• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 27,637 Views, 2,339 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 51

I frowned at Celestia, “Promise?” I asked her again and held my wings tight to my side beneath my cloak, the illusion wrapped firmly in place.

I also cheated and wore a belt around the wings, holding them to my sides. I didn't have complete control of them and there was no way I was going to risk walking before a crowd and accidentally have them fomp open at a stupid time. It was about as far from comfortable as you could get, but it worked.

Celestia smiled, “I promise, Page. No window.”

“And no titles.”

“No titles,” She agreed with a smile and a nod, “You have my word.”

“...Okay, then.”

The door opened and Sunset walked inside, wearing a kind of white dress. Was that silk?

She paused as she spotted Celestia and hesitated in place before she slowly approached the larger Alicorn, her eyes glued at the floor.

I made myself scarce to give them time to talk. Since I brought Sunset back, things had been tense between them. Sunset left for a reason after all.

Closing the door behind myself, I took a slow deep breath. I knew what I was coming and I was not looking forward to it.

Walking up on stage before thousands of ponies for the award ceremony. I was really, really not looking forward to it. Quite frankly, that was one of the reasons I really didn't want the crown. I didn't like crowds and especially not crowds paying attention to me.

I suppose I better get used to it though. I wouldn't be able to hide it forever, even I knew that. Even if I somehow manage to learn that entire shapeshifting spell and keep from growing, sooner or later somepony would start to notice the little things.

Like not aging.

I couldn't help but smile slightly at that thought. I wouldn't hurt Luna like that, I wouldn't leave her alone!

I can handle being stared at for that... and at least I'll have at least a couple of decades until I'll have to face that. And I'll have a couple of decades getting used to being in public next to Luna. It had already started to get easier to handle.

Not that I enjoyed large spectacles like this, but at least I managed to talk Celestia down to a medal, at least for me.

“Ready, Page?” Twilight asked with a smile as she trotted up next to me, wearing a purple dress, a bit darker than her coat and left her wings free.

Swallowing, I quickly nodded, “Y-yeah.”

“Relax,” Twilight said with a smile, “do this,” she said and raised her hoof to her chest as she sucked in a breath, before lowering her hoof again as she slowly let it out.

Closing my eyes, I copied her. In and out. I felt a bit calmer.



“Cadence taught me,” Twilight said with a smile before she grimaced slightly, “When I remember to use it, it works pretty well.”

I nodded before Twilight poked my side with her wing, “Come on, you need to get in position. We start in five minutes.”

“Thanks Twilight.”

You would think that if they actually wanted to reward me, they would let me skip this entire thing. But then again, Celestia liked that entire thing... and I suspected Luna agreed with her to discourage me from being a idiot in the future.

Okay, let's do this.


“Blank Page. Sunset Shimmer. Step forward,” Celestia said, her wings spread with a smile on her face.

She and the other Princesses were standing facing us on the balcony overseeing the major square just outside the castle. Normally this kind of thing was in the throneroom, but it was still... kinda wrecked.

So not paying for that by the way.

I rose from my bow next to Sunset to look up at Celestia. She smiled down at me and then turned her gaze to Sunset.

“Sunset Shimmer,” she said with a smile. “You assisted Lord Page in the defeat of Tirek. While you did not engage him directly, your support and skills were instrumental in stopping him and saving Equestria.”

Sunset swallowed and looked up at Celestia before she bowed slightly again.

“Your bravery shall not go unrewarded... Lady Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia continued, taking a medal with the sun and moon on it, settling the band around Sunset's neck, “I hereby bestow the Key of the Heavens to you as well as the title of Lady of Canterlot.”

One of the higher medals they give out. Specifically to civilians that have done a great service to the crown. I 'just' managed to dodge it last time.

Lady of Canterlot was the classical 'Nobility with no lands' title that was given out for similar actions. Real nobility and hereditary. Just no actual lands attached to it. It did have the entire legal protections and features attached to it though.

I had the male version of it. Lord of Canterlot.

Sunset swallowed again and blinked before she bowed deeply, “Thank you, your Highness.”

Celestia smiled and then broke protocol to give her ear a small nuzzle, her lips moving in a whisper before Celestia rightened up and turned to me instead with a smile.

“Lord Page. Warmage,” she said and I bowed my head for her. “You have once more delivered a great service for Equestria. You defeated the powerful Lord Tirek in single combat, keeping not only Equestria, but also your Princesses from harm at great risk of your own. I bestow upon you the Feather of the Sun,” she said, lifting the second medal on its band and slipping it around my neck.

