• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,802 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

  • ...

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Memories of Christmas Warmings past

Queen Zelus was slowly getting used to ponies and their strange ways. They threw her for a loop every now and again, certainly; Cimmerian's emotional whirlwind earlier that day had left her feeling tired just watching and tasting it, so she could only imagine how he was holding up as they approached Silver's estate. The alicorn was still wearing a smile, but it was an exhausted one. She could sense the mental fatigue starting to creep over him, feeling his emotions slowly dampening, slowly turning darker. She figured it was why he had decided to turn in at this point, even though there were still several hours left in the 'day.'

She followed at an easy pace behind him, watched as he knocked on the door and was led inside. She sensed a burst of confusion from him, and prepared herself. In the middle of the living room were several thestrals, most wearing intricate armor while one, who she guessed was their leader, sat with Silver Light. All eyes were on the alicorn, and she settled slightly, seeing and feeling nothing but awe and admiration from the soldiers. The leader was a bit tougher to read, but she was a changeling. She could read a rock if it had emotions. Even he tasted of awe at being this close to the alicorn.

Fluttering his wings, Cimmerian approached the meeting and asked Silver if she would introduce her guests. Zelus could hear the other question though. She stepped up beside the stallion, nodding with a small smile in an attempt to calm him. They weren't enemies.

Cimmerian's wings relaxed slightly at her nod, his smile becoming less forced. She reacted correctly it seemed. He was unsure of their intention, and she was able to convey that this didn't seem to be an ambush.

'Perhaps there is a bit more to this guard thing than I thought.'

"Lord Theodore Cimmerian Fredson, I'm Crimson Lance of the Night Wings. Ages ago our ancestors pledged themselves to the service of Princess Luna. When we heard an alicorn was present we investigated, and Silver has provided us with much to work with. She, she even said Princess Luna spoke to her last night. We are well aware that the Nightmare was something else, that it wasn't her, or that it was a madness that had overtake her, as the Nightmare never bothered with dream magics. Hearing your explanation, it may be because such magics would have revealed its true form to those it attacked," the thestral said to him, the pony's eyes flashing toward her for a moment.

"I-we would like to accept your offer, Lord Cimmerian. The Night Wings serve Princess Luna as they always have, and Silver Light says you speak with her authority. I was hesitant to believe such a claim, but your presence heralds the return of our dreams. It has been years since we have been able to use dream walking, yet tonight we happily begin to pass this skill on to the next generation."

The alicorn stared at the group for a moment, and she could taste his roiling emotions. Happiness, curiosity, hope, worry, fear...that last one made little sense to her.

"I appreciate your offer, Crimson. It is not just for followers of Luna though. I'm making this offer to everyone, as I made it to the griffons and as I made it to the changelings. I'm glad you'd like to join, but I need more than that. I would need numbers, I would need to know if their families will be going as well. This isn't a call to arms, I'm not going after Queen Twilight right now, not directly. She has an army, she has hundreds if not thousands of drones under her control; I don't wish to bring that upon my people. You and yours would be welcomed at the Temple of the Shadows, not as additional troops, but as new residents. We could always use additional trained soldiers, I'm sure, but there's more to this than just standing under my banner."

The thestral seemed confused for a moment. Hah! Did the fool expect them to march from here to Canterlot, laying siege to the Mad Queen's capital? She nearly giggled at the sight, but managed to minimize it to a fanged smirk.

"I understand my lord. We have about two hundred soldiers and their flocks. Some may not wish to move, but I'm certain most would be willing to leave on your word. We can even supply you with a properly trained and equipped guard if you wi-"

"My current guards are fine. I know you likely mean nothing by it, Crimson, but those picked to be my guards were chosen from over one hundred individuals. They have been granted this position over their fellow guards as a matter of trust and as an honor.

"I'm certain you and yours are well versed in many things and my guards are fairly new to this, but let me ask you something. If I were to offer to replace your own guards, how do you think they would take that? It's both an insult to those that trained them and to the guards themselves. Second, their training was handled by the previous captain of the Storm Talons, and I'm confident Amald taught them well. Finally, I know these individuals. I've not memorized some names, but I'm working on it, right?"

