• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,789 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Zelus was flying without her wings. Cimmerian, her hive sister's mate and a stallion who she seemed to be addicted to in some strange way, was currently carrying her back to the Temple from the port as the sun set. The laying shouldn't have left her so exhausted, but for the longest time she'd been laying minimal batches of true drones. To do a full batch of fathered drones, not to mention Pandinus' experiments regarding mating and sex for pleasure, had left the mare's legs weak and wobbly. The male was thankfully willing to carry her back with minimal argument, his irritation giving way to concern when she'd nearly fallen over afterwards.

Cimmerian was proving to be everything her sister had said he was time and again. Not only had he been there to keep her calm, letting her focus on him while she laid her eggs, he then even went as far as focusing his affection on them, giving them a powerful dose of a familial love that was likely as much as they could hold. The amniotic fluid had helped keep the emotions from overwhelming the eggs and even now she could feel it transferring the extra affection over to her in order to keep the eggs in a comfortable state. He was accepting then as his own already, odd considering what Sapphire had said about males and the offspring of other males. There was apparently some sort of thing with most males of various species that caused some to reject the offspring of other males, likely to ensure their own progeny would be birthed by their mates.

She found it ridiculous both for the minimal variation of drones such a restricted pairing would yield as well as the fact that Cimmerian was immortal and thus in no need of securing his bloodline. As Pandinus had stated though, he was only recently made that way, and his mortal instincts were still strong. As for the restricted pairing, the younger queen had also told her a little about the creature he'd been before his imprisonment and subsequent release. The species he was a member or reproduced at an agonizingly slow pace compared to their own. A batch of three nymphs would have been a rarity, much less a full clutch of six to eight. That wasn't even a queen that was focusing on egg-laying. If she really focused and put a few molts into it, Zelus could likely produce up to twenty in a single clutch.

Zelus giggled slightly, the idea of laying so many eggs giving her a fuzzy feeling. Almost as fuzzy as Cimmerian in fact. She rubbed her cheek against his neck, enjoying the strange sensation against the plate on her face. Maybe she'd look into getting her plating reduced just a little bit. Pandinus seemed to take a lot of enjoyment in physical contact with the stallion, and after feeling him with her hive sister's leathery skin she could kind of understand why. The fuzzy coat was enjoyable to feel against her body.

A spike of irritated amusement burst from the alicorn a moment later, though most of the irritation seemed to be turned inward. When she asked about it, he said it was because he lost track of the time. It really didn't make sense to the mare. The bat ponies were there to ask questions, right? He did what he needed to do. Finding no flaws in that logic, she said as much.

"It's not that simple, Zelus. I knew you were waiting on me and needed to lay your eggs, and I let myself get distracted. I want to apologize for that," the stallion answered.

So it was because he caused her discomfort. That was...nice. She didn't know anyone who apologized after causing her trouble. The weird fuzzy feeling in her belly returned and she gripped him tighter, feeling a combination of amusement and relief flow from him. She wasn't sure if it was her tight grip or the perception of her accepting the apology, but she decided she'd go with both. It wasn't like he wasn't trying to make up for it. That was more than anyone else had done for her in the past.

The stallion landed in the Air Field and quickly made his way to the Temple, greeting a few remaining ponies on the way. Most seemed to be in shelter by now or gathered in the clear field behind the Temple. It was too soon that she found herself being deposited on the large bed in her hive sister's room. The stallion's emotions were focused elsewhere, but she didn't want him to leave just yet. She could deposit the eggs in the hatchery later.

As Cimmerian dropped her on the bed, the alicorn laying on the bed and trying to roll the queen off so she wasn't dropped on the floor, she shifted and began preening his wing. He flinched slightly, but spiked with irritated amusement once again. He called her out on attempting to keep him in the room but she didn't answer, focusing on using the right amount of pressure on the feathers to set them but not yank them loose. She felt the irritation drop off completely in favor of amusement when the door opened up, admitting a single drone with a bucket of warm water and a towel. Maybe he was right when he said she wasn't that good at subtlety?

Zelus sighed in contentment as the dark alicorn...would his position as hive father make him her hive brother? She'd better not say that to him, he may find it weird considering pony taboo about mating with family. She melted into bliss as Cimmerian ran the rag over her shell, nothing but concern for the hatchlings and a weak sense of happiness emanating from the strange male. She was vaguely aware of Pandinus entering the room, the younger queen arming herself with her own towel and setting to work on Zelus' other side. With a gentle pressure over the link, Din gave the armored queen the final push into slumber.

