• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Grow a Pair

Her voice was muffled as she bent over to weld two metal joints together with a sparkling needle. "And I've told you time and time again, if you wanna kill yourself..." She lifted up and raised her goggles, revealing a pair of jaded brown eyes in the center of a square, red face. "...do it on your own damn time!"

"My time is your time, Imre, you Searo-forsaken runt!" A Searonese mare growled. She sat on a table in the middle of an infirmary smelling of disenfectants and copper blood. Her metal joints were exposed to the pale blue manalight as she leaned over and snarled in the surgeon's face. "If my rear legs fail me for the fourth time in a row, I am going to take your spine in my last two good hooves and—"

"—what? Gag me to death?" the surgeon droned back. "Cuz your smelly flank is doing enough of that for the two of us." Imre's shaved brow furrowed. "Would it kill you to believe in hygene as much as you believe in crushing skulls?"

"Bah!" The mare hopped down from the table, shifting her weight to test the structural durability of her freshly fixed limb. "I don't see why I should listen to you! You're no warrior, Imre! You've never tasted of fresh blood."

"Uhhhh..." Imre wore a frown that could cut glass. She pivoted aside to point at a veritable basin full of bloody rags and red-stained surgical tools. "Would you care to run that by me again?"

"Hmmph!" The bounty hunter began attaching her armor, turning up an indifferent nose. "Don't act as if you have something to be proud of, servant! Putting bodies together is a weakling's craft!"

"Yeah, well, this 'weakling' has single-hoofedly fixed your mana-powered joints three times consecutively!" She frowned and slapped her instruments down in a tray before folding her scarlet forelimbs in indignance. "One of us is doing her job. Wanna guess who? I'll give you a hint—it's not the dumbflank meathead who keeps charging muzzle-first into a furious gang of Diamond Dogs with futile desperation to nab their leader!"

"Rrrgh! I will get that mangy hound!" The mare roared, slapping on her helmet. "And when I bring back his head on a pike, I'll shove yours on a rod next to his so you can stare at my glorious triumph!"

"You'll much sooner be roasted over a spit for the dogs to devour," Imre droned. "Look, I frankly don't care if you wanna kill yourself. Just try and make my job a little easier by banging up your joints less. Is that really too much to friggin' ask for?"

"A servant has no say! You should know that by now." The mare brushed rudely past her with an armored shoulder as she made for the exit. "Why Lady Pestiferous tolerates you, I'll never know."

"Jee... maybe it's because I keep her 'fellow sisters' alive long enough to earn her more plunder?" Imre growled over her shoulder. "That wasn't free, by the way! You'd better get your flank to the treasury office or I'll personally tell Terra to rip your ovaries out through your nostrils!"

"Yeah, yeah..." The mare strolled by two figures on the way out.

"Mmmmph..." Imre fumbled over her instruments, carting them over towards a pale sink for "sterilization"... or else the next best thing. "If I'm lucky, she'll trip on her own hooves, if she can even find them from behind her ego..."

"Ahem..." Roarke's voice coughed from the far end of the infirmary. "Hello, Imre. Long time no see. I need a favor from you."

"Nnnngh..." Imre rolled her eyes with an undeniable grown. "I swear, one of these days, I'm going to shoot myself in the head."

Icily, Imre twirled around with a glare that was as cold as the metal scalpels lining the counter beside her.

"You've got a lot of nerve showing up here, Roarke," Imre said in a dull tone. "You've still haven't paid nearly half the bill you owe Lady Pestiferous for that metal job on your ribcage."

"The Lady and I are on good terms," Roarke said. "Terra can vouch for me."

"Terra can eat a hippopotamus and crap out wild boars. What's your point?"

"Point is, I may be in debt for the rest of my life," Roarke said. "But I still won't be as low in the food chain as a scalpel-sucking slave like you." Roarke's helmet parted ways to show her scowling face beneath a pair of lenses. "I'm here. You're here. Let's get to work."

