• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,866 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Blood Rage: Highs and Lows

It took nearly an hour for Queen Pandinus to finally finish overtaking the patch-work hive. The other hivemates, weary and worried for their queen's safety, almost looked ready to move to defend the weak alicorn, but Ted managed to keep them calm, distracting them with his care and concern in the meantime. The nymph was adorable, entertaining herself by seeing what new parts of the dark alicorn she could reach by way of the proper application of hops and gripping with her hooves. Tickling the little hatchling, Ted was brought back to reality by the rumbling of the behemoth.

Cadance and Pandinus were separating, the alicorn slumping over in exhaustion as she was finally able to sleep. Pandinus caught the smaller mare in her forelegs, gently pulling her into a hug as the princess' experiences were shared with the queen over the link. "We need to get her back to the Temple, Cimmerian." She said quietly. "She, we need to rest."

Before Ted could say anything, Pandinus flew up to him, took the proto queen gently in her jaws since her hooves were full, and flew up to the behemoth. The creature rumbled something at the queen, before turning and lumbering into the jungle in the general direction of the Temple.

"It's fine. I'll just, you know, make my own way back." Ted shouted after them. Looking around for a few moments, he sighed and spread his wings, following the coast on the way back to Port Zarris. It was a long, boring flight, as this time he didn't even have the queen throwing either innuendoes or insults at him. He came upon the port shortly after dinner, grabbing a bite to eat at a local dive that catered to mixed diet patrons. After an enjoyable meal, but nothing near Slop's cuisine, Ted headed out into the bazaar.

He found the rest of the residents of the Temple milling about the stalls, recognizing many even if he couldn't recall names. Digging into his saddlebags, he prodded around until he found the small money purse, given to him by Gleam. The mare had been resolute that he buy something for himself after all he'd done for the Temple, despite his repeated refusals. Unfortunately, as he approached the stalls, it wasn't what he could buy himself that had his attention.

"I'm telling you some of those ponies are changelings!" It was a large group of griffons, one standing above the others obviously trying to whip up the crowd. "We need to strike now while they're not ready. We'll force them to change, then we avenge our fallen!"

'Well, I know of at least one griffon that's not going to be allowed at the Temple.' He thought to himself, approaching the crowd.

"The bugs overran our homeland, they wander the entire world never having the gall to show their true faces! The parasites are even present here. How do I know this? Here's your proof!" With a sweeping gesture, a seedy looking griffon dragged a chained changeling into view of the crowd. The changeling, a male based on what Ted had learned of them so far, was dribbling a strange black liquid from its mouth, and was hissing dangerously even as it struggled uselessly against its bindings.

'I'd bet on hate. I've yet to see it, but I would guess that's what it looks like.' The alicorn thought, seething at the sight.

The changeling, sensing something from deep in the crowd other than the hatred and fear, perked its ears and started scanning the crowd. The moment its eyes hit Ted, the alicorn smiled warmly at it, gliding through the crowd without a sound. Even as the griffon continued to grandstand, several griffons gasped and muttered in confusion as he walked right up to the changeling and allowed it to feed on his concern. The shape shifter puked several times during the feeding, ridding itself of the black oily mess as its eyes started to clear.

"What the pluck are you doing, alicorn?" The griffon, finally noticing many of his audience no longer watching him, was now directing his anger at Ted.

"Feeding a starving slave." Ted answered easily, turning from the changeling. "Isn't owning slaves here illegal? What makes you think you have the right to chain a sapient being up?" He asked, his voice slowly raising in anger. "What sick joy do you get slowly poisoning and starving a creature that wants nothing more than to survive?" He jumped up on the platform the griffon occupied, wings splayed in an instinctive intimidation tactic. "You say they drove you from your home, your country? At least you had one! I've never once heard of a country of changelings. You mock them for not showing their faces? This is what happens to them when they do, they get ridiculed, enslaved, and murdered!" A low magical aura was burning around the alicorn as his rage grew, bearing down on the hapless griffon. "Witch hunts, that's what you're trying to organize. What of the actual ponies that get hurt in the process? Acceptable collateral? What of the changelings, already driven from their hives by the Mad Queen, already homeless and without family to help them? Their race has been slowly starving for centuries and no one took the time to figure that out. And now, now that they literally have nothing left to lose but their lives, you wish to take that from them as well?" The griffon took one too many steps back, falling off the platform with a surprised squawk.

