• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,726 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Be Cautious of what you Wish for.

(Bonus AN. As some of you have noticed, and for those of you who haven't this is your warning, I use the HRs not as a scene transition, that's what my symbol thing is for, but for perspective shifts in the same scene. /AN)

While the trek back to the temple was uneventful, the arrival at the temple was met with mixed reactions from the ponies. The changeling had awoken shortly before Ted reached the temple, and was a mess of nerves. She swore up and down that the ponies would drive her out at the first chance, that some may even make an attempt on her life. She was still too weak to hide her form and even with a strong dose of his emotions she would be long in recovering. When he walked into the temple, he refused to admit it aloud, but her fears seemed validated .Some ponies fled at the sight of the changeling, or cowered behind the nearest available object, including other ponies. Some took aggressive stances, as if they intended to fight Ted then and there to get rid of Mirage. Others just seemed curious as to why the Nightmare would bring such a creature back to the temple. Steeling himself, he pulled the weakened bug off of his back and set her at his hooves, before addressing the ponies.

"This is Mirage. She did me a great service by finding and caring for, to the best of her abilities, one of our own who was injured in the forest. Is Tulip here?" At the negative, he asked someone to find her. Moments after a pegasus left to find her, he returned, an orange earth mare in his forelegs. "Tulip?" he asked, receiving a nod in confirmation. "I was asked by someone, someone who was very hurt, to keep you safe. Do you remember Fast Parcel?" The mare nodded at him, eyes already watering. "He was hurt very badly when he went gathering, the only member of the lost forage team to survive the initial attack. Mirage pulled him from the river and did her best to treat him, but she could only do so much. I'm sorry, by the time I found them, he was already dying." the alicorn stated, head lowering in respect for the dead.

The watering turned to actual crying and Tulip turned around and stumbled back into the temple, a few of the other ponies going with her to console the grieving pony. Turning back to those still remaining, he spoke. "For doing me this service, Mirage was offered a place here in the temple. She will be treated as any of my followers, am I clear?"

There were a few grumbles, a few glares at the changeling, which she cringed from, scooting back into his forelegs. Surprisingly, however, not all the ponies were against her presence. One came right up to the changeling, a bright smile upon her face.

"I will make sure she is set up with a proper bed, master. There's more than enough room for a second bed in my quarters!" Blur said, a smile on her face. Ted was surprised, but the pegasus wasn't cringing away from the changeling like the others, so she wasn't just pretending to be nice. Hell, she walked right up to Mirage and used a wing to support the changeling, leading her down the hall to the sleeping quarters. As she left, Ted cast a tracking spell on the changeling, letting all the unicorns and even a few of the more intelligent pegasi and earth ponies know he wouldn't be allowing the bug-pony to suddenly disappear from the temple. "She is under my protection just as you are." He said to those still standing around the entrance. "Pass the word that she is to come to no harm, physical or otherwise."

As the ponies dispersed, Ted walked to the kitchens. It had been a long day and his lunch was eaten while working. Nothing would be better at the moment than a hot meal.

The Nightmare was insane.

That was the only thing Mirage could think at the moment. Did it really think the ponies under his control would let one of her kind wander the halls freely? Changelings were driven out at best, actively hunted at worst. Why did he think they would let her be just because he told them to? Even stranger than the unexpected kindness and the caring concern Nightmare had shown her, was the emotions of the pegasus walking beside her. She could taste the tang of fear on her, even as the yellow pony held her up with its wing, but it was faint, all but drowned out in confidence. What left her so certain the changeling wouldn't hurt her? The ponies were always telling each other stories of the creatures that would leave a pony an empty husk, or worse, turn them into blood-sucking bug ponies.

Everywhere she'd gone since the Hive fell, she'd tasted it in the air. Fear, be it for the future, for the unknown, or whatever it was that scared ponies. She herself had felt it so many times over the years, be it from a near discovery, or seeing a desperate lesser-hive found and captured. Changelings weren't meant to be alone, they needed the assurance of other minds bound to theirs, if only superficially. The link between hive mates wasn't full fledged telepathy, but it let them find each other, to identify each other even in disguise. Only Mother could talk over the link, directing them as they were needed. But Mother was silent, and if the Queen had her way, Mirage would never hear her Mother's voice again.

"Mirage, are you alright?" The pegasus asked her, drawing her from her thoughts.

"I'm fine, just remembering Mother." She answered. "Nobuggy has heard from her since The Surge."

The pegasus stopped, and hugged the changeling as best she could.

The changeling tried pushing her away, but being so weak failed miserably. "Why do you trust me? Aren't you worried I'll drain you dry, or turn you into a changeling as well, or some other silly pony story?" Mirage asked.

Blur just smiled. "Father said you were one of us now, and I trust Him with my life." Releasing her hold on the confused bug-pony, the pegasus walked a few more steps before opening a door, revealing a spartan bedroom with a single ragged bed. Mirage grabbed a blanket from the small basket near the door and made her way to the empty side of the room when she was stopped by a hoof.

