• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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Good Bye, Fare Thee Well, Amen

Crystalline ringlets dangled from the robed priest's antlers as he looked up from the tome in his hoofed grasp. “Since the dawn of Creation, the souls of this plane have sought refuge with one another in order to triumph against adversity. Through loyal union, they add warmth and happiness to the order of our world. It is my joyful duty, as a servant of God, to oversee the marriage of two more souls, namely the couple who stands before us today.” A soft smile spread across his aged muzzle. “Ebon Mane and Eagle Eye of the Western Lands...”

Eagle and Ebon stood before the priest, smiling, hoof-in-hoof. The three resided in the shadow of Shepherd's Rock in the noonday sun, south of Val Roa Proper and its bronze skyline, right upon the western cusp of the Grand Choke.

“Though many trials lay behind them, their struggle is not yet over,” the priest spoke loudly, his eyes darting occasionally across the tome in his grasp. “For what lay ahead will be the true test of their souls: love, adoration, commitment—in all things dark and bright. The whim of the world threatens to toss brutal and bitter elements their way, but there is hope, for God's strength conquers all, and He manifests itself in each and every one of us. Only together—in the bonds of matrimony—does that power become stronger, and more righteously tenacious.”

Close beside Eagle and Ebon, two other ponies stood. Josho was positioned near Eagle Eye, fidgeting as he craned an ear to the priest's words. Across the way, closer to Ebon, Props stood—or at least tried to. The blonde mare bit her lip, squirming inside and out. She glanced past the changeling and into the crowd, cheeks rosy as she stifled an inner squeal.

Zaid waved back, winking and mouthing an encouraging word or two. He stood next to Prowse, Booster Spice, and the crew members of the Tarkington: Crimson, Phoenix, Seclorum, Arcshod, Tweak, Lucky Strike, Basso, Zetta, and the two Xonan warriors. Glancing aside, Zaid wagged his eyebrows at Prowse, but winced, immediately regretting it. Clearing his throat, Prowse nevertheless donated a red-bearded smile of pride in his niece's direction. He shifted his weight on his prosthetic, glancing briefly over his shoulder.

Rainbow Dash stood side by side with Roarke. Luna's satchel and Arcanista's pack lay against a rock far behind her. Rainbow smiled calmly while Roarke watched in quiet deadpan. Close to the two mares, Bellesmith, Pilate, and Kera stood. Pilate craned an ear towards the proceedings while Belle leaned against him, a tight smile plastered across her yellow muzzle. She sniffled once or twice, fighting to keep her eyes from tearing as she gazed lovingly at Eagle Eye and Ebon Mane. In the meantime, Kera yawned for the umpteenth time and glanced wearily across the arid landscape.

King Lunarius, Queen Azira, and Prince Eine stood not too far away; they were protectively surrounded by armored guards while a royal stagecoach rested a few steps away. Secretary Sharp Quill and General Saikano stood there as well, with the latter occasionally glancing back to check on a contingent of Val Roan soldiers who diligently monitored the ceremonial event. Within a whisper's distance was Arcanista, along with Mamunia and Jet. Chancellor Fishberry accompanied the Duchess, joined by Nilla and a few more servants. They quietly watched the proceedings while Constable Jake stood in the background, leaning lazily against another stagecoach with a dumb smirk on his drooling face. At some point, Prince Eine spotted Kera's green eyes, and he waved a tiny hoof her way, smiling.

Kera rolled her eyes and immediately looked to her far right. Beyond the dormant body of the Tarkington, Several Lounge Spheres hovered at a distance, with one positioned low enough for the suited beings on board to observe the event at length. The leader of the naga leaned against the rim of the open deck, his helmeted head cocked to the side. Jex rested his weight on his crutches, his lips pursed as the imp observed with intense—yet quiet—curiosity.

“As the years go by, their love will have every opportunity to grow stronger,” the priest continued as everyone gathered together listened. “For God created His children to progress into better beings, and in marriage that task is manifested with tenfold vigor. Against love, there can be no killing agent, no bitter poison, for love is the one eternal thing that outlasts the cold chaos of the universe, that will forever prove to the spirits of this realm and beyond that what beats inside each and every one of us is immortal from the start, endowing us with the desire to achieve perfection... and to enjoy the unfathomable bliss that waits beyond it.”