Queen Zelus mentally scoffed at the idea.

'Why would he not choose better guards if he had the choice? I would, especially if they'd proposed to serve me and I knew they would not betray me. It would be better than...oh.'

The queen's eyes widened in realization, a strange mix of anger at the thestral and respect for the alicorn filling her. To replace the guards was to claim that they, that she was incapable of doing their job. Cimmerian had seen that and sidestepped the issue. It was both a scolding for the thestral and a pat on the back for his own guards. For her as well, actually. She was one of those guards, in fact he had looked to her the moment he thought something was wrong.

That thought made her chest swell with pride. She'd always been raised to be looked up to, but this, it was a different kind of dependence. The stallion didn't truly need her as her drones would, as her children would need their queen. He looked to her because he trusted her. Trust wasn't something she'd been given very often. One had been Lestidae; a mutual trust that saw them surviving a world gone to Tartarus. The second was Pandinus, her hive sister. Now the alicorn before her had claimed her as a trusted individual. Normally she would have scoffed at the idea, but Din explained it in a way she never heard the idea before. Trust was being able to molt around others and not worry about a blade in your soft shell. It was about providing others with a boon knowing they wouldn't immediately turn it against you. Trust was being able to leave your hatchlings with another queen and knowing no harm would come to them, or leaving your mate in the care of another queen and knowing she'd do everything in her power to see him to safety.

Zelus had originally thought this duty was a sign of trust from just her sister, but she now knew different. It was trust from the stallion as well. Even as they planned the route the thestrals would need to take to reach the Temple, she fluttered her wings in poorly restrained glee. He trusted her to watch out for his safety, and she was trusting him to keep her fed, to keep her supplied with the energy needed to survive the harsh climate. It was different, strange, exhilarating even. She needed the stallion to keep supplying her with energy. The strange dependence was just so against everything she'd been taught.

'I don't even need a disguise while doing this, it's amazing!'

She redirected her attention to the male she was guarding, hearing him laugh at some joke made by the bat pony councilor. A frown crept across her face; he was smiling and laughing with them, but he didn't taste happy. In fact, his mood seemed to still be dropping though at a slower pace. That was something she'd have to learn how to fix. He was starting to taste kind of bitter.

"Thank you for the meal, Silver. I think I'm going to head to bed a bit early. It's been a busy day, and I'm feeling a bit fatigued."

Zelus followed the alicorn, her frown having grown. She wasn't going to call him out as being sad in front of all of the others, but she was growing more concerned as the time passed. The meal was eaten, but she knew he didn't really taste it so much as swallow what he thought he needed to eat.

'Now I know why a queen was entrusted with this task, a drone would go mad attempting to understand this.'

Closing the door behind her drone, the queen made her way to the bed mat that had been set up in the room. The stallion was already in a foul mood, and she had no desire to antagonize him by attempting to feed on him. As she settled the drone and herself in for the night, Her ears perked up at a whisper.

"Zelus. Zelly? Come on, I know you prefer being on the bed." Cimmerian called, raising an inviting wing. She scowled at the offer, not understanding his reasoning. Didn't most ponies prefer to be alone when sad? She certainly didn't want to be near him when he was exuding...ok, it wasn't just sorrow. There was some happiness in there too. What did the guard call it? Reminiscing? That seemed to be it. A strange blend of sorrow, joy, longing, and just the slightest hints of hope and despair. Taking one last look at the drone that was currently shutting down for the night, the queen cautiously moved to take her place at his side, the stallion chuckling and giving a brief flair of amusement at her wariness.

'Now he mocks my confusion. Frustrating creatures,' she fumed with a huff of annoyance. She hopped up on the bed and laid against him, immediately receiving a burst of happiness and a wing-based hug.

"Luna always felt better if she had someone beside her when she was feeling down. I usually kept to myself, but I might as well try it out," Cimmerian explained to her. "Might be an pony thing."

