• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 6,222 Views, 336 Comments

Sirens of the Night II - The Crazed Werewolf

No one at CHS believes that Sunset Shimmer isn't Anon-A-Miss. No one except her cousins that is. Now the Dazzlings must race against time itself to avert tragedy.

  • ...

Wild Horses

Pinkie Pie was enjoying a quiet evening with her three sisters when she suddenly felt an itch in the back of her neck. She jumped up and ran out of the room.

"Maude," she screamed as she ran through the house, "have you seen my wedding cake tin someone is getting hitched and I need to be ready!"

Maude simply looked at both Limestone and Marble. She shrugged. They were all used to Pinkie's unexplainable antics.

Luna and Raven sat curled up under a blanket alone in the living room. The rest of the family had discreetly decided to give the two of them some privacy and were busy playing board games in the kitchen.

"So," Sonata said as she moved her piece around the board, "when are you going to ask Flash out, Aria?"

The other three girls went silent at that question. Even Celestia's eyes darted between the two sisters.

"What makes you think that I will ask him out" Aria said, "how do you know that I even like him?"

"Well, there is the fact that you turn a brilliant shade of crimson whenever he's around."

"You did blush when he rescued us from that mob," Scootaloo added.

"He is cute," Sunset added, "we may have called it off, but I can still think that. There are worse guys at CHS."

"Yeah, CHS definitely got the cream of the crop when it comes to cute guys with personality," Adagio said, "the guys at Crystal Prep are all looks, but they are all so bland."

"You know Adagio," Celestia said, "that you have another cousin that attends Crystal Prep,"

"We have another cousin," Sonata exclaimed, "tell us more!"

"He's only a distant relation," Celestia said, "his father is mom's younger brother."

"Now I have to know who it is," Adagio, "I don't want to develop a crush on my own cousin."

"Blue Blood," Celestia said.

"Thank the stars, I thought that you were going to say Trenderhoof or Fancy Pants," Adagio said, "we're related to that narcissist?"

"Who is Blue Blood," Sunset asked.

"While I don't disagree with Adagio's description of him," Celestia said, "he is our cousin so that makes him family."

"As much as we wish otherwise," Andromeda said.

"Mother," Celestia said, obviously alarmed by her mother's comment.

"I love my brother," Andromeda said, "but I can't stand his wife or their offspring."

"I can't believe that we're related to Blue Blood," Adagio sighed, "but atleast we get Cadence as a cousin as well."

"Who is Cadence," Scootaloo asked.

"She's the dean at my school," Adagio said, "that's right, you haven't met her yet,"

"We need to get with Cadence anyways next week if we're going to be her bridesmaids," Sunset said, "we can introduce you to her then."

"I wasn't aware that Cadence asked you girls to be her bridesmaids," Andromeda said, "she hasn't been keeping me in the loop about her wedding."

"Because she knows that you'll try to take over wedding planning yourself," Celestia said, "besides, now you got to help Luna with her wedding."

"Speaking of my daughters wedding," Hurricane said as he rolled the dice and winked at his granddaughters, "when are you going to get married?"

"Let's leave my love life out of this conversation," Celestia said, "I would like to leave some mystery to life."

Sunset started to laugh, when she felt something scurry across her foot. Looking under the table she saw Tiberius crawling into Sonata's lap.

"Where have you been hiding," Sunset asked the fat opossum.

"You better not be sleeping in my suitcase," Adagio said, giving Tiberius her stink-eye.

Tiberius looked at her and chittered away, moving his front paws like he was having a conversation with her.

"That little rat is smarter than we give him credit for," Scootaloo said as she watched Tiberius interact with Adagio.

"He isn't a rat," Celestia said, "he is an opossum."

"The kids are on break," Andromeda said, "no teaching!"

"Learning is constant," Celestia countered.

"Returning to the original subject of our discussion," Adagio said as she subconsciously began to pet Tiberius, "When are you going to ask out Flash?"

"I don't know," Aria said , "what if he doesn't even like me."

"Are you kidding," Sunset said, "haven't you noticed that he always happens to be around when you need something, like that day at the park."

"He came in and rescued the damsel in distress," Sonata added.

"I'm not a damsel," Aria fumed, "and I'm not in distress!"

"Girls, let's drop it," Celestia said. Scootaloo yawned. She didn't want to admit it, but she was getting tired. She also found the subject of Aria's love life boring. She wasn't interested in that kind of thing, that was more Sweetie Belle's area of expertise.

"I think that Scootaloo has the right idea," Sunset said as she tried to stifle a yawn of her own, "we've got a long drive home tomorrow."

"What are you worried about," Celestia, "Luna and I are the ones doing the driving."

"Well I could help if you'd let me get my license," Sunset said.

"We'll talk," Celestia said. Sunset got up from the kitchen table and after wishing everyone a good night, she made her way upstairs. She was thankful that she had her own room. She was afraid that she would wake the others with her nightmares. The Demon had left Sunset alone since before the Battle of the Bands. Sunset still had the shard of glass wrapped up in a towel, hidden away in her desk at home. She thought that she had managed to banish the Demon for good, but it now appeared that it had just been biding it's time. Watching, waiting for the most opportune moment to strike. Anon-A-Miss had given it the opportunity it desired, and the Demon had manifested as Incognito.

In the bedroom across the hall, Adagio decided to tell both Scootaloo and Aria what she had discovered.

"So everything that I did as Anon-a-Miss brought back Demon Shimmer," Scootaloo said. She felt so ashamed. It had never been her intention to bring back the Demon that had plagued Canterlot High. She had just gained a sister, and now she was on the verge of losing her.

"It wasn't just you kid," Aria said, "everyone at CHS is to blame."

"We started it," Adagio said, "everything we did during the Battle of the Bands."

"We didn't know," Aria pointed out, "besides, we weren't exactly 'good' back then."

"You three were pretty awful," Scootaloo said, "but how do we save my sister?"

Author's Note:

So I changed things around a bit and made Blue Blood Celestia and Luna's cousin instead of their nephew. Remember that this story takes place in an alternate universe.

Could Scootaloo be the first CMC to "Pony Up"?