• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,796 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Lookin for Love

The trip to the port was quiet, no animals willing to attack such a large group even at night. After two days of travel, the group walked into the gates of Port Zarris, once more being greeted at the gate by Sahkest. Unfortunately, the greeting was a bit strained.

"Cimmerian, I need to speak with you. Now. The Talon Mercenary's boss is waiting in my office as well. Something's happened, and it's big." The dragon said, worry evident in his eyes.

"The griffon homelands, correct?" Ted responded. "Most of the griffons that came in with us are refugees, looking for somewhere to start over." Turning to the disguised queen, he asked her to lead the caravan to the inn down the road.

Sahkest frowned, looking over the group and spotting the griffons. "We may not have room for them here. We've come across several smaller ships that were lost in the storm, and the refugees have kept to themselves. Whatever hit them, it scared them badly."

"I already know what hit them." Ted responded, following the drake. "I managed to see a few dreams while they were just coming in from the sea. Any Equestrian Navy ships? Oh, and was one of the ships the Golden Talon?"

"The Golden Talon was found by a patrol wrecked off the coast just south-west of here, no griffons on board, though there were some signs of battle damage. Hard to pick those out on a shipwreck, but the Talon scout's eyes were almost as sharp as his claws. Herrick swears by the scouts reports, too, says he wouldn't muck something like that up."

"I was worried about that." Ted said, even as they entered the office. "We had an Equestrian Navy ship just off the coast, at the abandoned port to the west of us. I think they caught up to the Talon, some of the soldiers mentioned capturing a ship of griffons. I don't think they left anyone on the ship, and there weren't any prisoners that I saw while on their ship."

"You managed to get on one of the hive ships?" A deep voice from inside asked. "I've been told that it's nearly impossible to sneak in, the changeling net is too tight."

"Cimmerian, be known to Herrick Talon, one of the four Talon siblings and the head of the region's Talon branch. Herrick, this is Cimmerian, the one who pulled your merc out of the gnoll den and crushed their military force." Sahkest said, introducing the griffon.

He was large, nearly as powerfully built as Amald, but seeming to favor speed over Amald's choice of power. Just looking at him, Ted knew he wouldn't want to be stuck in a battle against this guy. Giving a polite nod and locking a fetlock around the offered limb, Ted shook the griffon's claw.

"A pleasure to finally meet you, Herrick."

"Sorry, I forget that pony forelimbs aren't made for that kind of thing. You run into such a thing often?"

Ted chuckled at the idea of a pony staring at the offered talon in confusion. "I've had enough experience with claws, talons, paws and hands to know most of the gestures by now."

The griffon nodded taking a seat next to Sahkest, the drake motioning to a nearby cushion for Ted's use.

"We know that the changelings made a huge push out of nowhere, swarming over griffon settlements and driving those that didn't submit out of the country." Sahkest said, grabbing a quill and paper to take notes of the discussions. "Other than that, I haven't been able to get a hold of much. The refugees don't talk much."

"I've heard mentions of pony troops being behind the attacks, but other than hearsay, I've found nothing to confirm it. It wouldn't surprise me in the least, though." Herrick said, both then turning to Ted.

"Prepare to not be surprised then." The alicorn said. "The Mad Queen's using the drones as attack dogs, keeping them enslaved to an array to direct their movements. Remember how I told you I didn't want to give her anymore resources, Kest? Guess what, I have several changelings from a swarm ship that have confirmed that the Mad Queen's using those queens and proto queens she's subjugated as egg factories. Din's given me numbers, and it comes up to about one hundred eggs a week per queen without any other mutations, and that's a definite possibility as well. The number may be higher if she's messed with the queens herself. Most of the drones are feral, going berserk the moment the array is disabled from pain and hunger."

"That's insane." Herrick said. "How are we supposed to hold off those numbers?"

