• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 7,130 Views, 12,066 Comments

Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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A Most Noble Breakfast, Part One

Morning sunlight broke through the elaborate bronze pillars that made up the Val Roan Royal dining balcony. Here, a massively long oaken table stretched, its top surface full of every pastry, baked good, fruit, potato, scrambled eggs imaginable. The aroma of freshly fried breakfast filled the sunny domain, and around the elaborate table were seated every member of the Noble Jury and the Tarkington.

None of them were eating.

Several ponies yawned. Several others blinked wearily. The ones who were fully awake merely squirmed in place, as if the ample meal was simply too much for them to dig in.

Basso blinked towards the spacious cityscape beyond the pillars while Zetta leaned against him. Zaid leaned forward, examining several different plates of cheese while Prowse gave him the evil eye across the way and Props merely smiled. Bellesmith and Pilate sat quietly while Kera—between them—kept glancing towards the far ends of the hall. More than once, her gaze fell upon Roarke, who sat at one end of the table in total silence, her eyes cool and distant.

At last, Arcanista's hoofsteps broke the silence of the scene. She arrived with Mamunia and Jet. Upon seeing the dormant faces of the ponies, she shuffled to a stop, blinking. “...well, this is most certainly... festive.”

“It's quite an elaborate meal!” Ebon Mane said, a hopeful smile flickering across his burgundy muzzle. “I can tell it took them a long time to make!”

“They're royalty, Ebon,” Eagle said. “They whipped it together overnight.”

Ebon bit his lip. “Well... it would have taken me forever to make it.”

“I'm so used to sailboat butt's cookings that I'm afraid my body will reject anything else,” Josho muttered.

“Then is that why you haven't taken a bite yet?” Arcanista asked, strolling over to where Floydien and Midnite sat. She smiled and curtsied. “Brother...”

“Pigeon-hoofed boomer...”


Midnite giggled.

“Well, nice to know that somepony is in a good mood,” Arcanista said.

“He's alive...” Midnite exhaled through a drunken smile. She gazed across the table. “He's alive and in one piece. I... I simply cannot believe it. Queen Chrysalis was right.”

“Mother's made a promise,” Ebon said. “Is it really that hard to believe that she's given up on her dastardly ways?”

“Uhhhh... yeah, kid,” Seclorum rasped from across the table. He glanced aside at Arcshod. “I'm almost tempted to stick around with the world's biggest stick and see if candy will burst out of her the moment she makes a move.”

“Come on!” Eagle Eye frowned. “Give her the benefit of a doubt!”

Crimson waved a hoof. “Now... let's not get too excited. The Val Roans made us a wonderful meal here. We can choose to argue over things later.”

“It's good to know that you're thankful,” Arcanista said, taking a seat and scooting in besides her maidservants. “But actually eating would be a finer gesture.”

“Uhhhh huh...” Tweak stealthily slid several biscuits into his hat and planted it atop his crystalline head. “First thing's first.” Lucky Strike snickered, and the older sibling kicked his leg beneath the table before continuing. “What happens once we're all gone? I mean, assuming everything goes as planned.”

“It's noble that you'd express such concern for Val Roa in the long run,” Midnite said.

“Hey...” Zaid smirked, kicking back with a lazy grin. 'When the shoe fits, babe.”

“We came a long way to make sure that this kingdom didn't kick the bucket,” remarked Phoenix. “It... it only seemed fitting.”

“That's what I said!” Zaid said. Props slapped his shoulder. “Ow! Okay... that one was just to wake me up.”

Props giggled and turned to look Midnite's way. “We've learned long... long ago that flying somewhere is one thing. Making sure that the place you leave is in good spirits is another.”

Kera shuddered. “We've... not b-been so lucky in the past.”

Belle and Pilate hung their heads.

Roarke gazed on in silence, her brown ears twitching.

Arcanista took a firm breath. “Val Roa is headed for a glorious future. Of this, I am sure.”

“Belaseenu'm cranadrem viulen hreem?” Arcshod muttered, eyes narrow.

Seclorum cleared his throat. “Uhhh... are you really certain of that?”

Arcanista merely nodded. “Bountiful is having its seat in the Council reinstated. I just got done talking with Fishberry. Together, the Chancellor and I are setting aside our differences and preparing a commission to locate and root out sources of embezzlement within the Council. With the Constable's help, we'll be eliminating all seeds of corruption within Val Roa.”

“By the Spark,” Belle remarked. “That sounds... drastic.”

“It's been a long time coming,” Arcanista said. “Much like it was in Ledomare and Xona, discord and disharmony had been nestled deep within our culture, and it took a malevolent force from outside to exploit it and balloon it into something far worse.”