She nodded, not truly understanding of course. It still drew a little more happiness from him.

"Why do you taste a mess?" she asked after a moment. "I understand not wishing to look weak, but it does not explain the, mixture of emotions you exude now."

"I just ran out of steam, that's all. All of this, the holiday stuff, it reminds me of holidays back home. I was pretty good at making it back home for most Christmas breaks," he gave a mirthless chuckle at the idea, "but no amount of planning will let me see my parents for this one."

"I see. This is what causes you to taste so strange? What do you mean by you ran out of steam?" she asked him. It was likely beyond her understanding, but it didn't hurt to ask. Not too much at least.

He laid his head down on the pillow and relaxed, "I was just running out of happy thoughts, that's all. Ran a bit dry on holiday cheer."

Zelus blanched at the notion. Running out of happiness? Was she feeding too much? She quickly jumped from the bed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to feed too much, just let me get a jar, you can have it back!"

"What? No, that's not what I meant. You didn't drain me too much, Zel. Calm down," Cimmerian said with a chuckle and another burst of amusement. "I meant that the holidays are a mix for me. I've done my celebrating, now I just need to do some mourning. It's completely normal. I just need to not let it become too all-encompassing. That's what Pandinus got mad about last time. Now get over here. I was actually feeling better for a bit there."

Cautiously the queen resumed her position, still tense and ready to jump at a moments notice. The moment she was settled in again he gave her a devious grin.

"I just thought of a great way to relax. You ready?"

There was no time to leap to safety, no time to shake her head with a negative response. He leaned towards her, his horn alight, and Queen Zelus fell into the land of dreams.

No, not fell. She was dragged there, kicking and screaming.


"Is it not considered a good thing among your kind to worry about the state of one's mate?" Queen Pandinus asked as she received reports from her drones. It was strange to the blue alicorn mare, but the meditative state that Pandinus used to communicate with distant drones allowed the queen to speak to Luna even while awake. Luna was more than happy to take advantage of this, talking to the queen even as the alicorn kept an eye out for Cimmerian's dreams.

"It is, but that does not mean asking for constant updates. He spoke to you two days ago. Calm yourself," Luna said, watching the sleeping drones flitting about the hives dream-side. "I will let you know when I see him."

"Cadance will be going with us. She wished to speak with him again, now that she's recovering. She's also bringing Amare with her," Pandinus said, a smile gracing her muzzle. "Amare has been teaching Cadance to use the array. Last time I checked your niece was capable of controlling three drones at once. While not impressive for a changeling queen, her mind is not made for such things. I was impressed at her ability to multitask. Cimmerian tells me such things are difficult for other races.

"She did forget to breathe at one point though," Din told her with a chuckle. "She was so focused on what was going on around her, so focused on everything from their breathing to the steps and movements they were taking, she started holding her own breath and didn't notice until she passed out. She awoke a few moments later, confused as to what had occurred."

Luna cocked her head in curiosity.

"The array allows her to control drones? I thought it merely joined her to the link that changelings share."

"No, it actually was a connection similar to a queen's. It was why Amare and Vis looked to her for orders and guidance. I don't know enough about pony minds to attempt to remove it, and I must admit I find it humorous that she can now actively use something that was created to torment her. I was actually teaching Cadance and Amare about shifting one's perception to a drone earlier," the queen explained, focusing on the two individuals for a moment. "They are currently practicing on each other in my chamber."

"You mean they're trading perceptions? Amare controlling Cadance and vice-versa?" Luna asked in amazement. "I must say, that shows an exceptional level of trust."

Pandinus nodded, "I believe Amare still looks to Cadance as her mother figure, despite knowing it isn't true; Cadance did not even want the nymph at first. But they've, I believe the phrase is grown on each other. Both can see the love each has for the other, so there is no worrying about betrayal."

Luna gave a rueful chuckle at that thought, "I suppose Amare spending so long with a pony who was risking insanity to keep her safe would leave her feeling comfortable in trusting Cadance. I just don't know how Cadance can say the same. Giving such control to another is a frightening idea to most ponies."

