• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Into the Drink

“That's a negative, soldier!” Shell said into a shoulder-mounted sound stone while trotting firmly down a wide, bricklaid corridor. A dozen officers marched after him, their hooves trudging collectively through the sludge and muck of the sewer around them. “I need Evans and his armada to remain east of the hangar doors we've just discovered.”

”This Searonese craft is really giving us a run for the money, sir!”

“Does the pilot have any backup?”

”N-no, sir.”

“It is just one craft and you have many,” Shell said. “Obviously this is an attempt to distract our forces. We cannot allow that to happen.”

”Orders, sir?”

“Tell the managliders not to hug the ship's tail like ducklings. There's no need for excessive force, especially with citizens present.” The sound of rushing water echoed off the walls in a deep hiss as Shell and his company rounded a junction in the brickwork, coming out onto a series of ledges situated above a three-story drop into a basin. Unnatural waterfalls cascaded on either side of him. “I don't want any repeats of Foxtaur. Have our ships draw back, form a line, and shoot the intruder out of the sky.”

”And what if we discover more, sir? What if this is the first sign of a Searonese invasion?”

“That's highly doubtful, but it matters little,” Shell said, trudging around a ledge. “Keep your eye on your current situation and deal with it accordingly. There's no need to get unnecessarily obsessed with one single target—” Shell bumped straight into Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash blinked.

Shell twitched, his one eye focusing.

The pegasus gawked.

Tweak and Imre gasped while the soldiers flinched.

One second of silence. Two...

”Is that all, sir?” the sound stone warbled.

Shell gnashed his teeth and reached for a taser.

“Nnnnngh!” Rainbow Dash plowed straight into him. The two went sailing past the soldiers in a gray and blue blur, slamming hard into a brick wall and bouncing off so that they splashed into the basin three stories below. As the sound of Shell's rattling tasers echoed across the sewer walls, it was replaced with the metallic ring of every soldier in that place unholstering and cocking their manarifles.

“Let 'em have it!”

“Drop 'em!”

Tweak let out a yell for good measure, shoving Imre back as he trotted backwards with his pistol outstretched. He fired broad swaths of bright blue energy, forcing the soldiers to drop prone to the muck or duck behind outcroppings of brick. Imre trembled as Tweak shoved the two of them into the middle of an underground aqueduct, choosing a vertical pillar to hide behind as a frothing wave of hot manafire sailed after them.

Both ponies flattened their backs to the pillar, panting as hot streaks of energy surged by, eating away at the brick and mortar that made up their flimsy barricade.

“I hate to say it, but it looks like your feathered friend is showing her true colors!” Tweak reloaded his gun after having already expelled its entire clip. “I know she's after savin' her buddies and all, but d-did she really need to ditch us?!”

“I think...” Imre trembled with sudden shivers. “I-I think she's doing us a f-favor...”

“By taking out one measly stallion?!” Tweak crackled, slapping his silver pistol back into working order. “I know she's capable of more than that!”

“I... uh...” Imre clung to the wall, flinching as bolts of mana landed closely around the two of them. “I think sh-she's doing us a favor...”

“Just who in the blue blazes was that one-eyed creep anyways?!”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

“Uh huh. Well, I ain't here for no guessing game.” Tweak slid the pistol through the brace of one hoof and gripped the rifle with the crook of his other forelimb. “If these sewer suckers here want their skulls evacuated of their brains so badly, then I'm happy to oblige!” That said, he flung around the corner with a hollering breath. “Ya hear that, city slickers?! Tweak the crystal guy ain't going down without a fight!”

Two stallions fell down, clutching their bleeding chests and shoulders in pain. Several of their comrades dragged them away while the other half returned fire, their aim thrown off as they flinched from Tweak's wild, dominating blasts.

“Yeah! Yeah! You'd better run, saddle stains!” Tweak snarled, firing wider and wider bursts as he channeled his own energy into the weaponry. “Not so easy doing the Queen's dirty work when you're staring down the barrel of death, huh?!”

Meanwhile, Imre trembled, huddled against the pillar to Tweak's side. She gazed down with wide eyes into the deep basin below.