"I don't mind sharing my bed with you, Mirage. It's the least I can do, to welcome a new sister."


While his dinner was late, Slop was only too happy to serve him a meal. In fact, he offered to have it brought to the alicorn's room, seeing as the dining hall was mostly empty. He made a stop at the war room on the way to his chambers, removing the two markers by the glade. With any luck, he'd get a better idea of where the other creatures were, and possibly even what they were. It wouldn't do to walk up to a group of the Queen's guard, after all. Finally reaching his bedroom, he was surprised to find Slop already there, pushing the cart up to the door and preparing to knock.

"Thank you, Slop. It smells delicious as always. As I told Shadow, if there are any ingredients you need, make note of them in the war room, along with a location if you are able to." Using his magic to pull the cart from the chef, he opened his door, and walked into his room.

The only major difference in the room since he was last here was the armor rack that was now sitting by the mirror. He would have to ask Shadow if that was the his idea. Thankfully, it gave him somewhere else besides the floor to put the armor, as he didn't plan on sleeping in it. The power boost was nice, but it certainly didn't compare to the softness of blankets and pillows. Pulling a few strange vegetable cakes from the cart and eating them as he divested himself of his armor, he once again lost himself staring at the helmet.

The ponies in the temple were looking to him for leadership. What experience did he truly have? Certainly he had experience, but it was, for lack of a better word, borrowed. Some may even say it was stolen from Luna, even if he wasn't the one who took the memories. The cultists also viewed him as some sort of deity. While it wasn't a comfortable topic to dwell on, he knew morale was important, especially in the conditions the ponies were living in. To reveal the truth to them could break the group, and then he'd be stuck on an alien planet, as an apparent bogeymare, and alone as well.

Gleam and the foals, Blur, the ponies he'd taken into the forest for supplies, they were growing on him. A part of him wanted to keep them safe. Was that what being a parent was about? He'd never had children of his own, having to work full time and take college courses as well left him with little time to pursue relationships, and his idea of relaxation was blasting idiots into colorful bits on his computer. Perhaps that was what was happening. He was starting to see them as lost children, in need of protection. Desperately in need of reassurance, with how bad things were going for them before he arrived.

Setting the helmet on the rack, he glanced to the mirror in the room, for the first time since his arrival truly taking in his new appearance. His teal eyes bore slitted pupils, like a cat's, and he could see even through the darkest shadows in the room, his short mane was an extremely dark blue, just a few shades shy of black, while if his fur were any darker, it would drain light from the rooms he walked into. He was taller than any of the ponies he'd seen out there to date besides Luna and her sister. As best he could tell, if the ponies in the memories were the same height as those he was guiding, his head was only just now clearing Celestia's shoulders. That was another thing, he realized as he lifted a pillow. He'd been growing since he was released, far faster than was natural. Already the pillows that had allowed for him to comfortably rest almost half of his body on them were now approaching the size of throw pillows by his frame of reference. How much more would he grow? Would he eventually reach the ridiculous size of the princesses in Luna's memories? Tuna didn't know the answer to this, she could only guess at what would happen in the future.

He did it again, didn't she? At least his confusion was limited to memory diving now. Sighing, he started walking back to the bed when he saw it. Where just earlier today there was nothing but a blank patch of fur, a strange image was now visible. A tree bearing a celtic shield on its trunk was prominently displayed on his butt. It was actually kind of strange seeing it, and left him feeling embarrassed. He'd never gotten a tattoo, and god forbid his sister saw this. She would never let him live it down. She'd probably call it a tramp stamp, or something like that. Anyway, the shield he could understand, but what was the tree for? He'd have to find out later. Maybe the cultists had a book on the symbolism of trees. Not likely, but it was worth a shot.

Quickly finishing his meal, he bathed and returned to his bed. It was already past sunset, and though the ponies had plenty to do over the next few days, and the foraging run the day before had been quite successful. He still had some studying to do. Spells to learn, maps to memorize, anatomy of species to study, and an alchemical primer to read up on. The ponies would survive if he slept in tomorrow.


Sunset had long passed when he finally retired for the night. As wonderfully informative as it was learning that he should preen his wings every morning at the least, sleep was something he wasn't ready to give up on just yet. Yielding to the sand man(mare?) once more Ted found himself floating in a white world populated by glowing orbs of light. Looking around, he could feel the emotions of some of them. Happiness, love, joy.


Approaching the sickly yellow-tinted orb, he touched it, and was soon in a pony town he didn't recognize. What he did recognize was the changeling attempting to hide under a cart as ponies looked all around, many bearing makeshift weapons. Approaching Mirage, he pulled her out from under the cart, and despite her thrashing, managed to pick her up. "Calm down, Mirage. I'm not going to hurt you." The changeling immediately stopped and looked at him in confusion, her mind finally registering that something wasn't right.

"They aren't here, you know. They're nowhere near you. They won't be able to do anything to you, understand?" He said.

The changeling spared one last glance around, before turning to him again, the ponies wandering off into the distance of her dream. "She was right." The changeling mumbled. "I swore she was insane but she was right."