Luna blinked suddenly, looking off into the distance and finding a grin of her own, "And there he is."

"This will only take a moment, and we'll be ready," Din said, her focus drifting elsewhere. Less than a single minute later, Amare and Cadance had appeared in the dream, finding their way to Pandinus in the link's dream-side. Both drew nearer to the larger mares while wearing large grins.

"It is wonderful to see you smiling again, Cadance," Luna told the pink alicorn. "And if I'm not mistaken, you've begun to grow again."

"I have, auntie," the pink mare answered with a smile. "I was hoping to see Cimmerian and Auntie Tia tonight, if it's not too much trouble."

"We'll ask once we see him. Do you require extra power, Luna?" Din asked, turning to the smaller alicorn.

Luna nodded, "Yes, it would help. I can move about freely, and even take a guest, but a larger group is not within my current capabilities."

The world shifted as the alicorn of the night and dreams dragged the three of them into the distance. it didn't take long, one of the positives of moving through the dreamscape. They group entered the targeted dream with a muffled thump of hooves on carpet. Three of them looked around confused for a moment, unsure of where exactly they were. Amare was the first to recover from her confusion, rolling around on the soft floor and giggling merrily as she eyed the room, the multi colored lights scattered throughout it holding her attention.

"Hearth's Warming?" Luna asked, looking about the room.

"I don't know, I don't recognize some of the imagery. Oh, but there's a Hearth's Warming wreath," Cadance pointed out, confusion breaking out across her face. "Why does the dream have both 'Christmas' and Hearth's Warming?"

"Likely because his mind is mixing the two," Luna explained. "I assume this 'Christmas' is his species' version of Hearth's Warming. He is also carrying around years of my own memories, so it is plausible he is confusing the two subconsciously."

The small group made their way deeper into the dream, following the sharpening of detail to the dreamer. Amare chittered happily, enjoying the bright and festive decorations scattered all over the strangely built home, while the mares made guesses at the uses of various objects that were alien to them. One in particular that drew their eyes were strange orbs that gave off light without magic, not enchanted crystals but seemingly made of glass with wires.

'I suppose a species bereft of magic would find other ways to illuminate their homes,' the Luna realized, looking at the flickering globes.

The group soon came across the dreamer, reclined on the couch in his birth form. On his lap was the frazzled form of Queen Zelus, though she seemed to have been reduced in size and was currently being treated to the wondrous massage the stallion had given Luna not too long ago. The reduced queen perked up as they entered, directing a pleading look at the group and mouthing the phrase 'Help me!'

Luna burst into giggles at the mare's discomfort, stirring Ted even as Pandinus quickly trotted up to the couch. With a flicker of her horn, Zelus was removed from his grip and Din replaced her, jumping up on the groggy and confused creature's lap. Before he could register that his companion had been replaced, the larger queen snogged him.

"Oh, I like this form now. I'm bigger than you like this." Din told him, a predatory grin on her face.

Luna chuckled at Pandinus' antics, noticing Cadance staring at the two of them in confusion. The blue alicorn smiled warmly while pulling the other mare closer and explaining the situation to her.

"Cimmerian is not of our world, Cadance. This is the form he was born to. When the Nightmare fled my mind in the face of its defeat, it switched places with him, dragging him to our world. He then spent years in the armor, and was released by those ponies living at the Temple. He's adapting well, all things considered."

Luna's gaze wandered over to a still-frazzled Queen Zelus, who tried to speak but was unable to form any coherent phrases. After the changeling's fifth attempt, she finally managed to sputter out a question.

"How can you stand that? His emotions go all over the place!"

"Oh Zelly, you need to enjoy things that are different. I'm feeding on stored love right now and I can tell you for certain, I would rather be feeding directly from the source no matter his mood than consuming the stored emotions we have at the hive." Din chided the other queen from her position on the couch. "It's just not the same when you've had access to such a source of love only a week ago."

