• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 6,225 Views, 336 Comments

Sirens of the Night II - The Crazed Werewolf

No one at CHS believes that Sunset Shimmer isn't Anon-A-Miss. No one except her cousins that is. Now the Dazzlings must race against time itself to avert tragedy.

  • ...

The Princess and the Ring

After everyone finished opening presents and the wrapping paper that had gotten spread around the room had been cleaned up,, Celestia slipped out to make a phone call. The five teenagers and their grandparents settled in to watch Christmas movies, which Sunset enjoyed more than horror movies. Luna stepped outside and sat on the porch swing. No snow had fallen over night, and Windy Whistles, the meteorologist for Canterlot's largest television station, was predicting a mild winter.

Luna looked in the window into the living room where her daughters were watching a movie with her parents. Raven had joined them. Aria and Adagio sat on either side of Raven while Sonata sat on the floor and was leaning against her legs. Raven had accepted the three girls as if they had been apart of their lives all along and not only a few months.

Raven and Luna had met and became friends during highschool and they had remained friends during college. They hadn't started dating until a few years after they had both graduated. Luna
wanted to make things more permanent, but she wasn't sure how her daughters would feel, they were still getting used to living with Luna. Luna idly fingered the the small wrapped box in her coat pocket.

Luna was suddenly brought out of her thoughts as the porch swing suddenly moved. Looking around, Luna saw that Celestia had joined her. The elder sister seemed to have a knowing smile on her face.

"Penny for your thoughts," Celestia said, looking at Luna.

"I was just thinking about how different things are now," Luna said, "back when school started neither of us had children of our own, and now we both have a group of teenage girls, and you know what? I wouldn't change a thing."

"I know," Celestia said, "I only wish that we had stepped in sooner for all five of them."

"Well, they have you now, and that's enough," both women looked up and saw their father standing on the porch. They hadn't heard him come outside.

"Those five girls have each been through a lot," Hurricane said, "you can see it in their eyes if you look. But the important thing is that they have the two of you and each other. By extension, both your mother and I will always be there for them."

"Are you upset that we never gave you any biological grandchildren," Luna asked.

"No," Hurricane said after a moment, "Celestia always said that her students were her children, and you never had any interest in raising young kids."

"Remember that time you had to babysit Cadence," Celestia said with a laugh, "you were in over your head. I still don't know how you managed to get finger paint inside the stereo."

"I thought we agreed to never speak about that," Luna sighed, "I was ten, and Cadence was eight."

"I'd never seen the house in such disarray," Hurricane smiled at the memory. Suddenly the front door of the house opened and five girls seemed to burst out of house all at once. Scootaloo had her new scooter with her while Sunset, Adagio, Aria and Sonata each had their phones out and we're filming each stunt that Scootaloo performed.

"Wow," Hurricane said as he watched Scootaloo, "she's quite good."

"She is," Celestia said, "I just hope that she doesn't hurt herself."

"That is an eventuality," Hurricane replied, "your mother is I were constantly taking you two to the hospital for some injury that you had sustained."

"We were a handful weren't we," Luna said with a laugh as she remembered one time that she had to taken to the hospital after she had fallen from a tree. Then there was the time that Celestia had broken her wrist during cheerleading practice when she was in high school.

Hurricane reached out and gave Luna's shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"Just remember," he said to both of his daughters, "the number one thing to remember about raising kids, teenagers especially, is that you are making everything up as you go."

Luna watched as the girls played and goofed off with each other. Their laughter filled the yard and it was contagious. She didn't notice that Raven had take Celestia's spot on the swing until she felt the mug of hot chocolate get placed in her hands. Raven I Andromeda had brought each of the adults a mug of the warm chocolatey liquid and they each sipped away at it quietly as they watched the girls play.

"So," Andromeda said finally, looking at her youngest daughter and her girlfriend, "any romantic plans for the evening?"

"Curl up under blankets and watch movies." Raven answered.

"And try to keep Aria and Tiberius from stealing Adagio's diary," Luna added, " I don't quite know how they do it, but they have a system worked out."

That caused each of the adults to laugh.

"Aria is just like you," Hurricane said, " you and your sister's pet bird would steal Celestia's diary all the time. What was that birds name again?"

"Philomena," Celestia answered, "I still don't know how you were able to get Philomena to do that."

"And I'll never tell," Luna replied slyly.

Eventually everyone went back inside the house. Aria, Sonata and Scootaloo played at Tiberius while both Sunset and Adagio called thier friends.

"Girls" Andromeda called out, "would you like to sing Christmas carols?"

Sonata, Adagio, and Aria looked at each other nervously. The last time they had sung, they had been trying to take over Canterlot High as the first step to world domination. They didn't want to repeat their past, especially know that they had a real family. Andromeda saw the frightened looks on the three girls.

"Singing is easy" Andromeda said.

"The girls are great singers with amazing voices," Luna answered for them, "but singing is how they caused trouble at school. Their songs were... Hypnotic."

"We don't ever want to do that again," Aria said, "so it be alright if we just sat and listened?"

"Yes dear," Andromeda said as she pointed t the couch, "why don't you three just sit there."

The three girls sat listening to the rest of their family sing carols. It was during Silent Night that Sonata found her self singing along, and soon both Adagio and Aria joined in.

After singing carols, Luna reached into her pocket and pulled out the small gift wrapped box for Raven. Raven looked at the box curiously before opening it. Inside she found a gold ring. Looking up at Luna, she found her down on one knee.

"Raven, would you marry me?" Luna asked.

To overcome to say anything, Raven nodded before she jumped into Luna's arms.