"By not playing fair." Ted answered, reaching into his bag. He set a small metal plate on the table. "This is something I managed to pull off the Equestrian Navy ship before I screwed with the array. After I messed with the array, I dove through the ship and the thing detonated, flash-frying most of the surviving drones. The rest went mad, wiping out the rest of the soldiers. By morning, there were twelve drones left alive. All twelve were sapient, and had banded together in a tower to better protect themselves from the ferals. It's from those drones I received the confirmation about the queens. However, before I reached the array, I saw this rune on the shoulder of every soldier. I had my resident spell-master look over it, I figured it may allow us some control over the drones if they attack us, allowing us to ruin the momentum such a large force brings with it. Shadow Weaver told me it's actually a signal rune, telling those under the control of the array that those wearing it are not viable targets."

"You mean the swarm will ignore someone with the rune?" Herrick asked, a devious grin spreading across his beak.

Ted nodded. "It puts you in the 'not important' category for the swarm. They'll not only ignore you, they'll go out of their way to avoid your path."

The griffon's smile fell for a moment as he settled into a business mode. "How much do you want for it?"

Ted slid the plate across the table to the griffon, a grin on his own face. "As much damage as you can cause the Mad Queen, that's my price. I've had Shadow Weaver copy everything he could get from the array already, he's setting up our guards with their own copies for their armor, and we're currently trying to expand it to an area of effect spell for the protection of a city or town."

"You're joking, right? The minotaurs would pay out their ringed noses for this kind of information. You're just giving it to me?" Griffon asked incredulously.

"Then you can give me a cut if it bothers you. Any and all trouble you can cause the Mad Queen will distract her from her plans. Her forces are so big right now, so bloated and so sure of their superiority they're the perfect target for hit and run tactics." The dark alicorn offered. "Hit her supply lines, hit the things she can't replace easily like the control arrays, hit the actual pony soldiers. Hell, the thought of her soldiers watching as the swarms ignore the minotaur soldiers is hilarious. Just be careful, the drones will attack anything they can sense once the array breaks or shuts down, including each other."

Herrick nodded, grabbing the plate and holding it almost reverently. "I can't tell you how many times she's stopped us cold with those drones. It will be nice to just walk past them and bash some heads in for once."

"You might want to build up a few defenses around here as well, Sahkest." Ted told the drake. "The Equestrians are getting bold. I'd hate to see your town get hit. You're kind of important to us, after all."

The dragon chuckled. "I didn't know anyone cared about me anymore, Cimmerian. I'll keep an ear-hole to the ground. I will ask you to look into taking some of the refugees off our claws. I understand you have changelings, and that's going to be a point against you for a lot of them, but we just don't have the capacity to keep them all here."

The alicorn put a hoof to his chin in thought. "Do you guys have any spare boats?" At their confused looks, Ted looked over to Herrick. "Tell me, how do griffons feel about fish? "


Ted eventually managed to convince the two that the port to the west of the Temple could be made into a fishing town after it had been cleaned up and the docks repaired. He'd finished the meeting by ha-hoofing his list of supplies over to the drake. Even if nothing else came of the meeting, the Talons would hopefully make the Mad Queen's life absolutely miserable in the next few weeks in a drive for revenge. The inn was much the same as it had been the last time, offering a roof and warm meal, though the port's food stores were taking a hit with the large influx of refugees. What little extra food they'd brought to sell off would net a good price, and they may even pick up more residents looking for someplace to settle. The abandoned port would likely end up housing a good portion of the griffons once it was fixed up, but until such a time, the Temple was the nearest community with room. Not only that, Ted's idea for the Temple didn't stop at it being a small port like Zarris had ended up. If he had his way, the Temple of the Shadows would be a city one day, and all cities needed a good number of citizens. He'd either have to wait until the population boomed, which would take years despite the best efforts some of the new herds were putting forth, or find ways to increase immigration.

'I'll set something up with Sahkest and the N.E.T.C. tomorrow.' He thought as he made his way to bed. He was caught off guard, walking to his bed, to find Din buried in his blankets, slightly shaking.

"Din? Din, it's ok, talk to me." He said, laying down in his bed next to her.

"S-sorry. Bad times here. Remembered was..." She trailed off, shaking her head rapidly attempting to dispel the memories. "I remembered the last time I was here, sorry."

"You don't have to apologize for that." He said, using a wing to pull her closer. "And yes, you can stay here if you need to."

