• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Rainbow and Pillage

"You must march behind me at all times," Roarke grumbled into her helmet as she marched swiftly through the broad, cacophonous hangar full of manaships, bounty hunters, and repair equipment. "If you have any questions, direct them to me, or else you might lose a limb... or worse."

"Uh, yeah... I-I have a question," Rainbow Dash muttered, stumbling to catch up in the loose, oversized plates of armor. "Why doesn't my helmet have a mouth piece to cover the lower muzzle?" Her exposed teeth winced. "I feel like a friggin' Wonderbolt initiate here."

"I've no clue what an insufferable 'Wonderbolt' is, but that's not too far from the truth."


"You're a half-blade."

"I'm a wh-what now?"

"A metal mare in training," Roarke uttered, glaring ahead of the two of them through her red and black helmet visor. "It'll explain the noticeable lack of mana-plugs along your exposed coat."

"So how come I gotta be such a sucky thing as a jerk-in-training?"

"No two metal mares occupy the same ship," Roarke said. "And if you were my prisoner, you'd have been processed as soon as you stepped out of the ship."

"Aren't I your prisoner though?"

"Follow me," Roarke merely grunted. "Imre's station is this way, deeper into the mountain."

"For the love of parasprites!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, trying to tilt her helmet straight. "Why won't you just explain yourself?! What's all this about? Why are you trying to help me—"

"Shhh!" Roarke hissed. "Metal Mares approaching. Remember—Do not talk."

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash bumped into Roarke's flank.

Roarke was busy assuming a rigid posture, her armor glistening in the overhanging lights above. "Good hunting, sisters!" she shouted in a voice that resonated with metal and menace. "Spill much blood for Searo!"

"Blood for Searo!" Several of the ponies shouted, each wearing a uniquely different suit of armor, armed to the spikes with mana-powered weaponry. "Let all who resist her spirit tremble!" As soon as they trotted by Rainbow, however, they paused, and the first one slammed her hoof into Rainbow's chest.

"Daaah!" She collapsed to her front elbows. Wheezing, she grunted, "You jerk! What was that f—"

"Shhh!" Roarke hissed, then tilted her helmet towards the passing mares. "Forgive the half-blade. She is not exactly quick yet."

"Hah hah hah!" one mare's voice shouted metalically as she passed by the first. "Well, she will learn soon!"

"L-learn what?" Rainbow stammered, only to receive another heavy blow to her helmet. "Aaagh!"

As the mares marched off to their vessels, Roarke's hooves resumed trotting. "Let us continue."

"The frig was that all about?!" Rainbow Dash grunted, hobbling after her. "I mean, I'm not surprised that every pony here is as female doggish as you, but c-come on!"

"I guess I forgot to mention," Roarke said, stifling a chortling breath. "It's tradition that a half-blade and a metal mare exchange blows upon meeting, so as to teach the apprentice to be on her guard."

Rainbow turned to look at Roarke. "On her guard against what?"

"Blood for Searo!" another mare shouted, swiping Rainbow's hooves out from under her with a prehensile metal tail.

"Grrrkk!" Rainbow fell on her left side and stung all over. "Ow ow ow ow ow owwwww..."

"Get up. You're coming across as weak."

"Yeah?" Rainbow sputtered, remaining curled up on the floor. "And what of it?"

"The other huntresses may be tempted to roast you in your own armor and feed your congealed flesh paste to the quarray eels below."

"H'okay!" Rainbow sprung to her hooves and bounced after Roarke. "Where to... uh... m-mentor?"

"Hmmm..." Roarke hummed as the two passed through a sliding stone door and into a grand hallway lit by torches and levitating manaspheres. The air was hot and thick, filled with the reverberating cries of angry mares shouting at one another, punctuated every now and then by the sound of bodies being pile-driven into the concrete.

The sound of energy weapon fire echoed down the grand corridor. Rainbow Dash flinched, her armor rattling as she glanced every which way. She saw the heads of creatures—some of them once potentially sentient—erected on pikes in front of a leatherworker's hovel. A half-blade mare was being tossed violently out of a weapons shop, her body being subsequently pummeled by older equines, laughing at her plight. Finally, a grand tavern loomed, complete with mares toasting mugs of brew while engaging into various arguments, stories, and tales of the hunt with one another.

"Y'know... all things considered, it's only half-bad," Rainbow Dash muttered.

