• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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Love in all the Fuzzy Places

The saloon doors to Gideon burst open, and two dusty stallions and a weathered antelope marched in.

"Ahhhhhh... if it isn't the best watering hole west of the Choke!" An earth pony was answered with a round of inebriated chuckles as he adjusted his broad-rimmed hat and sauntered up to the bar. "Today is a beautiful day for the abandoned children of Val Roa! Let's celebrate with having the drinks on me!"

Several ponies clapped their hooves against the wooden floorboard, cheering.

The bar maid shuffled up with a smile, pouring the first of many glasses. "Haven't seen you three this happy in a long time! What's the big occasion?"

"We just came out of Mosiah!" the antelope said. With a grunt, he hoisted a big burlap sack onto a nearby table. "And we've got the spoils to prove it!"

"Spoils?!" and old stallion wheezed from the bar. "What, did you sack the place?! That's the Cartel's job these days!"

"Funny you should mention that! Check it!" One of the three stallions untied the sack and reached in. He pulled his hoof out, cradling bits of ivory and metal strips. "Eh? Ehhh?"

"Oh god..." The bar maid grimaced. "Are... are those...?"

"Yup! Goblin teeth!" The stallion in the broad-rimmed hat smirked. "Looks like the Jury gave those imps a bigger throttling than we all thought!" He rummaged through the bag. "And we've got precious metals, trophies of war with the naga tribes, shell casings..."

"And the villagers of Mosiah just gave all that crap up to you?!"

"Why not?!" The antelope chuckled. "They didn't want it! But sell these things to the right ponies—"

"—such as those just dying for souvenirs of the Cartel's collective ass-whooping all along the border..." Several ponies chuckled.

"And we'll become rich overnight!"

"Heck, I'm in!" A stallion stood up, fishing through a money purse. "How much for two of those grimy yellow molars?"

"Normally I'd say three strips apiece. But just because I love Gideon so much, I'm gonna make it two."

"Jee. How patriotic."


"Who else wants in on this?! You can never make a profit too quickly!"

As more and more ponies shuffled up to the bar and bartered with the three travellers, Pilate and Booster Spice looked on from the table where they sat four spaces away.

Booster was already wincing heavily. "Dear goodness, Pilate, can you believe this?"

"Mmmmmff..." Pilate leaned back from sipping a clear glass of pink liquid. "I know. The third strawberry mix and it only gets sweeter and sweeter."

"Pilate, I mean this barbaric display!" Booster shuddered. "I know you can't see it, but they're selling goblin teeth for silver strips!"

"I recall overhearing that they were collected in Mosiah."

"Yeah, so?"

"Weren't those the imps whose mortar cannon permanently scorched the starboard side of Whizzball?"

Booster blinked behind his goggles. "You're right," he muttered, slumping down to the table. "May their gums rot."


"I'm beginning to think that this was an ill-timed plan," Booster mumbled. "We should have let things cook for a day or two since our involvement in Zeezrom."

"But we're not here to hear gossip about Zeezrom, are we?"

"Err... well, I guess not, but I figured that the fresh wave of news would help facilitate information concerning Val Roa—"

"Just be patient, good friend." Pilate adjusted his cloak and gestured. "Sit down. Lay low. And let our ears do the work."

"Hrmmmf... you're a lot better than this than I am," Booster said. "I'm most at home when I can build my way to a solution."

"Then consider this a casual vacation. Ahem. Shhhhh..." Pilate gestured towards the bar as he leaned a twitching ear towards it.

"—tell you what, I'm surprised they haven't declared martial law at this point!"

"Well, that sounds rather chaotic."

"I'm serious!" The pony in the wide-brimmed hat turned several strips of silver over in his hooves, studying their quality with veteran eyes. "If Val Roa's out of the picture, then we need to saddle up and pull things together on our own!"

"Mmmm..." The antelope finished sipping from a tall glass before saying, "Val Roa ain't out of the picture! They're probably just—y'know—dealing with interpolitical crud."

