• Member Since 2nd May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 2nd, 2022

Fedora Mask

For Love and Justice.

More Blog Posts44

  • 425 weeks
    Story Promoting: Celestia Cannot Sleep

    Hey, guys! Have I got a story for you!

    Like a fic. Not like, a personal anecdote. That sort of story.

    And it's not really my story, so obviously understanding "got" in its most colloquial sense. Well, the broad colloquial sense, not the common "Have I got a story for you" meaning that I'm about to tell you the story. What I'm actually going to do is link you to the story and--

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    0 comments · 728 views
  • 450 weeks
    The Hat Returns

    *blows dust off of account*

    Well, it looks like everything still works. Let's see if I remember how to do this.

    *Shrieking microphone feedback noise*

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    5 comments · 475 views
  • 517 weeks
    The Travels of A Hat

    So I guess I am going to San Diego Comic Con in about 10 days? Just for Sunday (7/27), but still. Any thoughts/suggestions/must see events or people anyone would like to suggest? I've been too intimidated to even look at the programming because I've been told that the only way to get into any panel is to line up several hours in advance. I should really change that. Oh, and for that matter,

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    5 comments · 800 views
  • 522 weeks
    Summer and the Curse of Chapter 2

    No, that's not the title of my new middle-grade novel (although maybe it should be, it's kind of a great title).

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    5 comments · 708 views
  • 524 weeks
    A Brief Notice on the Arrival of Lady Grey's Latest Work

    Gentle Readers,

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    3 comments · 620 views

There will be a slight delay while the author attempts to manage his life · 5:54am Sep 19th, 2013

So it's going on 4 weeks since I published Twilight Sparkle vs the ELA and I feel really badly that I haven't been able to update. Unfortunately, those 4 weeks have also involved:

1) Job hunting

2) Job finding

3) Job hating and also job paying-less-than-minimum-wage because it's by piece not by time

4) Job hunting again with renewed vigor because I really need something better

5) Trying to keep up with an online class on how to write spec scripts for existing television shows

6) Trying to hang out as much as possible with a friend who's going to move away (also because he's my partner on the Macross parody series and we needed to talk about the next installment as much as possible before he left so that I could hopefully write the script by the time we're in regular contact again)

And, last but certainly not least:

7) Remember that puppet TV show I talked about a while back? Well the pilot is actually going to be filmed in a couple of days, and I'm on board to... I dunno, get people coffee or something menial like that. And my usual "help out on Monday" schedule with them has kind of exploded into doing this and that any given day of the week for the past several weeks, because there are like 30 people coming from various parts of the country to help make this thing and if we're not ready it's going to be PRETTY embarrassing. Also, y'know, an enormous waste of time and expense and setting back a project that finally has a shot at getting off the ground.

There may also have been an unhealthy amount of Super Robot Wars (considering the other stuff I have going on) but that's mostly Arcainum's fault for pointing out that I could run them on my phone.

Anyway, at least part of the past few weeks not-having-new-stuff is totally my fault. This next week... is going to be because of the TV show I'm hoping to help launch.

Although you never know. Maybe being insanely busy during the day will restore my sense of focus and work ethic and I'll come home and bust out ideas. Stranger things have happened. I'm just not thinking it's terribly likely.

It was Yom Kippur last Friday night through Saturday Night, and there's a passage I've always liked in the service that translates roughly to: "For transgressions of humans against God, the Day of Atonement atones, but for transgressions of one human being against another, the Day of Atonement does not atone until they have made peace with each other."

So this is me apologizing for not being a faster writer.

Twi vs the ELA chapter 2 is coming. Like winter. Only faster (it isn't even Fall yet, technically, I feel like I can promise that much).

Stay tuned.

No, I didn't really need to get all religious there but it did occur to me when I was reflecting on ways to better myself this year that keeping my promises to my fans, and, even more important (sorry guys), FINISHING WHAT I START would be a big one.

TL;DR, I am not done with Twilight Sparkle vs the ELA Chapter 2 yet, and not much is likely to get done for the next week.

Report Fedora Mask · 269 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Hey, life happens. Take your time, man.

3) Job hating and also job paying-less-than-minimum-wage because it's by piece not by time

You can starve on piece-work about as bad as you can on commission, unless you break your back in either, thusly killing yourself another way.

1361399 Yeah, one of my requirements for "something better" is that it needs to pay for my time.

I mean I'll have to put more effort into it than I do into this job (at least, I hope most places worth working at will demand a bit more of me than this) but at least the rewards will be proportionate.

Fortunately I am still safely nestled in a support network for the time being and do not have loans to pay off QUITE yet, so the only reason piece-work extra-sucks is that I can sink as much time as I want into it, basically without an upper limit. Which has... consequences for getting to other also-important things.

I mean I should also just plan my days better. But it's more convenient to blame work.

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