"She's learning, wouldn't you agree Cimmer?" Din asked him, finishing up and throwing the towel to the floor.

Cimmerian nodded absentmindedly before yawning. He climbed up on the bed, taking his spot between the two queens as they both shifted closer to his warm body. He still felt strange about the other queen laying eggs that he knew weren't his children especially after the fuss of naming him hive-father, but then again it was just the next step. None of the residents of the Temple were his blood relations, and yet they called him father. Most he even protected with the same passion he would his own blood relations. Was what the queens asked of him really beyond his ability to give?

With their classification of him not being viable for general drone repopulation, he knew logically that asking the mares to keep to specific relations would damn them. It just wasn't how they worked. It went against what he knew, against what he instinctively needed, but these queens weren't having one or two kids in their lifetimes. They were mothers of their perspective hives. Most new changelings would come from the two females beside him.

Unfortunately, knowing it logically and accepting it were two different things. He had been worried he wouldn't be able to accept Zelus' hatchlings but the memories of his accepting Blur as a daughter returned to him even as Zelus was laying her eggs. He held on to that feeling. They were all his, even if they weren't blood. He wouldn't allow race or ancestry to interfere with taking care of those who needed him.

Feeling Pandinus working on the wing that was ignored by Zelus, he shifted to get a look at the smaller mare.

"Will her eggs be okay until morning?"

"They will," the queen assured, lifting her head from his wing to speak. "I could feel your concern for them from outside the room, actually. The amniotic fluid helps to not only keep them supplied with energy, but in the event of too much being focused on them, it can pull it away. Zelus is actually being used as a sink for the extra energy at the moment, so her eggs have plenty of food for now. Thank you for taking care of her, Cimmerian. I know you don't feel comfortable accepting her presence, but I need her. Since I'm unable to lay during this pregnancy, she's going to need to produce the next generation of the hive, and she'll need your support. We're doing things we're not exactly comfortable with, and Zelus may become irritable when she realizes her hatchlings will be mixed with my own. Queens would normally not bother caring for the young of another queen, but we're going to have to learn to accept each others nymphs, not just drones that are already grown and mature."

Din was silent for a moment, but after she didn't return to his wing he looked to her, nodding for her to speak her mind.

"I want to thank you again, Cimmerian. I know this is, difficult may not even begin to describe it from what I've learned from Cadance. Zelus and I have been dealing with a lot of issues that crop up with two queens ruling a hive. She's also asked me to sync with her again. She's starting to feel the pull of her addiction again, and the synchronization diluted it. I believe it had something to do with our swap that left her addicted, because you, you haven't really been focusing a lot of love on my these past few days and I don't feel too bad. She's starting to get antsy though," Pandinus explained.

Cimmerian immediately looked to the smaller mare, concern written over his face. He shook his head before rising, moving to set his muzzle against the queen's slightly inflated barrel and began nuzzling it gently.

"I'm sorry Din. It didn't leave them uncared for, did it?"

Pandinus squeaked in shock as a strange sensation rolled over her.

"N-no it didn't. In fact, I think I can now confirm which sensation is a changeling. The one closest to you now is reacting to your affection. It, it feels weird."

Cimmerian grinned, pressing his muzzle against her belly and cooing.

"So one of my little girls is right here? Well, dad's got plenty of love for both her and her mom. The other two would be alicorns then?"

"I don't know, the doctor said one was smaller, so maybe a mix. I just know that I've been eating even more food lately, and I've been craving the strangest combinations. Slop and his aides have been very accommodating, and I know I'm not the only one getting the strange cravings anymore so that's reassuring. I'm just...I'm just waiting for her to speak to me through the link. I know she's there now, but I want to hear her, I want to speak to her," Din mumbled, staring at her barrel.

Cimmerian placed one more kiss on her side before moving back between the queens, pulling Din into his side tightly.

"She'd tell you that you're warm and safe, and daddy's love tastes good, right? Oh, and that she doesn't like sharing her room."