"I've seen the creatures that drove you from your homes." He said, directing his attention to the crowd. "Most are mindless beasts, enslaved by the Pony Queen to magical arrays, those that are not feral are no longer in control of their own bodies. They watch each day as their body moves on its own, helpless to stop themselves. Do not direct your anger at the changelings, they are victims, more so than yourselves. At the end of the day, you still have your minds, your own bodies. Those under her power do not even have that! When freed, they will willingly give you any information they have on her forces for nothing more than the guarantee that it will be used against the one that tormented them. They would willingly give you tactics, patrol routes, numbers, plans, all of this for free! Yet you do her work for her, killing those that don't destroy themselves under her control."

The crowd just stared in shock at the glowing alicorn, the heavy aura radiating due to his anger slowly letting up, going from a searing wind to a stifling breeze.

"All they want is what we freely give to each other. Happiness, love, kindness, compassion, care, sympathy, the changelings seek these things out with more fervor than any other race. They literally cannot survive without interaction with others. Parasites? Are trees considered parasites when they feed off the warmth freely given by the sun? Is grass considered a parasite? What about you? Are creatures that feed on the flesh of lesser creatures, predators like ourselves considered parasites? No, we are not! We are all sapient beings, doing our damnedest to survive the day. Changelings feed off of your emotions. Did any of you even once ask if it actually did anything to the one being fed on? Or did you assume that if something was being gained, something else had to be lost?"

His aura faded a little more, and he looked back at the changeling, snapping the chain with a simple thought. He walked over to the shape shifter and spoke to it.

"Follow him to the inn, you may come with us back to our home." He said, gesturing to the pony that was watching from the back of the crowd. Seeing Ted point to it, the changeling in disguise waved him over, before starting to the inn.

"Don't let them escape!" The rabble rouser yelled, pointing at the fleeing changelings. Before he could do anything else, Ted once again flared his aura, this time grabbing the griffon right out of the air and slamming it onto the ground. The griffons squawk of pain drew the crowds attention back to the alicorn. A few griffons looked like the were readying to pursue the changelings, but Ted's reigniting anger stopped them cold.

"I will hear no more from you, Slaver!" the dark alicorn bellowed. "Speak once more, tell me once more how the being you chained and tortured must be killed because his brethren's bodies were stolen from them! Tell me how forcing a starving being to eat what amounts to poison for his race is justified!" He slammed a hoof into the ground, leaving a small crater. "Tell me, bird, how your life, the life of a creature with no compassion for any but his own kind, is worth so much more than the one you held prisoner!"

"Cimmerian, stop it." A voice boomed out.

The alicorn turned his glare on the interruption, his eyes finding the drake and several guards. "What do you want, dragon?" He spat. "Here to join them in their witch hunt? Perhaps if your lucky, you'll find something else to give to the Mad Queen, increasing her power even more. Won't that be worth the few shiny coins you get? Perhaps that will comfort you as she has your scales removed one by one! As she sends her mindless tides to consume everything you love and hold dear."

"Cimmerian, let the rage go!" The dragon shouted at him.

The alicorn scoffed at him, though. "What do you know of my rage, worm? We will not allow these, these insects to harm our own! He wishes to lash out like a wild animal, then we will put him down as such!

"Tell me, Sahkest. Why must a being not even of this world be the one who steps forward to end the suffering of an entire species? Why must an alien being, hopelessly lost, so far from home he may never see another blood relation again, be the one to provide shelter for those that need it? Why will no one on this fucking planet step up?!?"