Luna giggled into her fetlock, turning her attention to Zelus even as Pandinus returned her attention to the male.

"So has anything exciting happened since we last spoke?"

"The Nightmare seems to no longer be content experimenting on changelings," the shape shifter told her. "Cimmerian and I came across a mare with chitin grafts and another array etched into her temple. She is currently under my control, but Cimmerian has requested I be kind to her instead of taking the information I seek from her mind."

Luna nodded in agreement, and Cadance perked up at the mention of another going through such an experience before speaking.

"Thank you for listening to him, Zelus. I know you'd prefer to just grab the information, but if it wasn't for Pandinus' kindness I don't know where I'd be right now. Mentally speaking of course. The mare will be scared, that much I can tell you. Give her a chance to learn of you, to learn that she's free, and I can almost guarantee she'll want to help you. Loyalty is a big thing for most ponies."

"Can you show us what this mare looks like?" Luna asked.

Zelus shook her head.

"I could likely tell you about her, but I don't know how to conjure an image."

"It's simple, Zelus," the blue alicorn instructed. "We are in a dream, so such things are much simpler to transfer or conjure. Imagine on this wall here a painting of your mare."

The shape shifter grimaced at the idea, but closed her eyes and imagined the wall bearing a likeness of Sapphire. Luna and Cadance watched the image with differing expressions; Luna's was one of shock at such treatment of a pony, while the pink alicorn's expression was one of sympathy.

"That poor thing. To be, twisted in such a way," Cadance whispered.

Luna growled at the image even as her niece pawed at it.

"The more I learn of this creature's habits, the luckier I count myself to have been possessed by such a fool. At least my nightmare had the decency to not plan too far ahead."

"The coat and mane...I think I remember Twilight telling me about a pony like that, but it was only in passing. Something about a mare grabbing a dangerous artifact just to show her up," Cadance mentioned to the group. "It wouldn't surprise me if it targeted that pony in retaliation. This kind of over the top punishment is something that would also hurt Twilly. The pony would blame her if she ever escaped."

"Cimmerian is correct, Zelus," Luna said giving the queen a warm smile. "The best way to win a pony's trust is through kindness. Such a thing may bring her to you, solidifying her loyalty more than any mind control could. It is the same reason Cimmerian and Pandinus trust you. They know you will not betray them, because they have won your loyalty through positive methods. If Pandinus had forced you into her hive, and attempted to subjugate you, would you not use the first chance you had to strike at her?"

At the queen's nod, Luna continued. "It is for that reason Cimmerian does not like such methods. They are fast, but they are not effective long term. The moment the mare broke free of your control, if only for a moment, she would do everything in her power to destroy you. We know nothing of her, and in spite of what you may think of ponies they are capable of horrible things if pressured. This mare is not even in control of her own body anymore, she could be extremely volatile if handled incorrectly."

Cadance nodded in agreement before turning back to the engaged couple, laughing at the two as while Cimmerian was no longer reclined on the couch, he was still sitting, and was now pinned against the back of the seat by the larger of the queens. Even as she rolled her eyes, Luna gave her a shove.

"I seem to remember you doing the same thing every chance you had with your beloved."

The pink alicorn giggled for a moment before her smile fell, her face gaining a far away look. All three mare's jumped as Pandinus growled, turning from her target long enough to forcefully pull the pink mare from her darker recollections. The moment she received a thankful nod from the pink mare, she went to turn back to her mate, stopping only to glance back curiously to Cadance.

While the two seemed engaged in some mental discussion, Luna looked over to Amare, the foal being much too quiet for her age. She found the nymph sitting before a strange flashing window, the images in the object constantly shifting, giving the illusion of motion. Looking from the glass to the nymph, the young filly giggled and chittered a few odd words before shouting one word at the blue mare, one that caused Ted to break into laughter.



Cimmerian chuckled to himself as he journeyed through the dream realm once more, the outburst of Amare had been just too perfectly timed. He was certain Din had something to do with it, or perhaps it was just the nymph picking up on the other mares' frustration with Luna's poor topic choice. Either way, Din had related Cadance's request, and he was on his way to find Celestia. He stopped for a moment, an idea forming. It was the season for gatherings anyway, right? Why not make this extra special for everyone involved?

