• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 6,225 Views, 336 Comments

Sirens of the Night II - The Crazed Werewolf

No one at CHS believes that Sunset Shimmer isn't Anon-A-Miss. No one except her cousins that is. Now the Dazzlings must race against time itself to avert tragedy.

  • ...

The Dazzlings are on the Case!

Aria stood in front of the table that she, Sonata and Sunset had eaten at the day before. As she looked around the cafeteria, none of the other students seemed to be paying any attention to her. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Unfolding it revealed a printed copy of the "Monsters Inc." picture that had been posted the previous day. Aria compared the angle of the photograph and was able to pinpoint where the picture had been taken from. Looking up from the picture she found her self looking at...

"The vending machines, really!" Aria said in disgust and anger. So much for this being easy. Whoever Anon-A-Miss was, they were being careful to cover their tracks.

"Watcha doin Aria?" Pinkie and Sonata both said simultaneously from behind her.

"GAH! Don't sneak up on me like like that," Aria said as she took a seat next to Sonata and laid the picture on the table, "I was hoping I could at least find out which table the picture was taken from, but no luck."

Sonata looked around the cafeteria, "where is Sunset, is she joining us for lunch today?"

"No she is eating in Aunt Celestia's office." Aria responded, "Sonata could you hack into the school computers and find out who logged into the Anon-a-Bitch profile?"

"I could," Sonata replied, "but after the incident last week, mom decided to ban me from using the school computers."

"The computer lab still smells like burnt plastic," Pinkie said.

"Looks like we'll have to use Plan B," Aria sighed.

"Ooh I like Plan B," Sonata replied, "what's Plan B?"

"As soon as I come up with it, I'll tell you," Aria said.

"Um, excuse me," a new voice said, "are you positive that Sunset is innocent?'

"Oh, hey Muffins," Aria said looking at the blond haired girl.

"You may call me Derpy," she replied, "everyone else does."

"What's up Derpy?" Pinkie asked.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation," Derpy said, "do you really mean that Sunset isn't Anon-A-Miss?"

"We're certain of it," Aria answered, "you wouldn't happen to have any idea who it might be would you?"

"No," Derpy said after a moment of deep thought, "but I'll keep me eyes and ears open."

"Thanks Derpy," Aria said.

"Oh and before I forget," Derpy said, "you may want to talk to Flash."

The three girls looked at each other before turning in their seats and looking across the cafeteria to where Flash Sentry sat alone. They turned back around to ask Derpy more but she had bounded off singing about muffins. Before any of them could go talk to the blue haired guitarist, they noticed Hoops passing out flyers.

"Watcha got there Hoops?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Come support the Girls Basketball team this Friday against Crystal Prep," Hoops said, reciting a line that he had obviously rehearsed as she gave them each a flyer, "it's the last game before winter break."

They read the flyers as Hoops moved on to the next table.

"I'VE GOT IT!" Sonata cried aloud, causing the occupants of the surrounding table to turn and stare at her.

"What do you have?,H Aria replied with an arched eyebrow.

"And if it is contagious," Pinkie added, "don't kiss me!"

"Plan B!" Sonata said, "we just have to convince both Adagio and Cadence to bring Twilight to Friday's game."

"Why?" Aria asked.

"Call Dagi and have her meet us at Sugarcube Corner after school," Sonata said, "I'll explain everything then."

"Why can't you call Adagio?" Aria asked. Sonata hesitated before pulling out a lump of charred plastic and glass from her pocket.

"That was my phone," Sonata said, "I tried to use it to hack into the School's network."

"Mom is gonna kill you," Aria said, "you know that right?" Sonata only nodded.

<RING!!!!!!!!!> The bell that signified the end of the lunch period rang. Aria looked at her sister as she stood up.

"Fill Pinkie in on your plan and tell me about it after school." Aria said.

"What are you gonna do?" Sonata asked.

Aria nodded toward Flash Sentry, "I'm going to go talk to Flash."

"Why do you always get to talk to the cute guy? OUCH, HEY!" Sonata demanded to know, Pinkie had pinched Sonata on her rear.

"Get out of here Aria," Pinkie said as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, "I have to remind 'Nata that she is mine!"

Aria just laughed.

As she made her way toward the school library for her next class, which happened to be Study Hall, she could feel tension that was hanging in the air. We couldn't make things this bad even when we were at our best. As she entered the library it didn't take her long to find Sunset, she had traded her prized leather jacket in for an inconspicuous drab hoodie, the back of which was covered in spitballs. She took a seat next to her cousin.

