• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 27,638 Views, 2,339 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 20

Moving through the corridor, I trotted along, flanked by Skitter and two other guards as I headed towards the main command center. Just because the moon had gone down didn't mean things were over. There could be a thousand reasons to why it went down.

No time to play messenger tag anymore.

Suddenly a pony dove out of a side passage, a hat on her head and a pen and papers in her magic field, “Lord Page, Hot Scoop, Sunrise Times. What is really going on here? Where is Princess Celestia?”

“Fuck off.” I snarled and pushed her out of the way.

To be fair, I could likely have handled that better, but I didn't have the patience for any kind of bullshit right now. How the hell did she even get in here!? The press was banned form the castle grounds.

I didn't look back as there was the sound of yelling and a struggle as the two guards descended on her, instead I simply pushed on to the command center.

The doors opened before me, revealing the brain of the Equestrian Royal Guard. It reminded me a bit of a world war two command bunker. It was centered around a big map, showing Canterlot and the surrounding countryside, the place was bustling with officers and messengers running between them and the different groups in the field.


“Your thoughts, Captain?” I asked, looking at the captain of the Day Guard. Before Lunas return they had simply been the Royal Guard for a thousand years. Now there was a difference.

The unicorn frowned in thought before he nodded, “I agree with your suggestion, My Lord. It should allow a good search rate without leaving Canterlot vulnerable in case it is some sort of ruse to pull our forces away.”

With the search of the city and castle completed with no sign, we needed to spread our search. The sky might look normal now, but that was no reason to relax.

The princesses were not returned yet and until they were found, the search would continue. In this case, half the the guards pegasi would pull unicorns in sky carriages. The unicorns would be running their best magical scans and the pegasi would allow them to cover a lot of ground.

In theory a alicorn should stand out like a neon bulb. In theory. But everyone knew it was a longshot which is why the city had been searched by hoof.
Even I knew how to block one of those scans. But maybe we would get lucky.

I turned to his pegasi counterpart of the Night Guard, “Captain? Any suggestions?”

He shook his head, “No, it is as good a plan we can hope for without risking the city.” he answered, his eyes flicking to Skitter who pretended not to notice.

“Well, let's be about...” I started to say before the doors of the command center opened and... Oh thank Luna.

The previously mentioned Alicorn walked inside, flanked by a pair of Night Guard. She looked tired but she smiled as she spotted me.

My eyes flicked to Skitter who looked back at me before nodding once with a small smile. It was her.

It was really her!

I wanted to gallop over there to kiss her and... just hold her close to make sure she was real. Instead I trotted over, passing the now bowing captains of the guard to meet her.


I couldn't, I wouldn't embarrass her. If I allowed myself, I knew I would break down. She didn't need that right now. Neither did the ponies in here, they needed me to be collected.

Stopping before her, I smiled up at her, “Luna.”

“My Page.” she whispered back with a smile, leaning down to nuzzle softly. Returning the nuzzle I moved closer to rest my head against the side of her neck as she sat down, her wings sliding around me.

I didn't know how long we stayed like that. Could have been five minutes. Could have been five hours. Finally I pulled back slightly, ignoring the slightly wet spots my eyes left on her silky fur before I looked up at her, “Never do that again.” I whispered quietly.

Luna smiled softly and nuzzled between my ears, “I'll do my best, My Page. I was so worried for you.”

“For me!?”

She swallowed and nodded, “We were trapped, unable to move or cast, unable to fall asleep or see. We knew nothing of what happened with the outside world. For all We knew... you were in the same position. Or worse. It...it was all We could think of.”

I swallowed. To be trapped like that... for hours upon hours...

“Celestia?” I asked after a moment.

“My sister is fine. She is conversing with Princess Twilight Sparkle. They should soon return again.” Luna answered softly, pulling me close with her wings again.

Both were safe. All of them were safe.

I allowed myself to relax slightly against her, “Who did this?”


Snarling at that thought, I pulled back to stare up at her, “Discord!? I knew that fucking bastard would be trouble. I assume he is stoned again?”

Luna shook her head and settled down, bringing us to more of eye level, “He is not. In fact he helped stop it.”


“It was a old plan he put in place when we first turned him to stone. He had forgotten about it. He assisted Twilight Sparkle in defeating the stranglevines that had captured me and my sister and threatened Ponyville,” Luna explained before she smiled slightly, “For a certain value of assisting in any case.”

I looked a her for a long moment before I nuzzled softly and shifted to settle down against her side beneath her wing without further comment. Even as I relaxed, my mind was filled with murder.

I might not be able to actually kill Discord, but if he ever get close to either of us again, I'm going to give it my best shot.

“I want him returned to stone,” I finally said quietly, “Too dangerous, too unpredictable. Too powerful. He is a threat to not only you and Celestia, but Equestria as a whole.”

Luna nodded and nosed softly at my ear, “He is,” she whispered softly, “But my sister is right, he is also a great boon if kept in check. This was something he did before we defeated him for the first time and none got really hurt.”

Pulling back I glared up at her, “So he is just getting of scoot free with a dual princess kidnapping!?”

She smiled at that and clicked her horn against mine, “I didn't say that. That's is part of what my sister is discussing with Twilight Sparkle right now. Some... community service if you will.”

Not enough. Not nearly enough. But that was part of the problem with Discord. Any punishment would be either voluntary on his part or semi-permanent.

Letting out my breath, I sighed, sliding my horn against hers until I rested my forehead against hers as I looked into her eyes, “I don't like it. But I suppose it's all that I'm getting. I missed you.”

“I missed you as well, My Page.”

Neither of us noticed, but everyone in the command center had evacuated at some point. Even Skitter had gotten herself out of sight.

Author's Note:

Extra midsummer part!