The night passed in easy silence for the alicorn, more dreams were calmed then ever before, leaving him a bit weary by the end of the night, but he felt it was worth it. The issue for him came just before the dawn. While looking out over the dreamscape, he noticed a slight flickering of a dreamer, unable to sleep properly. Moving closer, he first thought the issue would be bad dreams, but the dreamer was actually just drifting in and out of sleep to much to make a proper dream. He circled the oddity a few times, before attempting to get a taste of the dreamer, some type of idea as to who it was.

'Pain, fear, sorrow, hope... pink fur.' Immediately, he returned to his body, making note of just how far the dreamer was. She was inside his field of effect now, and not that long of a flight from his current location. Waking several of the cultists and leaving them with orders to keep working on trading goods for what they needed. Walking to the edge of the town, the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon, he heard a ruffle of feathers behind him. Pandinus, still in her disguise was giving him a dirty look.

"Were you going to tell me you were heading out on some fools errand? Or did you forget what occurred the last time you tried taking care of something on your own?" She chided him.

The alicorn rolled his eyes, before taking off, the queen following soon after. The two of them flew for several hours, Ted just beginning to feel the strain when he felt he was nearing his goal. Pandinus dove down while he was still looking around, and he followed her to a small cave overlooking the coast. It was dark, but there was a sign of a fire the night before just outside, and both were not hindered in the slightest by the darkness; the queen because of her subterranean nature, and Ted because the darkness was kind of his thing now. As they entered a larger chamber inside, they both froze, looking for the source of an odd rumbling sound. Both dove in separate directions a moment later, as a large pair of hooves came down on their previous location.

Looking up, Ted was greeted by the sight of the largest changeling he'd ever seen. It was easily the size of a house, with enough armor plating to make a tank jealous.

"Why is there a giant changeling in a small cave?!?" Ted yelled over at the queen.

"It's a behemoth. They excel at digging, and are both the assault class of changeling as well as the hives final defense" She shouted from the other side of the room, she lit up her horn and launched a large chunk of rock at the giant, even as it bellowed in rage at their presence.

"Why am I just now learning about these things?" Ted yelled as he launched a volley of shadow blades at the creature, most diffusing uselessly against the runed plating on the behemoth's chest and neck.

"It didn't seem relevant at the time." Din answered, dodging a charge as the creature slammed into the far wall. "There hasn't been enough resources available to hives to maintain such a large creature for a long time. They're almost unheard of these days." Looking around the cave, the queen laughed loudly. "I want it. Cimmerian, hold it against the wall for a moment, I have an idea."

"Oh, yea, that shouldn't be a problem with a multi-ton monster with magic resistant armor." Ted shouted at her. Nevertheless he lit up his horn, not bothering with trying to grip the creature, but merely pushing it against the far wall with all his strength. The behemoth almost walked through the field as if it wasn't there, driving its hooves once more into the location Ted was occupying. The alicorn flapped his wings, throwing himself back and nearly stumbling on the uneven ground. With a grunt he tried again, this time using his full strength. The creature was pushed into the far wall and began to struggle, nearly breaking free before Pandinus swooped in, several stalactites with reinforcement runes quickly etched into their sides. She drove them into the beasts holes, pinning it against the far wall and leaving it in a daze before she landed on its snout, attempting to subjugate it and link it to her hive.

"Well?" Ted asked, huffing with exertion.

"Hm? Oh, you can let go, he has no leverage at the moment." Pandinus said, before turning her attention back to the giant changeling. "Odd."

"What's odd, you know, besides the obvious here." Ted asked her.

"It's linked already, not feral. A royal link too, much like my own. Why would the Mad Queen not chase the link down."

"Because she, she already got what she wanted." A weak voice called out from the back of the cave. Instantly the behemoth renewed its struggles, but the voice called out to it.

"It's ok, Vis. Calm down."

The behemoth's struggles stopped and it relaxed despite its odd position. Ted looked over to the voice, and was instantly in the air. He landed before the mare, smiling at her. "Are you Cadance? Your aunt has asked me to help you."

She smiled, though everything beyond her muzzle was hidden by a cloak. "Aunt Luna mentioned an alicorn out here, yes. She, didn't mention the changeling queen though." She said, her eyes going to Pandinus despite her disguise.

