• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 27,631 Views, 2,339 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Returning from my bath, my coat mostly dry already, I yawned on my way over to where Luna was sitting by her desk, three sets of papers floating before her.

“Anything interesting?” I asked and leaned against her side softly, nuzzling at her neck.

Luna sighed softly and nuzzled back, “Matters of the royal guard. Mostly requests for budget changes. Celestia asked if I could have a look. Not sure why, she was always the one with the head for math.”

“Want some help?”

She grinned and gave me a quick kiss, “Love, you are worse at numbers than I am.” she teased.

I couldn't really argue that. Math never was my strong suit.

“...Point. The offer still stands though.”

Nodding she put her wing around me for a second, “Heading to bed?”

“Mmm. I think so. Need to start twisting my sleep schedule back to something practical.” I confirmed and rested against her side for a moment.

Since getting back, I had mostly followed Luna's schedule. Which meant up around six to eight in the evening and staying up until eight to ten in the morning. It didn't leave overly much time to do things during the day when everyone else was awake.

Nuzzling softly, she nodded, “Sweet dreams, My Page.”

“Good night, Love.” I said with a smile, I kissed her cheek and rubbed my shoulder against hers before I finally pulled back and headed for the bedroom. Honestly, I would have preferred to stay on her schedule, but everyone else was awake during the day. I had friends I wanted to see and places to visit.

So I went to half schedule. Sleep until noon, stay awake until three or four in the morning. Gave me the most possible Luna time while still making it possible for me to do stuff during the day. From one and forward she was usually busy anyway so what I missed the most was usually going to bed together.

Which kind of sucked. I couldn't even really wake up with her because I woke up so much earlier.

Shaking that thought out of my head, I closed the door and headed over to jump onto the bed, lifting the covers up with my magic before laying down with a sigh, pulling them over me. I wasn't that tired really. Luckily, I had magic for that!

Being able to fall asleep on command was part of the dream magic Luna had taught me. Lighting my horn up with the spell, I closed my eyes before opening them again, finding myself in my dream world. Really practical when sleeping on trains!

Should I set another Night Terror trap? Those were good, even if you didn't attract one of the little dream beings you still ended up with a nice dream. That was my usual method. Or maybe I should just get some normal sleep?

Eh, might as well practice my dream walking. I didn't have anything planned tomorrow that was overly magic intense. So hunting it is!

Focusing, I cast my spell and formed a silvery portal in front of me before trotting through into a place of night sky.

Funny how that kind of thing worked. For Luna they were normal doors. For me, they were silvery portals. Personally I blame having watched too much Stargate. Silvery portals all around, each indicating a ponies(or other thinking beings) dream.

Slowly walking along the path, I took a breath of the cool not air. I actually rather liked this place between dreams, It was relaxing. Stars high above, light of silvery portals. Not dark, not with all those lights, but still not brightly lit.

It was nice. Comforting.

As I got closer to each portal, I made out more details. Not showing me what was inside, but more about who it was. Recognizing ponies by their portals was kind of tricky. It was more of a feeling than anything else. Skitters was easy, is was usually close to mine and had a slight green tint to it, the surface almost always smooth of a dreamless sleep. Changelings apparently didn't dream much.

The one I passed by next belonged to Swift Spear. It wasn't something as crude as having his mark stamped on it, it was more of a... a feeling. I just knew it was his. It had slow waves going across it, a ripple of pink.

That's one dream I'm not entering if I'm guessing right about what he was dreaming about. I can live a perfectly happy life without seeing that.

I soon passed by Silver Leaf's portal. It was also tinged a soft pink. Better pass by that one as well.

Pausing I stopped, one front hoof lifted off the not ground as I looked around. That's odd, Twilight Sparkles dream world is missing. Huh, she must still be awake then.

Maybe studying astronomy or something or got hooked on a book. Can't blame her for that, I have done the same more than once.

Spotting Pinkie Pies portal, I just gave it a quick look to check for signs of a nightmare but quickly moved past. Considering what she was out in reality, through there was madness.

Moving past portals, ponies dreaming or not dreaming I headed on. This didn't take much magic at all, it was entering and leaving dreams that took it out of you. My maximum was about five to six times in a night before I had to stop.

Pausing I stopped before the next silvery portal. Ripples raced across it and it was a dark grey color, black stripes moved across it.

Through it was a pony that was in the middle of a nightmare. A really bad one from the look of the portal. That was a strong indication of a Night Terror. Could just be a nightmare, but they rarely got that bad on their own.

There was only one problem though.

This portal lead to Princess Celestia's dreamworld. I'm not sure I was qualified for that. But... Luna cleared me to help her with Night Terrors and ponies like this.

But this was Princess Celestia. Who knew what she was dreaming about. It could be incredibly private, not that I would ever tell anypony. It was part of an oath I swore to Luna before she would even allow me to learn this kind of magic.

It could be over a city burning down, an ancient battlefield or a lover dying in her arms.

A dark spiky ripple moved across the portal and I made my mind up. As long as I didn't make my presence known, she would not know I was there. If it was a Night Terror, I would end it and leave. If not I'll just make sure Celestia is okay and then leave her alone, maybe give her dream a nudge in a happier direction or allow it to end to dreamless sleep.

Channeling my magic, I touched the tip of my horn to the dark and unsettled portal.