The drake was alone in his approach, the pressure being exerted by the alicorn being too much for the guards, and most of the other beings had cleared out of the area by then. "What would the hatchlings say if they saw you like this?"

"I-" That seemed to finally reach Ted, his eyes going foggy for a moment as the pressure slowly abated. A moment later, he was looking around, confused. Seeing his chance, the griffon hobbled away as fast as his shaking limbs would carry him. "Sahkest, where did everyone, oh god, what the hell was that?" The alicorns legs buckled, forcing him to lay down lest he collapse. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean, I just-"

"Relax, Cimmerian. I've had my share of blood rages before." the drake said as he approached the shaking alicorn. "I've also had worse, and I've had them for lesser reasons than seeing someone being tortured. Breath, think about what calms you, think about your home, think about those hatchlings that seem to mean so much to you."

Ted did as he was instructed, taking deep breaths while focusing on his followers, on the children. He needed to be ready for the next play date. Needed to find something for them to do next time, some game for them to enjoy. It took some time, but eventually the shaking stopped. With some effort, Ted managed to lift himself back up off of the platform. His legs were still weak, but he was once more in control of himself.

"Do you need anything? I've been through enough of those to know it can be a little disorienting." The dragon asked him, resting a claw on his back.

Ted shook his head. "No, no thanks. I'm still getting used to the, changes. Even after over a month I'm still running into new things. I'll be asking Luna about this later. I think I'm going to go lie down for a while."

Slowly, the alicorn made his way back to the inn, leaving it to his people to get the proper supplies. He passed the changelings as they spoke to each other in the main room, sitting amongst those left behind to guard supplies. Upon seeing Ted, the one he freed approached him and bowed deeply. Ted smiled at the sight. Even if he couldn't remember half of what happened after he stepped onto that platform, no one was hurt. The drake would have told him otherwise.

"Were you one of those with the Equestrian Naval ship?" The alicorn asked the shape shifter.

"This one was with one of the patrols, exalted one. It thanks you for your mercy and kindness." The changeling spoke, never lifting its head from the floor.

"It was my pleasure, changeling." Ted offered "There is a hive back at the Temple if you wish to join one."

The changeling raised his head for a moment, a bit of hesitation in his eyes. "This one... this one thinks it best if he avoids such connections for a time."

"That's fine. I understand that you may be a bit apprehensive of such connections for a while. No one will force it on you, though." With that the alicorn retired to his section of the room, flopped down on his sleeping mat, and dozed off. The blood rage, as Sahkest had called it, was the first time the alicorn was left physically tired. Exhausted was a better word for it. It was like doing a workout after several months of inactivity, and knowing how that usually ended back home, C-Ted was worried about what the morning would bring.


It didn't take long for the alicorn to make his usual rounds. Finishing up with the dreams, he noticed a distinct lack of pink pony princess, but wasn't sure what to make of it. Was it possible for someone to be so exhausted they couldn't manifest a dream? Or perhaps whatever Pandinus had done left her in a sort of hibernation state? It was beyond his reach at the moment, so he set himself up on his beach and sent his mental ping to Luna. He needed to know if she had any information on what just happened. Moments later the form of the smaller blue alicorn materialized before him, giving him a worried smile.

"Did you find her? I know I sent her in your direction, but the dream was unstable, even with the magic you poured into it. I really did not manage to speak very clearly to her." Luna said, worry evident in her voice.

Ted nodded "I found her, Luna. Sh-" His sentence was cut off as she latched onto his neck, nuzzling him desperately.

"Oh thank the stars and the moon and the sun, my sister and I have spent so many nights worrying over her, we need to tell Tia! She needs to know her niece is alive and well! Come, Cimmerian, we must make for my sister's dream at once!" Luna babbled.

