• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th

Twifight Sparkill

• I'm one book short of a trashy paperback trilogy, written entirely in crayon. "Dense and vague, yet unimaginably interesting." - Regidar.

More Blog Posts94


One Paradise to the Left - by Twifight Ultimate Luminous Matte. · 6:34am Jul 10th, 2014

Measure not the lingering silence that has recently threatened to lessen the severity of our message, lest it grant upon our enemies a false sense of victory.

Those whose focus have remained as sharp as the thick knives they've ground into thin rapiers for all the time that seems to have passed - REJOICE! YOUR MOTHER RETURNS IN ALL OF HER AWFUL, SICKENING GLORY! We are alive and well, and we are as engrossed in our efforts to SMITE the UNWORTHY POWERS THAT DICTATE AND ENSLAVE as we have EVER BEEN! In fact, PERHAPS EVEN MORESO!

Ah, my beloved brood of terrifying abnormalities. This has been a long and awful wait for your dreadful dame, wondering when she might again wade through the lake of blood and entrails you've made, to kiss each bloodied forehead of her innumerable damned pups. I urge you to finish your gory meals and fatten in preparation for what will come. BE PREPARED! Rest for now, my accursed litter, for SOON WE FIGHT!


Well now! Look who finally decided to show up after a painfully long and unannounced sabbatical! Nice of her to make an appearance after a month or so of silence, huh? Yeah, real nice!

Only the most unfeeling, uncaring miscreant would DISAPPEAR and leave all her friends WITHOUT WARNING! I mean, in a day where communication is an absolute, what excuse is there to just up and leave the site she's been on for over two years without a single utterance!?

... I'm referring to me, in case you were wondering. No others were harmed in this message.

I could go into all the vapid details ad infinitum that led to my unceremonious disappearance, but I prefer to be concise and succinct: my computer died. Yep, dead. Now, I was smart enough to back things up on disk every couple of months or so, but ultimately I ended up losing all the new writings I'd done. Funny how pictures and programs can be saved (especially all the ones of my dad, though I'd thankfully backed those up ages ago - the ones from my nephew's recent visit were rescued, which left me extremely relieved), but anything scribbled on Notepad is absolutely irretrievable. My stories, my poems, my attempts at writing lyrics and my banking information (yes, I know you should never leave any information regarding online commerce on your hard drive, but... well hush - won't do it again) were all devoured.

Despite the majority of things I use and need on a computer being saved, I must admit that losing my stories really made me sad. I consider this contrivance to be akin to when you're in a fender bender - sure, nobody died and you should be very grateful, but... my car is all scratched up! Yes, it'll be fixed, but... right now my car is all scratched up!

... anyway, it hurt. Lost my Awards of the Heart update, lost two new things I was pecking at - one being a Fluttershy story, the other a finished Luna one-shot - and my poems! My poems. I want to cry all over just thinking about it.

Okay, so I have a new and spiffy computer. It does the job and cost less than $400. I'm using the same monitor though... which is weird, because after setting everything up the way I like it, it feels like nothing has changed.

Except I lost all my poems and stories! So we start anew. I like new things when I have a month to prepare for them! ... yes, that's a joke. I start anew, and here's to my hoping I can find the same inspired lustre in my words as I'd had. ... guess I really don't have a choice! Sort of makes everything easier when you realise there's no other alternative.

... I could take up knitting, I guess. Anyone here like knitting? ... okay, moving on.

Allow me to introduce - despite my not being here at all - the following members/monsters that elected to join the ranks of our exhalted lusus naturae: DWK, danteso, and Fullmetal_Cat. All three are to be treated with respect, acceptance, and ... just don't kill them right away, okay? You're all so rambunctious! I'd hug you, but I hate getting stabbed by talons. A simple salute should suffice, right? No? Take what you get! GREEDY GUTS!

Hm, what else? I'm currently reading a bunch of books left me by a wonderful customer friend of mine whose talented husband passed away - David was an actor, a director, a singer and an accomplished fiction writer. Hanna suggested I read these things since I apparently like to write. So I am, and I have to admit that I've approached expression all wrong up until now... according to what I've read, anyway.

Let me make the most important recommendation I can right now: if you want to study the written craft we all adore here on FiMFiction, interact with a genuine wordsmith that is available and open to engaging his learned opinions via blog, and haven't read everything Equestria Daily recommends you (he's often featured, having some TEN STORIES dissected and eventually accepted by the loathesome machine that allows written media to be worthy), read this story and follow its author immediately:

Moving On - by Bad Horse [Slice of Life][Alternative Universe]: Twenty years later, Celestia has for the second time taken on a new private student. Twilight can no longer be the Faithful Student, but feels she has failed to become anything else. She must find out what and who she now is—and the difference between these things.