As if on cue, a loud noise filled the room. She turned and gasped to see a bloodsoaked manticore charging directly down the corridor. Roarke stepped out of the way without saying a word. Blinking for a few seconds, Rainbow Dash witlessly followed suit. A herd of armored mares charged after the panicked beast's tail, shouting with adrenaline and bloodlust. One metal mare skidded to a stop, pivoted, and slammed Rainbow Dash upside the helmet.


"Blood for Searo!" the mare pumped a hoof and tore after the manticore once again, shouting bloody murder.

"Nnnngh—Mmmf!" Rainbow Dash flung her helmet off and flashed Roarke a furious glare with a whip of her sweat-stained mane. "Okay, this is stupid! Gimme that rocket pack thingy of yours and I'll go see Imre myself."

"Put... the helmet... back on..." Roarke grunted.

"Why?! So these punks can play pedestrian polo with me some more?! I don't think so!"

"If you don't help me help you..." Roarke's helmet flickered red as she pivoted coldly to face her. "I will infiltrate the deepest facilities of the Confederacy. I will rummage through the most secret files of the Council of Ledo. After learning when and where they found you, I shall proceed—without fail—to retrace every step, stumble, flight, leap, and bound that brought you here. I will find your home, no matter how deeply nestled it may be in this Searo-forsaken earth. And then, when I have found everything or everyone you pretend to care for, I will grab each and every one their heads and bring them here and trade them for brothel money."

Rainbow Dash merely snorted at that. "Hah! As if! I've traveled thousands and thousands of miles, buckethead! Not even a pony as angry and grumpy as you could do such a thing!"

Roarke glared at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash glared back.

Roarke glared...

Rainbow Dash blinked. She bit her lip.

Roarke's helmet tilted forward. "Put... it back... on..."

"Uh... goingbackonmyheadnow." Rainbow squeaked, slapping the article once more over her skull.

"You think wisely," Roarke droned, turning to trot down the corridor again.

"Nah..." Rainbow's body shuddered as she stumbled after the metal mare. "I'm just suddenly thinking about a chicken with its head cut off..."

"Of all the insufferable wastes of mana-cores!" a voice boomed across the epic hallway. "Roarke! You backstabbing daughter of a lone stud!"

"Unnghmmmmfff..." Roarke's bobbing head suggested a pair of lensed eyes that were rolling under her helmet. "Searo spare me," she grunted. "Terra..."

Rainbow's head leaned to the side. "Who's Terra?" A massive, cedar-trunk of a limb shoved her aside. "Waaaugh!"

As Rainbow's body crashed against a rattling torch, a gigantic equine loomed a good three feet above Roarke's helmet, staring down at her with wickedly bladed shoulders. "Did you or did you not owe five bounties since the last time I saw you, runt?!" The massive pony shouted, her voice deeper than any male whom Rainbow had heard in ages. "Huh?!"

Roarke bravely stared up at the behemoth. "Just one, Terra."

The blade-armored pony shook, raised a hoof... and slapped it amicably on Roarke's shoulder. "Bwa ha ha ha!" she bellowed. "That means I'm still ahead of you! Hah! Glory be to Searo!" Her helmet unfolded down the center, metallically framing a grinning face with heavy cheekbones and a bronze-plated monocle over the left eye. "I will reach Top Spear before you, worm! Just you wait and see!"

Roarke returned the gesture, exposing just her lensed eyes and crooked attempt at a grin. "Do not bite off more than you can chew, Terra. I have much meat to scrounge up in Confederate Country."

"Bah! The Queen's ponies are a bunch of sissy fillies who know nothing of honor! They hide behind their zeppelins and manacannons. You'll have to spend a century combing their wasteland for a single prey worthy of the hunt!"

"I like a challenge," Roarke said. She leaned forward and hissed, "Unlike some mares whose flanks are bigger than their brains."

"Rrggghhh!" Terra's entire left limb converted into a mana-sparkling mace. "Was that an insult, Roarke?!"

"Yes," Roarke returned. "And a great deal better than you've ever thought up, you big dumb ox."

Terra snarled, growled—and then that growl turned into a long, wheezing laugh. "Haaaa ha ha ha! You are best and the worst all at once, runt! I almost wished you had joined us on the Aurum hunt!"

"Aurum?!" Roarke spat on the ground. "Who would waste their valuable resources on a bunch of living, jaded gemstones?"