"No, I think the close proximity would be good for her. Changelings don't mind such things, as it's security. The other two, I can also feel them warming me a bit. I've been working on keeping my body temperature up like Gleam suggested so it's not as noticeable, but sometimes when I'm laying under the covers I swear I feel a bit warmer just laying in bed. Warmer than I can account for anyway."

Din shifted, pressing her nose against his neck and breathing deeply.

"It scares me, scares us sometimes. What we're doing here, I mean. If either of us get a little clingy, don't get mad at us, okay? You're our safe spot, and I have to say it's nice to have one again. On that same note, please speak if something's bothering you. We can taste it, but we can't read your mind. I also know sometimes you get weird if you feel we're too close, especially Zelus. We both want you to keep supporting the hive, and we're both willing to do a lot for you. All you need to do is ask."

"Thanks Din. I know I've been cold to you two lately, but I've just been a bit confused," the stallion offered weakly. "I know it's not much of an excuse but I feel kind of torn on this topic."

"Zelus and I didn't exactly broach the topic in the most intelligent of ways either," Din offered solemnly. "In fact, I didn't even consider it a topic at the time, just an interesting experiment and a way to reward my sister. I ended up getting her addicted to you and ended up hurting your trust, so I'm sorry for that. And you better be willing to accept my apology, because you likely won't get them very often.

"Oh! Before I forget you may wish to speak to the blue mare you brought back tonight. She's been causing a little trouble for us again, but as I've learned from the ponies here, she was covering her primary emotion with a secondary one. Her anger was a cover for fear. I think she's scared for her pink friend."

"Thanks, Din. I'll speak to her tonight. You keep Zelus out of trouble in the meantime, okay? Don't let her go playing with anything of mine she shouldn't while I'm dream-walking," the alicorn said with a smile.

With a final shared nuzzle, the two drifted to sleep. Zelus shifted once more as well, pressing more tightly against the warmth of her sisters mate. In the hive, Din gave one last order before allowing herself to enter a resting trance like her sister was in.

"Keep Celestia out of our room."


It didn't take Cimmerian long to find Rainbow's dream and he was soon watching the mare. The dream she was having was not a pleasant one, but he hadn't interfered for a little bit while he learned the issue. She was currently inside what was obviously a changeling hive, surrounded by the an uncountable number of the changelings Scootaloo had remembered from the wedding. Here and there a changeling that looked closer to those at the Temple could be seen, but it seemed to be her mind remembering them as a variation, not a sane changeling. He watched as the mare fought through them and could see her goal; several pods filled with her friends.

Cimmerian pulsed magic over the nightmare with a flap of his wings, feeling the nightmare had gone on long enough. The mare immediately jerked looking about for the source of the magic that had swept away the changelings. She took a step back as he landed nearby with a crack. The fear in her eyes soon turned to anger and then to confusion as she remembered he wasn't Nightmare Moon but a different individual.

"Dreams are a funny thing, Dash. Sometimes they're just your brain taking a dump, a weird mix of images and memories that really don't mean anything. Other times they're memories of happier times. Sometimes though they're signs to individuals like myself of what the issue is. The wedding wasn't long ago for you, but that queen that attacked the wedding is gone. Pandinus told me she was mad with hunger, that no queen would try something like that while sane. The queen made an army of true drones and attacked your city with them, but she was directly linked to every drone in that city. When that shield threw them out, her connection was garbled, and she couldn't cut herself from the drones before they were killed from the impacts. That queen cracked from the strain of her connection to hundreds of drones being forcefully severed, leaving her a gibbering mess."

"The changelings are in an unfavorable position," he explained, moving to some of the changelings that weren't banished, the ones that looked healthy. "They need you and your race, but everyone else sees them as monsters. The can't get food through legitimate means, so they turn to deception to survive. They disassociate from ponies, the barriers between races deepens, and soon ponies are just a food source for them. A dangerous one at that."

"The Temple of the Shadows has been a reset button to this issue though. This is what it could have been if things were done differently. You may have grown up knowing changelings, in fact your family may have adopted a nymph or you could have been adopted by a pair of changelings. The love of family is enough to sustain them for a long time. They want ponies to be happy because happy ponies give them more energy."

"I know, I know," the mare groused. "Changelings aren't bad, Twilights not actually insane, and Celestia...Celestia makes mistakes too. I mean I felt like something was wrong, but nopony could prove anything was wrong with Twilight."

After a moment of silence, the pegasus looked at him in irritation.