"Luna, it's not that cut and dry." Ted told her, pushing her away slightly. "She was messed up pretty badly. The nightmare bonded her to two changelings, she hasn't been sleeping well, if at all because she constantly heard them in her head. Her horn was cracked and her wings were also kind of messed up, but nothing Din said can't be fixed. That's actually where she is right now. Pandinus took her back to the Temple with the changelings she was bonded to so she could be healed properly, in a safe place."

"You left her with a changeling queen? I, I don't know how that will work out." Luna said glumly "Her first experience with the changelings was when her wedding was invaded by a queen. The queen kidnapped her, and fed off of her husbands love. The queen was eventually defeated and driven away, but we never found anything of her army but empty shells."

"The queen that fed off animals." Ted responded, nodding his head. "Pandinus told me about her. She was driven mad by hunger, created an army of drones under her direct control, and attacked a city. The queen was defeated, but the recoil of so many true drones being killed so quickly broke what little was left of her. I'll ask Din if she knows the queen's final fate. Not sure how, but it may help Cadance to know that the one changeling that tried to hurt her was insane from starvation. Heck, you said she was the princess of love, right? If they could, I bet the changelings would build monuments in her image. They feed off of emotions, the most valued being love."

"I'd never actually thought of that." Luna said. "It makes sense, in a way. Of course this history with the changelings only makes the fact that she was trapped with them all the worse. What of her companions? You said your changeling queen took them as well?"

Ted nodded again. "The first was a behemoth, the blasted thing was huge." The alicorn summoned an image of the first changeling, causing the smaller alicorn to recoil in shock.

"It's monstrous!" She shouted, staring at it with wide eyes.

"I know, and it was set to Cadance and the proto queen as a guardian. Vis actually attacked me and Din the moment we came within striking distance, ambushing us. Kind of ridiculous considering his size, I know, but he was surprisingly good at staying hidden." Pulling up an image of the proto queen, he continued. "The other was... Luna? Luna, what's wrong?"

The lunar alicorn was staring wide-eyed at the other changeling, walking up to the image to get a better look.

"Y-your certain the mane and tail were of this color?" She asked in a shaky voice.

"Uh, yea." He answered uneasily. "She told me the queen thought it would be funny linking her to two changelings, and something about Cadance never leaving the proto queen behind. Wait, is the hatchling linked to someone? She said the nymph was all she had left of him." Ted trotted up to Luna, grabbing her away from the image with his forelegs. "Luna, who was Cadance was talking about."

"It, it was her husband. The proto queen has the same mane as Shining Armor does." Luna said, her eyes misting even as she turned from the image. "The Mad Queen burned his mind years ago when he stood against her, she shouted about how he was being controlled. Now she is the one who controls him. We, my sister and I, are quite certain the poor stallion is for all intents and purposes dead. That the monster that stole Twilight's body would continue to tarnish her brother's memory in such a way...Cimmerian, do all you can to help her." She said, tears dripping down her snout. "Tell her Tia and I would be there for her if we could, we-buck! When she begins dreaming again, let me know! I want you to set up the dream with my sister again, I will take her to see Celestia, Cadance will need all the help she can be given. And breathe not a word of this to my sister! She has nothing to do but stew in her thoughts, while I can talk to you nightly, or ask your subjects of her condition. Bringing it to Celestia's attention will only cause Tia grief right now."

Ted pulled Luna into a comforting hug. "I promise, Luna. I'll do everything I can to settle her in and help her injuries mend. As I said though, Queen Pandinus is the one watching over her right now. Din took over the link Cadance was shoe-horned into and put the alicorn into a quiet section of the link so she could sleep. Last I saw, Din was bringing your niece back to the Temple to be put into a healing pod. My guess is that she's going to either have Mirage watch over her, or have Mirage teach someone else how to do so. Cadance will be helped, I swear."

"You put a lot of trust in that changeling queen, don't you?" Luna said, wiping away her tears with a fetlock.

