• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 6,226 Views, 336 Comments

Sirens of the Night II - The Crazed Werewolf

No one at CHS believes that Sunset Shimmer isn't Anon-A-Miss. No one except her cousins that is. Now the Dazzlings must race against time itself to avert tragedy.

  • ...

Plan B

As Flash had suspected, half of the student population was indeed hanging out at Sugarcube Corner after school. Seated at their usual place were four members of the Rainbooms, plus Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Adagio. Adagio excused herself and went joined her sisters and cousin when they walked in along with Flash and Pinkie. Pinkie and Sonata turned toward the cafe's counter to place everyone's drink orders. As she passed Adagio, Sonata plucked her sister's drink from her hands and took a sip before making a face and handing the drink back to Adagio.

"So what's the plan?" Adagio asked as she took a seat across from Aria and Flash and next to Sunset.

"You'll have to wait for Sonata," Aria answered, "just like the rest of us."

"Sonata came up with this plan," Adagio retorted, "really? This will be hilarious."

"Ooooh, I'm so doomed," Sunset groaned.

"Her idea can't be that bad," Flash said with optimism.

"You have no idea," Adagio replied as Pinkie and Sonata returned with everyone's drinks.

"Let's see," Pinkie said, " hot cherry tea with a lemon wedge for Sunset. Root beer float with chocolate ice cream for Mr. Sentry. One caffeine-free diet soda for Aria."

"Don't judge me," Aria said.

"Two triple shot espresso's with whipped cream and sprinkles for Pinkie and myself," Sonata said, "and one dark mocha iced coffee for Adagio."

"Come to momma!" Adagio said as the drink was placed in front of her.

"Ok Sonata," Aria said after everyone hate taken a moment to enjoy their drinks, "what is this master plan of yours?"

"Mmmm," Sonata said as she swallowed, "ok, so tomorrow is the Girls basketball team's last game before Winter Break."

Everyone seated at the table nodded.

"Adagio, who is CHS playing against?" Sonata asked.

"Crystal Prep," Adagio answered, "but what does that have to do with catching Anon-A-Miss?"

"I can't touch the school computers," Sonata said, "but Twilight can. What I propose is for Aria to give the two of you a tour of campus, then have Twilight hack into MyStable from one of the school computers and track down Anon-A-Miss."

"And what are Aria and I doing while Twilight is mucking around in the school computers?" Adagio asked.

"Making sure that she doesn't get caught of course." Pinkie answered. Sunset jumped, it took her a moment to realize that her phone was vibrating in her pocket. She took it out and looked at the caller ID before answering.

"Hi Gram!" Sunset said.

"Hey Gramsies!" Sonata said loudly enough for the microphone on Sunset's phone to pick up.

"Yeah I'm hanging out with Sonata and her sisters," Sunset said into the phone, "that's strange, mom always answers her phone. Aunt Luna did say that mom had to leave school early due to an emergency, but she wouldn't elaborate. Ok Gram I love you too, I can't wait to see on Christmas."

Sunset ended the call.

"What's up Sunset?" Flash asked.

"That was our grandmother," She answered as she gestured to herself and the three Dazzlings, "she tried to call my mom earlier but the phone went straight to voicemail. She wanted to talk to mom about our grandparents upcoming Holiday visit."

"Dammit," Adagio said suddenly, "I still haven't gotten anything for Luna!"

"Leave that to me," Sonata said before she reached into Pinkie's hair and pulled out a digital camera.

"I'm not even going to ask," Flash said, dumbfounded.

"We find that it just works best if you don't." Aria said to him.

"Well if it isn't Monsters Inc. and their little fan club," A new voice said. The cafe became as silent as a tomb, and time seemed to stand still, as Aria's head whipped around and faced the newcomer.

"Gilda," Aria said through clenched teeth. She felt herself get warm, and nobody noticed the subtle glow that the bright orange pendant around her neck was giving off.

"Aria," a voice said from far away.

"Aria," Flash repeated, "she isn't worth it."

"Flash you're right," Aria said, "I'll save my anger for whoever framed Sunset."

"Gilda," Gilda's younger sister, Gabby said, "let's get out of here."

"Shut up Squirt," Gilda yelled at her sister.

"Kid, a word of advice," Aria said to Gabby, "watch your sisters actions here today and decide for yourself if she is worth emulating."

"C'mon Gabby," Gilda said as she spun on her heels to leave, "we don't have to take this!"

"Aria, are you alright," Pinkie said, "you're covered in sweat!"

"It does feel a bit warm in here." Aria said.

At another table in the cafe, six girls had watched the confrontation between Aria and Gilda.

"Why do they come to Sunset's defense," Rainbow said, "it's obvious that she is Anon-A-Miss."

"I'm not sure, I doubt that Sunset would put up with all the abuse she receives if she was," Fluttershy said, she sank into her seat when five pairs of eyes turned to her, "or maybe not."

"I just want ta know why she would throw our friendship away like she did," Applejack said.

"Perhaps Fluttershy is right Darling," Rarity said, "Pinkie obviously believes that she is innocent."

"What if Pinkie is under the Siren's Spell," Sweetie Belle said, "and she doesn't know what she is doing."

"No more classical Greek literature for you young lady," Rarity replied with a giggle.