"Not all of them are jaded, little worm!" Terra replied with a smirk. "Why, that province holds many treasures. Why, just last week, Aeterna returned with ample bounty! Thanks to her, Searo's Hold has seen light for another decade!"

"This, I have to learn more about. Where is Aeterna?"

"On another hunt. She's so impatient, she neglected to upgrade her ship. Bah!" Terra spat on the ground. "I don't know how she ever became full blade!"

"Perhaps the spirit of Searo propels her heart."

"But not her mind!"

"And how are you a judge of that?"

"Haah haah haah! Oh! That reminds me..." Terra leaned forward, squinting. "While you were in Ledomare, did you hear of this most peculiar bounty involving a winged horse?"

Roarke gazed blankly. "A winged horse?" She heard the stirring sounds of Rainbow Dash getting up beside her. With nostrils flaring, Roarke didn't break her gaze. "Now you are truly full of wasted grime, Terra."

"I kid you not!" Terra grinned. "The bounty is said to be quite exceptional! Even if it's a fanciful wild goose chase, it begs the question: is that why you've been gone all this time, runt? Chasing phantoms in Ledomare?"

Rainbow Dash shook the cobwebs out of her head. While the two metal mares spoke, she heard a gasping—almost whimpering sound to her left. She glanced over and spotted several frail bodies besides a torchlit bazaar. At first, she thought that she was looking at shorn sheep. Then, upon further squinting, she realized that they were ponies—stallions, and all of them with their coats cut noticeably short. There manes were completely shaven, right down to the stubble, and they shivered on the end of several lengths of rattling chain.

As Rainbow watched, a fully armored metal mare marched up to the scene and hoofed a cluster of bits over to a vendor. After a few words were exchanged, the bounty hunter pointed at a stallion off to the far right. A rope of chain was unlatched from a pole and hoofed to her. She fastened it to her armor and trotted off. The one stallion stumbled to get up on weak knees. He glanced over, his soft brown eyes reflecting Rainbow's figure in a glossy shine—and then he yelped as he was forced to trot after the mare along the way towards an adjacent corridor.

Rainbow Dash bit her exposed lips. She didn't realize that she was backtrotting from the sight until she heard the voices of Roarke and Terra exploding behind her.

"Well, be on the look out, runt!" Terra turned on massive limbs, smiling. "You never know just what you might run into! Here's hoping I run into it first! Hahah! I need the bounty!" She stumbled directly into Rainbow Dash. Tilting her exposed face down, she growled, "Watch where you stand, paltry half-blade—"

"Ohnoyoudon't—" Without thinking, Rainbow Dash spun around and slammed both hooves across Terra's face. "Nnnngh!" She followed this with a left jab, a right, and then a full-on head-butt. "Raaaugh! Hah! How's that for... tr-training..." She shrunk back, gulping.

Terra stood above her, massive, muscular, and unfazed. Her eyes narrowed. With one hoof, she yanked Rainbow up until she dangled in her grasp. "You better watch where you spot to crap, half-blade, or else I'll be waiting with a grenade to blow your mana-core out!" Terra blinked. She yanked Rainbow's muzzle forward and kissed her savagely on the lips. "Mmmmm—!!"

"Snkkktt—" Rainbow hissed and sputtered.

"Muah!" Terra dropped Rainbow Dash on her hooves like a toy soldier. "Hah! Tastes like starlight! Think I'm ready to spill blood!" She closed her helmet and galloped away, knocking over a plate of armor and nearly setting fire to one of the torch-lit columns.

"Hmmph..." Roarke stood besides a dazed Rainbow Dash. "Well, that was certainly close. Quick thinking on your end, if you ask me."

Rainbow Dash merely stared after the thundering equine. Suddenly, she winced, clutching at her left side. "Ow! Dang it! Ow ow ow owwww..."

"What?" Roarke flinched, almost showing concern. "What is it now?"

"Ughh... Nothing..." Rainbow Dash hissed throuch clenched teeth as she gazed Roarke's way. "Can we pleeeeease go see this 'Imre' pony so I can get my wings fixed, already?"

"Hmmph..." Roarked motioned with her helmeted head and trotted towards a stairwell at the end of the grand hall. "Follow me. And remember, stay close."

"Feh. I think you girls have a different definition of 'close.'"

"Don't push it."

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