• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 9,222 Views, 10,169 Comments

Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Food for Thought

Sunlight glistened off the polished, curved towers of Blue Nova.

Several skyscrapers hovered above others, being levitated by glimmering rows of strategically placed mana crystals. Beneath these super structures, bridges, walkways, and even more buildings loomed in the shadows of the upper spires. The entire city possessed a deep blue luminescence, even in the lower avenues and concrete ravines populated by the Ledomaritan denizens of the metropolis.

Down in the back alleyways of the bustling city, ponies trotted back and forth: most of them in pairs, reuniting with friendly nuzzles as they went about discussing the business that had been concluded for the day. The afternoon was a long and restful thing in the city hubs of the Confederacy, and it was no less enjoyed here.

As a result, the streets emptied as most ponies retired to their lofty apartment balconies or the patios of nearby eating establishments. The putter and hum of airships rolled overhead with less frequency, mooring to various docking stations located along a vertical spindle built in the center of the city's northeast industrial district.

Deep within the darkest pockets of the urban expanse, as the motions of the day dwindled to a low hush, a mare sat with her flank against the concrete wall of a thin niche, curled up in a brown cloak. She raised a book in her yellow hooves, tilting it to the left and the right. As it faced northeast of her location, a symbol emblazoned across the front binding shimmered with lavender energy, illuminating a deadpan face with a shaved mane.

Bellesmith sighed slowly through her nostrils. Her forelimbs lingered where they held the book towards the mysterious source of its illumination. Groaning, she lowered the tome and gazed up at the incalculably huge skyscraper looming front of her.

"Where are you...?" she muttered aloud. After a gulp, Belle hoarsely added, "What are you? And just what are you doing here?"

The mare wasn't afforded the silence to entertain this question. A sharp scuffle echoed down the tiny niche from her left.

She jolted, pulling her cloak tight and squinting through the shadows.

A tall figure trotted towards her, his cloaked body silhouetted against the light from the adjacent courtyard behind him. "Relax," the stallion whispered. "It's just me."

Belle exhaled long and hard. She sat back on her haunches within the cramped niche and lowered her cloak's hood a bit. "Crimson taught you well in the stealth department."

"The Xonans had crystal motion sensors lining the trenches where we initially fought," Phoenix said as he trotted over to her side, squatting down and fumbling for something within the confines of his cloak. "Being quiet and soft-hoofed was the name of the game. It certainly helped us in Foxtaur... well... for a while, that is."

Belle shuddered. "Yeah..." Quietly, she slid the tome away into Princess Luna's saddlebags. With a gulp, she asked, "So, did you get any more information?"

"I got something better than information," Phoenix said. "Well, for the moment, at least." He finally pulled his hooves out from his cloak, revealing two loaves of bread.

Belle's brown eyes twitched, reflecting the tender dough. She glanced aside. "How...?" She bit her lip. "You didn't show your face by begging, did you—?"

"Heck, no. I know I'm pretty low right now, but I'm not subterranean." He gave her a goofy grin.

She merely stared at him.

"That... uhm..." He waved his hoof between them. "That was a joke."

"It was not a very good one."

"Yeah, I know." He cleared his throat and shifted the loaves of bread in two hooves. "I.. uh... swiped these from a table of an outdoor restaurant about three blocks away when the waiter wasn't looking. This appears to be the 'happy hour' of Blue Nova. Everypony with a bit bag is going out to eat somewhere. I wonder if it's a holiday or something."

"No..." Belle shook her head. "It's Evening Jubilee."

"Evening what?"

"The daily hour for beloveds to dine and share their experiences of the day—" Belle squinted at him. "Did you ever spend time in a Ledomaritan city before?"

Phoenix shook his head. "Just because I tried to defend this place didn't mean I bumped elbows with the local color."

"Well, the sun shines differently on every city. The color's always different." Belle gazed silently at the bread. "In Mountainfall, we had group dinners outside of the university..."

"I... uh..." Phoenix shrugged. "I had something similar to it. Back in Franzington, I mean. Family always ate together at sundown. Family's a big deal... uh... back home."

"Yes..." Belle nodded, avoiding his gaze. "I suppose that makes sense."

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Phoenix said, "Well, I may not be able to celebrate my dinner, and you may not be able to celebrate yours. But..." He held the bread forward. "Would you do me the honor of feeding your body something anyways? It's been an awful long time since you ate last, Ms. Bellesmith."

She managed a weak smile. "I appreciate it, Phoenix." She graciously took some of the bread from him and lowered her robe some so her forelimbs could have more freedom to move. "It means a lot that you'd go so far to get this for us."