"How do you...oh, I see." Din said, walking up to the smaller mare while dropping her disguise. "I wondered what I was sensing."

Ted's question was answered a moment later as a head popped out from behind the alicorns legs, a small changeling nymph that clung to Cadance fiercely. Ted merely smiled at the hatchling warmly, his radiated happiness drawing a shy smile from the nymph as she relaxed slightly in his presence.

"We can move this outside. I can see what I'm doing here, but I'd much rather be in the open air for introductions."

The group followed him outside, Pandinus even removing the stakes from the behemoths legs and horn, thus allowing it to tunnel outside. Once they were in the open air, Ted took his first good look at his newest charge.

The princess was ragged, her eyes showing a lack of sleep and her cheeks slightly sunken from lack of proper nourishment. Even with the cracks on her horn, visible now that her hood was down, she still carried herself gracefully. The nymph was small, but had the spark of intelligence in its eyes. The slit eyes were a fierce azure, while her dirty mane and tail were a multi-toned blue. The nymph wasn't starved, like many of the changelings Ted had run across, but she certainly didn't look particularly healthy at the moment.

As for the behemoth? Well, there really wasn't much to define it, besides the sheer size of the creature. When he'd mentioned it to the queen, she merely shrugged.

"The behemoths were created for battle. As strange as you may find it, sapience was never considered very important for its roles."

Ted then offered the princess and her companions the same safety he'd offered everyone else so far, the queen backing up his promises and adding her own experiences to the offer. It wasn't hard to convince the ex-princess to join them, Ted even offering to carry Cadance and the nymph back to the Temple. The moment Cadance decided to follow them, the behemoth rose, standing ready to follow at its own lumbering pace while the hatchling climbed up on the alicorn's back. Before Ted could walk over to pick her up, though, Din stormed over to her, hissing in anger.

"I knew something was wrong with that link." She said, gripping the mare's muzzle with her hooves. " Tell me how? How are you doing it?"

"Din, what are you talking about? What's wrong with the link?" Ted asked. He moved to take the queens hooves away when the queen brushed a part of the alicorn's ragged mane back, revealing a strange scar burned into the mare's fur.

"She's the source of the royal link, not the proto queen." Din said coldly. "That's why the behemoth listened to her. They're linked to you, aren't they?"

The mare just nodded, tears forming at the reminder. The other two changelings immediately responded, far faster than Ted knew should have been possible, confirming the queen's theory and causing Cadance to wince at the mental pressure of the hive's concern.

"Stop trying to comfort her." Pandinus softly told the nymph. "She is not like us, hatchling. Your pressing in concern only increases her discomfort."

The darker alicorn looked around nervously, not sure what he could do to help. "Anything you can do for her, Din?"

"Not here, not without a pod to heal the scars." The queen answered "And even then, if the array is deep enough, like burned into the bone, it won't just go away. There's a reason changelings find the idea of turning ponies into more changelings so absurd. The pony mind is not meant for this kind of burden, for this kind of communication. It would end up breaking most of them."

"That's why you've been having trouble sleeping, isn't it?" Ted asked Cadance. "You can't sleep properly over the noise."

The mare bobbed her head, still massaging it with her hooves. It left him at a loss of what to do.

"Din, is there any way to ease it off of her?"

"The only thing I could do for her here and now would be to allow her to link with me." The queen answered. "Right now she's the center of her link, and that pressure's what's hurting her."

"Don't." The mare mumbled out. "She's watching the link. She thought it was funny, watching me jump at voices that weren't there. Watching me cringe every time they try talking to me. She'll find you too if you link with us."

Pandinus scoffed. "I'm going to be subsuming your hive, drawing it into my own. My hive is protected from the Mad Queen's eyes by Cimmerian. I can prepare a small partition of the link if you wish. It will be a weak link, and only between us."

Ted nodded. "That's why she sent you out here, isn't it? She wanted to see how long it took you to go mad from the pressure."