Ebon Mane sighed, leaning his soft mane against Eagle Eye's shoulder. Eagle nuzzled the top of his head, biting his lip as his eyes turned glossy.

Rainbow Dash leaned in to whisper in Roarke's ear. “You know... they scored a pretty good preacher deer.”

“Mmmhmmm...” Roarke merely nodded.

“Not too shabby... for insanely last-second nuptials, I mean.”

Roarke took a shuddering breath. “It wouldn't be right if they didn't do it awkwardly,” the metal mare said in a wavering tone.

Rainbow Dash blinked at her. “Are... are you getting emotional?”

Roake opened her mouth—

“Shhhhhhhh!” Belle hissed, teeth showing.

Rainbow Dash and Roarke jerked in place, standing tall and silent.

Belle dabbed her eyes and smiled. Pilate squeezed her shoulder as the priest continued:

“Who here guides Eagle Eye through this gateway in his life?”

Dead silence.

The priest glanced aside.

Eagle Eye whispered. “Old Stallion. That's you.

Josho jolted. “Erm...” The obese stallion cleared his throat and tilted his chin up with a modicum of dignity. “Yes... uh... by God and God's Godhood, th-that would be me.” As a few breaths snickered, he frowned into the group. “Hey! Come on! I got only five minutes of preparation!”

Eagle hid his face while Ebon giggled.

The priest chuckled lightly. The, nodding his antler'd head, he calmly spoke Josho's way: “As witness to this matrimony, do you vouch for Eagle Eye's honesty and commitment to his partner?”

Ahem. You're damn right I do,” Josho belched.

Several voices in the crowd chuckled once more.

Eagle Eye sighed, then winked at Josho. He glanced behind him, lavender cheeks growing more lavender as he smiled at two soldiers in the crowd.

Crimson and Phoenix grinned ecstatically. Crimson saluted while Phoenix silently pumped a hoof in the air.

With a noticeably amused smile on his face, the priest nevertheless pivoted to look the other way. “And who is here who guides Ebon Mane through this gateway in his life?”

“Ooh! Me!” Props waved her hoof wildly, blonde mane flouncing. “Me me meeee!”

Rainbow Dash and Bellesmith giggled. Prowse facehoof'd while Zaid grinned wide. “She does, alright! She told me so this morning!” the ex-cultist barked, summoning more chuckles.

The laughter quieted in time for the priest to say, “As witness to this matrimony, do you vouch for Ebon Mane's honesty and commitment to his partner?”

Props opened her mouth, lingering for the briefest of moments. As she lowered her hoof, she blinked then murmured whole-heartedly: “Nothing in the whole wide world would give me greater pleasure...”

Ebon gaped at her. Slowly he smiled, fighting more tears. Props stuck her tongue out and winked before gazing with a sniffly smirk.

The priest looked towards the couple in the shadow of Shepherd's Rock. “Your friends bear witness to your sincerity. Do you have the courage to cross through the gate and enter the rest of your lives?”

“I do,” Eagle Eye said firmly.

Ebon nodded, shivering slightly. “So do I.”

The priest flipped a page in his tome and tilted his muzzle up. “The couple may now be presented the symbols of their union.”

Josho nodded. His horn glowed as he levitated... a tiny iron wingnut.

“Erm...” Props blushed, fumbling to hold out an identical wingnut in her hoof. As she and Josho approached the couple and held out the “rings,” she giggled nervously. “Sorries. They were the best I could come up with at the last second. Squee...

Ebon took the ring from her. “They're wonderful, Propsy. Thanks so much.”

“My pleasure, Ebony.” She looked across the way at Josho.

With a sigh, the aging stallion levitated the ring into Eagle's magical grasp. “Gotta say, princess, I'm super proud that you didn't whip out some puffy white gown for this.”

Eagle took a calm breath and whispered back. “Face it... this is as pretty as it gets.” With a warm sigh, he turned toward the priest.

The reindeer nodded. “You may now present each other with your tokens.”