"Well, there's really no other way to go about doing it," he said, instantly taking advantage of the moment by chewing a mouthful of the slightly stale meal. "Mmmmf... it's not like... mmmf..." He gulped. "Not like I can just walk up to any storefront and start asking for directions." He took another hungry bite. "After all... mmmf... we're starved Mintian vagabonds."

"I've never known a monk to be a 'vagabond,'" Belle said, gazing dully at her morsel. "But, I do suppose you and I are humble enough to pass as the real deal, so long as we don't speak to the locals... unless we absolutely have to, of course."

Phoenix munched, pointed, and swallowed before saying, "Would ya eat? We're gonna need your strength too, ya know."

"If we got in a fight, I don't think I'd be of much help."

"I mean for that brain of yours!" Phoenix hoarsely exclaimed. "I mean, you have been figuring out where we're supposed to go next." He blinked. "Haven't you?"

Belle didn't reply. Instead, she chose precisely that moment to take a hearty beat. She chewed for the better part of a moment before gulping daintily and saying, "I'd get us going this very second if I wasn't so terribly confused."

"Confused?" He eased down on his haunches and sat perpendicular to the mare within the cramped niche. "In what way?"

"We've trotted and trotted for circles," Bellesmith muttered, gazing down at her saddlebag where the tome reted. "And I can't figure out what's making the rune light up."

"Well, whatever it is, it's here in Blue Nova, isn't it?"

"Well, yes, I know that," Belle said, her voice gravely for a moment. She squinted into the shadows as she thought aloud, "But it's almost as if the source is somewhere above us..."

Phoenix's mouth hung open, but he lingered before taking another bite. He leaned forward, his eyes narrow. "Come again?"

"That's precisely what vexxes me too," Belle said. "The only sort of thing that has ever caused runes like this to glow is the same ancient energy that appears to empower Rainbow Dash. But, from what she's told me and from what she's seen, that sort of thing has only ever been located beneath the earth's crust."

"In those... erm..." Phoenix blinked. "...machine rooms, right? Isn't that h-how you explained it to me?"

"I don't think I have the authority to explain it," Belle remarked. "I don't think even Rainbow Dash could! Whatever these runes are connected to, it's something older than time."

"Yeah, and...?"

"If I didn't know better..." Belle tilted her head up towards the immense tower looming over them both. "I'd say the book was telling me that something just as equally important is located inside this building right here."

Phoenix raised an eyebrow. He glanced numbly up at the skyscraper. "This building right here?"


"Why this building?"

"Over the past twenty-four hours, as we've walked around it, the book appears to light up only when I point in its general direction."

"Huh..." Phoenix rubbed a nonexistent mustache in thought. "Interesting that it'd be this structure."

"What?" Belle turned to squint at him. "Why's that so interesting—?

Phoenix opened his mouth to speak, but just then his ears twitched. So did Belle's, as both ponies heard bombastic music playing. It was as if an entire symphony had been dropped down on their heads, spilling down each end of the slender niche within which they were huddled. Looking up, the two saw the air splitting from the dark shadow of a low-flying zeppeling idling overhead. Hints of blue banners and glowing purple manalight streaked by, and several large speakers were blaring, broadcasting the anthem, followed by the crackling capture of an announcer's voice.

"That's right! Workers and travelers! Beloveds and families! Nightshade Industries invites all good subjects of Ledo to attend today's weekly presentation at the Blue Nova Court! The Madame's trusted clerk, Sir Ordo will be there with some exciting news from the front! As well as the month's latest stock report! Don't keep the faithful Ordo waiting! Be there, beloveds, and may the Spark enrich everypony this fine evening!"

Bellesmith blinked, staring up into the shadow of the passing zeppeling high above. "Nightshade Industries..." She bit her lip, her eyes seeing a campfire in each blinking motion of her lids.

"I was just about to tell you, this building right here—the one you're talking about in particular? I've seen tons of ponies marching in and out of it during my walks as I've tried to gather info of this place." Phoenix fidgeted as he said, "I dunno who Ordo is, but they keep talking about this 'Nightshade' lady. Come to think of it, the name is pretty familiar. A lot of our Ledomaritan stallions-in-arms had the name showing up on their regularly issued gear. Like... horseshoes, hygiene products, rations and the like. Boy, I tell you... we Blades Guilders felt pretty envious from time to time..."

Belle reached a hoof up. She felt her stubby horn, her ears ringing with the words of blue-uniformed guards, barely a day and a half old. She frowned, then jumped up to her hooves.

Phoenix blinked up at her. "Erm... are we going somewhere?"

"I believe we are," she said, adjusting her cloak as she made for the far end of the alley. "Something tells me we're late for a presentation at Blue Nova Court..."

"But... But..." Phoenix scrambled awkwardly after her. "The br-bread...!"

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