• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Time to Disappear

It was a very awkward scene down in the arena. With no fighting, no chanting for blood, no wheezing speech on behalf of the Top Spear, everything had collapsed into a tittering lull, so quiet that even the buzzing hum of the manalights could be heard over the ruins of the recent melee. Metal mares exchanged wide-eyed glances while Terra and Lady Pestiferous shifted about nervously, side by side.

Up above, through the thick layers beyond the ceiling, several dull thuds could be heard, followed by an enormous, thunderous crash. Then—after a few more breathless seconds—the light flickered. Mares gasped and guards grunted in surprise. The lights flickered again, and suddenly they dimmed.

With a high-pitched whine, the ring of blue force field energy shorted out and died. Sparks flew from every door of the arena. Guards and prisoners alike had to jump aside as stone panels opened and closed beneath them. A worried tumult rose, and soon the place was still again.

The darkness spread as the manalights died one by one. Then—with a strange whurring noise—many trap doors in the floor of the arena yawned open around the edge of where the Ursa descended. A few seconds passed. A few more...

With ravenous, frenzied roars, three manticores leapt up out of their pens below the killing floor. Then four more jumped out. They looked in every direction until their hungry eyes spotted the shocked metal mares up above. Without hesitation, the beasts jumped up into the stands and pounced upon anypony they could see.

Screams returned to the arena, only this time they belonged to the armored mares as they fought off the beastly ambush. Lacerating claws exchanged blows with metal-laced hooves. Those mares who tried firing their rockets and manacannons found their armor suddenly incapable of responding to their commands. The confusion mixed with the adrenaline of the manticore charge, and soon the once-fearless warriors were battling with blind rage.

Terra gritted her teeth so hard they nearly produced sparks. "An invasion! Someone is draining our power!"

"Hckkkkt... The Grid..." Pestiferous suddenly hissed.

Rainbow Dash flung her a curious glance.

The Top Spear shook her metal-laced limbs as she stood up at her full, intimidating height. "We musssssht not let them get to the heart of the Grid! Hckkkt—Sisssshters and daughterssssh of Ssshearo!" She motioned as she bounded like an enormous, diseased giraffe towards the stands above. "Follow me! The blood we ssssshpill tonight we do for our Goddesssssh' keep!"

"Grrrgghhh... Who dares?! I'll rip out their hearts and feed it to their children!" Terra grumbled. A manticore bounded up and screamed into her face. The gigantic mare merely spun and gave the thing a right-hook to its lion face. As the beast fell, Terra closed her helmet and galloped thuddingly up the steps, weaving in and out of errant battles as she made her way to the upper levels.

Rainbow Dash gazed after them. She blinked and helped a dazed Imre up to her hooves. "Do they always just... run off like that?"

"When they smell blood, they're there," Imre muttered. She gulped and added, "Metal mares gonna metal..."

"But where does that leave us?"

"Hey! You!" A voice shouted.

Imre, Rainbow Dash, and the helpless ponies glanced over.

A guard limped towards them, bleeding from a manticore bite. She nevertheless produced a blade from her forelimb and snarled, "Your purpose in this world is over, runts!" She raised the blade to strike. "The beasts here will surely dine on your fl—"

Roarke's hoof slammed across her face. The guard spat blood and crumpled to a rusted heap on the ground.

Rainbow Dash and Imre winced.

Roarke stood evenly on the ground. She turned and looked at them.

They gazed at her.

Roarke's lenses retracted. With a deep breath, she spun, opened a side panel in her armor, and shot two rockets towards the wall of the arena. With the force field gone, the stone partition completely crumbled, revealing a lateral passageway on the other side of the clearing smoke. The floorspace of the arena between that spot and the brand new exit was presently devoid of battling metal mares and manticores.

Rainbow Dash squinted, gazing curiously from the hole to Roarke.

Roarke backtrotted away. Without saying a word, she closed her helmet, backflipped, mounted the edge of the arena with rocket thrusters, and galloped off to join the current of charging warriors.

Her eyebrow raised, Rainbow Dash stammered, "Is that her way of saying 'Bon voyage?'"

"You wanna know what I think about Roarke?" Imre shook her head and murmured, "I don't know what to think anymore."

"Good," Rainbow Dash nodded. "I'm an expert at not-thinking." She turned and shouted at the jittery group of surviving stallions and equines on the arena floor. "Everypony! We're getting out of here! If you wanna join us, then you'd better keep close! Let's make like alicorns and friggin' disappear!"

As the frantic herd of innocents charged out of the broken gap, an armored figure watched secretly from above.

Shuffling about in the shadows, Roarke resumed her flight towards the top levels of Searo's Hold. Rounding a corner, she paused to reach one hoof to a panel built into the opposite forelimb's metal plates. She pressed a pair of buttons, causing several lights to flicker across her suit, followed by a steady beeping tone.

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