• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 27,639 Views, 2,339 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 40

“Princess?” I asked, knocking on the door to the private cabin.


I slid the door open and walked inside, closing it behind me again. Celestia's private cabin on the train was pretty similar to Luna's, just with different colors.

The Princess in question was sitting looking out the window.

“...Celestia...I...” I started to say as I paused, watching her.

“You were right,” She answered, cutting me off, “I.. It's my fault.”

I paused at that and looked up at her, her eyes were shining with unshed tears, “Celestia, that's not...”

She turned and looked down at me, “But it is. I locked the changelings away and considered it handled. I set Cerberus alone to guard Tartarus and then left it. I was the one that decided the Crystal Mirror didn't need to be guarded or even really locked away. I risked Equestria and allowed myself to be captured on the chance that Twilight would be able to free my sister from the madness.”

Frowning I settled down next to her before leaning against her side with a small sigh, “I'm at least thankful for that last one.”

Celestia smiled softly and sighed too, “It worked well. But it could have ended so much worse. And it was my fault that she fell to it in the first place.”

“You have lived for a long time,” I answered after a second, “Actions have consequences, all of them do. Often we can't choose what they will be or even know beforehand. We just need to do what we think is right at the time. In the end, that's all we can do.”

She regarded me for a long moment before a wing settled across my back in a hug, “Wise for your age.”

I smiled slightly at that, “I like to think I'm wise for any age.”

That got a snort before she sighed, “I was still wrong.”

“Hindsight is twenty/twenty.”

“True,” Celestia said and frowned down at me, “But the more power you have, the more your decisions have the risk of hurting ponies.”

I just nodded, leaning against the side of the large alicorn. She was right about that, that's for sure. To rule for that long, with that much power... it didn't matter how experienced you were, how wise or intelligent you were. Things would go wrong and in a catastrophic manner sooner or later. I guess this might just have been a period of perfect storm.

We stayed like that for a long moment, just being there for her as I let her think. She finally spoke up.


I shifted, lifting my head from her shoulder to blink up at her, “Huh?”

“Before my power release changed my mane color. It was pink.”

I looked up at her for a moment before I smiled, “You were white and pink?”

That caused a frown, “Yes?”

“That's a really girly color combination.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes at me, “I'm not above following my sisters example of biting your ears.”

“I'll be good,” I said with a grin, “Pinky.”

She decided to be the adult one and stick her tongue out at me. It was so good to see her smile again.

It didn't last though and she turned serious again, “Tirek.”

“Tirek,” I agreed, nodding with a sigh as I settled back down, “Shit.”

Her wing tightened around me for a second as she nodded with a sigh, “Your thoughts?”

“Go to Earth, contact whoever is president at the time and convince him to loan you a Trident. Then nuke the fucker.”

Celestia tilted her head, “We have tridents here. What is a nuke?”

I shook my head, “Big explosive. Kinda. But it wouldn't work anyway, the mirror is closed and it would take too long anyway. Besides, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't fit through even if it would work here. I don't know what to do. I'm just an author, Celestia. You and Luna are the ones with the experience and knowledge. I can throw shit at the wall and maybe something will stick, but you guys actually know what you are doing... or at least closer to it than anyone else around here.”

“You sell yourself short.”

“I like to think of it as knowing my limits.”

That got another snort, “Such as yelling at Princesses?”

“Well, I saw something that needed doing.”

Celestia smiled sadly with a sigh and nuzzled at my ear, “I think we might have,” before she smiled down at me, “But I believe I need to talk to my sister and Cadence. Would you please go get them? I'm not sure it will work, but I want their opinion. You were right about one thing... I need to talk to ponies about big decisions.”

I smiled up at her, “You figured out a way to defeat him? If Discord doesn't find him in time?”

She shook her head, “No. But I think I have a way that might make it possible in the future and keep him from winning. I'm sorry, Page, but I don't think I should tell you anymore until I've discussed it with Luna and Cadence. I believe it will work, but the time to make decisions hastily is over. There are more Princesses in Equestria now. ”

I moved to get up, but Celestia squeezed me tight with her wing for a moment before letting me up, “I'll find them.”

“Thank you, Page.”