Eagle Eye turned towards Ebon. With a cheekish smile, he leaned forward.

Ebon Mane slid his makeshift ring onto the unicorn's horn. When it was Eagle's turn, Ebon fidgeted. Holding his breath, he summoned green flames and produced a horn in the center of his own forehead. Not long after, Eagle slipped the ring onto Ebon's forehead as well. Once done, both stallions turned to face the priest once more while Josho and Props watched closely.

“Before the grace of God, and with the witness of all of His Creation,” the priest said, “I pronounce this couple eternally wed.” He closed his tome and nodded with an elegant smile. “Now, you may seal your union with a gesture of your love.”

Eagle Eye and Ebon Mane turned towards one another. They shared a lasting breath, then leaned forward, locking muzzles in a prolonged kiss. The air turned thunderous as ponies, elk, and reindeer clapped their hooves against the ground, making the desert stone around Shepherd's Rock shake.

Bellesmith and Pilate cheered. Rainbow pumped her hooves in the air while Roarke and Kera smirked. Arcanista sighed happily, glancing across the way at the smiles adorning the faces of the Royal Family.

“Eee-heee-heee!” Props, no longer capable of containing her excitement, hopped ecstatic little circles around the kissing stallions. “They're hitched they're hitched they're hitched! Woohooo!”

“Woooo! Yeah!” Phoenix hollered into the air. “Way to go Princess!”

“Heh heh heh...” Crimson chuckled, leaning on his metal leg. “I have to say, Phoenix...” He exhaled, his eyes glossy. “...I almost think the whole sojourn through Foxtaur was worth this moment alone.”

“Yeah...” Phoenix nodded with a calm smile. “...and it makes those moments when Zenith and I dipped sleeping EE's hoof in warm water all the more awkward.”

“Ohhhhhhh how I wish I could still demote you,” Crimson moaned.

“How I wish you could too.”

After a veritable half-minute, Ebon Mane and Eagle Eye parted their muzzles. Ebon grinned tearfully. Eagle rubbed the changeling's burgundy cheek dry before turning to smile at the crowd. As the applause doubled, he reached a forelimb over, holding Ebon close while he waved with the other forelimb. Neither stallion could resist a triumphant wink or two.

“Hmmmph...” Tweak folded his crystalline forelimbs. “Somehow... not quite the 'gesture of their love' that I was expecting.”

“Oh please, brother.” Lucky Strike leaned in, motioning with his head. “There are space lizards present.”

“Heh... yeah. That would shed their skins super fast.” As a shadow crossed over them, Tweak tilted his head up. “Wuh oh.”

“What's the matter?” Lucky asked blinking.

“Serious time,” Seclorum said, silencing the immediate group beside him.

The applause quieted as King Lunarius trotted the long distance to Shepherd's Rock. Queen Azira and Prince Eine followed close behind as the ruler of Val Roa stood before the two ponies.

“Eagle Eye and Ebon Mane,” Lunarius spoke boldly.

Ebon Mane and Eagle Eye bowed low, then stood side by side, hooves held as they gazed up at the majestic patriarch.

“As witness to this union, I am glad to say that I am happy for the two of you.” The King's eyes narrowed as he smiled. “I have every faith in your eternal commitment to one another. May it warm you in the heights of Ether Point and beyond.”

The two stallions bowed again. “We are proud to serve You in Your Kingdom, Your Majesty,” Eagle Eye said. “For now and forever.”

“Erm...” Ebon fumbled for words. “Wh-what he said!” He smiled sheepishly while a few more chuckles lit the air.

Lunarius' lips curved. “Despite the... last second nature of these proceedings, I was prepared with a Royal Offering.” He turned to look over his shoulder. “My love...?”

Queen Azira curtsied, then turned to pat a hoof on Eine's shoulder. “Go ahead, my little prince.” She winked. “The King's blessing is yours as well.”

Eine took a shuddering breath. With all eyes on him, the fawn trotted forward, balancing a tiny box on his shoulder. He stood before the two stallions and held the container out, opening it. “Please, friends, take these—one for each of you,” the Prince said. “As a sign of the House of Evo's resolute faith in your inseparable union.”