Back at the table Sunset and the others were sitting at, Aria was busy gulping down her third glass of ice water, when Sunset's phone went off again.

"Hey mom, you want me to come home now? Alright I'm on my way." Sunset said into her phone.

"Hold up Sunset," Aria said, "I'll walk you home, Gilda might still be hanging around."

"I'll go with you too," Flash said, "safety in numbers."

Aria felt her cheeks blush at Flash's offer, she desperately hoped that no one noticed. Unfortunately for her, somebody did notice, and Sonata quietly filed Aria's reaction away for a later date.


"Thanks for walking me home," Sunset said as the trio stood outside Celestia's house.

"Are you going to be alright Aria?" Flash asked.

"Yeah I feel better now," Aria answered, "I don't know what came over me."

Sunset watched her two friends walk down the driveway before she turned and entered the house. She was met by her mom standing over a skillet on the stove and Scootaloo seated at the table tearing into a stack of pancakes.

"Breakfast for dinner? What madness is this," Sunset said to her mother's amusement, she then turned to Scootaloo, "how are you Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo didn't answer, she just looked at Sunset with what could either have been interpreted as fear or wariness in her eyes.

"You probably won't believe me," Sunset said, "but I'm not Anon-A-Miss."

"I know," Scootaloo said quietly.

"Sunset," Celestia said, having watched the two girls interact, "Scootaloo will be staying with us for a while."

"Ok," Sunset said, "oh before I forget, Grams was trying to reach you."

"I forgot that I had shut off my phone," Celestia said as she put a stack of pancakes in front of Sunset, "I better go call her. Sunset would you show Scootaloo around after dinner, she can use Luna's old room."

Sunset nodded since she was busy chewing on pancakes.

"Oh, these are so good," Sunset exclaimed, "mom makes the best pancakes!" Now it was Scootaloo's turn to nod with a mouthful of pancakes.

After a moment of eating in silence, Sunset looked at Scootaloo.

"I guess we'll start here in the kitchen," Sunset said, "do you drink tea or coffee?" Scootaloo shook her head no.

"We pretty much run on it in the mornings," Sunset said with a smirk, "you don't have to worry about not being able to eat something, just don't get between mom and cake."

"What do I do with my dishes?" Scootaloo asked.

"Rinse them in the sink and put them in the dish washer," Sunset explained, "mom will start it before she goes to bed."

"Ok," Scootaloo said, she was still getting used to the idea of living with both her Principal and Sunset Shimmer.

"That door," Sunset said as she pointed to the door that Celestia had gone through, "leads to the basement, which mom has turned into her home office."

Sunset stood up and gestured for Scootaloo to follow her. The entered the living room. Scootaloo was impressed my both the game console set up and the surround sound. Both were hooked up to the largest T.V. that Scootaloo had ever seen.

"This is the living room," Sunset said as she spun in place, "Mom's little secret is that she loves video games."

"She does," Scootaloo said confused, she had a hard time seeing Principal Celestia playing a video game on her time off.

"Trust me," Sunset said, "need help carrying your things? The tour continues upstairs."

Scootaloo looked at her small duffel bag and hugged it close to her, "I've got everything."

Sunset looked at her with sympathy before she led the younger girl upstairs. Sunset nodded toward a door at the end of the hallway.

"That's mom's room," Sunset said before opening a door that led to an ordinary room with dark blue wallpaper, "and this is your room. The bathroom that you and I will share is across the hall. And if you ever want to talk, my room is on the other side of that wall."

Scootaloo nodded and watched as Sunset left the room. Do I tell her who Anon-A-Miss is, she thought to herself, or do I just keep it to myself? Ugh why does life have to be so damn hard?

Later that night after Sunset got out of the shower she looked in on Scootaloo. The younger girl looked like she hadn't moved much, she was sitting on the edge of the bed and was holding her Pegasus plush tightly. Sunset sighed and knocked on Scootaloo's door after getting dressed.

"Hey, what's bothering you Scootaloo?" Sunset asked as she took a seat next to Scootaloo.

"It's so strange to find myself in a warm house," Scootaloo explained, "I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop."

"I know what you mean," Sunset replied, "it took me a while to adjust to not living on the streets after Mom took me in."

"You were homeless?" Scootaloo said with some surprise, "but you're Sunset Shimmer!"

"Yeah, I was homeless," Sunset said, "until the week after the last Fall Formal."

"But how," Scootaloo said, she was at a loss for words, she was realizing that she and Sunset had more in common than she had thought.

"It's a long story," Sunset said as she got up to exit the room, "and we have school tomorrow, but I promise I will tell you. For now, welcome to Celestia's Home for Wayward Children."

Sunset nearly walked into Celestia as she exited Scootaloo's room.

"Celestia's Home For Wayward Children," Celestia said with a raised eyebrow.

"What else would you call us," Sunset replied, "good night mom."

Author's Note:

The first part of this chapter that takes place in Sugarcube Corner was originally going to be part of the last chapter, but I moved it to be the opening scene for this chapter.

Ok so i figure that the pendent are each a different color. Aria's is ornge, Sonata's is a dark purple that Rarity would call eggplant, and Adagio's is bursting with colors. More on this later in the story, but you get bonus points if you can figure out the significance of the colors.

I am cutting this chapter short. In the next chapter Twilight searched CHS's computers for information on Skunk Apes!