I bowed to her, glancing down at the shining white gold and silver feather. That was distinctly not a civilian medal, one that the Guard had not handed out for... a long time.

“I have already made you a Lord of Canterlot, Blank Page. So to my regret, I can not do it a second time,” Celestia continued, her lips shifting in a wider smile from her normal polite one, “Luckily, that is not all that's in my power to do.”

Blinking, I looked up at her. That's not the plan.

Her eyes almost sparkled. Oh shit, she is up to something. Luna was looking amused in the background.

Celestia smiled, her wings spreading as she turned to look out across the square, “The victory shall also be memorialized for all to see. I have commissioned a Statue of Lord Page to join my own in the middle of the Royal Canterlot Square.”

I stared up at her, feeling my wings tug beneath the belt holding them to my side as my eyebrow twitched.

She smiled wider down at me and spoke a bit quieter, “It has been standing there alone long enough.”

Celestia, you bitch!

Damn it! Now I can't even be properly pissed at you over it!

Author's Note:

All the thanks to people over at Spacebattles for helping me beta this story. This is the last part for now but there will be a sequel at a later date and now we are properly of the rails!

I hope everyone enjoyed this one. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 271 )

Is... is it over? :fluttercry:

That was a short but nice chapter, wish Sunset had a bigger roll then just what happened this chapter, of course it's too bad Pages wings didn't break the belt and pop out during all this, it would have been funny to see that happen and then all of Equestria would find out that there was a Alicorn Stallion now, I bet many mares would chase after him unless he and Luna would announce their engagement to each other. I hope you get them married in the next story, it would be nice to see Page and Luna married and trying to start a family, heck I bet they would have a Alicorn foal before Shining and Cadance would, also I hope you think of a way to bring Twilight's crystal castle into the story, I would LOVE to see Page's cutie mark appear on the map and go with the girls at certain times, espically for Starlight Glimmer's town.

Great story! Eagerly awaiting the next one-

She need's one of Luna too, also that would have been a perfect time for Discord to transmutation of the belt Page on to a cake or something. Would have had a splashing affect of every royal while showing off his wings.

Is the story complete or not? It's listed as incomplete.


It's still marked Incomplete.


EDIT: It's been marked as complete MFW

I couldn't help but smile slightly at that thought. I wouldn't hurt Luna like that, I wouldn't leave her alone!

Well at least until the next big bad comes and kills him or some upstart noble has him assassinated. After all he isn't very strong in the real world.

I 'm not going to lie, I never expected this story to get three parts, much less a possible fourth (maybe?)

By all means just keep shoveling it together, my eyes have the rumblies only horsy words can satisfy.

Is there a list of all your stories Hiver? Because I just went on an archive binge of your AI story and hunger for more.

7419790 Just the first story or the entire series of threads?

I'm afraid that most of what I written is crap I wouldn't recommend and I don't have a entire collection anywhere really. I should get on that at some point, shouldn't I?

Meanwhile, try this one, it my other major series: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/that-first-step-si.303750/

Awww...It's complete? Now I have wait for a long while for some more.
There are loose ends still. And I'm eager for more.
Probably gonna reread the series sometime in the future.

Did anyone else have the feeling that Discord would suddenly pop in during the ceremony and remove Page's belt, then disappear somewhere laughing his head off?

Dear Hiver,

Now that this story is over for the time being, can I make a suggestion? When I try to re-read certain parts of your stories about Blank Page, I find it hard to find my favorite scenes since there are no designated titles for each chapter. You don't have to give EVERY chapter an unique title but can you give it to ones that are beginning to a particular mini-arc within your series? That would be a HUGE help!

Also I have a suggestion for how you can add an arc about Starlight Glimmer's town into the picture. Remember how the "Our Town" song includes the words "You can't have a nightmare if you never dream"? What if Blank Page stumbles into the one of the town folk's dreams (like Sugar Belle's) and find it fundamentally wrong due to his/her cutie mark being taken away? Just a thought.

Thank you for your awesome work!

7419849 "Ah!"

*hides notes*

"You are not allowed to read those!":twilightangry2:

7419860 Hiver

So...do you want me put up spoiler tags in my comment? :twilightsmile:

Celestia, you bitch!


This is so how I picture Celestia using what she can to poke reluctant ponies like Page. :trollestia:

Love it discovered it yesterday for some reason but today I finished all of it namely from chapter 51-51

Would anyone mind helping with a TVTropes article for this series?
Link: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/NewBeginnings

He and Sunset turn and gave the crowd a smile leaving Fern to howl and wonder where his medal is. Cut to space backdrop, blue credits, cue John Williams.

