• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 22nd, 2021


I'm a guy who gets bored at work and writes about ponies. Sometimes it's clop, sometimes it's action and adventure. Hopefully I'm not terrible at it. Rarity is best pone.

More Blog Posts148

  • 338 weeks
    Spoilers: I'm not dead

    So this has been a fun week.

    In my last post I said I was being kept in the hospital to monitor my heart for some unknown abnormality, in addition to a possibly broken foot due to passing out thanks to severe dehydration from a particularly nasty flu.

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    8 comments · 1,414 views
  • 339 weeks
    Guess who's stuck in a hospital bed. That's right, this guy.

    Hey everyone. So for the last week I've been away from a computer, first for Thanksgiving with family, and more recently due to a severe flu caught from said family. I'll spare you the details, but it was a messy affair for a couple of days.

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    11 comments · 739 views
  • 350 weeks
    Punk Rarity is the best thing I've ever seen.

    You guys. You guys.

    It's too good. I can only waifu out so hard. Just look at it.

    My reaction exactly, Dash. We need more punk ponies!

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    1 comments · 1,175 views
  • 365 weeks
    I'm old and I hate change, or: the site update.


    Fimfiction rolled out a new site update, and it has fucked up my formatting. For one thing, all previous paragraphs are now spaced out by a line. While this is fine for typical internet reading, I specifically made the formatting look like a book, ie with actual blank lines only between sections of the chapter.

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    9 comments · 732 views
  • 365 weeks
    Just when I thought Rarity couldn't get any better, she goes and does this.



    4 comments · 525 views

Taking that first big step · 12:46pm Feb 23rd, 2012

Hello, everyone. If you're reading this, then you've either found me through a story I published, or you've just idly clicked on my name out of curiosity and/or boredom. In either case, welcome! I'm Drefsab, and I attempt to write pony fiction that is both erotic and engaging on a story level. I've been writing fics for many years now, on a wide variety of subjects, and I've finally decided to include ponies in that list. And clopfics. It's been an...interesting process.
Back when I decided to write my first story, Sophistication and Betrayal, a few weeks ago, I had a few goals in mind. First and foremost, I wanted to write a romantic story. Or attempt to, anyway. One that feels real, with three-dimensional characters, even if it involved a second-person perspective (a style I've never written before). Second, I wanted it to be, well, erotic. A lot of clop fics tend to simply glance over the actual sexual moments, and I've always felt that this is a mistake. After all, if you're reading a story like that, you've already decided that clopping to ponies is just fine. Real relationships have a foundation of healthy sexuality, and sharing those intimate moments are some of the most wonderful experiences one can have. So why pretend that they're something to be skimmed? I try to do so without being sexually vulgar, because nothing kills the mood like reading a bunch of eyebrow-raising slang for anatomy.
Finally, I wanted an over-arching story to it. Something with real conflict. Something that felt real and relate-able, even if it's involving a human in a sexual relationship with a cartoon pony.
I should mention that the human is, in fact, not an author-insert. I always find those tacky. He's based on some personal experiences, yes, since you write what you know, but he's made to be an everyman...which is kind of important when you're going with the decidedly-odd second-person story telling method.
Did I succeed in any of these? I certainly hope so! I don't claim to be an amazing, mind-blowing author or anything. I'm just a guy writing stories because he enjoys it.

ANYWAY. Enough of my pretentious and long-winded bullshit. If you liked what you've read, then a comment is always appreciated. If you have any questions, concerns, or tips for improvement, then please, let me know. I'm always looking to improve my writing, and every bit of (constructive) criticism helps!

Last, but not least, there's a few authors I'd like to thank for inspiration. Namely, TAW and RagingSemi. I originally found them through the Clopfic Directory, and I thought their stories were very well-written and engaging. If you're already cool with erotic writing, then give them a view. They're pretty damn good! If either of you happen to be reading this, then I want to offer a sincere thanks, even if you were just writing clopfics because you like writing clopfics. It's nice to find good authors in a sea of bland or unexciting writing! You guys rock.

Alright, I'm off my soapbox. If you, for some reason, read this whole thing, then thanks for stopping by and giving me a chance. If you're gonna clop to ponies, bro, don't be ashamed of it.


Report Drefsab · 322 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Thanks, man <3

Yes, absolutely I write because I enjoy it and no other reason. I certainly look forward to reading more of your words - good luck to you!

Hey, thanks TAW! I'm surprised you actually read this, haha. I appreciate the kind words, you're a stand-up kinda guy.

What are you doing here, Nutty? Go away. This post is older than dirt. Shoo, begone with you! :duck:

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