"Sonny, that interpolitical crud is leaving us high and dry!" an old stallion rasped from the far corner of the saloon. "And it's the Cartel who've been batting at us like a pinata all this time!"

"That's why I'm so glad that ponies like this newfangled Jury have shown up to knock the proverbial bat out of those wretched imps' grubby hooves!"


"Yeah—whatever. You know what I mean." The stallion in the hat cleared his throat, smirking. "They're showing us that we don't have to roll over for those bomb-wielding creeps down south! We can fend for ourselves just fine and dandy!"



"You said it..."

"That's why I say that a whole bunch of us should get together and form our own Jury! Get the job done on multiple fronts, y'know?!"

"I dunno about that, partner..."

"Yeah... ain't no Jury like the Jury."

"Pfft! Stop talkin' like they're all mysterious-like! They're just ponies like you and me, ain't they?!"

"Pffft... only that one of them can fly..."

"Two of them can fly, ya idiot! Just one has wings!"

"Yeah, and another's made of metal."

"And one has stripes and can float stuff."

"And one has tattoos and can float stuff!"

"Face it..." The antelope took another sip, wheezed, and said, "These dudes are angels."

"Pfft. Knock it off."

"No, straight on! Nopony can pretend to be like them because it's impossible! Otherwise, they'd be cut from a cloth that the imps could sink their teeth into immediately! But that ain't the case! The Cartel's getting their little green flanks—"


"Whatever! They're getting their rear ends handed to them by a force that none of us can fathom! Your idea's fancy and all, but we can't make a new Jury! Nopony but the Jury can!"

"What do you think makes them so ungodly powerful, anyways?"

"Pffft. They're robots, of course."

"Unnngh... not this theory again."

"Well, what else could they be?! I mean, with tech and skill like that, they'd have to be trained by Val Roa itself!"

"I doubt that they're agents of Val Roa."

"Why not?"

"I mean, that wouldn't make any sense!" The stallion in the broad-rimmed hat rubbed his chin. "Unless..."

"Hmm? What?"

"Could be that somepony within Val Roa ain't happy about them turnin' all isolationist n'all." He tipped his hat and smirked. "I bet someone on the Council would be funding the Jury from the inside!"

"Wouldn't that be considered traitorous against the Monarchy?"

"That's assuming the Monarchy is the reason behind them closing their damned borders."

"Well, what else could be the reason?"

"I've got a better question. Who—if anypony—would be acting independent from the rest of the Council?"

"I've got a good idea," said the bar maid.

"Oh? Who?"

She smirked. "The House of Sehlp of course."

Pilate cocked his head curiously to the side. Booster glanced curiously athim.

"The House of Sehlp? Seriously... of all the Council Members you could have picked, and you choose the nobles who've been silent for far longer than all of Val Roa proper."

"They haven't been 'silent!'" the bar maid protested. "Why, just in the last month alone, I've had three bands of merchants arriving from their manor down south!"

"A likely story." The antelope smirked. "They were probably just drunk skunks with nothing creative to brag about."

"Hey... genius!" The mare raised two hooves to her forehead. "They bore the mark of fealty!"

"Hrmmmf..." The antelope finished his drink and belched. "No kidding?"

"You forget how long I've worked here in Gideon." The mare smirked. "I know a servant of Sehlp when I see one. The way I hear it, the Duchess has been sending much-needed aid to the local towns during the Cartel's incursion."

"For real?"

She nodded. "Started months before the Jury ever became a thing around these parts. She's supplied goods to Ammon... Mosiah... Zeezrom... all the hard-hit places. If you ask me, if anyone from the Val Roa council is responsible for the Jury, it's the Duchess of the House of Sehlp."

"That's a brilliant idea, actually..."

"Oh yeah? If this Duchess is so brilliant, then what was she doing on this side of the West Gate when the borders went tight?"

"For all we know, escaping something really terrible from within."

"Whew... can you imagine if Val Roa was to actually collapse in our lifetime?"

"Oye..." The pony in the hat zipped his bag shut. "I dunno. Something tells me that pony teeth won't grab as much silver as goblin's in these parts."


"Whewwwww... yeah..."

