• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 27,687 Views, 2,340 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 35

“Morning Skitter,” I said and sipped my tea, opening the door before turning to return to the couch. Nothing planned for today, I might actually get some writing done, no classes to sit through, no boring dinners later or anything. Luna would likely be busy with this entire trial thing tonight too. From what she said, he looked guilty.

Pausing I stopped and looked back. The doorway was empty. No 'Good Morning, sir'.


Turning around I returned and looked outside into the hallway. Just the two guards.

“Have any of you seen Skitter?” I asked the Swift Spear.

He shook his head and looked at me, “No, sir. She never showed up.”

That had happened a total of one time before and then Chrysalis had sent a replacement. Now there was nopony here.

Something was wrong.

I floated the tea to the table just next to the door and headed for the stairs, “Swift, you are with me.”

“Yes, sir,” he quickly agreed and followed along.

We didn't need to go far, just down a flight of stairs and to the left to reach the bedroom just beneath mine and Luna's, it's the one I had given to Skitter so she would stop sleeping outside the door.

Knocking on the door didn't give an answer.

I tried again and then glanced at Swift.

He shrugged, “Maybe she overslept?” he suggested uncertainty.

Yeah. And maybe I'll spontaneously grow wings.

I pushed the door open and slowly entered, “Skitter?”

The inside was quite different than what it was when I assigned it to her. Gone was most of the furniture but the desk and a chair, the walls covered with that blackish resin like material Changelings use in their hives.

The bed was missing, having been replaced with one of those cell like openings I saw in their hive that changelings liked sleeping in.

What I had never seen before though was the green sphere hanging from the ceiling almost to the floor. It was large enough for a pony and glowing softly in the dim light. I could see the faint outline of a pony or changeling inside it.


Slowing down I slowly moved around it without touching. Skitter was in there. What in the world... I have seen her molt before, it was nothing like this. Okay, that was disturbing too, she had to crawl out of her own skin.

But this was...

I needed answers and it was clear that she was not in any state to give them. I turned to Swift, “Come on, we are going to see the Queen.”

His ears twitched, “Are you sure that's wise?”

“No. But I need answers.”

The path down to the hive was as long and twisting as ever but it's not like you could get lost. There were always changelings you could ask for the way and I had been down here a couple of times before so I walked the path with sure steps, my horn lit to light the way.

Swift tried to do the same as he followed behind but he kept looking around at the moving shadows. I couldn't blame him, this place was creepy as hell for ponies. And humans too for that matter.

The throneroom was like I remembered it. A throne in the middle, four pillars for the ceiling and large green glowing love storage.

Much more stored this time, seems like the Crystal Kingdom situation is working out.

Chrysalis was lounging on her throne as changelings bustled around the room on different tasks, from shoring up the walls to delivering love into the tanks.

“Queen Chrysalis,” I said and bowed slightly as I reached the steps up to her throne, Swift following my lead with a small quick bow of his own before he went back to looking vigilant.

“Lord Page,” Chrysalis answered as she raised her head, “For what reason do I owe the pleasure?” she asked before she locked her eyes on Swift, “Oh, did you bring me a present?”

“Cut the crap. So not in the mood,” I snorted, “It's related to Skitter.”

She raised an eyeridge at me, “In which way? I assume it has something to do with the fact your shadow is not with you today?”

I nodded, “I found her this morning. She is in some sort of... green cocoon. It's hanging from the ceiling in her room.”

That got Chrysalis' full attention. She regarded me for a long moment before she nodded, “I see. Well, it was expected to happen.”

What was expected to happen?

I waited for a second before I suppressed a groan. Of course she would make me ask.

“What was expected to happen?”

She lazily got out of the throne and moved down the stairs towards us, brushing against my side before slowly circling Swift who didn't move a muscle, his eyes stubbornly forward, “It is your fault of course, Lord Page. You kept her stuffed with love at all times, not allowing her to be hungry.”

“If she was to guard me, she needed the power.”

“Mmm. But you also wished her well. Wanted her to be happy and well fed,” Chrysalis continued with a smirk as she brushed a wing along Swift's back before she moved back to look down at me. “Constantly filled with love. Do you know what the hive's way to replace a lost queen is? They choose a drone and keep her constantly filled up to the brim until the metamorphosis begins.”

They... wow.


“She is becoming a Queen?”

“A Princess. There will be years until she matures fully to a Queen. She should emerge in a month or so. Be sure to be there when she does, she will be starving. I will provide guards and Love storage so she does not drain you dry.”

I nodded, “I see. Thank you.”

“Not doing it for you, my little predator,” she purred and then returned up the stairs to her throne, running her wing along my side on her way past.

I turned to leave before I stopped and looked back at her, “You know... It occurs to me that with a new Queen, we don't really need you anymore, do we?”

Instead of the glare I expected, she just nodded with a small smug smile, “Indeed. But it will take years for her to grow from Princess to Queen. I should last that long.”


Her wings buzzed slightly and she regarded me calmly, “Changeling Queens are long lived but not immortal like your Princesses. And I am Old.”

Oh. Suddenly her attack on Canterlot made a lot more sense.

“You planned this,” I finally said as I stared up at her, “You planned this from all the way back when the treaty was negotiated!”

The new Queen would have the favor and trust of not only me, but the Princess of the Night. Solidifying the alliance in a way Chryaslis herself would never be able to do and she knew it.

Chrysalis just relaxed in her throne again and waved her front hoof with a smirk, “You are dismissed, hunter of dreams. Return to my daughter. Guard her well.”

I hate dealing with changelings.

Okay, that's unfair. I actually like changelings.

I hate dealing with Chrysalis!