With a final incorporeal chuckle, the alicorn set off into the dream realm, an additional destination now in mind. Twilight was beyond what he was comfortable attempting considering her possession, but the alicorns weren't the only ones who had missed a couple holidays.


Once more Zelus was stuck in an unfavorable position. Cimmerian, after returning to his alicorn form, had departed to prepare the way for Celestia's dream, allowing the alicorns to enjoy a holiday night together. The stallion's departure had left her with a rather odd situation in the remnants of the male's dream.

Pandinus was glaring heatedly at Luna, the queen having said some choice words about topic choice around certain individuals (she was fairly certain the other queen meant Cadance). Luna was scuffing her hoof awkwardly, having apologized to both Din and Cadance for her blunder. Cadance was watching the two with no small amount of worry, hoping the larger shape shifter's foul mood was merely hormones and not a sign of a deeper hatred for the mare.

Then there was Amare. The nymph had gone right back to the strange glowing screen once no one was focused on her anymore. Seeing nothing better to do while waiting, Zelus sidled up to the hatchling, attempting to decipher the strange story being told in moving dolls. After nearly ten minutes, Luna alerted them that it was time to leave, and the queen was no closer to figuring out what was going on, only that the fat creature in red was in charge of the multi-horned beings, and the red-nosed one was a mutant. It was likely another strange pony- no, it wasn't even a pony story. It was another strange story that she would likely need the background information to understand the background information on, but it was preferable to watching the stare down in progress behind her.

Luna pulled the group along, empowered by Pandinus' own magic to allow the alicorn the additional passengers. The small group floated through the strange world that was the dream realm for a time before reality finally reasserted itself. Zelus looked around, expecting a similar dream to the one she was in recently, but was shocked to see a small house ahead of them. Luna seemed surprised as well, though her expression soon shifted into one of glee. She ushered the group inside, directing the group to an impossibly large receiving room and from there into what seemed to be a living space.

'More ponies. Wonderful.'

Zelus knew she needed ponies to live, but at this point she was almost willing to endure a week of starvation to avoid the confusion that seemed to follow. Zelus actually worried for the pink alicorn for a moment, the mare breaking into tears as she greeted and hugged the smaller mares. It was only Pandinus' warm smile at the sight did she allow it to continue. It had to be another pony thing. Who cries when they're happy?

"Thank you Cimmerian," Celestia mumbled, hugging the stallion with a grip that was surprisingly strong for her size. Cimmerian just smiled, watching the reunion from the sidelines and grinning all the wider when the mares began cooing and cuddling Amare, the nymph delighting in the attention. Even Fluttershy, who would normally hide from Luna if she was surprised, wasted no time in giving the filly her undivided attention.

"It's no problem," he said easily. "The holidays are a time to reconnect with family and friends. For those of us who can't reach family, friends are all we have. Right?"

Looking at Celestia's devious smirk, he rolled his eyes.

"I know, I know. I have a family here. I meant my parents and biological family. Yours too, and the girls' families. I can't do too many dreams at once, but maybe once I reach the Everfree and get closer to the girls I can bring them all together. I can do two dreams at once now, but I think this is pushing it even with my most recent boost."

"Boost?" Celestia asked curiously.

"I walked through Silver City last night," the stallion related. "The population was either terrified of me, or prostrating themselves before me. My magic fluxed a bit after that."

"Ah" the mare nodded in understanding. "Just be careful when you get close to Equestria, Cimmerian. I know she doesn't know about your trip, but she may lash out at any news at this point. She was extremely agitated the last time I spoke to her, and I think Twilight's causing her trouble."

The group soon devolved into a rotating meet and greet, the element bearers being introduced to Amare and Zelus and vice-versa, Cadance being reintroduced to Twilight's friends and speaking to her aunt about her newest abilities, and Celestia just roving about the party, enjoying the noise and the contact. Dream or not, it was likely the loudest thing the white alicorn had experienced in several decades.

