• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,878 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Family Get-Together

Cimmerian held her for a long while, even continuing his work with the construction of the courtyard with the pink alicorn still held close. It was what she needed right now, comfort and love in a time where she'd felt there was none, much like her aunt and even a few of the Temple residents had felt. It was a truly monumental burden some days, being everyone's rock, being the one everyone looked to for hope. It was his duty right now, though; no one else would do it. Once she'd calmed, he'd set her down beside him, allowing her to press against his side as he draped a wing over her protectively.

Her own recovery had gone well despite the fact that Cadance had spent only a few days in the medical pod. Where once her wings looked torn and ragged, new feathers were pushing out the old damaged ones, leaving the mare in desperate need of preening. Her horn was showing only minute cracks at the very tip now, the rest of the damage no longer visible, though if there was any internal damage he couldn't tell. But the thing that brought him the most joy was her eyes.

He had begun to rejoice when he saw hope reignited. She was so tired when he'd found her, so dead to the world she probably would have agreed to anything. Now her eyes tracked every creature that walked by, studying the Temples residents with an eye for detail. Her gaze often lingered on ponies or even gnolls and changelings that were openly affectionate, watching as couples bumped each other meaningfully, or pressed close to a loved one.

She jumped when she felt something press her closer to him, but soon she relaxed despite the changeling queen at her side, seeming to accept the additional contact for what it was; gentle reassurance. It made sense to Ted. The queen could probably sense her anxiety more clearly than any other creatures since she was linked to the hive.

Dinner was a somber affair, the small alicorn never straying from his comforting presence. His table, set up with a second seat right next to his for the queen, had a third occupant that night. The meal was quiet, many of the residents giggling and nodding in the direction of the alicorn, excitement in their voices. They knew of the one by Father. No one could miss the sight of the bright pink alicorn. They'd been fawning over her since they'd learned she was there, actually, even approaching the queen with offers to help with her recovery in any way they could. The changeling queen turned them away, insisting the best thing she could get was sleep, rest, and time to heal. She failed to inform them however, that the alicorn was subconsciously pulling love from the hive.

That had thrown Cimmerian for a loop. He'd known love had an effect on alicorns, but for one to actively pull from a changeling hive, it almost left the pink alicorn sounding like a changeling herself. Pandinus had dismissed the idea, but the idea of the similarities between the two, especially after he'd mentioned the growth based on the love of followers had caught both of their attentions. Their species, alicorns and changelings, they really weren't that different when one got down to it.

Luckily for the pink mare, the hive had plenty of love to go around. Ted and Din were close, the residents of the Temple often finding the queen pressed under a wing of the alicorn, or purring gently while laying between his wings while they relaxed in bed. That had been fun, the relationship of the two largest residents becoming public knowledge within hours of their being woken up. The first to approach them about it was Gleam and Shadow Weaver, both trying to be respectful, but attempting to understand their reasoning. The dark alicorn's response had left them both blushing.

"Shadow, hug Gleam." The alicorn said, gesturing to the mare.

Shadow Weaver looked at the mare, sputtering a bit, before managing to utter a quiet "why?"

Not waiting for them, Ted had grabbed both of them, and pressed them close, much to their embarrassment. He then chuckled, before pulling the mare closer to himself for another hug. Setting the mare down, he turned to the queen, who was giggling at his side, and pulled her into a hug, the queen baring a fang-filled smile at the two and making the difference obvious; Pandinus' hooves were still on the ground.

Blur had needed no explanation though, bless her heart. She took one look at the couple and hugged Din at the neck, much to the queen's shock. Her response to the queen's inquiry of why was simple.

"Well, you're Father's mate now, so that means you're my Mother. That means I have a full family again. Why wouldn't I be happy?"

