some music, I like some art, and I like some fics. But I'm not invested in anything above the show. Skirts you're probably the only "famous" or "popular" author I read. I put those in quotes because I don't even know how true that is.

What I'm saying is, I'm not invested in the fanon of this universe. Most of it is kinda shit, honestly. And I hate pandering. I don't like it when show runners acknowledge the fans. Rarely does it ever work out for the best, for either party. In this day and age where Twitter is a thing, along with the rest of social media, fans and creators can interact like never before. I'm of the opinion that this is seldom a good thing.

I shouldn't like the episode, but I did. I can't really not like it. It's the 100th episode. If they didn't do something, I would have been disappointed, and I don't think I'd be the only one. I'd rather they didn't pander, but if they were going to do it, at least they contained it in one episode.

I've heard the same arguments against this episode that I've heard for literal years now. People whingeing on and on about the integrity of the show and how if you defend it by saying it's "just a cartoon" you never liked it in the first place blah blah /vomit-blood

Bollocks. Truth is, they've never pandered until this episode. They've referenced here and there, and given nods, but that is not pandering. We've got to 100 episodes before they did something like that. The integrity of this little girl's cartoon is quite intact.

And that's why I can't hate it. Goodness they even had a literal jump the shark moment. I mean, it's self aware. Not to mention the CMC chatting with the towns people about it maybe being another friendship problem, and just waiting it out. It kind of irritates me that many of the people critical of the episode don't mention that. Especially since many of said people are season 1 fans and claim to miss that exact type of humor.

It was good. Not great, but good. Just pure fun.

It wasn't the best episode of the show, but damned if it wasn't one of the funnest and most entertaining. I dug the hell out of it. One big, crazy, reference-filled, fan-servicing, over-the-top extravaganza / thank you to the fans, and they even managed to work in a nice message.

I mean... goddam, people... it's fun to have fun... right?

You would think, wouldn't you?

It's been said that this episode had a crappy plot... in that there was no plot whatsoever.

Best episode in forever. Larson, you fucking genius mofo.

Harpbutt <3

I haven't caught up on the newer episodes... I think the last one I watched was Trouble Shoes.

JO4 was amazing. It was like a Sci-Fi Channel original movie with a $100 million budget. T'was glorious.

it's fun to have fun... right?

Yes, but in the immortal words of Dr. Seuss, you have to know how. Some people don't seem to. Or they have fun by complaining.

I also liked the episode, though I've never much been one for "popular" fandom ideas. It was just a lot of silly, goofy fun, like you said.

I'm gonna have to start watching this again, aren't I.

I still haven't seen any of the new movies that have come out recently. Can't stand theaters anymore. Get here faster dvd release, fasteeeer!

I sometimes wonder if people forget that FIM started out, past the pilot, as a slice of life show. Sure, we have a much more consistent and overarching world now, but we still get the occasional SOL ep every other week. This previous one was simply a more... wide angle view on the plot. It essentially said 'You know how there's always those ponies in the background of every episode? Why don't we take a look into their lives for a day".

If anything, it's even more fun because for those in the audience who never noticed the said "Background Ponies" before, they are now going to be paying more attention to them in the future. Or even re watch older episodes and wonder what they were doing.

Plus, you know, The series main characters(sans Spike, srsly guyz) getting locked out of a wedding and having to watch hobo style!

That was comedy gold.

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