"Wait, you can like, tell them things that and move them around just by thinking at them?" Dash asked incredulously.

Cadance nodded in affirmation. "I can control two so far, three if I really push myself. I'm also learning how to project my awareness to another changeling, as well as learning how to accept another awareness into myself. Normally I'd be a bit squeamish to let somepony else into my head, but I've had Amare long enough that I trust her with that. I know she won't hurt me, and I won't hurt her."

"Don't that make yer head spin though?" AJ interjected. "Ah sometimes trip over mah own hooves, Ah can't imagine trying to walk in another pony's hooves, let alone two other ponies'."

Cimmerian suddenly clopped his forehooves together, drawing the attention of all the gathered mares.

"Speaking of drones, Cadance said she recognized this mare we found, something about Twilight mentioning her years ago. Do any of you know a sky blue unicorn with a white mane and a wand cutie mark?"

"You mean Trixie?" Dash spat out. "That mare caused trouble both times she showed up in Ponyville. Why, she cause trouble for you too?"

Applejack nodded in agreement.

"Ah can't imagine ya could get within five paces of her without learnin' her name, sugar cube. She spouts it every five seconds or so."

Luna and Cadance both winced at the biting comments, knowing the mare's current state. Before either could say anything, Cimmerian responded.

"She wasn't exactly in any condition to tell us. The Nightmare got ahold of her, and it seems to have taken, Trixie you said her name was? It seemed to take her one-upmanship personally."

The element bearers stopped cold in their seats, looks of apprehension slowly spreading over their muzzles.

"I, I dread what the Nightmare could do to the mare, even if she was a bit, uncouth." Rarity said, shifting uneasily. "How bad is it, exactly?"

The stallion looked to Luna, his questioning look being answered by a tired nod. In the center of the table an image formed, the current form of Sapphire, or Trixie as her name had been revealed to be, in her current state.

The reactions were instantaneous and sharp. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, a muttered 'Oh buck.' escaping her lips even as Applejack gasped into her hat. Pinkie's hair drooped, a look of sorrow and pity overtaking her normally cheerful expression. Rarity managed to keep her cool, though she studied the image in detail, more than Cimmerian believed may have been healthy. Celestia looked incredibly tired and sorrowful at the image's reveal, while Fluttershy burst into tears.

"Why, why would it do that? She was a bully, but... nopony deserves that."

"She was being used as a spy to submit reports to Equestria, likely to the Nightmare's hive network," Zelus told them. "I don't know how the Nightmare sorts through it all, but I sensed the mare from her hiding spot above the council chambers and pulled her down. I even ended up pinning her to the ground, thinking she was an assassin. Cimmerian asked me to take her into the Temple's hive since she was still alive, and after he disconnected the mare I pulled her into our own link. She's currently beside me, though she won't respond to anything I do through the link. She has been giving off bursts of emotion every now and again though, mostly surprise."

"Her name may help us as well. Sorry Zel, you can't keep calling her Sapphire if she already has a name," The dark alicorn said with a grin. Turning back to the bearers he smiled warmly.

"We'll take care of her. She's pretty stubborn from what Zelus could tell, so given some time, I think she could come back. No one is ever the same after something like this, but if she can spend how many years keeping herself separate from the link she was bound to, I'm sure she has the willpower to recover."

"I think that's enough on that for now," Cadance interrupted. "We're here to relax, and to enjoy each other's company again. So with such enjoyment in mind I have to ask Cimmerian, that creature that you were before. Does your species have any special holidays dedicated to love? What about romantic traditions? Certainly they have something romantic for Hearth's Warming, right?"

Cimmerian shook his head in exasperation at the sudden topic change, letting the image fade away.

"There are many holidays around the winter season, but the one I celebrated was called Christmas. As for romantic traditions around Christmas time, I never found out why, but there was this thing about mistletoe in the doorframes."

Author's Note:

No I'm not dead. Just horrifically distracted.

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