• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,796 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Our Past Gives Birth to Our Fears

Ted was shocked by the changeling mare's reaction. They were children, lost in the forest, and her response was to beg him to keep them away from her? Hell, afterwards she started ranting about how he needed to throw them out, that the nymphs would draw the Queen to the temple. She was supposed to be a caretaker of young, how could she make such demands?

He stepped off his bed, pulling the covers over the nymphs and stretching his wings before approaching the panicked bug-pony.

"Mirage. Mirage, calm down and look at me. The spell can't track them here, I made sure of it before I brought them back. The tracking array is too far away." He leaned in and nuzzled the mare. "Why are you so scared of them?"

The changeling was still barely intelligible, now muttering to herself about how they wouldn't get her, not after all she did to escape. Sighing, Ted pulled the changeling under a wing, much like he did with Blur, and tried once again to calm her down.

"Mirage, listen to me. I said the array lost track of them when I found them. I felt it scanning for them, and it passed by after a few moments when I took them into my care." Using his wing to pull her in closer, he asked her. "What happened, Mirage. What happened to your hive that has you acting this scared."

"I can't. I don't want to..." after an encouraging nuzzle, she tried again. Glancing over to the two foals, the bug-pony haltingly started to speak. "W-when the attack first hit the hive, they, did something, something that sent pure fear down the links we shared with Mother. Most changelings were left in a blind panic, before she severed herself from the hive. When she did that, I don't know, something happened where half of the hive went berserk. The other half scattered. I was part of the latter half. It took me, I think it was two days before I could finally shake off the fear that was left over from the connection to Mother. When, when I went back to where to hive was, it was crawling with the pony queen's guards." She glanced over at the nymphs. "I heard the guards saying the queen specifically wanted a bunch of the eggs saved, maybe even a proto-queen if they could find and subdue one, but our hive didn't have one. Princess Zelus had recently left to start her own hive, and a new royal egg had yet to be laid. I, I found out why they wanted the nymphs the next time I got near a big city." She said, burying herself under his wing.

"They, the ponies were using the nymphs as living changeling detectors! The nymphs, they don't know any better, they instinctively form a link with any nearby changelings. It's always been a matter of survival, since a nymph without a link won't be noticed and cared for as well as those with a link to the hive. The ponies turned it against us though; anytime a nymph would react to a pony, they'd hit them with a disruption spell, and catch the changeling! It became almost impossible to enter big cities, and smaller towns were wary of any new ponies entering them because of the pony queen's decree on changelings. Each town had at least one unicorn who could cast a disruption spell, and every time a new pony wanted to stay in the town, they had to be checked. We, we were being starved out of Equestria, so I left. I started running and didn't stop. I, the one time I did, the one time I found a town with a few changelings in it, one of them was captured, and they offered to let him go if he ratted the others out. He did, and I barely got away. Last I saw of him, he was being carted off with the others he ousted, screaming at them for going back on their agreement. He was just a bug to them, what was a promise to him?"

Mirage was finally calming down, though she was keeping Ted between her and the nymphs. "It's always been bad for changelings, we're viewed by most races as monsters at best, mindless parasites at worst. But the turn things have taken since the new pony queen took over has been lethal to the hives. I don't want to run again, I can't do that anymore. I'm literally as far from home as I can get, I have no hive, I don't know what happened to Mother, I have no family. Master, please don't let them find me. Don't make me run again." She sobbed.

"I told you, Mirage, I will do everything in my power to keep everyone here safe." Ted finally said. "I won't ask you to care for them, as I had planned, but I want you to be available for Gleam if she has any questions regarding their care. She will have almost no idea how to treat them, or what to expect. Do this for me, and you can stay as far away from them as you like. In fact, I'd like some of you guys to start excavating a small tunnel in the storage space by the kitchens. We're going to need more storage until we can safely get the jungle cleared and some buildings set up. Can I count on you to oversee that project?"

The changeling brightened up at the idea of being underground again almost instantly. "I-I'll do my best, Master. I wasn't the one in charge of planning the tunnels, though."

"Don't worry about that." The alicorn said, smiling at her improved attitude. "The tunnels are already planned out, just follow the plans in the war-room. Shadow Weaver will have all the details on the project. Go see him."

"Yes Master, I won't let you down!" The shape shifter said as she ran out the door. Ted wasn't sure if it was the prospect of digging or getting away from the nymphs which added to her speed. Speaking of which, he turned to the sleeping foals once more.

"Now then, how the hell am I going to get Gleam to agree to this?"


Surprisingly, Gleam had little complaint about the request, taking the giggling nymphs into her hooves and cooing at how adorable the foals' chirps were. He made it clear to her that while Mirage would be available for questions regarding their care, to keep them clear of her, as she'd been spooked badly by the nymph detection points from pony towns. The mare grew pale at the mention of the checkpoints, looking back to the nymphs.

"Oh my stars. I-I never made the connection before. They, the guards were using children to..."

"Just keep them safe, Gleam. The large number of ponies here should solve their hunger problems, so you shouldn't have any issues in that department. If you do, bring them to me. Oh, and keep them clear of the abandoned storage room near the kitchen, as that's where Mirage will be working." Ted told the mare, before turning and heading back to the main entrance.