The pegasus' response had rocked the queen, the idea of mothering the entire community, not just her hive leaving her quiet for the rest of the night. He'd eventually gotten her to talk to him about it. That was when he'd hugged her, telling her it was exactly what he wanted of her. He'd wanted a female that would accept his children, all of them, as her own. So she did. Where once she was curt and quick with the residents, she became warm and kind. She listened to their fears as he did, or directed him to residents who hid their fears, their pain. Once more the contentment of those in the Temple had risen by an incredible degree.

Even the griffons that had arrived with the return of the caravan were learning to adapt, the presence of the large group of changeling refugees only amplifying the spin the drake had put on the alicorn's previous actions. Sahkest had spoken after Ted's incident, it seemed, citing that the protectiveness they'd seen or heard of was extended to any who lived there. Driven from their homes, the idea of a creature that would give dragons pause standing guard over them had convinced many to make their way to the Temple.

Finishing dinner, and waiting for the pink mare to finish her own meal, including a small jar of love provided by the queen, the three went to the Cimmerian's room. The two larger beings pulled the alicorn between them, pressing against her from either side even as they dosed off. She was joined by several nymphs, Amare and two others finding places between their guardians and making themselves comfortable. The warmth and safety soon took the pink mare with them all, allowing her the first peaceful decent into sleep she'd had in a long time.


Cadance had barely had time to wonder what was happening when a blue blur struck her, tackling her and crushing the alicorn in a fierce hug.

"Niece! You are alright, oh we worried night and day when Cimmerian told us of your injuries! Let me look at you! Oh, heavens you look like you've gone twenty rounds with a manticore but it's alright now, you're safe now, right? Oh I missed you so much!" Once more the lunar alicorn pulled her into a crushing hug.

"A-auntie Luna! What's going on?" Cadance asked her. "I, I remember you saying something about this place, but didn't Twilight stop dreaming?"

Luna smiled lovingly at her niece. "Once more you may thank Cimmerian for our good fortune. His presence disrupts the arrays, shielding those who are near him from harm. You saw his mark, did you not? A fathering protector. It suits him, he works even now to see to your health."

"What do you mean? And what was he talking about earlier? He mentioned Aunt Tia. I know you can visit dreams, but how can he help me see her?"

"Soon, dear niece, soon. For now, I will return shortly." The blue alicorn said with a devious smirk. "I wish to speak to a certain changeling about the most delicious rumor that has been circulating in the dream realm. They have both denied me entrance to their dreams lately, and I will have my answer!"

It was only a few moments, but the emptiness of the dream left her worried. Soon enough though, Luna returned, this time dragging the dream-form of the queen into the alicorn's dream. Approaching Cadance, Luna pulled her into her side with a wing and spoke to the queen.

"I am grateful for the aid you have rendered my niece, Pandinus of the Changelings. To be able to hold her again, even if it merely in the dream realm, is a blessing I'd not hoped to have again."

The queen smiled at them, giggling lightly at the sight. "It is my pleasure. If it weren't for the amount of love I receive from Cimmerian, though, I may worry about the amount your niece has been pulling from my hive lately. She is ravenous; already she has consumed enough to sustain a drone for a year, and even now she pulls more. Were she a true changeling, I would be reprimanding her and warn her of becoming fat off of the amount she has consumed." The queen's smile faded a bit, before she turned to the pink alicorn. "I will have questions for you when you recover. I have reason to believe that the Nightmare has taken my mother, though whether she is dead or a slave, I do not know. For now though, we are waiting on-"

Luna suddenly perked up. "There!" She shouted, using her magic to yank the queen towards her, drawing a yelp from the changeling. Before Cadance could ask what was going on, her aunt pulled her from the dream, dragging both of them along as they floated through the realm of dreams.