"Hey Sunset," Aria said, she could tell that Sunset had been crying, her face was puffy, "would you mind helping me Study or Mr. Doodle's chemistry test?"

Sunset nodded. She looked around at all the angry glares she was getting from the other students, but few of them were brave enough to say anything in the presence of Aria. Aria watched as Flash entered the library, he started to take a seat away from all the other students, but stopped when he noticed Aria waving him over. Sunset looked worried when she noticed him take a seat across from her.

"Sunset," Flash said, "I know that you aren't behind this. I've seen you at your worst, but I've also seen a side of you that very few others have."

"You don't think I did this," Sunset asked quietly "I don't even know any more. What if that demon that I became is back and is doing this when I'm not aware of it?"

Flash reached across the table and took Sunset's hand into his. Sunset looked up and met his gaze.

"Sunset, Anon-A-Miss lacks your level of finesse," Flash answered, "you were always careful to make sure that everyone knew it was you even though there was little to no evidence that you were responsible. Anon-A-Miss is just sloppy."

"I also remember the girl who was filled with wonder at everything she saw," Flash continued, "of course I now know that was because you are a magical sentient horse from an alternate dimension."

"Unicorn," Aria interjected.

"So, how do we put an end to Anon-A-Miss?" Flash asked.

"We're still working on that," Aria answered, "meet us after school at Sugarcube Corner."

"You have a plan?" Sunset asked.

"Sonata does," Aria answered. Sunset slammed her head on the table.

"I'm doomed," Sunset said with anguish.

"Shhhhhhhh!" Ms. Cheerilee said after having appeared from thin air before retreating down a book lined aisle.

"I'll admit that Sonata doesn't always think things through," Aria said, "but she really wants to help you."

"I guess we can give her plan a shot," Sunset said, "what is it?"

"Join us at Sugarcube Corner after school and find out." Aria replied.

"Aria," Flash said, "is that a good idea, half the school heads over there after class."

"Look at it this way," Aria countered as she looked at Sunset, "show Anon-A-Miss that you aren't intimidated by her."

"What makes you so certain that Anon-A-Miss is a she?" Flash asked.

"Look at her name," Aria said.


Meanwhile, across campus.

"Principal Celestia will see you now," Raven said to the woman seated outside Celestia's and Luna's offices, Raven then dialed an extension, "Vice-Principal Luna, Principal Celestia would like to see you in her office."

A moment later, Luna emerged from her office and gave Raven a look that seemed to ask, "What's this about?" Raven just shrugged. When Luna entered her sister's office the first thing she noticed was the woman in the black business suit and the worried look on Celestia's face. Everything about their mystery guest screamed "GOVERNMENT AGENT!"

"How may I help you miss...?" Celestia said as Luna took a seat.

"Safe Space," their guest said, "Agent Safe Space of the Canterlot County Division of Children Services."

Both women straightened up as the woman spoke.

"Is there a problem with one of our students?" Luna asked.

Agent Safe Space paused a moment before answering, "yes, it seems that one of your students is a runaway."

"Who?" Celestia asked, she had looked for any information she could on the native counterpart to Sunset Shimmer and hadn't found anything.

"Scootaloo," Agent Safe Space answered,"she ran away shortly before the start of the school year, her foster parents never notified our office."

"That was nearly five months ago," Luna exclaimed, "why are we just learning about this now!"

"Our office is understaffed, and unfortunately, a few cases do slip through the cracks."

"Luna," Celestia said, "where is Scootaloo now?"

"She was on today's absentee list, I was about to call her foster parents."

"She has an otherwise perfect attendance record," Celestia said as she reached for the PA microphone that sat on the corner of her desk, "let's see if Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle can point us in the right direction."

"Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are Scootaloo's best friends," Luna explained.

"Attention students," Celestia said into the PA system, "would Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle please report to the principal's office."

"What is going to happen to Scootaloo?" Luna asked after her sister had put the microphone back in the corner of her desk.

"Well, that depends on if I can find her," Agent Safe Space replied, "I understand that she has friends and relationships here and I would prefer to not take her away from that."

The phone on Celestia's desk began to ring, she picked it up, "thank you Raven, please send them in."

Three pairs of eyes watched as Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle entered the office. Luna stood up and offered one of them her seat as she leaned against her sister's desk. All three of them silently observed both of the girls look nervously at Agent Safe Space.

"Girls," Celestia began, "do either of you know where Scootaloo is?"

"Isn't she at home," Sweetie Belle said obviously confused, "I thought she was sick."