Ted nuzzled her gently in response. "She's never given me a reason not to. Even when she attacked me it was out of desperation, so I don't hold it against her. She's growing quickly, Luna. Pandinus is getting stronger and smarter each day. That queen is becoming everything I've asked her to be. Anything that wants to hurt Cadance will have to go through me, my followers, Pandinus, and her hive."

The mare's muzzle took on a devious smirk. "And yet still you wont let that poor dear have what she wants. She's fighting her instincts, you know. Since the day she stopped being a proto queen, her body has been screaming at her to seek a mate. You say she's made great strides, but what have you done for her? And I don't mean a home and meal, Cimmerian, you know very well you give that to any who would ask it of you. She's done everything you asked of her, has she not?"

"Yea, that and more." Ted said sadly. "She hurt herself pretty badly trying to follow one of my requests. She's still feeling the effects even today, bleeding every now and again. Mirage even said laying eggs may be a bit painful for a while."

"She'd give up her wings if it meant you'd accept her fully, you know." Luna said. "I'm not exaggerating either. I do not think there is anything on this planet she wouldn't give up for a chance to be with you. Even her instinctual desire to mate with several males to give her nymphs whatever advantage she thinks they may need. I'm not a fan of her species, but even I must admit that there is no being out there right now that is as dedicated to you as she is, at least that doesn't think of you as her father."

Ted shook his head, desperately trying to find a way to change the subject. As soon as one reached him, he jumped on it.

"What about Cadance? What do you thi-"

"Well, I think it would depend on several things, like how she feels about you," Luna said, putting a hoof to her muzzle "how she may feel about Pandinus, and of course you'd have to get over your silly monogamy thing, but I think in the long run it would be wonderful for her."

Ted blanched at the idea. "I meant what about taking care of her! We need to make sure she's ok before I start worrying about that kind of, stuff."

"Dear Cimmerian, if you keep waiting for the proper time, it's never going to happen. As for Cadance, what she needs right now is love. She is the alicorn of love, and she has been deprived of it for a long while now. Merely being near your followers will begin to heal her. Introduce her to your most fervent daughter, Blur I think her name was. Or throw her in with the foals." Luna giggled at the idea. "Cadance has always loved foals, she was even a foal-sitter years ago."

Even Ted had to give a chuckle at the mental image of the pink alicorn, being washed away in a tide of overly eager pups, foals, nymphs, and chicks. Shaking his head to clear the silly image, he became serious once more.

"Before I forget, something odd happened today. Sahkest called it a blood rage. Have you ever experienced such a thing?"

The smaller alicorn winced at the term. "Was anypony hurt?"

When Ted shook his head, Luna sighed in relief. "I am sorry I didn't mention it before. It takes something we feel very passionate about to incite a blood rage effect in an alicorn. May I ask what it was?"

"Griffon was torturing a changeling." Ted responded darkly. "I almost smashed the idiot right there. He even had the gall to complain about how changelings never show themselves in public. Look what happened the moment he found one! The griffon tortured the poor guy, chained the changeling up and starved him. It's a no win situation; they hide, they're evil cowards. They show themselves, they're evil monsters. Both circumstances end with changelings being attacked on sight."

"I understand. This kind of thing is why my sister always tried to keep her distance from our subjects, an alicorn's rage can be quite potent, and quite devastating to those who incite it." Luna said solemnly. "You've proven yourself to be a fairly level-headed individual Cimmerian, just be wary of your temper from now on. It is much more potent than it once was."

The larger alicorn nodded. "Is there anything else I need to know about this blood rage thing?"

"Well, there is an after effect." Luna said, a devious smile creeping onto her muzzle. "However, since it's not dangerous, and my sister and I had to learn of it the hard way, I think it would be fine for you to learn the other effect first hoof."

Ted glared at her, causing her grin to widen. "I hate you some days. You know that, right?"