Ted frowned at the accusation "Who was right?"

"Blur, sir, she was going on and on about how you would keep us safe. I thought that she was full of hot air." Pushing away from him, she bowed low. "Forgive me, master."

"There's nothing to forgive, Mirage. You've been running for a long time, haven't you?" he asked sadly. "You don't have to run anymore. Once you recover, I want you to find Shadow Weaver or Gleam. Tell them your talents and experiences, and we'll find a place for you."

The changeling winced, not meeting his eyes as she rose to her hooves. "Changelings aren't like ponies, sir. We don't have special talents."

"Not marked on your flanks, perhaps, but there's always something you can do that I can guarantee you'd be better at than a pony. Spying on our enemies for one, though we have no need for a spy at the moment. Do you know anything about building?"

"Most changelings help maintain the tunnels if they find damage, sir, but other than that-"

"Then you already have more tunneling experience than I do." the alicorn cut her off. "Eventually I'd like to get some sort of foundry running on the temple grounds, and a foundry needs a mine. You could help design it, or inspect it for weaknesses, since you know what to look for." He smiled at her. "Don't assume you have nothing to contribute. Everyone has something to give, even if it's just an additional set of hooves. I'm sure you'll think of something."

The town around them had faded, leaving the two in a dark cave. Laying a hoof on the changelings shoulder, he bid her good night, and left the dream.


Returning to the world of white, the alicorn looked around. There was one dream in particular he was looking for. It took a while, but after thinking the ponies name aloud, he saw one dream pulse. Floating to it, he entered the dream, and found his vic-er his good friend, Shadow Weaver. Walking up to the pony and catching Weavers eye, he almost laughed as the pony started bowing and groveling, still lost in the dream. "Weaver, stand up." The pony jerked, and rose to his hooves. Looking around for a moment, realization dawned on his face. Ted only gave the cultist a fang-filled grin. "You told me you don't like dreams, right Weaver?" The unicorn was backing up now, shaking his head back and forth. "Yes, that's what I thought, you don't like them. It's a good thing I'm here to save you from yours, isn't it?" He circled the pony, grin only growing wider, showing a maw of impossibly sharp teeth. Manipulating this dream was easier than he thought it would be. "Well, I do have things to do tonight, so as much as I would love to entertain you, I've other dreams to visit. Some of them are quite interesting, you know. Therefore, my good friends here will be taking over. Mister Mane? Mr. Head? Do me a favor, and make sure Weaver here is comfortable."

From the shadows stepped two figures. The first a large pony, just shy of Ted's height. The pony wore a suit, with fur as white as snow. As it approached, its featureless face was split by a nightmarish grin, bladed teeth filling its mouth. The second wasn't even a pony, a strange bipedal creature that was clothed in a ragged and bloody cloth. Dragging along behind the creature was an obscenely long, rusty blade, and the creatures face was obscured by a large chunk of angular rusted iron. The two creatures closed in on the screaming cultist, and Ted smiled as he left the dream. After all, he gave the little pony exactly what he wanted. He would have no reason to complain tomorrow. Now there was one more thing he wanted to do, before he just started picking dreams at random.

Looking off into the distance, he spotted the dreams of the three individuals well outside the temple. The fourth was nowhere to be seen, but if they were smart, the last would be keeping watch. He approached the dreams, trying to get a feel for the minds that created them. Mirage's dream had been, well, different from the dreams of the other ponies. Like the ponies' dreams were circles, and hers was a triangle. The dreams before him were sharper, more intense than even mirage's dream had been.

Just before he entered one, a fourth started to fade into existence beside the others. Ted frowned, if that was their watch, he just fell asleep. This could end badly for them. He had just decided to wake one up when one flashed red, before all four disappeared. Ponies didn't wake up that fast, they faded from the dream-realm gradually upon waking. He left the dream realm, finding himself back in his room in an instant. His armor was upon him a moment later, and he blew open his window, jumping out onto the angular surface of the temple's exterior. They were under attack from something. Either he could aid them and win their hearts, or if they were agents of the Queen, he would finish them while they were reeling from the attack. Either way, before the sun rose this day, the last unknown beings in his lands would be accounted for and dealt with.

Author's Note:

Mirage gets a warm welcome from our resident zealot, Blur. Blur is fun to write for, and while re-reading her lines, I can't help but think of the fairly odd parents episode where Timmy's dad is the Smiling Dictator. One line in particular, I think it was AJ who said it. "We are all dad's children!" I've already decided some of the next dreams Ted will visit will include hers, but I haven't decided how uncomfortable to make it for Ted.

I actually had an entire other scene written out, but I pushed it back for now. It would have accelerated things much too quickly. It will still be used, and you guys won't be missing out on it, but you will have to wait until Ted is a bit more situated.

Also, we get a look at Ted's Shiny new butt-stamp. The trees an oak, by the way. Giving an image and not giving full details on it is a cruel move. Even if Ted doesn't know.

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