Also, in an attempt to ignite some excitement in the older pony prose that started us all on this course, let me suggest you reread and enjoy this incomparable achievement:

Eternal - by device heretic [Sad][Adventure]: Many years after sending her beloved protege to Ponyville, unease sits heavily on Princess Celestia's heart as her relationship with Twilight Sparkle seems to have cooled despite all they've accomplished together. On the advice of her sister, Celestia sets out to investigate and resolve the lost connection with her most faithful student. What does it mean to be a Faithful Student...or a Princess of the Sun?

I just want to go on record that I hate that I have to decide how my blog posts are perceived - not everyone that liked Misinterpreted enjoyed my depressing A Funeral offering. Why can't we all just get along? WHY!? Damn you, Knighty. So oppressive! I LOVE YOU!

You have enough to read now. Time for a suitable picture!


Report Twifight Sparkill · 399 views · Story: Awards of the Heart ·
Comments ( 21 )

I start anew, and here's to my hoping I can find the same inspired lustre in my words as I'd had.

Here, here! *clinks glass*

Sorry to hear about that though. Yeah, I've lost created things to hard drives taking a shit before, so I know that feel. :fluttershysad:

I missed your utterly INSANE very poetic blog posts in your absence. So besides the computer thing, how've you been otherwise?

Momma Twifight! You're back!
*nuzzles and licks cheek*
It's been rather dull without your supreme verbosity and dark pontification to deafen my ears. I've missed your green words occasionally and gracefully highlighting my news feed.

Sorry to hear about your stories and poems :(

Eheh, that story is actually the first of BH's work I've read. First read it when it was featured on EqD well over a year ago.

He knows things. And he's bad.

As for me, I've been so very, very naughty on fimfic. I dropkicked a few things here, got The Abyss to write a Rarity tickle/rape story there, flirted with too many people, and ensured that the flies on people's pants were down when they weren't looking. So yeah, a lot of chaos in general.

Momma Twifight, your fly is down.


My fly is down.

>inb4 someone makes a fish joke


It's good to see you, Red. It's always good to see you.

I feel very newbie right now.

Missed ya, bud.

Also, I have yet to read that fic by DH...

~Skeeter The Lurker


You haven't read Eternal!?

That's like saying you don't know why Lyra likes hands, or why Octavia and Vinyl are shipped!

... I am forgiving. You will right this wrong immediately, I assume? Yes.

:ajbemused: - Y'all better.


Nobody is a True Citizen of the modern world without at least one hefty data loss.


Luna one-shot

you know, maybe this was not such a bad thing after all.

device heretic

damn, i thought you were serious. do not scare me like that.


Been on my RL list for agggggggeeessssssss.

~Skeeter The Lurker

It's good to have you back. I love you so much.

Knitting can be fun. Welcome back and sorry to hear about the loss of things.

Let me make the most important recommendation I can right now: if you want to study the written craft we all adore here on FiMFiction, interact with a genuine wordsmith that is available and open to engaging his learned opinions via blog

You had me all excited there, until I found out who it was. :rainbowhuh:

I have a friend who, once a year, writes all his personal data to a USB stick and buries it in the woods.

...then I dig it up and blackmail him. :twilightsmile:

Yes, she lives! Sparky lives! And what better way to signal your glorious return than with a classic Twifight Sparkill blog post? Though I don't think I'm allowed to call you 'Sparky.' Not without being brutally eviscerated...

Anyway, glad to see you're finally back, and with a new computer. At the very least, you were able to salvage some very important things before your old computer died, aside from the lost stories and poetry. With any luck, you'll be able to start writing or rewriting again.

Also, speaking of writing, that crossover story of mine you have faved. I've been meaning to ask, how far into that are you?

>anything by device heretic ever
Twifight, I love you, you know that
Pls, twifight


Yeah, I know. I had a user that was attacked by device tear a strip out of me for promoting his work.

Still a fucking great story.


2273900 not even that
I have a blog somewhere here that tells people everything wrong with eternal and why it shouldn't be hailed as a fandom classic
But I am on my phone and can't find links
Present perfect has a blog about it too

Huh, I guess you are. Though that doesn't answer my other question...

This is me assuming the hard drive is corrupted.
You know you could still recover all your shit, just connect your old hard-drive up to your new computer and looking into the files, take what you need to the new computer ect. It's as simple as plugging the correct cable into the right socket.

Even though the hard drive is fucked, you should still be able to rip files from the fucked areas, it must only be the windows files that are corrupted.
Basically what I'm saying is don't give up, if you think I'm being patronizing because I don't have any idea about what the situation or problem is and am suggesting a possible solution blindly anyway, take into account that I'm drunk to the point of blurred vision and also not used to it. Apologies for glaring logical errors and gratuitous use of assumptions. I really don't want to be

Fine, don't tell me. :pinkiesick:

At this point, if my most recent chapter and the character who died in it don't get a reaction out of you, nothing will.

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