• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Seven Fates

That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar of my batpony Evening Script by baladeAdvent.

More Blog Posts238

  • 2 weeks
    Ending and Moving Forward

    It's been a long time coming, but we're coming up on the end of Diaries of the Anonymous Filly. There is one comparatively short chapter left (pending edit), and then the epilogue, however long it ends up. I considered dragging out the final story arc a bit longer, but honestly, I've come to a point where I'm comfortable leaving Anon's story.

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  • 15 weeks
    Something Neat I Found

    So, like any normal author who writes fanfiction about a pony named Anon, I often browse the oc:filly anon tag on Derpibooru. Well, today while taking a look in there, I found something that really, really made me smile. Sure, these aren't my bug, Anonymous Flicker, but it's great to finally see some changeling queen Anon arts out there. I still positively squeed when I saw them.

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  • 27 weeks
    Events to come and User Input

    So now that Make Your Mark has reached its apparent conclusion, I have a vague outline for the path that Vlogs of an Ancient Insect may take. That said, I'm looking at concluding things at Roots of All Evil - Part 2 before going into an epilogue. Before I go too far with things, I thought I'd shake some things up with some community input on canon events.

    Chime in after the break.

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  • 29 weeks
    Our Queen of Mischief and Magic

    Little surprise for you all tonight!
    Your—hopefully—favourite changeling queen, Anonymous Flicker has now been given form in the style of Tell Your Tale.

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  • 29 weeks
    Going Forward

    As it stands, there are two chapters currently completed, with one of them ready to go on Monday. After that is posted on Monday, I will be putting Diaries on a release and potential work hiatus until the new year. More thought needs to be put into the story's central final arc. Presently, we are in a cooldown from the Storm King's Invasion/Manehattan arcs, in what I tentatively think of as

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Hearthstone: Beginner + Writing Update · 7:27pm Dec 14th, 2014

So a few days ago, I made a post about Hearthstone. For those who have only recently followed me, or haven't heard, my good friend Kaidan managed to get me to start playing Hearthstone simply by talking about it. Prior to this, I hadn't so much as looked at gameplay. All I'd known at the time was that it was an online collectible/competitive card game based on Warcraft lore, and that apparently hunters and warlock zoo decks were overpowered. I'd actually been considering giving it a shot for a few months now, only recently deciding on yes, I'll play some, given how close the Android launch was [December 2014, Soon™]. So now I've been playing for a few days, and have been trying out a few classes to figure out which I like most.

Here are two videos of wins I've had when not being screwed by RNG or rush decks. To those of you who have been playing for a while, tell me how I'm doing.

See if you can spot the point where I made a mistake that could have been disastrous.

I think my mageplay is pretty solid at this point.

I probably need to tweak my decks at some point, and I'll probably post the three decks I've been using so far.

I've been trying to write, but I've been particularly scatterbrained at this point. I've managed to get a few paragraphs here or there, but I'll pause to look something up, and get sidetracked, or something will happen and "Oooh shiny!" Getting this close to the holidays, I'm especially having difficulties focusing, because it is so close to the Steam Winter Sale time, and with a multitude of other game sales going on, I'm frequently checking sites for updates. Especially with the whole Android Hearthstone [Soon™] and Everfree update for the Gameloft MLP App coming soon.

I promise that I'm not neglecting my wrinting on purpose, though, and I will try to get an update for A Blouse Unbuttoned finished and out to my editors before the 19th.

Report Seven Fates · 242 views · Story: A Blouse Unbuttoned ·
Comments ( 17 )

I haven't played hearthstone in a long time now, I'd love to play a game or two against you sometime if you are free and wish to :twilightsmile:

2653268 Feel free to add SevenFates#1221, but I'm currently not at my terminal to accept it. I'm on my writing laptop, attempting to actually get some horsewords done.

I'm impressed a new player can win at all versus all the goblins vs gnomes cards people bought. I tried running a few basic decks as a test vs GvG cards and I got wrecked.

2653295 Was I actually playing against a few of them? I mean, I know I may have used one or two, but...

2653295 2653298 Yeah, you kinda picked the worst time to start playing unfortunately. In general, the GvG cards are better than a lot of the basic and classic ones, namely all the new class specific 2 mana mechs(mage's is snowchugger, the 2/3 that freezes things) and mech synergy in general. There really is no reason to buy classic packs anymore, but you have to to get the good cards from there. Basically, if you don't already have a semi decent collection already, you just get screwed and blizzard thinks a catch-up mechanic of some sort is "not needed"? really?

Also, even with this new set, I think the first thing you'd want to do is unlock at least part of naxxramas. Maybe, it is 3500 gold to do all of it(700 gold per wing, 5 wings). If you don't want to do all of it, I'd either go through the 2nd or 4th wing since the 1st, 2nd and 4th have good rewards while the 3rd and 5th are kinda mediocre. Only do the 4th if you want to join in on the aggro deck overpowered train(undertaker and mad scientist are in the 4th).