"Why are you here, anyway?"

"Well first of all because Luna's AFK."

When Dash gave him a confused look he laughed.

"Sorry, Away From Keyboard. She's not available right now, so I have to pick up the slack. Nightmares aren't all bad, and not all of them are caused by evil spirits, but you and your friends are a bit of a special case. That, and Queen Pandinus asked me to look in on you. She could taste the fear, you know. She's blunt though, too blunt to be able to try and diffuse the situation and she realized that. She doesn't want to cause a rift between you and your friends."

"She could-I'm not scared of nuthin'! I just get mad!" Rainbow said, puffing up and flaring her wings.

"Everyone gets scared, Rainbow Dash. I was terrified when I first got here. I'm still scared sick for my family that are now in the same state, let alone planet as Nightmare Moon. I'm scared that by the time I get home, if I ever do, my family will already be dead. If not by a planet-destroying plot by the first Nightmare then by the hands of time. I may be known back home by now as a monster who tried to drive humanity to extinction. I may never see my mom and dad again because of this, but I won't leave you guys to deal with the Nightmare on your own.

"Celestia's scared that Twilight may not survive this. She's scared that she could get caught again and locked up again, something she may not be able to take. While you and your friends were petrified, Celestia and Luna were completely aware of the time that was passing. The Nightmare taunted them daily, weekly, then monthly. By the time I spoke to them, it was only appearing every year. Otherwise they were sealed off and alone with their thoughts. That is a terrible place to be, especially if you think you did something wrong. In this case, Celestia was left in that room for nearly three decades wondering where she went wrong and who would stop Twilight before she destroyed everything Equestria was. That's a lot of time to be alone with such thoughts, Dash."

The pegasus was silent for a moment as she digested the information. She shifted a bit as she tried to comprehend so long in a small room, her wings twitching in agitation. Her ears drooped a bit before she scowled at him.

"So Celestia and Luna had it bad. I'm supposed to feel bad about it, right? Maybe feel bad about the changelings too, even though everything I know is gone as well? My home, I don't know where my dad is, I don't have a job, I, I just..."

"I'm not asking you to feel sorry for them, I'm asking you to understand that everyone's been getting hit with the shit-stick lately," Cimmerian told the pegasus. "You, the princesses, Twilight, your friends. Dash, the entire planet is in an uproar over this. This isn't just the Mad Queen messing with Equestria. She's conquered High Talon. The griffon homelands are under her control right now."

Rainbow's eyes widened in shock.

"W-what?! But the griffons are, they'd shred any army to bits before they gave up their city!"

"Even a race of Spartans can be dragged down by overwhelming and tireless numbers," Cimmerian said with a sad smile. "The drones the Mad Queen is using don't fear death, they don't sleep, they don't eat anything besides the emotions they drain from their targets. The changeling queens she has access to pump out hundreds of eggs a week and provide her with an unlimited amount of soldiers. She sent so many changelings at that city the roads were filled with changelings bodies, and she still sent more. That's why when I offered a way around the changelings they jumped on it. Herrick has been sending a few drones he finds disconnected from the arrays after a raid my way, but with the most recent advances we've made, I think she's running on all true drones at the moment. Most of the sapient changelings are here now."

"I don't need you to love a changeling, I don't even need you to care about them. I just need you to understand they won't hurt you. They'll do everything they can to keep you and your friends safe. You and your friends are important to this world, and they know that. If you like, tomorrow find and talk to Gleam, ask her if she has need of a courier between here and Zarris or Shadowtalon. I'm sure we could find something for you to do to pass the time. Otherwise, maybe you could look into being a scout? Fly around the area, make notes of things of interest. In the meantime, I think you'd like to see a friend of yours, right? I need to check on Pinkie anyway and let her know about her current situation. Would you like to come as well?"

The pegasus perked up at the offer, nodding wildly and smiling for the first time that night. The stallion spread his wings and flared his horn, pulling the two of them into the dream realm and easily finding the party ponies dream. He reinforced it with magic before even touching it, making certain to keep any and all strain off of her mind for the visit.

"Pinkie! Pinkie, are you there?" Dash shouted as soon as the world solidified around them.

Cimmerian put a hoof to her muzzle to silence her and motioned for her to follow him, moving through the white void towards the dreamer. Pinkie was sleeping even in her dream, the mare curled up and snoring softly as she recovered from her exhaustion. The stallion carefully nudged her, causing her to crack an eye open to see who was poking her.