"Scootaloo ran away," Luna said bluntly, "do either of you know where she might be?"

"Scootaloo ran away," Sweetie Belle repeated on the verge of tears, "why would she do that?"

Luna reached out and embraced Sweetie Belle in an effort to calm her down.

"Ah might know where she is," Apple Bloom said after a moment, "she told me over the Summer that she was havin' trouble with her foster parents,"

"Apple Bloom, where is she," Celestia asked.

"She has a little hideaway down by the creek in the park," Apple Bloom answered, "she likes to go there and getaway from her troubles."

Celestia reached into her desk drawer and grabbed her car keys before she looked at Luna.

"Take over for the rest of the day," Celestia said, "Tell Sunset that I won't be able to give her a ride home after school. Agent Safe Space, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

With that Celestia exited her office, with Agent Safe Space following on her heels, and leaving Luna with two worried young girls.

"I hope Scootaloo is OK," Sweetie Belle cried, "she never said anything about wanting to run away."

"Everything is going to be ok Sweetie Belle," Luna said, "we won't let anything happen to Scootaloo."


Celestia drove in silence at the knife's edge of the legal speed limit. Her mind was racing through the possibilities. She feared the worst, and each worst case scenario kept replaying itself in her mind's eye. Kidnapping, drug abuse, death, or worse.

"Calm down Celestia," Celestia told herself as she pulled into the park's parking lot, "Scootaloo is a tough girl, if she made it this far on her own, then she can last a few more minutes."

After finding a place to park her car, Celestia began to move as quickly as her heels would allow toward the creek.

"Hopefully she is here," Celestia said, "I don't know where else to look."

"Principal Celestia," Celestia heard Scootaloo say, "what are you doing here?"

Celestia looked up, Scootaloo was sitting by herself on a secluded park bench, and Celestia would have passed her by if Scootaloo hadn't of said anything.

"Scootaloo!" Celestia exclaimed as she took a seat next to the young girl, "are you alright?"

"Yeah," Scootaloo answered, "I just wanted to get away from CHS for a bit and clear my head."

"You know that if you have any problems, Vice-Principal Luna and I are always willing to listen," Celestia said, "our student's wellbeing comes first."

"I guess you heard that I ranaway," Scootaloo said quietly.

"It came up," Celestia answered, "why would you do such a thing?"

"Honestly, I can't remember the original reason," Scootaloo said. By this Agent Safe Space had caught up with Celestia and was standing nearby watching the two of them interact.

"What's troubling you Scootaloo?" Celestia asked.

"I know about something that started small, but now it's gotten so big that it is out of control," Scootaloo said, "and I don't know what to do."

"If you want my advice," Celestia said after a moment and Scootaloo simply nodded, "when you're ready, I'd tell someone, or at least try to solve the problem, don't let events spiral out of control and people get hurt worse than they already are."

"Scootaloo, do you have everything," Agent Safe Space said finally, "you are coming with me to the center."

"No!" Scootaloo cried as she tried to hide behind Celestia, "don't let them take me away!"

"Agent Safe Space," Celestia said, "I may have a solution. Why doesn't Scootaloo come home with me, my daughter is an upperclassmen at CHS, and I am her Principal, I'll make sure she she gets the care that she needs."

Safe Space thought about that for a moment.

"She obviously trusts you," Safe Space said, "this is highly irregular, but I will allow it with random visits to check on Scootaloo's well being until a more permanent solution is found."

Celestia gave Scootaloo a gentle hug, as Safe Space reached into her brief case.

"Luckily I have all the paperwork with me, so there is no need to head back to the office." Safe Space said. Over the course of the next hour, Agent Safe Space and Celestia filled out the necessary paperwork, and Safe Space explained to Celestia what would be expected of her.

"Ready to go Scootaloo," Celestia asked as Safe Space returned to her car, "got all your things?"

Scootaloo grabbed a purple duffle bag that had a cyan Pegasus plush sticking out of one of the pockets, in her other hand she carried her scooter. As the were leaving the patk, a thought popes into Scootaloo's head and she had to ask the necessary question.

"Who is your daughter," Scootaloo asked, "is it Rainbow Dash?!"

"No," Celestia answered with a chuckle, "Sunset Shimmer."

Author's Note:

Sorry that this chapter took so long to get out. I changed part of it midway through writing it. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.

Anon-A-Miss is still going to be a part of this story, but it is headed in a different direction than I had originally intended. I hope you appreciate the new direction this story is headed, and as always, I love feedback and comments.