It was well after breakfast, and there was still so much more forest to be cleared. Not only that, Mirage had mentioned other towns to the north. After researching the older maps and talking to Shadow Weaver (after the unicorn had stopped begging forgiveness), he learned that there were several abandoned towns nearby, and even an old port town near the sea to the west. It wasn't too far, and the possibility of finding abandoned tools or equipment was too much for the alicorn to pass up. After planning a route, he had Shadow set up an expedition to the town for the following day. Heading back outside into the oddly temperate jungle, he once more started burning away the thicker vegetation, leaving the larger trees to be claimed for wood. It soon became mindless for him, the spell not taking much effort to maintain, and soon, Ted found his mind wandering.

The Nightmare wasn't a name, he knew this. It was a title. He had no name, as far as the cultists knew. Using his own name would be odd as well. With names like Shadow Weaver, Twitch, Fast Parcel, Gleam, Luna, and Celestia, Ted was an anomaly, much less his full name, Theodore. Not only that, what kind of god or demi-god's name was Ted? He'd be laughed out of Olympus! Not to mention he wasn't just Ted anymore, with memories of what appeared to be an extremely long-lived species also in his head. How long did alicorns live, anyway? The memories he had from Lunacae were jumbled enough to not have any reference of time in them, though she'd specifically told him she was banished to the moon for a thousand years. Her sister was also one of the first to greet her when she came back, so Celestia was at least a thousand years old herself. No living thing that Ted knew of grew to be that old, barring trees and simple organisms. How old would he grow?

Before all of this began, Ted was less than middle-aged. Now, he had a couple-hundred years of experience, even if they were a mess, on top of his life, then forty years stuck in a stasis-like state in the armor. How old would he be considered at this point? Did it truly matter if he would live for hundreds of years? Could his Human upbringing stand up to the trials of such a long life? Shaking his head, Ted sighed, knowing that it truly didn't matter at the moment. He was older than most of the ponies he was watching over, and younger than the princesses. Relative age would have to do for now.

Turning back to make sure the ponies were gathering the nearby trees safely, he finished scouring the area within a few yards of the entrance of vegetation, before returning to the entrance and just watching his ponies. Did he really just think that? He knew he was caring for them, and keeping them safe, but to claim them as his own seemed a bit far. Then again, Luna seemed to do that fairly often, as did her sister. Maybe it was just an instinct inherent in his new form? It came naturally enough, almost like using his magic to levitate things instead of holding them with his hands. Or maybe he was only confusing instinct with muscle memory he gained from Luna's memories? Was there even a difference? So many questions, such a deep need for answers, and the one with them wanted him dead. Maybe he could look for Tia when he slept tonight? She was certain to be a good distance away, but he'd found Shadow Weaver easily enough once he focused on the unicorn. The only remaining question would be would it work on someone who currently wasn't dreaming? Luna had said that most ponies were not able to dream due to something the Queen had done. It was worth looking into, at the very least.

He was suddenly bumped by an earth pony dragging several large logs into the temple. The sun was beginning to set after the days work, and the ponies were making their way back to the safety of the temple for the night. Funny, Ted couldn't even consider most of them cultists anymore. The only one who truly fit that description anymore was Weaver. Grabbing several of the larger logs in his own aura, Ted followed his ponies into the temple. Dinner was fairly uneventful, though he did see the older thestrals and the griffon eating in the back by themselves. Blur and Mirage were once again sitting by each other, the pegasus talking animatedly to the shape shifter who seemed to be trying to keep a straight face. Weaver was seated with a few other ponies Ted had yet to learn the names of, and Gleam was keeping all the foals at the same table, though she seemed to have picked up a helper along the way in the form of a young thestral colt. Finishing his meal, he turned to head to his room when he was stopped by nervous stallion.

"Uh, excuse me, Nightmare, sir. I, that is, we were wondering, if you could, recognize our herd." The Earth Stallion asked, hugging an equally nervous earth mare to his side. Ted stopped cold, staring at the two, no emotion on his face. It took him nearly a minute before he could relate Luna's memories of the term herd to the proper analogue in human culture. They were asking him to preside over their wedding.

The complete lack of reaction did no favors for the earth pony couple, as the nervous smiles slowly faded from their faces. "Uh, never mind sir, sorry to bother you."

"Wait, I was just caught flat-footed." Ted said with a start, motioning for them to stop. At the confused glances of the couple, he tried again. "I was caught off guard. I cannot say I've had anyone ask that of me before."

'What the absolute hell is the world coming to when people come to me for marriage vows?' He thought to himself. "Do you have anything to exchange?" At the affirmative nods of the couple, he forged ahead. "Okay, I think I have an idea. Tomorrow I've got an expedition to oversee, but after that I don't have anything planned. Decide on a date, then let me know. I'll compare it against anything that comes up in the meantime. The ritual room should work, right?"

The mare looked jubilant, but the stallion nervously asked him, "But sir, the ritual room, it was the place of your rebirth. W-we wouldn't want to-"

"Nonsense, it was the place of my rebirth, and it will be the place of the creation of your family. It's also not being used for anything at the moment, as far as I'm aware. Besides, it will be something to brag about to the grandfoals, right?" Ted finished with a smirk.

"G-grandfoals?" The stallion gibbered. Ted almost felt sorry for the guy as the mare dragged him off, giggling to herself. Yet another thing the alicorn needed to study up on, he supposed. He couldn't remember Luna having done a wedding before, so he'd have to read up on it himself.

The things he did for his ponies.

Author's Note:

As I mentioned in a blog, I'll be keeping not only a MS paint map of the area for reference and a list of names and jobs/descriptions, but I've also made a Minecraft replica of the temple so I have an idea of where everyone is staying. It's also so I don't give directions to the library from another room, and later use those same directions to the alchemy lab.

Wonder if Ted will find anything in the old port town?

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