Luna waved as she left the dream. "Have fun Cimmerian, and do try not to spend too much time thinking of Queen Pandinus' flanks."


The next day came fairly quickly for the dark alicorn. He was pleased to find that most of the supplies were gathered by noon the previous day, and that due to the influx of refugees, Tulip's healing poultices and potions were in high demand. Despite the good sales of their own goods, Ted knew they spent more coming to town this time than they made. It made it all the more important to get the mine running as soon as possible. With the exponential growth the Temple was going to be experiencing with the new refugees, the population was going to grow faster than... her hive and...

Ted shook the image of Din shaking her flank at him from his head. He'd been suffering from such images from the moment he woke up, and he was fairly certain it was an aftereffect of the blood rage, the low tide against the high tide of his anger yesterday. No wonder Luna thought it would be funny.

He took a deep breath, rolling his wings in their sockets and rotating his neck. He needed to get the caravan back to the Temple, then he'd find Din and... NO, He'd find Gleam and Shadow Weaver and file those damn reports and finally relax in his own bed. Then Din would saunter in with that devious little grin on her face and...

The alicorn slammed his head into a nearby wall to jar the images out of his head.

"Sir is there something bothering you?" One of the cultists asked as he walked into the room.

Ted stared at the pony, even as a slight trickle of blood ran down the alicorn's temple. "Nothing a freezing cold shower wont cure." He muttered, walking out of the inn and towards the gate.

Despite dunking himself in the ocean before leaving the alicorn's wandering mind didn't seem to cool. In fact, it wasn't just the queen that he found himself happily thinking about. He hugged inn keeper as he left, he found himself giggling at random intervals and teasing everyone around him. It was like the time he'd been doped up on pain killers, only a hundred times worse because he wasn't tired. Hell, he felt downright overloaded with energy.

Even Sahkest had commented on the behavior, saying it was one of the stranger blood rage lows he'd seen. Ted's response; a laugh, a hug to the drake, and a promise to beat Sahkest within an inch of his life later if it made the drake feel better.

Walking through the jungles was even worse, as the caravan for some reason had lapsed into a dreaded companionable silence, leaving the alicorn alone with his thoughts, things he didn't want anywhere near him at the moment. After nearly two hours of this, he stomped his hooves in frustration, pulled up a location in his mind, and activated the teleportation spell Luna had taught him. Even as he disappeared in a flash, his muzzle had a crazed grin painted on it. He knew exactly how to make this day less boring.


Pandinus sighed with exhaustion as she sat in front of the medical pod that had been prepared for the pink alicorn. Cadance was currently floating in a fluid-filled sac against the wall in her room, the calmed thoughts of the princess reaching the queen in a calm whisper through the link. The alicorn had information, so much information she could use, but her mind wasn't made for the transfers like Din had performed on Mirage. Trying to get that information would likely result in even more damage to her already-fragile psyche.

The behemoth was currently taking up residence in a newly dug cave just to the west of the Temple, close enough to respond to threats yet far away enough to not throw the Temples residents into a panic. She didn't want to try to introduce Vis until Cimmerian returned. The proto queen, oddly at ease in the presence of an unrelated queen, sat near the alicorn's pod. The hatchling was curled up at the base like some puppy waiting for its owner to awaken.

The strange situation left the queen in a bind. The young proto queen wasn't of her own blood, but by subsuming the makeshift hive, she'd linked to the young changeling. While her mother's lessons demanded that Pandinus eliminate the spawn of another queen, the hatchling was never even connected to its mother, something that was unheard of in the hives. A queen was always linked to her royal daughters up to the moment they left the hive to start their own. There was no imprint of another queen on the nymph, no predispositions implanted by another link. It was a clean template, a royal nymph that saw her as its mother, one that had responded to Pandinus' connection as the queen herself had once responded to her own mother.

