• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 6,225 Views, 336 Comments

Sirens of the Night II - The Crazed Werewolf

No one at CHS believes that Sunset Shimmer isn't Anon-A-Miss. No one except her cousins that is. Now the Dazzlings must race against time itself to avert tragedy.

  • ...

Christmas Morning

After Sunset had come down from her room after her shower, which had made her feel much better, she ate breakfast and on Andromeda's advice, she drank hot tea with honey.

"Grandpa, what was flying in outer space like," Sunset asked as her voice recovered.

"Well, for starters, being up there I didn't have to watch my weight," Hurricane answered, "the food wasn't the best, but there is no experience like the feeling of weightlessness."

"How did the shuttle handle during flight," Aria asked.

"Well, we aren't under power when we land, we glide in," Hurricane said.

"No engine power," Scootaloo said in disbelief.

"Yep," Hurricane said, "the shuttle burns up most of its fuel during take-off, doing maneuvers, and during re-entry, so by the time it comes to being wheels down, you're running on fumes anyways."

"Isn't that dangerous," Sonata said.

"No more dangerous than dropping bombs on Iraq in an F-14 during the First Gulf War." Hurricane replied. He was proud of both his service in the Navy and for NASA.

"Let's go open presents," Andromeda said, hoping to change the subject. She loved her husband very much, and was glad that he was now retired. She knew that he was looking forward spoiling both of Celestia's and Luna's daughters.

Everyone filed into the living room, Celestia and Luna directed the girls to take seats on the couch and the love seat. Hurricane disappeared for several minutes but he soon reappeared dressed like Santa Claus. He took a position near the tree and randomly grabbed a wrapped present from underneath. He read the tag before passing it to the person whom it was intended for.

Adagio opened the gift from both Luna and Raven. It was a new diary, one with a combination lock that she could set. Aria wasn't pleased, since now she wouldn't be able to read Adagio's diary.

Sunset received the next gift, it came from Raven, and consisted of a brand new Carvin amplifier for her guitar. Sunset was speechless, her current amplifier was a low power overworked device from Fender, that hadn't worked properly since she had used in several experiments to find out how her and her friends magic was affected by their music.

Luna was next, the gift she was handed said it was from all three of her daughters. She opened it up to find a photo collage of everyone else in her life (minus her parents, since Sonata hadn't been able to get a picture of them before she had put the finishing touches on the gift.). Luna could feel tears in her eyes and quickly and quietly swept up her three girls in a massive hug. Luna didn't say anything, but she knew exactly where she was going to put the collage, in her office at CHS.

"This is amazing," she said finally after letting go of the girls, "when did you have time to do this?" Most of the photos were candid shots, with the subject of the photo often oblivious to the fact that the picture was being taken.

"Oh I have my ways," Sonata said slyly, as she pulled out a digital camera and took a group photo to add to the collage later.

The next person that Hurricane handed a present to was Aria, the gift, which was from Luna, was the rare collectors edition of the first novel that Luna had ever written. Luna had even autographed it with a personal message for her daughter.

Sonata was surprised to find that her gift came from everyone, a brand new top of the line laptop computer that didn't threaten to electrocute her when she turned it on.

"I guess that it's time to retire Old Sparky," Sonata said.

"That thing has a name," Adagio said in disbelief.

"Yes he does," Sonata said, "and he is very sensitive."

"Of course he is," Sunset said, rolling her eyes.

Andromeda and Hurricane presented the girls with a family trip to Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center. Unfortunately Sunset, Luna and Celestia wouldn't be able to attend since the trip was scheduled at the same time as the Friendship Games. Celestia and Luna had agreed to allow the other girls to go since the trip would be educational.

Soon there were only two gifts left, a small box from Luna to Raven, which Luna insisted that Raven should open later, and a package to Scootaloo from Celestia.

Scootaloo slowly opened the wrapping paper. At first she thought that Celestia must have gotten her a coloring book or a magazine. But then she noticed that the papers bore the seal of the Canterlot County Department of Children's Services. She read the top page.

"Petition to Adopt," Scootaloo said a little confused. She looked at Celestia with tears streaming down her face. For so long she had wanted a family to adopt her, but she was bounced around from one foster family to another, until she had enough and ran away. Then Ms. Celestia had swooped in and taken her in. There she got not only a mother, but a big sister that looked out for her, but also three pretty awesome cousins too.

"Welcome to the family Scoots," Sunset said, embracing Scootaloo in a tight hug. A hug that the rest of the family quickly joined.

"You mean it," Scootaloo said, wiping away the tears.

"Absolutely," Celestia said, "you are as much a part of my life as Sunset, Sonata, Adagio and Aria are. Why should you be left out?"

"You still want me," Scootaloo said, "even after the part I played in Anon-a-Miss?"

"Scootaloo," Andromeda said, "everyone makes mistakes and stumbles now and then." Andromeda eyed both of her daughters, Celestia and Luna before continuing, "and family doesn't always get along, but we are still family. Even though we may not all be related, we still love one another and will face any challenges together."

"Thank you," Scootaloo said in a half whisper to no nobody in particular and to everyone at the same time.

Author's Note:

The moment that we all knew was coming has arrived. Now we just need to confront Incognito...

And what is in the box that Luna got for Raven?

So, after I nearly died two weeks ago, I have come to appreciate my own mortality, I am still in my thirties and trust me, it is a terrifying experience to watch your own blood pumping out of your body in time with your heart beat. It's even more terrifying when the paramedics arrive and the first thing that they say is "Wow, that's slot of blood." And then they couldn't stop the bleeding. I arrived at the ER and they repeated the exact words that the paramedics used. Luckily, the ER was able to stop the bleeding and I ended up receiving five units of blood.

I want to finish this story, and it's sequel. Writing has become very theraputic for me, it keeps my mind off of things that I hoped I would never need to think about.