Pilate rubbed his chin beneaeth the hood. "House of Sehlp..."

"Now there's a name I haven't heard about in a long time," Booster Spice remarked.

Pilate glanced at him. "Anything significant that you can recall?"

"Well, more or less." Booster fidgeted in his seat. "You see, there are many members of the Ruling Council who—though they function politically inside Val Roa proper—they live out here in the countryside. It's not uncommon for Val Roan aristrocrats to live in these rich mansions built in the forests several centuries ago. Townships tend to blossom and grow around the manors. It's how towns like Ammon were formed."

"Sounds like feudal serfdom to me," Pilate said.

Booster Spice. "It's a relic of an older, less glamorous time. Since the middle class rose up, most nobles moved into Val Roa."

"But evidently not this Duchess of Sehlp."

"'Duchess of the House of Sehlp.'" Booster cleared his throat. "Though why she'd be living out here still is beyond me."

"Well, it's certainly a blessing from the Spark if I ever heard one," Pilate said. "If an ear of the Val Roan Council exists this far outside, then it's safe to assume that she has a leg in." He scooted his chair out and stood up.

Booster blinked beneath his green goggles. "Uhm..." He fumbled up onto his hooves. "Wh-where are you going?"

"As Rainbow would put it, 'seizing the day.' Ahem." Pilate took several bold steps across the saloon, and came to a stop. "Excuse me, good sir, but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation concerning the Duchess of the House of Sehlp. I was wondering if you'd be so kind as to tell me how I might be able to make contact with this noblepony." He smiled calmly. "Like you, I'm an avid traveller, and it would benefit my party greatly if we were to open dialogue with this individual." He opened his mouth, lingered, then sighed. "And I am talking to a wooden post, aren't I?"

Booster cleared his throat, shuffled over, and pivoted the blind zebra towards the bar. "Th-there ya go."

"A thousand thanks," Pilate cleared his throat. "Excuse me, good sir, but I was wondering—"

"Yeah, we heard you the first time when you were romancing the saloon, partner," the stallion in the hat said, summoning several chuckles from his companions. He took a deep sip of his glass and exhaled. "What can I do you for?"

"The House of Sehlp. What can you tell us about it?"

"Well, we've galloped by there a few times in the past, but never stopped by." The stallion smirked, tilting his head down in an attempt to see beneath Pilate's hood. "Why? You intend to trot over there and flash 'em?"

More chuckles.

Pilate smiled calmly. "My friends and I have an invested interest in anypony connected with the Val Roan Council."

"Uh huh. If you ask me, you're better off leaving them be. Seems like they have enough problems with the kingdom as it is."

"Unless you've got a bone to pick with them!" The antelope exclaimed, frowning. "Cuz we sure do! Rotten snakes think they can ditch us all and get away with it—"

"Uh uh uh!" The bar maid spoke up. "None of that talk in here. You wanna start a revolution? Do it outside!"


"We were just talking about declaring martial law a few minutes ago. How come you didn't throw us out then?"

"Because you were paying for your drinks then."

"Heheheh... yeah, alright."

"I'm quite adamant about this," Pilate said. "It would mean a great deal to my friends and I if we were to learn more about this Duchess."

"What's it to ya, partner?" The stallion in the hat took another sip and wiped his muzzle clean. "In case you can't tell, we're super busy merchants. So maybe you should hike up your cloak and frolic out of here."

Pilate's nostrils flared. "Very well. Perhaps this will convince you." He gripped his hood and lowered it instantly.

"Heheheh—whoah dayum!" The antelope nearly slipped off the bar, eyes wide. "Those stripes! That metal plate!"

"Uhhhhhhh..." Booster looked at Pilate, sweating nervously.

"Wait a second..." The stallion in the hat gaped, his eyes squinting. "Do you mean to tell me that—"

"Hmmmm?" Pilate's clear eyes flickered. In a second, the O.A.S.I.S. sphere was hovering beside his skull and flickering its scanning beam. "Do I strike you as familiar?"

"Oh my god!"

"A Jurist!"