"Hey Cimmy," she mumbled softly. "I'll be with you in a bit. I need a bit more sleep."

Cimmerian grinned at her.

"We'll be out of your head in a bit, Pinkie. Dash wanted to make sure you were okay, and I need to warn you about something."

Pinkie lifted her head up, looking over and smiling at her friend before letting loose a muzzle-splitting yawn.

"Hi Dashie. You're not causing them trouble are you?"

Rainbow sat down next to the party pony, pressing up against her and using a wing to pull her closer.

"Psh, me? Why would I cause trouble? I'm the last pony who would cause trouble for anypony! I mean, I don't-

"Dashie," Pinkie warned.

The pegasus huffed in irritation and crossed her forelegs.

"Fine, I don't like the changelings. They stuck you in one of those pod things, and I got mad."

Pinkie giggled, pressing against her friend before turning to the dark alicorn.

"She didn't hurt anypony, did she?"

"No, Pinks. She didn't. Managed to make Din irritable, but even then Din knew she was just being protective of you and her friends. Will you be okay in the pod? They usually cut manes and tails down a bit for that, so you're going to be less poofy for a bit," he said to Pinkie. "Don't panic when you finally feel better, okay? They'll open it up for you when you're ready to wake up. The pod just lets them take care of you for a long time much easier. No need to wake you up for meals and such."

Pinkie nodded, laying down to doze off again.

"Thanks Cimmy. And thanks Dashie. Don't cause too many problems, I need you to pick up on my-" she cut off with a powerful yawn "my job while I'm here. Make ponies smile for me, Dashie. That's the job I'm leaving you with."

Cimmerian gave the two a few moments before pulling Dash away. They returned to the polychromatic mare's own dream in short order, and Cimmerian finally released his hold on the pink pony's dream.

"Sleep well, Dash. If you need to talk, ask. Or find your other friends. They're all looking for ways to distract themselves, but it's only a delaying tactic. You'll all need to talk about what's bothering you. I used Celestia and Luna, and I'm still venting to Din every now and again. In the meantime, ask Amald for a bit of training. I'm sure he could find you a way to pass your free time."

The mare grunted a noncommittal response as she curled up on a cloud in her dream. He left her, returning to the dream realm with the intent of grabbing some extra information. It had been a few days since he'd heard anything about Heart, maybe Herrick was up to date on her situation?

He soared over the dreamscape, sensing the pinging of the individual he was looking for easily. Cimmerian belatedly realized he could find Heart later that night anyway and it was possible she wanted a message passed to her new hive sisters. For now he had a griffon to pester.

Herrick was actually speaking to some troops when he found the old merc, going on about some attack that had likely taken place years ago. He listened for a few moments, trying to figure out what the tom was going on about, but it was one of those dreams that seemed to be a mixture of nonsensical pleasure for the dreamer and older memories. Rangoon rebels? The alicorn was fairly certain his dinner and his job were melding into a weird reenactment of an old battle. Not surprising, though. Cimmerian had eaten weird things before bed plenty of times himself.

"Hey Herrick, get your tail off your soap box. I need to talk to you!"

The griffon's response was instantaneous.

"Who the hell do you think you are, interrupting my plan! We're preparing to destroy those crunchy bastards and you think...Cimmerian?"

"Hey Herrick. Might want to stay away from seafood that's nearing its expiration date right before bed. Does weird things to dreams. I speak from experience of course, done that a few times myself," Cimmerian explained to the tom, smiling the entire time. "I wanted to ask you if you'd heard anything on Heart. I'll be checking on her later, but I wanted to know if you had anything for me."

"That proto queen you left back in Freeside, right?" Herrick asked. "Yea, I've heard of her. Hackett's been going on about how weird it is having all the ponies reacting faster than he can get his own soldiers to move. The Equestrian soldiers that have been showing up are working with the Talons to keep the city safe, and they're even assimilating the Mad Queen's patrols into their own forces at any chance they get. The pony hive there is up to around six hundred individuals, ranging from soldiers to farmers to little kids. The Mad Queen wasn't really specific when she started grabbing everyone in sight, it seems. As it stands, Heart's using farmers to supply both her makeshift hive and the Talons with food and shelter as well as running full patrols at all times. She also reported to Herrick a confirmation that the array you gave us blocks the control of the Mad Queen's control array. If a pony has both, they hear the hive but don't lose control of themselves."