"Or if I survived long enough to be turned on by Amare as a food source once she grew large enough." Cadance said, clinging tightly to the nymph with her forelegs. "She knew I wouldn't let Amare go, that I wouldn't hurt her. She's all I have left of him."

"We'll take care of you, Cadance, I promise, ok?" Ted assured her. "I'll even get Luna to help me later, we'll take you to see your Aunt Tia, ok?"

The mares face bloomed into a pained smile, hope just now starting to show. "You can do that? She, the queen put up that dream-inhibiting array."

"How do you think I found you, Cadance?" He said, nuzzling her. The poor thing was barely the size of a grown stallion at the moment, leaving him to tower over her. "I speak to Luna often, and have visited Tia a few times. I think she'd love to see you again." He looked up, seeing the queen approaching.

"I trust Din, and I want you to as well. She'll help you."

"H-how can you be sure?" Cadance asked, apprehension increasing as the queen stepped up to her. The nymph and the behemoth were growling at the queen slightly, unsure of why but knowing the queen's presence upset their own queen.

"Because she's too invested in bedding me to damage her chances by hurting you." he said with a grin.

"I'm getting tired of you using that line, Cimmerian. You're going to owe me big for this one." The queen said as she leaned her horn down to the pink alicorn's damaged horn. The queen's eyes focused on Cadance for a moment before she began, a grin creeping across her face. "I know, I'll help you now, and you'll teach me what you know of pursuing a stallion. After that, we'll call it even, ok? I'll even cut you from the link the moment you're ready, and you can go on your way, where ever it may take you." She whispered into the pink alicorn's ears.

The pink mare stared off into the distance, contemplating the option, before nodding. "Just make sure Amare and Vis are kept safe."

"The behemoth will be an issue, but I will do my best. Amare, though? I'll treat the proto queen as my own daughter." Pandinus said quietly. "I swear it to you."


She giggled to herself, seeing the signal to a particular link finally go dark. She idly wondered what it had taken, whether the pretty pony princess had finally snapped and tried to kill them both, or if they ended up killing her. Maybe it was even some predator, bringing low the great demigod while she was weak from creeping insanity? Which end occurred didn't matter, as either meant the alicorn was out of the way, and if she ended up killing the nymph, she would shatter completely. She turned back to the report on the storm that some of her ships had stubbornly tried to sail through in pursuit of the griffon refugees. At least six ships were missing now, three of which were no longer even giving pings from their control arrays. Two more were adrift in the Mareianic Ocean, nothing allotting for their presence but the steady pinging of the control arrays. The last known positions and predicted routes were written out on a large map, but with the huge storm that had rolled through the area, completely beyond the control of the pegasi, there wasn't any guarantee the fools were alive. Even if they were, she'd have them tossed into the dungeons, maybe using them to further some of her more recent experiments. Feral changelings just didn't have any concept of pain. Not like ponies, anyway.

The attack had gone about as well as could have been predicted, though. What losses she did incur were either to the swarms, which were negligible, or due to idiocy and glory hounds. She had the mutant bird's lands, what did she want the mutants themselves for?

"The attack on High Talon?" She asked the soldier delivering the reports.

"No unexpected losses, Ma'am." He said robotically.

"Good, as soon as the last bits of major resistance are put down, prepare the forces to hit the main Minoan fortress city. I want them cut off from every direction, full swarms watching every point of interest." She giggled to herself at how easy this was turning out to be. "It probably won't take half as long as the griffons did, the minotaurs live in a temperate area so the drones won't die so fast there."

"At your command, my Queen." He said, pressing a hoof over his chest before making his way out of the room. She watched him go, his blue tail contrasting wonderfully with his white fur and purple gilded armor as he walked out the door. She wished she'd thought of her current idea before she'd released the alicorn. Sure the nymph was a great idea. It was inspired, really. But she couldn't help but wonder how the pink alicorn would have reacted if she claimed the alicorn's stallion for herself right in front of her. It wasn't like it was her brother, after all. No, it was Twilight's brother.

That made it perfectly fine in her book.

Author's Note:

Boom, there it is. A few more chapters, then I'm going to cut this off and set up a second story. This is getting a bit long.

Almost as long as Din's been getting denied. Eh? Anyone? :trollestia:

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