"And honest-to-god Jurist!"

"I can't believe what I'm seeing!"

"Screw these goblin teeth! This is the real deal!"

"Omigosh omigosh omigosh!"

"So... then..." Pilate's metal brow furrowed. "Might we have a talk?"

The three travellers exchanged glances, then turned to gawk at the zebra. They smiled. "Yeah, partner... I think we just might enjoy that..."

The entire saloon bustled with excitement. Other villagers of Gideon poked their heads in through the swinging doors, gasping in amazement.

Meanwhile, Booster Spice cleared his throat and trotted in close. "Uhhhh... Pilate?" He winced under his breath. "Whatever happened to 'being patient' and 'keeping our ears open?'"

"Hmmmm?" Pilate tilted his head back. "Oh..." He smirked. "That was three strawberry mixes ago."

"Err... r-right..." Booster gulped and waved at the thickening crowd with an awkward grin. "Of course..."

"There has to be no less than a hundred of them," one of the changelings said, its shell glinting with the orange sunset from the west edge of the mountain. It sat across from Rainbow Dash in the mouth of the cave at Silver Point. "That's all we got, though. A large group of empathic beings, situated in a spot due northeast of here." It gulped. "And they aren't moving."

"I see..." Rainbow Dash was slumped with her back propped up against the wall. Two changelings cuddled close to her like large cats, their smiling faces leaning over her legs as she stroked their webbed manes in a gentle fashion. "And you're sure there other changelings?"

"Honestly, Rainbow, we aren't sure of anything," the one facing her said. "They could be anyone or anything. But..."

"But what?"

"Well, we... we don't know of any other empathic creatures besides ourselves, especially in this part of the world." It cleared its throat and stared at Rainbow with glossy green eyes. "You've flown all over this plane. Perhaps you know?"

Rainbow shook her head. "The only ponies who feed off of emotions are you guys. Unless, of course, there's anything of the sort waiting for me beyond the Grand Choke."

"Well, Mother must have spanned it."


"The Grand Choke, I mean." The changeling fidgeted. "From what you've told us, Mother's sister dwells on the Dark Side. Mother had to have come from somewhere."

"Yeah..." Rainbow Dash stared down at the two shape-shifters cuddling against her. "The Dark Side..."

The one across the way leaned its head curiously to the side. "Rainbow...?"

Rainbow's eyes were locked on the two changelings. Their shells had turned to orange coats and their webbed manes to full tufts of violet hair. Both fillies lay calmly, their blank flanks rising and falling with gentle, contented breaths.

"Is... something wrong?"

"No. It's..." Rainbow looked up with a jolt. "Everything's cool. Ahem. Just... some things I'll never get used to."

The changeling's fanged mouth curved. "You've been nice enough to spend this much time with us. If you need to go, that's fine. We've fed enough, thanks to you."

"Not quite yet." Rainbow leaned forward, gently petting the pink manes on either side of her. "I wanna know more about this signal you've all picked up on."

"Honestly, I wish we could tell you more."

"Do you at least know if there's any sort of township or village around those parts?"

"I don't know." The changeling shrugged. "I can't imagine there would be. All that's northeast of here is mountains and snow."

"And if what Booster told us all, that's about where the norther border of Val Roa begins."

"Have you ever considered crossing there?"


"Into Val Roa, I mean," the changeling said. "Perhaps you could find passage into the kingdom from such a point."

"I... d-doubt it," Rainbow said, glancing at the darkening horizon. "We tried something like that at a spot far to the south, near the border with the Cartel."


Rainbow gulped. "It's not something I-I want to put the Jury through again."

"I see..." The changeling lowered its gaze. "I know you care very deeply for them."

"I care for you guys as well," Rainbow said. "And—you know—the invitation's still open."

"That's... kind of you to offer, as always, Rainbow," the changeling said. "But we'd simply take up too much room... not to mention tangle the emotions of your friends into a knot."

"It's not impossible to adjust, y'know," Rainbow said. "After all, one of you—" Her voice broke off.

The changeling stared.