"Ok, so it's all been good for her? Heart's not running into any issues, or giving your men any?" Cimmerian confirmed.

"She's a bit bigger now, and apparently feeding off the happiness and gratitude of the ponies she's safeguarding as well as the emotions of the drake. She's also been surprisingly calm around our soldiers. Her drake is going to be wearing an eye patch for the foreseeable future though. That eye was pretty mangled."

Cimmerian winced.

"Gonna have to apologize for that one, even if we weren't in our right minds for most of that fight. As for the queen, I assume every soldier and civilian she obtains or has nearby is another body between herself and the Nightmare. It doesn't surprise me she's been willing to help to the best of her ability."

Herrick nodded in agreement before clicking his beak.

"I have a request of my own. Diamond Tiara, one of our Canterlot Informants, has been missing for a while now. We can't pinpoint her location, but we don't think she's been captured either. Could you find her for us?"

"I'd be happy to help, Herrick," Cimmerian told the mercenary. "It's getting pretty thick out there, so any additional ally is appreciated."

"Thanks, Cimmerian. Tell Heart to pass it along to Hackett that we're going to need another report soon and that my brothers are sending some reinforcements his way, as well as some boats to take some of the refugees off his talons," Herrick said, giving the stallion a mocking salute. "Now if you don't mind, I'm in bed, and would rather not be working. I give the Talon's enough of my waking hours as is."


Diamond wasn't that hard to find. Apparently she'd been marked but had been wearing the array as most Talons were at this point. She was currently moving about with a small group of Equestrian soldiers while hoping to keep clear of the Nightmare's attention. Cimmerian had offered Freeside as having a solution, not giving details besides 'trust Heart. She'll help you' in case the mare or her companions were caught. He also wasn't sure how much information the array crystals could pull from its captives or if it was even capable of such a thing.

Moving into Heart's dream-link, he watched a large number of ponies sleeping easily in the non-existent chambers of Heart's hive. He found her sleeping peacefully on the throne, taking her rest for the moment before returning to her duties of guiding and guarding those how had approached her for safety.

"The queen is sleeping, alicorn. Is there something I can help you with?" a pegasus asked, a single pauldron with the anti-control array etched into it being the only sign he was Equestrian military.

"Just looking for an update, and if she needs anything that I could send to her. I'm Lord Cimmerian of the Temple of the shadows, and the Hive my mate runs is the same one that accepted Heart and freed her from the array."

"This one, I, am doing fine," Heart slowly answered, having been awoken by the alicorn's intrusion. "Thank you, Scope. I will handle this."

The pony bowed and stepped away, moving away to sit beside several other ponies who were all watching the dark stallion.

"They seem pretty loyal for a bunch of ponies who didn't care about changelings a week ago," Cimmerian commented.

"Amazing what losing your body will do, isn't it?" Heart shot back. "I keep their minds separate, they protect me. That is our agreement. Are my, are my sisters doing well?"

"Zelus has begun laying full clutches of fathered drones, and Pandinus is pregnant with my own children. The Temples drones are well fed and a few of the drones are even in active relationships with ponies and griffons at this point. Food is no issue at the Temple. How about you, Heart, are you doing well out here? You certainly sound better."

"I've used the minds of those connected to the hive to, to repair myself. I don't remember a lot from before, but speech is easily repaired in such a way," the changeling explained. "I'm certain I'm acting strangely for a changeling, but I don't really remember how I should act, so I've been using their mannerisms and speech patterns. It helps them to remain calm around me, and I find myself no longer stuttering like a brain damaged foal."

Heart blinked for a moment in confusion before sighing.

"I do find myself using pony terms instead as a result though. Like saying foal instead of nymph or hatchling. A simple trade off, it could be worse."

Cimmerian nodded in agreement.

" 'Could always be worse. So you don't need us to do anything for you? Don't need us to send you some food or anything like that?"