Far away from the firefight, a deep current of congealed sewer water bubbled beneath several bricklaid pillars and aqueduct supports. After a prolonged period of silence, a single pony burst out from the depths. With a gasp and several sputters, Shell waded across the surface, his sopping gray mane devoid of his beret. He tried paddling towards a platform of mildew-stained brick, an effort made difficult by the fact that one forelimb was weighed down by a metal cast.

Just then, a sky-blue torpedo surged through the waters and straight towards him.

Shell spun around, his one eye widening. He gritted his teeth and summoned a bright pulse into his horn.

It was just in time, too, for Rainbow Dash shot out of the muck with a rising uppercut. Shell took the brunt of the blow with a telekinetic shield, but it nevertheless knocked him back like a hoofball, so that he landed like a wet sack of meat against a wall far across dry brick.


“You!” Rainbow Dash spat and sputtered, leaping out of the depths so that she landed on the edge of the platform across from him. “You simply don't know when to quit, do you?!”

“A sentiment...” Shell stood up, wincing only slightly. “Nnngh... th-that we both seem to share.” He cracked the joints in his neck before glaring at her. “Albeit, one with a great deal less intelligence than the other.”

In one motion, Rainbow Dash took off from the ground and surged towards him with both hooves outstretched. “Smart your way through my hooves, boot-licker!” She grunted as she was suddenly levitating to a stop in mid-air.

Shell stood a few inches from her, calmly forcing her to a stand-still with his horn. “Old habits are hard to break, I see—”

His face became the receiving end of a pair of burning hoof-thrusters. As Shell ragdolled away, Rainbow cut her engines and landed expertly in her Searonese armor. “No, some ponies just can't learn new tricks! Haaaaugh!” She galloped straight at him.

Shell stood up, then immediately ducked a hoof-swing. He backed up from her violent advances, side-stepped, then flung her against the wall with a telekinetic burst.

Rainbow Dash grunted as she slammed face-forward against a wall. Before she could trot away, Shell rushed up and held her from behind, shoving her muzzle harder against the brick. She writhed and struggled for a few seconds, before biting onto the controls sticking out of the neck of her armor. With a flare of thrusters, she shot the two of them up all three stories. Her armor spat spikes as it grinded along the brickwork, but the reward was Shell's skull and horn colliding heavily with the bottom of an aqueduct above.

Hissing in pain, Shell fell back.

Rainbow Dash flipped about, kicked off the aqueduct, and soared towards him. With a flicker of magic, Shell was ready, and the two fell diagonally together like a conjoined comet, exchanging kicks, bucks, punches, swings, and finally a headbutt.

With a hideous splash, both bodies went plunging into the sewage yet again. All was silent, save for the distant thunder of Tweak's firefight with the Ledomaritans.

At last, Rainbow Dash emerged from the depths, gasping and sputtering. She tried firing her thrusters, but mere bubbles flew to the surface of the pool around her. She cursed under her breath and waded towards a stretch of brick to stand on dry ground again.

Just then, a gray figure burst out of the water behind her and threw a pair of forelimbs around her neck.

Rainbow Dash gasped, her throat being squeezed shut by a slick metal leg-brace being pressed tightly against her skin. She wheezed and thrashed about.

Shell's face was as still as stone. He took a deep, deep breath, then suplexed Rainbow Dash into the sludge behind him. The two plunged again, writhing and wrestling through the muck. When they emerged yet again, Shell still had the upper hoof. He waded backwards until his rear hooves were perched steadily on dry ground. From there, he combined his upper muscles and telekinesis to keep Rainbow's skull below the waves of soiled water.

Rainbow Dash struggled and fought under his grip, but try as she might, she couldn't raise her shoulders above the depths. Her rear hooves and regrown tail lashed about the surface like a throng of panicked snakes, but her head did nothing but spit forth a cacophonous array of muffled bubbles.

Shell's brow twitched slightly above his scarred face, but otherwise he was calm and quiet, allowing his breaths to even out in steady salvos as he accepted this bizarrely tranquil moment.

And eventually, Rainbow Dash did too, her limbs and tail going limp as all struggles gradually ceased, and her body sank deep into the depths beneath Shell's quiet, steel grip.

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