It was an odd reflection, and so she left the hatchling alone. The ponies called Cimmerian their father despite no blood relations. Now the hatchling was all but claiming Pandinus as its mother, despite the lack of blood relations. It was what she needed anyway, a fast start to a strong hive as well as experience with hatchlings. Not only that, but the connection between the nymph and the alicorn was more than just a link. There was something about the nymph that caused the pony to cling to her, despite the pain the nymph caused her.

'In the nose, out the mouth.' She recited, having picked up Cimmerian's own calming technique. It worked well for her, actually. She giggled softly to herself, thinking of all the trouble she'd caused the alicorn so far. The little nips when he wasn't paying attention, the extra sway she'd place in her walking when she knew he was behind her, the innuendos she'd picked up from the ponies that caused him to flush, and most of all the little hints of lust she could taste buried just below the surface. She knew of no other queen that had such a potent source of love so close to them, one that they could feed on at any time. It made the waiting worth it, it would all be worth it in the end. She'd have pure love, like the hive now had pure happiness to feed on, how it had pure friendship and camaraderie to feast on.

Pandinus shivered in anticipation. She could just taste it now, the strongest love she'd ever tasted, given freely to her, with a strong undercurrent of lust, the soft brush of fur against her thin, sensitive chitin, the warmth of the large alicorn as he held her close against his barrel. She could taste it, she could smell it, she could see it- wait, why was the room tinted pink?

The queen blinked a few times, noticing the pink and red tint the room had taken on, and then noticed Mirage escorting the proto queen out of the room with a blush on her face. Why were they all leaving? The queen tried to buzz her wings in irritation, but something stopped the protective cover from opening, pressed against her back. Then she noticed the pressure on her own barrel, a weight on her back. Next came a slight breeze on her ear, even though she knew she was underground.

"Hello, my little cuddle-bug." A deep voice whispered into her ear, causing her to shiver. She was dreaming, right? Cimmerian was still at Zarris, at most he was on his way back, a two day journey.

"What's the matter, Pandinus?" He whispered, nibbling on her ear. "I finally come down here, looking to give you everything you've been asking for, and you don't even say hello?"

The queen's vision was a torrent of swirling pinks and reds. She'd locked her legs, scared to even take a step lest she stumble and fall over from the torrential flow of emotions being directed at her. She felt herself lifted in a familiar aura, and there was no more denying it. Even as he settled his stomach against hers, with her back on her own bed, she could feel her emotion-processing stomach bloating as it desperately tried to process the onslaught of emotions. She coughed a little, a few small drops of pink dribbling from her muzzle even as he kissed her passionately. She wanted to slow it down, but it was too late. After so long being hungry, she'd never learned how to avoid feeding on positive emotions. She opened herself to the link, allowing much of the overflow to rush to the drones, who immediately started storing it in the new food storage chamber. They were soon joined by every other changeling in her hive, all of them trying to keep up with the endless waves of love that were being absorbed by their queen. Even the behemoth, a creature who likely had never been sated in its lifetime would soon be full. Just before she whited out from the sensations, she felt him nip her neck, and ask her a question.

"The other changelings said a queen has the highest capacity for storing emotions." She heard him say with lusty amusement. "How much love do you think one changeling queen can hold, Din?"

Even as the queen's mind was washed away by the torrent of taste and touch, one link she shared continued to take in the love. A few feet away from the two beings, a pod glowed a soft pink. A creature just as deprived of love as the changelings shifted with a smile, her cutie mark glowing softly in the low light.

Author's Note:

I'm eagerly awaiting the response to this, the longest chapter so far. I had more I wanted to add, but I think this has gone on long enough.

Alicorn blood rage thing makes sense, actually. Celestia kept sending Twilight in her stead. What if it was because if Tia went, she'd wreck everyone's shit? Then she'd grab Big Mac, a guard, or some other large, nearby male and drag them back to her room for a good ol' round of 'death by snu-snu'.

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