“But now that Chrysalis is defeated, all of those dark pockets are laid to bear,” Midnite said. She smiled up at Floydien, then gazed warmly at the rest of the table. “In a way, I suppose you could say that Chrysalis was the best thing to happen to Val Roa.”

“You mean the bloody defeat of that pisstaker,” Prowse's voice growled. He pointed with his good hoof. “Lest we forget that it took a lot of dead goblins to make this cheery little morning meal possible. Not that I sympathize with the little buggers, but no victory is ever that squeaky clean, now is it?”

The table hung in silence. Everyone looked at their food as if it was miles away.

Roarke spoke suddenly—which caused the whole table to flinch. “Chrysalis was the best thing to happen to the Cartel too.” All eyes rested on her as she stared back. “Val Roa didn't need a change. It simply needed a savior. But the Cartel?” She slowly shook her head. “It's been destined for ruin for a long time. You can't rearrange that without bloody scars. The goblins from the south will be reeling from what happened yesterday for a long time. But they will climb back from their loss, and they will find themselves in a better, healthier place.”

“Because of you, Roarke,” Pilate said. “Yes?”

The metal mare nodded. “I was instrumental in both their downfall and their rescue. The Lounge are still here, minding the southern edge of the Capital because of an agreement that I made. It would be pointless to let the imps down now. I owe it to them... and to myself to see that they find a better future. I would like to think that my experience at Searo's Hold will be instrumental in this process.”

“Then...” Kera bit her lip. “You're heading south to the Cartel?” Belle rested a hoof on the tiny Xonan's shoulder. “Will we ever see you again?”

“That depends,” Roarke droned. She looked up across the table at the filly. “Will your eyes be open when I visit every month to check up on Belle and Pilate?”

Kera blinked... then smiled.

“Wait wait wait!” Props leaned forward, her jaw agape. “You guys are staying?”

“Erm...” Belle glanced aside at Pilate, smiling bashfully.

Pilate reached over and rested his hoof on Belle's side. “I suppose the truth would come out eventually. And... well...”

“We didn't want to discuss it aloud,” Belle said. “Not yet. Not until... well...”

“Well what?” Props squeaked.

“Don't you think something is missing?” Eagle Eye remarked.

Just then—with the flapping of wings—Rainbow Dash soared in from the balcony, breathless. “Whew! Sorry... sorry, guys. I sh-should have been here earlier, I know. But I'm here now.” She shuffled up in s chair next to Roarke, shuddering. “It's just that somepony didn't wake me,” she grumbled, giving the back of Roarke's chair a heavy swat.

Roarke droned, “Somepony deserved it after all she did yesterday.”

“Deserved what?” Booster Spice asked.

“I... uh...” Rainbow blushed, her ears drooping. “I overslept.”

Booster's goggles nearly fell off. “You overslept?!”


“On the morning of the biggest, most amazing celebration breakfast in all of Val Roa?! You overslept?!

“Yuh huh.”

“The hay's gotten into you?!” Booster Spice cackled.

“Look...” Rainbow spoke above the sound of Props giggling. “I had a super heavy dream last night.”

“Did you, now?” Zaid smirked. “Just how heavy was it?”

“You tell me,” Rainbow took a sip of orange juice. “Your Mom was in it.”

Phoenix spat. Crimson chuckled while Lucky Strike and Tweak leaned against each other, cackling.

“Heeheehee!” Props slapped the back of Zaid's back. “You got serrrrrved!

“Ughhh... be still my shattering ego.” Zaid rolled his eyes. Then gestured a the table. “Why don't you serve me some cheese and grits?”

“Sure thing, Zaidy Waidy!”

“Mrmmff...” Zaid hid his blushing muzzle into his glass. “My mother was a saint. A skinny saint.”

“Hmmph...” Prowse managed a red-bearded smirk. “I'm likin' this breakfast.”

“Then eat something!” Arcanista exclaimed. “All of you!”

“Yeah, what gives?” Rainbow bit into a biscuit, her blue cheeks bulging. “Mrmmf... dig in!”

And just like that, the audible mirth and levity of the balcony lifted by several decibels. Belle prepared a plate for Kera. Basso dug into the scrambled eggs and sausages. Midnite held a piece of toast up to Floydien, and the elk rolled his eyes before taking a bite. The two Xonan warriors delicately nibbled on hard-boiled eggs.

At the end of the table, Rainbow spotted the warm gazes of Belle and Pilate. She smiled at them, winked at Kera, then glanced aside at Roarke.

Roarke glanced back.

The two mares smiled, and enjoyed their breakfast liberally.

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