Eagle's lips pursed as he reached forward. He grasped a pendant at the end of a necklace that represented a right pair of antlers. In the meantime, Ebon held a necklace with a golden pair of left antlers. Looking at one another, the stallions giggled and held the two halves together, forming a singular elk crest.

“You are both honorable citizens of the Val Roan Kingdom,” Eine said. “Now and forever.”

“We are honored, Your Majesty,” Ebon said.

“Likewise,” Eagle added, immediately wrapping the pendant over his neck so that it dangled close to his fuzzy chest. “And flattered. Eheeheee...”

“Certainly beats a tiara anyday, huh?” Josho remarked.

“You better believe it,” Eagle said, leaning aside to nuzzle Ebon once the changeling had also fitted his necklace.

Props wandered over to Zaid's side, rubbing cheeks with him as they both turned to watch Lunarius. In the meantime, the King of Val Roa had trotted up to the priest's side next to Shepherd's Rock. Clearing his throat, he spoke with a booming voice to all in attendance.

“This is no ordinary wedding. It is a mark of triumph—a beacon of light at the end of so much chaotic darkness. May the union that's happened here today solidify the peace that this Kingdom has afforded after so much confusion, ignorance, and adversity. If it weren't for these two souls—and all of the other foreign heroes who accompanied them—Val Roa would not stand today. We owe them our gratitude, our respect, and our admiration...” The King turned to look in the direction of the Lounge Spheres. “...and to their allies as well, with whom Val Roa pledges to seek peace and tranquil coexistence, in order to usher in a truly prosperous future for this continent and abroad.”

On board the lowest sphere, Jex turned and looked up. The Lounge leader met Lunarius' gaze, and he bowed his helmeted head slightly.

Lunarius nodded back, then turned once again to stare at the crowd at large. “I've attended this ceremony with pride, but I did not arrive to give one blessing and one blessing alone. Since the day my Queen and I were rescued from our enemy's horrid lair, I've come to realize that one soul and one soul has been chiefly responsible for delivering the Noble Jury's and the Tarkington's righteous intervention with heroic resolve.” His piercing eyes singled out a petite figure amongst the crowd. “Rainbow Dash of Equestria, please come forward.”

Rainbow Dash blinked, her ruby eyes twitching. She glanced left and right.

Pilate and Kera nodded emphatically. Belle leaned forwards, pleasantly whispering: “Go on. Go on!

Rainbow hesitated, until she felt Roarke's hoof squeezing her shoulder. Taking a firm breath, Rainbow Dash flew forward on steady wings.

Ebon Mane and Eagle Eye stepped back, as did Josho. Rainbow landed before the King, then bowed low.

Not long into the gesture, she was interrupted by the King's hoof placed against her chin. With gentle pressure, he tilted her head up to face him.

“You know very well that we are beyond humility,” he said with a smile.

“Eheh...” Rainbow gulped. “It doesn't hurt to be careful.”

“And was it caution that helped you save my Kingdom, do you think?”

Rainbow blinked. “Naw...” She turned to smirk over her shoulder. “...it was awesomeness.”

Several Jurists giggled and chuckled, waving back.

“Rainbow Dash...”

She turned to look at the King again. Her ruby pendant reflected a glittery object in his extended grasp.

“This... is a Dagger of Evo,” Lunarius said, holding forth a gold blade in a silver sheathe. The small, slender length was emblazoned with antler motifs, the branching tips studded with tiny bronze spheres. “In the grand history of our royal lineage, there have only ever been nine of them, given out to the most exceptional and loyal of warriors.” He held it out further. “You, Rainbow Dash, are now the recipient of the Eighth Dagger.”

Rainbow Dash took it, lips pursed as she gazed at her fragmented reflection in the immaculate metal shine.

“It represents our trust, our respect, and our everlasting exaltation,” Lunarius said. “Wherever you may happen to go, whatever you may happen to do, you shall forever and always be an honorary citizen of Val Roa's topmost Elite.” He bowed. “You are our representative as much as Equestria's, from here to eternity.”

