• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 27,687 Views, 2,340 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 21

Sighing softly I shifted on the couch, leaning against Luna's side, her wing resting over my back. My eyes were closed and I relaxed again, just enjoying the sound of rain against the windows, wind, crackling fire and the sound of rustling paper and the occasional scratches of a quill.

It's been a couple of days since she returned and... I admit I had been a bit clingy since then. Not that she complained about that.

I knew it was silly but it felt like if I ever let her go, she would disappear again. I knew it was silly. I knew it. But feeling it was something different.
Let's just say I was rather happy she taught me dream magic. It really cut down on the nightmares unless I was intentionally baiting in a Night Terror. Because I had a feeling I would be having quite a bit of them if not for that.

A small nuzzle at my ear and I flicked it, opening my eyes and looking up at Luna to see her smiling down at me, “Tired?”

“Bit. Not very.” I answered and nosed at her neck, “Want some help with the paperwork? I know I'm not exactly qualified or anything and some of them is likely confidential, but I should at least be able to sort them for you or something.”

She grinned at that, “Thank you, but I'm just about done. And I believe you are selling yourself short.”

I just raised a eyebrow at her so she continued,

“I have reviewed the reports about everything that went on while my sister and I were captive. You performed exemplary. You were faced with a very difficult challenge with no real experience in it. You have never ruled, Page. You rose to the challenge wonderfully. You took charge but without trying to control everything, allowing more experienced ponies to handle their parts,” Luna explained with a smile, giving me a squeeze with her wing, “You did well indeed, My Page.”

I did my best not to blush. I failed.

“I just...” I started to say before I blinked and looked up at her, “Wait a moment. Why exactly was it why you never told me that I'm fucking FIFTH in charge!?”

Luna tilted her head in question, her star filled mane flowing above my head, “I thought you already knew,” she answered, reaching to touch the medallion, “When I'm not there, you speak for me, My Page. I thought that alone made it obvious that if none of the Princesses are available and you are, it put you in the position of leader.”


You know, when you put it like that it sounded kinda obvious, didn't it?

Giggling at my expression Luna gave my ear a nuzzle, “Granted, it is not quite that clear cut. It doesn't give you my full authority or we would never be able to issue them to our ambassadors in the past. You wouldn't be able to for example pass any laws or command the guard in any major extent with that authority. The power for legal matters are also somewhat limited. You can order someone arrested, but you can't lead a trial without a written letter from me.” she explained before she earflicked, “You know, I should likely have someone dig out the old laws for you to peruse.”

“...Ya think?” I sighed before I frowned, “Wait, I did order the guards around. Several times, both now and in the past.”

“That is from your authority as my consort.” Luna said with a small nuzzle, “Well, future consort. So technically not completely legal but noone likely felt like arguing over it at those times. As my consort you would have the direct authority over my personal guard as well as in times of crisis, the Day Guard, unless my sister also has a Consort. It was felt that our consorts would be the ones most privileged to my sister and mine intentions and have the most information available to them and as such be the most well positioned to serve the interests of Equestria.”


I considered that for a long moment, leaning my head against her neck. I finally shook my head, “Luna... I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. I don't have the experience nor the training for anything like that.”

“You did well.”

“Because it was a short time. I'm not qualified, I barely did anything and I was about ready to curl up in a ball and hope everything just went away until you got back.”

Luna gave me a small hug with her wing, nosing at my ear, “...You were 'dropped in at the deep end' as they say,” she admitted, “That was not fair, but you did me proud, My Page.”

I blushed again and sighed, “I... suppose that's the kind of thing I should have expected getting involved with a Princess. If I wanted a quiet calm life I should have gotten involved with somepony running a tea shop or something.”

“Hmm? Thinking of a certain pegasus with a silver coat, are you?” Luna asked as she noses at my mane and I startled,

“I didn't mean anything like thaEEP!”

Giggling Luna let go of my ear and gave it a small lick with a grin, “Silly. I'm merely teasing.”

Damn it. Sometime tonight I might actually be able to get rid of this blush but I doubted it would be anytime soon.

“Too easy.” Luna teased with another giggle and nipped at my eartip.

I gave the side of her neck a nip in return, folding my ears against my head to protect them before I sighed and cuddled close, “...Well, I suppose I should do some studying at some point. I'm not even going to pretend to understand politics, but I don't want to get ponies killed if they look for me to tell them what to do in a crisis.”

“I'll ask some of the instructors teaching the classes at the academy if they could...”

“You will do no such thing.” I interrupted before I smiled up at her, “I'm going to look at the times for their officer classes and if they will allow it, I'm going to sit in on the ones I can. I'm not going to join the guard and I'm certainly I'm not going to demand special attention from them. I'm a author, Luna, not military or a politician. For now I just want enough that I'll understand when I'm in over my head so I can defer to the real experts in a crisis.”


I smirked at her reaction and raised wings before she kissed me. I kissed back for a moment before pulling back, “But we need to talk. About security.”

Luna blinked, “Oh?”

“Nightmare Moon. Discord. Sunset Shimmer/Magic Mirror, Discord AGAIN. These things have threatened Equestria since I came here. All of them could have been prevented if there had been enough security measures in place. Luna, I'm honestly worried about what other dormant doomsday devices you may have laying about.” I sighed and leaned against her side, “I want to see them, see what can be done to improve the security. I know I'm not a expert in anything, but... I'm worried, Luna.”

“Page, I can assure you that we keep things well secu....” Luna started to say before she slowly trailed off as I raised a eyebrow at her.

Four possibly world ending events in two years is not secure.

She frowned and then sighed, “...Several of the artifacts we keep secure can hurt ponies even if they just look at them. We have no idea what they would do to you, My Love. As for the creatures... some are even worse.”

What did she keep locked up!? Fucking Cthulhu!?

“Even more important things are secure. Even if it's just a new different viewpoint that I can provide, I want to help.”

Luna frowned and her ears shifted in thought before she nodded, “Let me discuss it with my sister?”

“That's all I ask.”