Anyway, hope you don't get too frustrated by the game. It's fun, but can get really frustrating at times. I had a friend spend ~4-500 dollars on it pre-naxx, make several gold decks and now he doesn't play anymore for said reason.

2653354 I honestly don't care whether or not I win or lose. It's just frustrating when I get really bad hands on the get-go. Yeah, I'm presently saving up for the first wing of Naxx.

2653354 Also, for some reason, when I see your username, I am reminded of someone who does cg gender bender porn.

2653483 ...um, I don't know what to think about that...
Granted I don't dislike gb, but still

2653275 I just added you :twilightsmile: my username will be inferno#1391

my good friend Kaidan

...What. How did that happen? I thought s/he was a grouch and hated everybody.

Onto ..."Hearthstone", whatever that is. If it's anything like LoL or WoW styled gameplay and graphics, I'm afraid I'd not be very interested.
One final thing,
2653268 , I like your avatar. Very colorful, nice use of blues and creams.

2653483 (Not InfinitySigns, Not InfinitySigns, Not InfinitySigns)

I wouldn't mind playing or spectating a match or two if you don't have any objections and are free.

To those of you who have been playing for a while, tell me how I'm doing.

Hm... Well, I'll try to give some advice, but remember that it is only my personal opinion - I usually play this game just for fun, after all.
About the first battle, can't say that you are doing bad, though I probably would have made slightly different choices - like saving that heal+taunt card for later, when it would have had something to actually heal, or using +3 to attack to kill something(like that snowchugger) with my hero in the first couple of turns, saving the minions to do their job and beat up enemy hero. Except for not finishing your opponent with that orc you used windfury on - that kind of mistake can cost you. A lot. But I can honestly say that your opponent had been either an extreme beginner or an idiot. They left your totem alive for at least 3 or 4 turns before killing it, all the while wasting mana and cards on summoning minions you'd kill with its help instead of using an ability and finishing it. Also, they, apparently, can't count since they could have easily killed your orc and the sheep without letting them dispose of those 0/2 mirror images, potentially giving them a chance to actually do something and/or win.

About the second - I would have used that 1-damage AoE spell in conjunction with your ability instead of using frostbolt - after all, in my experience priests tend to buff a single creature to ridiculous levels and play from that, and freezing it can solve a lot of problems as long as it doesn't have taunt. Though it seems that this priest was rather useless in this regard. Mirror image + ability was basically you wasting a card since the enemy could have just healed their minion for that 1 damage. Not capitalizing on the priest not having healed it and instead summoning an ogre-mage that they could use to boost their 2/7 wasn't a good move either, in my opinion - more cost-effective would have been to use your ability to kill that 3/1 and on the next turn turn 2/7 into a sheep if needed or see if some other spell would come up. And later you easily got another option of dealing with it and with 9/5 - fireball. Later, on 9th turn, I would have spent that 5/2 with charge on one of the minions while killing another with the archmage. This way you would have lost 1 card instead of 2 as you did on the next turn - basically, that dalaran mage either shouldn't have been used, or it would have been a better idea in my opinion to use fireball after summoning it, killing one minion with it and another with archmage. Nothing I'd disagree with happened in this game after that.

All in all, I'd say that you aren't doing that bad. Even if I disagree with you about which cards would have been better to use in a given situation - you are entitled to trying to find and/or having your own playstyle, after all. =)

2654207 Yeah, the windfury was the error that I recognized could have cost me the game, come to think of it, I actually realized it as soon as I'd clicked the end turn button. As far as that Snowchugger was concerned, I was actually amused that they seemed so intent on keeping it alive. It's not like they didn't have plenty of opportunities to put it to use. It was for that reason that I classed that target low priority. It was reckless, sure, and they probably could have tried to pull off a late-game mech synergy play, but it was like you said; they were pretty useless in that regard. You're definitely right about the beginner/idiot thing, though I'm honestly leaning towards them maybe playing conservatively in hopes of making a big play.

You're also right on the point of trying to find/having one's own playstyle. That's half the fun of the game right there, innit? Figuring yourself out and what works best with your mindset. For example, I find the rogue works for me pretty well if I play fast and loose with murlocs and rogue cards. Might change to a pirate theme if I get a few more pirate cards.

I could, maybe, understand trying to play conservatively - but I can't understand them simply letting your minions walk all over them. Maybe they were waiting for flamestrike or something - but they still waited without doing anything worthwhile, without even trying to survive.

More or less, yeah. Another half of the fun is watching enemy mage getting 2 mana wyrms and 2 mirror images on the first turn when they go second or something equally annoying. ;p
Rogues can be fun to play, but too dependent on RNG for my tastes, even more so than you usually depend on RNG in Hearthstone. Good luck in trying to build a pirate deck with them anyway =)

2653708 why thanks :twilightsmile: I don't even remember where I found the image though...

Hearthstone is pretty great, yeah. I play a hell of a lot of it.

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