"Er... I mean..." Rainbow gulped. "One of us is doing A-Okay... one day at a time."

"Is he truly?" the changeling asked.

"I'd like to think so," Rainbow replied. "Eagle Eye's with him every step of the way. They've found a balance, it would seem. Ebon doesn't starve of emotion and Eagle Eye doesn't rush out of the ship doing stupid things." She giggled. "It works."

The changeling smiled. "That's good to know, then."

"But... y'know..." Rainbow raised a hoof and stroked her bangs back. "Ebon could totally... use some guidance." She stared fixedly at the changeling in front of her. "From one of his own kind."

The changeling shifted its hooves and exhaled slowly. "I don't know what kind of help we can give him."

"Face it. You know more about the whole shape-shifting shtick than he does."

"To what end?"


"Your Ebon Mane has been living and flying and loving alongside you for months and months, Rainbow Dash," the creature said. "All things considered, it has a full grasp on what it means to be a living, breathing pony."

"He's still got no memories of his hatching," Rainbow said. "And his very body is simply modeled after a late stallion he had the fortune of falling into company with—"

"Even still, he's more pony than changeling," the metamorph said. "He's achieved that which all changelings are hatched to do. And—let's face it—there really is no more depth to us as a species."

Rainbow sighed. "Come on now..."

"I'm sorry, Rainbow," the changeling said, slowly shaking its head. "We would love to help, but it's beyond us. Ebon is your sibling... not ours."

Rainbow took a deep breath. "Yeah, well... I'm going to find you yours." She stood up, gently pushing the other two changelings aside.

They protested with little trilling sounds, rubbing their foalish eyes as they returned to their natural black shells. They glanced up at the pegasus along with their companion.

"I'll send the Jury to find out whatever this emotional feedback thingy is northeast of here," Rainbow said. "If it's what I think it is, then—I promise—you guys won't be alone any longer."

"Are you sure you want to do this, Rainbow?" the one in the center asked as its two partners stood up by its side. "I always thought that Val Roa was—"

"Hey..." Rainbow leaned forward, her eyes hard and piercing. "If I ignored all of the needy ponies that I've met in my travels, do you honestly think I'd be where I am today?"

"Perhaps not." The changeling shook its head. "But, then, perhaps you'd be in a better place."

"Yeah, well, we're gonna do something about that attitude." Rainbow pointed. "You three are important to me. All of my friends are. I'll find out all about that signal. Just you wait." She flapped her wings and lifted up.

"Needed somewhere?" one of the changelings asked.

"You can definitely say that." Rainbow turned towards the western horizon just as it dimmed. "I've been out here for two months, back to back."

"How is that significant?"

Rainbow smirked at them as she lifted up. "Means my date's almost ready." She saluted. "Stay adorable."

The three changelings waved back. They sighed in the mare's absence, then retreated back into the mouth of the cave, blending once more with the solid rock surrounding it.

Minutes later, as night fell, Rainbow surged upwards through the clouds. She flapped her wings faster and faster, as if racing against time.

At last, she stopped flying, touching down on a misty bed and resting her limbs. As her breath calmed, she stared up at the night's sky, her wings twitching in anticipation.

Her eyes scanned the heavens. When at last it appeared, she smiled, her ears flicking happily. She stood up tall, aiming her pendant skyward. Before her, a full moon rose above the mountains, glittering down at the forests surrounding Amulek.

When the silver glow contacted Rainbow's pendant, it sent a twinkle through the air, reverberating with a regal voice that made the heavens shake.

"Rainbow Dash, are you there?"

"With bells on, Your Majesty!" Rainbow Dash said with a full grin.

"Alas, it fills me with great joy to know you're still alive."

"What'd I tell you?" Rainbow giggled. "I got a full charge!"

"I know, but still—"

"Just relax, Luna." Rainbow winked into the air. "You've learned to straighten out your tongue, so surely the rest should come easy, eh?"

"Poetic as always, Rainbow Dash. What news do you have to share with us—erm... with me?"

"What else?" Rainbow grinned devilishly. "A whole lotta ass-whooping!"

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