• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 6,225 Views, 336 Comments

Sirens of the Night II - The Crazed Werewolf

No one at CHS believes that Sunset Shimmer isn't Anon-A-Miss. No one except her cousins that is. Now the Dazzlings must race against time itself to avert tragedy.

  • ...

Holiday Vacation, Day One

Adagio couldn't sleep. She sat at her desk in her bedroom quietly going over several pieces of paper while her sisters both slept in their own rooms and her mother, Luna, had just gone to her room at the end of the hall. Only Tiberius, Luna's pet opossum, was still awake. He sat comfortably on the corner of Adagio's bed watching her work.

Adagio had decided to put her analytical mind to work on discovering the identity of Incognito. She had managed to get copies of Incognito's MyStable posts and the email that had been sent to Sunset. Adagio couldn't allow Incognito to further terrorize Sunset. Sunset was family, and one thing that Adagio had learned through her experience in the human world was that family was more valuable than anything. And Adagio enjoyed having a family.

After reading each copy of the posts and email, Adagio noticed a pattern begin to emerge. A pattern that seemed awfully familiar to her. She felt as though she had spoken to Incognito before, almost intimately. She was positive that she knew who really was Incognito, and she hoped that she was wrong. She decided to try to get some sleep. She could deal with Incognito in the morning before the whole family left to go visit Luna and Celestia's parents.

"I hope I'm wrong about this Tiberius," Adagio said quietly to the fat marsupial. Tiberius just looked at her and yawned.

Adagio awoke to the smells of fresh coffee and frying bacon. She knew that Aria wasn't cooking, Aria had a habit of burning water. Groggily, Adagio got dressed and went down stairs to the kitchen. The first rays of the morning sun were peeking in the windows. Sonata stood at the stove humming a tune to herself as she cooked breakfast. Where did she get that ridiculous looking chef's hat, Adagio thought, On second thought, I don't want to know.

"Good morning Dagi'" Sonata said as she poured a cup of coffee for her sister. Adagio had given up trying to understand how Sonata could be fully awake in the morning.

"Morning." Adagio grumbled as she took her first sip of coffee, feeling the magical elixir jumpstart her brain.

"Mom and Aria are both still asleep, but Aunt Tia called and said that they will be heading over within the hour"" Sonata said.

"I thought that they were going to meet us after breakfast." Adagio said.

"I guess that Aunt Tia wants to get an early start today." Sonata replied as she went back to frying bacon.

"Please tell me that Aria isn't cooking," Luna said as she entered the kitchen.

"I'm standing right behind you." Aria said as she wiped the sleep from her eyes. That earned a laugh from both Adagio and Sonata.

"Is Raven coming with us," Adagio asked.

"Yes," Luna replied, "she called to tell me that she was on her way."

The door bell suddenly rang.

"I guess that is her," Luna said, "Adagio, could you please let her in?"

Adagio went to answer the front door. It wasn't Raven, instead she found Celestia, Sunset and Scootaloo standing there. She quickly ushered everyone inside, there was a slight chill in the morning air.

Scootaloo seemed amazed at how large Luna's house was. She had initially been impressed by Celestia's house, but Luna's was even larger. Adagio noticed the look in the younger girl's eyes.

"That's right, you've never been here before," Adagio said with a smile, "come on, I'll show you around. Just watch out for Tiberius."

"Who is Tiberius," Scootaloo asked.

"You'll find out," Adagio said as she began the tour."

Celestia watched as Adagio led Scootaloo upstairs to show her around.

"You're doing the right thing Tia," Luna said.

"Do you think that she suspects anything?" Celestia asked.

"Suspect what," Sonata said. Both Celestia and Luna looked around to find Aria, Sonata and Sunset looking at both of them.

"Nothing." Both sisters replied. It wasn't long before Adagio and Scootaloo both came back downstairs. Scootaloo was holding Tiberius in her arms.

"You really should put him on a diet." Celestia commented.

"You swear off the cake," Luna laughed, "and I'll put him on a diet."

Celestia didn't get a chance to reply, at that moment there was a knock at the door and Luna went to go answer it. She returned a few minutes later with her arm wrapped around Raven's waist.

"Well, now that we are all here," Celestia said, "let's load up and get the show on the road."

They all spent the next thirty minutes packing everything that they would need into Celestia's van and Luna's Camaro while Sonata cleaned up breakfast.

"It will take us almost nine hours to get to our parents house," Luna said, "we'll stop for lunch and breaks, we should arrive in time for dinner."

"Mom," Adagio said suddenly," do you mind if I ride with you?"

"Sure," Luna answered, "but wouldn't you rather ride in Celestia's van with your sisters and Sunset and Scootaloo?"

"I will probably sleep most of the trip," Adagio replied, "I didn't sleep well last night."

"Nightmares?" Luna asked.

"No," Adagio said, "anxiety I guess."

Luna reached out and gave Adagio a firm hug. Of her three daughters, Adagio was usually the most confident.

"Don't worry," Celestia said, "our parents will love you."

Adagio watched as her sisters climbed into Celestia's van. Celestia honked out "two bits" as she backed out of Luna's driveway. Adagio then climbed into the back of Luna's navy blue Camaro. She looked up after clipping her seat belt into place and saw her mother looking at her in the rear view mirror.

Luna knew her three daughters to know that something else other than anxiety was bothering Adagio.

"Now will you talk to me?" Luna asked.

Adagio sighed. She didn't know what exactly to say. So she decided to just say it.

"Last night I couldn't sleep, so I studied all the information that we have about Incognito," Adagio said, "I think that I know who Incognito is, but if I'm right, it could tear us all apart."

"Adagio, we both know that you are rarely wrong," Luna said, "that's one of the things that we all love about you."

"Yeah," Adagio answered, "but this is bad, and worse than Anon-a-Miss ever was."

"Okay," Luna said, "who is Incognito?"

"Sunset." Adagio replied.