"On what?" Imre's lips showed the faintest hint of a smirk, and it was most definitely venomous. "You?" She brushed a scarlet hoof through nonexistent hair, a noticeably lingering habit. "You hardly seem worse for wear. Don't waste my time. I've got two limb-cannons and a tail-lash to prepare by tomorrow or else my womb gets eviscerated and sold for chump change by the end of the week."

"I need you to fix a limb for me."

"Is that so?" Imre's brown eyes squinted. "You seem to be standing just fine. What's the matter, Roarke? Has chasing all those ghosts in Ledomare made you dizzy?"

"Something like that." Roarke reached back and yanked a stumbling figure in black armor into the infirmary.

"Ow ow ow—Must you always grab the left side?"

"Shut up." Roarke slapped the top of Rainbow's helmet.

The panels in the headpiece opened up, revealing an awkwardly blinking pair of ruby eyes and a twitching mouth beneath it. "What the—?! How the hay did you do that?"

"I need you to fix her," Roarke said. "And what's more..." She reached over and slapped a hoof on a panel, shutting the metal doors behind them. All three were alone, locked away inside the infirmary. "...I need you to do it without telling any of the other mares," Roarke said.

Imre squinted. "What is this?" She looked Rainbow over. "A half-blade? Roarke, since when were you taking up training a runt?"

"For the love of Celestia—I wish everypony would stop calling me a runt!"

"Shut up, runt."

"No!" Rainbow Dash batted Roarke's hoof away and stepped aside. "Enough hauling me around like I'm cargo! Should we forget that I'm the one who totally owned your flank!"

"You didn't own my flank," Roarke droned, nevertheless hiding her disgruntled expression. "You came upon me with tricks I'd never seen before."

"Oh, so now you're saying you meant for me to get the upper hoof on you!"

"I see..." Imre folded her forelimbs and smirked bitterly. "Not an apprentice, but a filly friend."

"NO." Shouted two voices, followed by the exchanged glances of Rainbow and Roarke, momentarily startled to have bellowed the same word at the same time. Rainbow brushed Roarked aside and limped towards Imre. "Look, you're a doctor. I see that. Can you help me out here? How I got to this place doesn't matter anymore. But I have friends out there who need me to find them and—" She froze, blinking. "You're a unicorn."

A blood-red horn stuck out of Imre's skull, slicing through the thinnest strip of purple mane hair. The rest was stubble over a shaved head... with a face that was caustically frowning at the bumbling outsider.

"Yeah, and you're an idiot." Imre hissed. "Small world, huh?"

Rainbow Dash gulped. "Not really." She squinted curiously at Imre, then flashed a confused look at Roarke. "What... wh-hat is this...?"

"Imre's talents have been... acquired... through various means," Roarke said, strolling over to the group. "What matters is that she's here—"

"Under protest," Imre grunted.

Roarke sighed, pausing in the middle of grasping Rainbow Dash's armor to glance Imre's way. "If you wanted to kill yourself by now, I'm sure you would have."

"I just like sticking around to give you and Terra and everypony else an earful," Imre droned.

"No, you're waiting for something, and until you tell us what it is, you're more valuable here than as a bounty." Roarke snapped a metal panel loose from Rainbow's armor and lowered it. "Why you haven't bothered to 'fess up is a mystery to me..."

"Pfft! Like you're one to care," Imre said, then blinked. "Wait... what's going on here? It's not like you to worry about another metal mare, Roarke. Do you owe her bits?"

"Just look at her limb, will you?" Roarke grumbled.

"Her legs look fine!" Imre stammered, pointing with an errant hoof. "I don't see why you're wasting... my... time..." Her voice trailed off as she blinked.

Rainbow Dash was wincing heavily. Nevertheless, she allowed her battered, bloodied wing to hang in full view of the surgeon's gaze.

Imre ran a hoof over her chin, chewing on her lip. "Hmmmph..." She glanced at Roarke, then back at the injured pegasus. "Yes... most definitely a small world..."

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