• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 6,226 Views, 336 Comments

Sirens of the Night II - The Crazed Werewolf

No one at CHS believes that Sunset Shimmer isn't Anon-A-Miss. No one except her cousins that is. Now the Dazzlings must race against time itself to avert tragedy.

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A Gift of Great Significance

The next morning while everyone was loading Celestia's van and Luna's Camaro, Sonata, Aria, Adagio, and Scootaloo decided that Aria and Sonata would ride in Celestia's van with Sunset. They all figured that since they were the only ones with magic, it made sense to put them in a position to fight the Demon should it decide to come out.

"Hopefully it won't come to this, but I'm putting Rainbow on speed dial," Aria told Adagio, " and Sonata has Pinkie on speed dial."

"Not that it'll do any good," Adagio said, "they're half a State away, and only Fluttershy and Rarity have their license."

"Maybe they can give us moral support," Scootaloo said, though even she knew that they were up a certain creek without a paddle if there was a problem.

"I just wish that our moms weren't going to be around for this," Sonata said, looking over her shoulder to where Celestia, Luna and Raven were loading up the last of the luggage into Celestia's van.

"Unfortunately we don't have enough options," Adagio said, "if Scootaloo and I had magic, we might have a fighting chance against that... Thing."

"I don't want to hurt my sister," Scootaloo said. For years she had heard both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle say similar words, but she had never known the emotion behind them, until now.

"We aren't going to hurt Sunset," Aria said as she put her hand on Scootaloo's shoulder, I hope.

"Come say your good byes," Celestia called out. The four girls joined the others and each of them hugged both Andromeda and Hurricane.

"Wait," Andromeda called out after the girls turned and started walking to the waiting vehicles, "I have something for each of you." She proceeded to give each girl a necklace made of braided leather. On the necklace was a small glass pendent holding a scrap of rolled up parchment.

"That paper holds the Grandmother's Prayer," Andromeda explained, "as long as you wear it, I will always protect you."

None of the girls noticed but both Celestia and Luna shared a look when Andromeda handed out the necklaces.

Hurricane walked over and put his head in Celestia's van and looked at the three girls within.

"I want to hear all about your adventures," he said with a wink, "I have a feeling that you will have plenty of them." He then went over to Luna's Camaro and told Adagio and Scootaloo the same thing.

"Do you think that Sonata and Aria can handle Incognito by themselves," Scootaloo whispered to Adagio as the two vehicles pulled out of the driveway.

"Honestly," Adagio sighed, "if Sunset was half as bad as a demon as I've been told, then they don't stand a chance in hell."

"I wish I had magic," Scootaloo said.

"So do I," Adagio agreed.

Meanwhile, in the van ahead of them, Aria sat in the front seat reading the latest Daring Do novel, while Sunset and Sonata sat in the back seat watching an old movie on DVD.

"Allen Rickman makes a great villian," Sunset said.

"Yeah, but Costner's accent is making it difficult for me to believe that he is a British noble," Sonata critiqued, "but Morgan Freeman is amazing!"

"The studio probably wanted a big name actor," Sunset replied, "they most likely didn't care what accent he had."

"Are you two going to keep talking," Aria said, "or are you going to watch the movie?"

"Sorry," Sonata said, "Aria is a grumpy butt this morning, so we better keep it down."

"I'm not grumpy," Aria said.

"I dunno," Celestia said from the drivers seat, "you sound pretty grumpy to me."

"Ok," Aria relented, "maybe I'm a little grumpy."

The movie ended as Celestia and Luna stopped to get lunch. Luna had wanted to keep driving and skip lunch, but she was out voted by five teenage girls and two adults., But what really made Luna agree to stop was when Raven threatened to take over driving..

"Betrayed by my own fiancee," Luna grumbled as the right of them stretched their legs and we're led to a table. Raven threw her arms around Luna after adjusting her glasses.

"It was for your own safety love," Raven replied, "I wouldn't want to get between five teenagers and their next meal. They're quite barbaric."

Luna noticed that Aria had brought her sketchbook with her into the restaurant. She also noticed that she was leaning in close to what she was doing.

"Aria," Luna said, "what do you want to eat?"

Aria grabbed a menu and quickly scanned over it, holding it close enough to her face not to go unnoticed by the three adults at the table.

"Burger," she said, "with onion rings and a root beer float."

""What are you working on Aria," Celestia asked."mom asked me to do some of the illustrations for her next book."

"What book is that," Raven asked.

"Printing Press convinced me to publish an 'official' Luna Corps Technical Manual," Luna sighed, "for the crazy fans."

"Right now I'm working on the Lady Liberty Interceptor," Aria said.

"There's no rush Aria," Luna said.

"What books does Aunt Luna write," Scootaloo asked. She had never been a fan of reading. She couldn't understand why people would read for fun.

"The Lunar Cycle series," Sunset answered.

"Oh," Scootaloo said before she turned away, having lost interest in the conversation.

"Raven," do you and Luna have any immediate plans," Celestia said.

"We talked about it," Raven said, "I'm going to start moving my stuff in after New Years."

"We are going to wait until Summer vacation to actually get married," Luna added.

Luckily, the rest of the trip home was rather uneventful. After unloading Celestia's van, Celestia, Scootaloo and Sunset returned to the home they shared.

"Girls," Luna called after everyone had a chance to get settled, "come to the living room."

Luna waited while the three girls filed into the living room. She motioned for them to take a seat on the couch.

"I have one final gift for you," Luna said as she presented each of them with a black box similar to the one that she had given Raven on Christmas Day.

"You can't marry us," Sonata said.

"You girls deserve these," Luna said, choosing to ignore Sonata's antics.

The three girls looked at each other and then opened each box. What they found inside took their breath away. Mended together with silver, and in a simple black silk choker was the red gemstone pendents that they had worn when they tried to conquer Canterlot High during the Battle of the Bands two months earlier.

Author's Note:

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is one of my favorite all time movies.