As always my friend you find a way to close things out while still leaving the audience salivating for more!

Bravo! Take a well earned break! But please don't stay away for too long! If past trends say anything we shall see you in January?

As last time I leave my Wishlist/Predictions for the future:
-Page is outed as an Alicorn, and for reasons must ascend to the title of Prince.

-Luna is Pregnant!

-Page Assists in opening the box.

-Discord is found and repented.

-Starlight VS Page.

-Skitter assumes the throne.

-Lastly Luna-Page wedding.

You rock, gonna make more fan art till the hype gets out of my system!

7420028 don't know what I can do, but sure!

7419849 Oooooh! I like that! Like a Professor X-Cerebro thing.

Great story!
Is there going to be a fourth part?

Cant wait till the next one starts up. :pinkiehappy:

That was well worth the wait.


Loved it!

Celestia smiled, “I promise, Page. No window.”

“And no titles.”

“No titles,” She agreed with a smile and a nod, “You have my word.”

“The victory shall also be memorialized for all to see. I have commissioned a Statue of Lord Page to join my own in the middle of the Royal Canterlot Square.”

Why do I get the impression that it'll be like the statue of the Sheriff of Nottingham in Prince of Thieves, and be modified with wings as a prank from Celestia that he can't make a big deal out of, least ponies 'believe' the 'rumors'?

Only to retaliate with having Celestia be characters in Page's stories.

Anyway, the whole statue thing made me think of that Toaster skit from Red Dwarf.


Really, the potential if Starlight does go through her plan to modify history is amazing, on multiple levels. Because we know, canonically, that Page's presence wouldn't cause the end of all of Equestria... just bad results for certain ponies (and Changelings). I mean, what kind of message would you take from that?

Also... it gives an opportunity, if Page travels to the AUs for some reason or another, for him to interact with Nightmare Moon in the setting where she won.

I'm really looking forward to the next story, it has all kinds of potential for interesting things. Plus, no Daring Do interaction yet, and wouldn't it be amusing if they did meet and have mutual secrets (Daring Do, Alicorn Blank Page) as tension there?

Maximum trolling: she commissions the statue with wings.:trollestia:

The statute is quite poetic. He stumbled upon the dream of Celestia standing alone as a statue and he joined her in her dream. Now he he has joined her in reality as a statue and an Alicorn. I really liked the idea from
7420263 about giving the statue wings.

7420523 Whoa! I totally forgot about that! That is really cool! Also, can't help me think that deep down she has a thing for Page.

7420456 "Lord Page?"


"Why does your statue have...wings?"


"Lord Page?"

"I...had a Red Bull that day."

7420290 Everything you just said: YES!!


Even better, in response if that did happen, Nightmare Night, if he is still unrevealed, he'll go with his wings showing, as a 'costume'.

She DID say no window...

I wonder if the statue will have wings or not. I kind of doubt it, as Celestia is a troll but not cruel...

7420870 Probably not since he didn't have wings when he fought Tirek.

7420951 it will be here. Any requests?

7420973 Personally, Skitter would be fun to see in her princess form. I liked the way you drew her as a drone.

7420994 You got it. I'll PM you for details.

Reading it a second time I half expected her to say:

"I offer you the willing hoof of my sister's, in matrimony."


Technically she did exactly what she promised, its definitely not a window.

Trollestia strikes again!:trollestia:

“Lord Page. Warmage,” she said and I bowed my head for her.

Sooo do we call Page "Lord of War", or when he is revealed, "God of War"?... :trollestia:

7420115 Just some editing, and adding tropes. Possibly fleshing out the description.
I just don't have the time or energy to finish the page, seeing as I'm going to Iceland soon and have to pack.

7421545 oh! Ok then. Sure let me know then.

I loved this! Keep up the great work! I'm looking foward for the sequel. If you can make Luna and Page married please! Its just a suggestion!

7420870 "Princess?"


"Why does lord Page's statue have wings?"

"Hmmm. I don't know. Page? Why would I do that?"

"....I dunno, you must be getting senile in your age."

"That must be it.":trollestia:

7421580 Know what? I'm just asking if anyone wants to help add to/edit the TVTropes article on this series. All I'm asking is for someone to click on the link, click the edit button, and see if they can add/rework something. You don't even need to know the formatting they use, or any programming in general. You just think of an applicable trope for this series, then click the edit button at the top of the page to add the trope and explanation, copying the format from the tropes present already.

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