• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

  • ...

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Shift and Shaft

When the elevator door finally opened, the hallway outside looked exactly the same. For a moment, Belle and Phoenix stood dead-still, their faces awash with complexion.

"This... but... did we...?" Bellesmith stammered.

"Something must be wrong," Phoenix said, staring at the familiar polished granite and shiny walls of the place. "Maybe it returned to the first floor—?"

"We're way up high," Kera said, trotting out, undaunted.

"Kera!" Belle hissed. "But we're—"

"Trust me," the child said in a dull tone, gazing lethargically back at the two adults. "We're something like thirty stories up right now, easily. This is the only place this particular elevator goes, and it's how I've gotten out and gotten back in more than once."

Phoenix bit on his lip and gave Belle an awkward glance.

Belle simply nodded and took the first step out to follow Kera.

Phoenix shuddered. Trotting in a jittery fashion, he glanced down both ends of the long hallway. "I just can't for the life of me believe that they furnish every friggin' level to look this nice."

"Believe it," Kera muttered. "If there's anything Lady Nighty-Night is good for, it's looking pretty." She turned around. "So... uh... where to?"

"You've been here before," Phoenix whispered, still gazing all about with the anxiety of a sleepless guard dog. "Care to tell us where we can and can't go?"

"Uhhhh, no?" Kera stuck her tongue out. "It was you guys' bright idea to come here, poopy heads!"

"Now if you would just—"

"Phoenix, relax," Belle calmly said. She was already pulling out the ancient tome from her saddlebag. The lavender light was practically blinding at this point. She had to squint as she tilted the item around, judging the extent of its brilliance. "We are definitely close to the source."

"And just what is that source?!"

"Whatever it is, it's over in that direction," Belle said, motioning with her stub of a horn. "Somewhere at the end of that long hallway."

"And so's the ward," Kera said.

"What ward?" Phoenix asked.

"Where all my lame friends are hanging out!" Kera said with a venomous grin tossed over her flank. "Well, they used to be my lame friends. Now they're just lame. But, hey! That's their fault for not blowing this popsicle stand the first second that they—"

Just then, the elevator door behind them hissed shut. After a mana-powered "ding!" the three were subjected to a vibrating hum that practically resonated throughout the invisible spine of the skyscraper.

Belle gasped. "What... what is—"

"Awwwww fudge nuggets," Kera muttered with a pouty face. "Not again."

Phoenix flashed her a grimacing expression. "What's happening again?!"

"Remember what I said earlier about this elevator only having to travel between the first floor and here?"


"Well, Madame Night-Stain has an office on this floor and... well..."

The elevator stopped humming. Was silent. And began humming again. The vibrating sound drew closer and closer.

"Crud!" Phoenix hissed, looking left and right. "We gotta move!"

"How many ponies usually accompany this mare on these meetings?" Belle stammered.

"Oh, I dunno... a dozen or so?"

As Belle's breath left her, Phoenix was galloping back and forth between the sides of the hallway. "Quick! Kid! Pick a door and get us on the other side with that fancy lockpicking magic of yours!"

"Pffftttchyaa!" Kera quacked. "You got a few minutes you could spare?"

"Huh?!" Phoenix did a double take.

"The doors up here are sealed super-tight with some security lock mumbo jumbo. They take me agesssss to open!"

"Well, why didn't you say so beforehand?!" Phoenix grumbled.

"You dum-dums didn't ask!"

"Nnngh!" Phoenix stomped his hooves and looked around. "Think think think think..."

"Mr. Phoenix..." Bellesmith squeaked. "The elevator is coming."

"I usually hide in a potted plant," Kera said. "But they removed them after last time." She smiled with a slight blush. "I had to make sissy really bad..."

"Wait... wait!" Phoenix stared up. "Now that is different!"

"Huh?" Belle glanced his way.

Phoenix pointed up at the ceiling that was devoid of amber-glowing light fixtures. "The ceiling is much lower than in the lobby. What's more, there's paneling."

"Which means—Gah!" Belle jumped back as a metal grate fell right in front of her.

"It'll be a tight squeeze, but we should be able to fit!" Phoenix turned from the open A/C unit to the petite foal. "Hold your breath, kid."

"What for—ayyyy gi gi gi gi!" Kera's voice cracked and her hooves flailed. She found herself spinning upwards like a badly punted hoofball. In a blink, Phoenix had telekinetically hoisted her up into the echoing metal shaft.

"There. That's one." Phoenix swiveled to face Belle.

"Mr. Phoenix, you don't seriously think that—?" Belle's breath left her as she too was being lifted up, albeit much more slowly.

"Yes... I... do... th-think..." Phoenix hissed, his entire face tensing as he lifted her ceilingward by sheer magic. "Nnnngh—Spark! Eat any g-good books lately?!"

"Phoenix! Careful!" Belle uttered from mid-air. "You'll pop a blood vessel in your brain!"

"Wouldn't that be horrible?" Kera stifled a giggle as she reached her hooves down. "Grab ahold, Belle!"

Upon hearing the child say her name so casually, the mare glanced up. She bit her lip and stretched... stretched her hooves up. Kera steadied her forelimbs as Belle clamped onto the edge of the air conditioning shaft and dangled. All it took now was a brief, telekinetic shove from Phoenix's end and she was sliding into the thin passage right after Kera.

The elevator stopped humming.

"Hurry, Mr. Phoenix!" Belle chirped desperately from above.

The stallion grimaced. Already covered in sweat, he flexed his limbs, took a breath, and leapt straight up. His horn strobed across the reflective surfaces of the room as he gave his own body a telekinetic bounce. For half-a-second, he flew. His hooves clamored loudly over the edge of the shaft's entrance. Belle and Kera grunted as they pulled at his forelimbs, sliding the breathless stallion up and into the claustrophobic passage.

A dinging sound echoed above the door.

Phoenix scrunched tight, spun around, and aimed his horn down from the shaft.

The metal vent grate flew up like a kite, just as the elevator opened, pouring out several busily trotting and chatting bodies. Phoenix quietly fastened the lid in place. The three hung silent and gazed down in time to see a familiar dark-blue sunhat passing beneath them.

"Sir Ordo, I want you attending to the ring team. Overseer Fatch has his hooves full with cleaning up the zeppelin debacle at the Facilitation building in the northeast."

"Do you not want my expert advice in discussing this matter, Madame?"

"Not this time, Ordo. I want you working on the project. They know and trust you best, after all."

"As you wish, Madame. I'll go right away."

"The rest of you, come with me. This meeting will be brief, but it's important. I do believe somepony is onto us."

"Who, pray tell?!" One of the many ponies stammered, his voice echoing across the hallway beneath the a/c unit. "The Council of Ledo? Xonan saboteurs?"

"We'll discuss it once we're all assembled. Somepony get word out that I'm about to visit Novus."

"But Madame—"

"Send word. That's an order."

"Yes, ma'am..."

Belle and Phoenix exchanged quiet glances.

"Ugh..." Kera grunted. "I swear, she always sounds like a hippopotamus trying to read poetry." Kera started scoot-scoot-scooting down the shaft. She paused and glanced over her shoulder. "You two melon fudges wanna get somewhere or not? Follow my tattoos to happiness!"

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