"Spike could use some gems to eat. Those should help him heal faster. Maybe some pony food for the soldiers. I have a bunch of them working a nearby farm, and have had them triple the land being used, but it still takes time to make it. Anything like that would be a great help. The few sapient drones I've recovered and myself are currently fine with what the ponies are giving me in terms of emotion," the proto queen explained, giggling a bit. "If getting affection was this easy, I wish this had happened years ago. I think I had a large swarm back then, and I would have been able to hold off quite a few of the Mad Queen's attacks. It's just been wonderful having food and freedom again. Tell Zelus I am forever in her debt."

"I'll let her know, Heart," Cimmerian answered with a grin. "Herrick asked that I pass on to you that the Talon brothers will want another report from Hackett soon, and that they're sending a few ships to help reduce the strain of refugees on Freeside. I'd expect those before too long, and would like you to pass that information along. There's also going to be a small group of soldiers making their way to you, one of them will be a marked Talon by the name of Diamond Tiara. I sent her your way, so she'll be asking for you by name. Oh, and tell Spike I'm sorry about the eye, and that we'll do what we can to heal it when this is all over with."

"Thank you, I'll pass the information along. It would be nice to feel more happiness from Spike, he's been very quiet lately. I think he's still in shock at the moment and is keeping himself busy guarding me. It's the only job he still has at the moment," the mare said, looking over at her new hive. "Thank you for helping my sisters, Lord Cimmerian. I can't thank Zelus and yourself enough for what you've done for me."

"Just do what you can to help those who come under your care. That's thanks enough," the alicorn answered, giving the mare a friendly nuzzle. "I've got one more thing I want to do tonight, I'll pass your message once I wake up."

The queen gave a respectful bow before moving back to her dream-throne. The ponies seemed to relax finally, seeing her moving away from the intruder. Cimmerian decided it was a good sign. It meant they were loyal to her, that they would fight harder to keep the queen and the civilians safe. Stepping out into the dream-realm, he focused on the last name for the night, not certain if he would get a response. It had been a toss up, but in the end, he just didn't find contacting the Chief of the Minotaurs to be as important. Luna was an option, but if she wasn't in the dream realm under her own power, it was likely magic that held her back. With a final focused breath to mentally prepare himself for the possible dangers, he braced himself and entered the dream.


How long had it been since she had seen the sunlight, or felt it on her face?

She didn't know.

How long had it been since she'd spoken to loved ones, or held them close?

She couldn't remember anymore.

It had been so long in the darkness, so long with no hope that the moment she'd heard the familiar voice calling out to her, she'd listened with the rapt attention she'd given it in days long past. It said to hold on, it said it knew the truth. She believed the voice. After all, the voice may have been wrong in the past, it may have been misled, but the voice never lied. It always said what it believed.

The mare was curled in the darkness of her empty dreams when she sensed it. Somepony had entered her dream. She braced herself against the coming assault, wondering how long it would torment her this time. She wondered what cruel jokes it was coming to play on her, what lies it would tell her to attempt to break her back down into a malleable little puppet. She wouldn't listen, it wouldn't break her this time.

The soft clopping of hooves approached, and she tensed, waiting for the twisted sound of her own voice to begin speaking. It never came though. Instead a hoof touched her side.

She flinched from the contact, but soon it ran gently along her side once, twice, three times before the body drew closer. She pulled her hooves from her muzzle in time to see dark forelegs reaching out to her, pulling her into a warm barrel. It was trying to crush her now, or maybe it was trying to absorb her through osmosis? Was it really becoming that desperate?

Opening her eyes fully and looking at the body she was held against though, she realized it wasn't the Nightmare. Looking up as the stallion held her gently, she was vaguely reminded of another nightmare she'd seen years ago, but there was no hatred in those eyes. There was only concern. Only a gentle kindness that she'd not seen or felt in decades.

The stallion stroked her mane for a few moments, just letting her mind come to grips with what she was seeing before he lifted her gently up to nuzzle her cheek.

"Hello Twilight. I'm the friend Celestia was talking about, the one who is working against the Nightmare, that saved Cadance and freed your friends. I'm here to give you some much-needed hope. We haven't forgotten about you."

Author's Note:

Hate to say it, but I feel like this is all coming to a head. Story's gone on for a long time, I've learned a lot about writing, and I only hope I've done the characters justice.

That being said we're not quite there. I have a vague idea of what I want to happen, and how the stories going to finish, but until we get there nothing is set in stone. Not anymore at least. :pinkiehappy::raritystarry::rainbowwild::flutterrage::ajsmug:

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