• Member Since 27th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 23rd, 2014


More Blog Posts15

  • 527 weeks
    50 questions? 50 questions!

    WARNING: I don't know who started this particular copypasta of 50 questions, I took it from a blog post by Garbo802 (Link: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/313472/-) and apparently he's not the “inventor”, if you're the one who started it please tell me so I can credit you.

    1. What's your favorite candle scent?

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    0 comments · 346 views
  • 530 weeks
    Peter Chimaera is best writer!

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  • 536 weeks
    Filli Vanilli...

    Flutterguy... FREAKING FLUTTERGUY!!!

    Seriously, I had to bite my hand and stomp my feet really hard not to do exactly what Doug Walker did in this video!
    And the music, the visuals and most of the jokes were pretty good too, the moral was cliched but I don't mind. So yeah, a pretty good episode.

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  • 539 weeks
    So, about the newest Discord episode, "Three's a crowd"...

    *Swallows a tranquilizer*
    Okay... seriously, it's so bad it made me punch myself in the head until it hurt like Hell. Why? For 4 reasons:

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    1 comments · 378 views
  • 543 weeks
    Why I was banned and I have no regrets (or: psp7master has gone insane)

    So yeah, you may have noticed that I was banned for a couple days. How do I feel about that? I feel a mix of pride (yeah, PRIDE) and a “who gives a shit” like feeling. But before I can explain why, I need to tell why I was banned in the first place.

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    8 comments · 544 views

Why I was banned and I have no regrets (or: psp7master has gone insane) · 8:57pm Jan 1st, 2014

So yeah, you may have noticed that I was banned for a couple days. How do I feel about that? I feel a mix of pride (yeah, PRIDE) and a “who gives a shit” like feeling. But before I can explain why, I need to tell why I was banned in the first place.
Some of you may have noticed that the quite popular user known as psp7master has... kinda lost it lately. First he published blog after blog where he moped about his personal problems and how he doesn't like what he writes anymore, and I had no real problems with that, I felt sorry for him. And at first I also accepted the conservative views he expressed, I have conservative friends and even though I always vote for center-left parties (the next mayoral elections of my town will probably be an exception, but I digress) I actually have a few right-wing views as well, but then he published... this thing: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/267150/and-so-theyre-back

Seriously... how can I describe how DUMB and how EVIL such a worldview is?! The entire world population is on the same boat! The only good thing about the fact that people with such thoughts exist is that if a world war or some apocalyptic catastrophe caused by man's negligence happened I would laugh at the fact that people like Josh are being fucked in the ass by fate. Besides in a comment he even revealed he may be racist towards Muslims!
Needless to say I unfollowed him and wrote a very angry and uncompromising comment (you can all read everything me and Josh wrote in the blog I linked), but he kept his arrogant and close-minded attitude till the very end (he even gave the most classic answers that desperate people who don't know how to defend their points can give, such as "I laugh at how pathetic you sound, and take sheer delight in your anger.") both with me and another user who disagreed in a more gentle way, so my insults got gradually more offensive and eventually Joshie blocked me, but I still wasn't done giving him a piece of my mind so I did something I thought I would have never done: I opened spam accounts to go on attacking him. And so the mods did what they had to do, simple as that.
But the ridiculous thing about it are the comments that he and his buddies wrote afterwards:

I think it has something to do with low self esteem and insulting others makes them feel better. it's kinda sad when you think about it.

Most of this site is teenage cloppers that don't know the first thing about life.

thank you everyone for your suggestions: Justice has been served.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, so it must be ice cream.

What revenge? What justice? Ooooh noooo, I had to wait TWO DAYS until I could log in again, meanwhile I could just do all the other thing I usually do in life! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Seriously though, in a way justice was done because I had violated the rules and rules are equal for everyone, but I can't see how a two days ban should make me regret what I did.
So yeah, as soon as I opened my first spam account I knew I HAD to be banned, this is the way it had to be. But in spite of that, I'm NOT sorry for the things I said to Josh, I'm NOT going to apologize to anyone and I still mean all the things I said to psp7master and I'm still proud of them, even the most offensive ones, but since I don't want to have worse trouble than a short ban I'm clearly not going to annoy him right in his "place" anymore, rules are rules. And you can say I went too far with the insults and the offenses, can't argue with that.
But that doesn't mean I cannot say that Josh is a dickhead and you're a dickhead for supporting him or even for disagreeing with him in a respectful way. The sick "opinions" (because they're not opinions, they're the delusions of a madman) that his burnt little brain is coming up with are DANGEROUS and he deserved every single offense and insult. But you keep staying by his side and defending him like a poor innocent victim because you are in love with his writing and you don't have the balls to see the person behind the writing for the asshole he is. He feels free to insult the categories of people he doesn't like (seriously, he said "I call the beliefs of other people whatever I want", even entitlement should have a limit), so I'm free to say this. As long as people like Josh will exist and they will be left free to say and do what they want, the world will be doomed forever.
Perhaps the only thing that saddens me is that a good writer like psp7master is currently so destroyed and ruined by drugs (and then he hates hippies... pitiful), alcohol and mental illness. It should not have ended like this.
I conclude by talking directly to Josh (if he's not a coward and he's reading this blog that is): your report, although legit, was pointless. Aside from those faults I admitted myself, I don't feel punished at all and you're still a failure and a horrible person and the one who needs to grow up is YOU. Even David Cameron and Queen Elizabeth and Jesus Christ (who you say you admire so much) would be like "Dude, what's your major malfunction?" if they heard your ramblings. But clearly even if that actually happened it would fly over your head and you would still live in your delusional world where you are the one and only God. Either way, you are the one moping because the world is not as you wish it was and people like you are a minority. Besides I usually don't give a shit about thumbs up and thumbs down, but maybe you haven't noticed how many thumbs up I got and how many thumbs down you got. With that said, allow me to dedicate a song to you, Joshie boy:

So this is the story of my first ban. I didn't do this out of low self-esteem or anything like that, but to fight for something I truly believe in.
That's all folks! Keep fighting the power and keep caring for the environment! And if you don't care, don't be a dick about it!

Report ABronyFromItaly · 544 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

1672867 There are countless blogs around this site insulting Chatoyance and other authors, so they should all be banned too. Either way, if I get banned again... so be it, my life doesn't change at all if I'm not allowed to use this account. And whether it's online or IRL, I don't care, I still don't give up.

1675058 I thought I actually answered everything...
Here's what you said:

Everyone has opinions, but fighting about those opinions over the internet (especially on a ponyfic site) is both pointless and annoying for everyone involved.

My advice: care less about your online interactions with others and try to make a real difference in the lives of those around you.

And here's the ending of my answer:

And whether it's online or IRL, I don't care, I still don't give up.

That means I disagree with you about strict distinctions between arguing on the Internet and in real life for what you believe in, for me it is always important to fight for what I think is right. Besides I do "try to make a real difference in the lives of those around me", after I graduate I may even work with a humanitarian organization called Emergency just to make an example.
Do you believe I read everything you wrote now?

1675120 Fuck you, son of a bitch.

Swear to God, man...

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