After an impossible to determine amount of time, the world came back into focus. Cadance was slow to return to her hooves, noticing the two other mares were standing before her. There were voices, all of which she recognized. The alicorn stallion, Cimmerian was speaking, she hear Luna giggling conspiratorially, even the queen was purring in delight, while the final voice spoke in confusion and curiosity. The last voice drew all of her attention though. Even as she prepared to shove through the two mares before her, they stepped aside, letting Cadance see the one mare she'd missed more than any other on the planet. The mare that had been her comfort, her rock, her sanctuary when she'd ascended. The mare that she'd come to rely on so much over the years, the mare she'd asked to give her to her husband when her true parents couldn't make the wedding due to declining health. The mare that had given her so much, and only asked for her affection in return. The two stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, before they rushed to each other, each delivering a crushing hug to the other, even as they wept and cried each other's names.

"Aunty Tia!" "Caity!"


Cimmerian watched the two mares squeeze the ever-loving daylights out of each other with a smile. This was what it was all about. At the end of the day, this was what he was hoping to do. He scooted closer to the changelings, using a wing to pull her into his side. The action had become almost natural to him, using his wings for hugs. And in response, the queen giggled, leaning her head against his neck for support, her horn brushing up his cheek.

They were drawn from the sight by the sound of a clearing throat. Both turned to the sound seeing Luna looking down on them imperiously, or at least as far down as an alicorn that was half their size could. Ted looked at her, then at the changeling nuzzling his side, giving the alicorn a toothy smirk. He sighed, knowing exactly where this was going.

"So when will I be hearing of your first fathered clutch?" Luna asked, her sneer becoming a grin.

Din just smiled at her. "They've already started growing. I decided to start with a smaller clutch, since I don't know how this will turn out. Three eggs."

"Already?" Cimmerian asked, looking slightly pale.

"So what would be your estimate, Pandinus?" Luna asked, giggling slightly.

The queen put a hoof to her chin. "I'm not certain. Fathered drones take much longer to develop, but I've never laid any before. Not only that, but no queen has ever mated with an alicorn."

"What's that about mating?" Celestia's voice called out to them as she and Cadance approached. The two were still pressed tightly against one another, but the tears and dried. Mostly, anyway; Cadance was still a bit damp around her eyes.

"Your nephew has chosen his mate, and now begins the wait for grandfoals." Luna answered, causing Celestia's eyes to widen.

"B-but alicorns can't, aren't we sterile?" The solar alicorn asked.

Luna rolled her eyes. "Just because there aren't any kirins about doesn't mean the ponies or dragons that tried were sterile, sister. I believe it would be more along the lines that we are just too different for such a coupling. Honestly Tia, you've had more time to look into such things than I, why am I the one bringing such an idea to light. Why, I'm certain that once she's recovered, fair Cadance would be capable of bearing a foal or two of her own should she join Cimmerian and Pandinus."

Immediately three alicorns sputtered, trying to raise objections. Unfortunately, Pandinus was the first to form a coherent sentence.

"I don't see the problem. Perhaps she would be able to make up for that love she's been pulling from the hive link lately."

Locking his fetlock over his muzzle, Cimmerian groaned in exasperation. "Luna, I'm just now accepting all of this, and now I'm going to have to deal with not just the citizens calling me father, but actual kids that are blood relations. Let me recover from my repeated system shock before you make a joke like that."

The blue alicorn eyes him curiously. "Twas' no joke, son of our magic. Before she was subjected to the Nightmare's hospitality, she was approximately your current size." She looked at Celestia. "Do you not think they would be cute together, sister? I know he will see to your adopted niece's every need."

"I think..." the white alicorn said, moving closer to her one time charge "I think Cadance needs time to rest and recover. Such talk is not needed right now." Celestia nuzzled Cadance lovingly, wrapping the pink mare in her wings. "Take care, niece. And please watch over her for me, Cimmerian. I cannot do so right now, and your kindness is all we have to rely on at the moment."

Ted smiled at Celestia, using his magic to pull Cadance over to him once the older mare had released her. He wrapped his hooves around her protectively and smiled.

"I'll guard her with my life, Aunt Celestia. Just like I do for everyone at the Temple."

Author's Note:

Last little heartwarming bit before work. Enjoy.

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