“I...” Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth. “I'm super jazzed to have this. Like... totally.” She swallowed a lump down her throat and gazed up at the Royal Family. “But you should all know by now where I am going. I... I-I can't promise that I'll be able to hang onto something this awesome forever.” Her nostrils flared. “Much less for too many years, at least...”

“It matters not, Rainbow,” Queen Azira said, reaching forward to rest her hoof on the mare's shoulder. “In life and in death, you deserve to bear this token on your person.” She smiled delicately. “For you have brought Harmony to our land, and all of history deserves to know, wherever you may be, that you have been and shall always be a harbinger of salvation.”

Rainbow's jaw hung open. She lowered her gaze—but somehow couldn't bear to look at her reflection again. Instead, sniffling, she turned to look at her friends.

Pilate and Belle nodded, smiling proudly. Roarke quietly bowed her head.

Rainbow bore a fragile smile. She cleared her throat, drying her eyes with several blinks. “Yeah, well...” She tucked the item under a blue wing and turned to gaze up at the Royal Family once again. “...I-I promise not to use it for picking my teeth or anything. Eheh...” She winked. “Of course, if I'm ever to run into... oh, I dunno... a horribly evil frost dragon who needs to be defeated for the sake of Harmony and I've got nothing else to stab her with—”

Queen Azira chuckled. “You have our blessing in that regards as well, Rainbow Dash.” She smiled. “Though, let us hope that it does not come to that.”

“R-right.” Rainbow gulped. “Me too.”

At this point, Secretary Sharp Quill had trotted over. He leaned in to speak quietly with the King. “Your Majesty,” the elk said. “I am sorry to bother you, but if the ceremonies are done here, there is much work to be done in the Capital.”

Lunarius nodded. “But of course, and do not be hesitant to remind me, old friend. You are—after all—the godfather to our child.”

“With honor, Your Majesty.” Sharp Quill nodded. He turned to leave—but hesitated, fumbling slightly in place. At last, he turned to face Rainbow Dash, his purple eyes weak and quivering. After a gulp, the Secretary humbly spoke: “And to you, Rainbow Dash, a safe and prosperous journey. I... I am blessed by your very existence.”

Rainbow blinked. “Thanks. I'm... uh... fuzzy in all the right places right now.” She smiled sheepishly, ears twitching.

Sharp Quill returned an identically awkward grin. Then, with gentle grace, he escorted the Queen towards the royal stagecoach. The citizens all bowed as Lunarius also made his way.

“Come, my son,” he said. When there was no immediate reply, the King's hooves scuffled to a stop, and he turned to squint into the crowd. “Prince Eine...?”

Tiny hooves scraped over the desert ground in the direction of the Jurists.

Roarke and Belle looked over. They immediately scurried out of the way, with Belle tugging on a quietly confused Pilate. Soon, Kera stood all alone, though she evidently didn't know why. She looked every which way—until she saw Prince Eine's steady approach. Almost immediately, the tattooed filly looked in the opposite direction, her frowning cheeks slightly puffing.

“Uhm... I-I have to stay inside the Palace for the next few days,” Eine said, kneading the dusty earth with a tiny forelimb. “I don't think I'll be able to see you and your foster parents for a while.”

“Yeah. So?” Kera muttered to the desert sky. “You're—like—the Prince of Val Roa and stuff. You've got your royal duties.”

“Oh, it's more than that.” The fawn beamed, his breath wavering as he stifled a joyful squeak. “Father's promised to let me sit in on every meeting with the Cabinet! For once, I'm going to witness the proper way to run this kingdom! Just like I always wanted!”

“Well... yay for you.”

“I... I just want to say that nothing will ever match how much I learned in the short time that you and I spent fleeing the Soul Sentries together,” the Prince said. “For so long, I thought I was just a dainty weakling. But, because of you, I-I now feel self-assured enough to grow up into the Monarch I was always meant to be!”

“Not bad,” Pilate muttered from afar. “For a pretend Princess.”

“Beloved, hush!” Belle protested with a playful shove. The zebra only smirked harder.

“Hmmph...” Kera's nostrils flared. “Yeah, well, you're still a dainty weakling,” the filly muttered. “But thanks anyways.” She suddenly felt a bronze medallion placed in her hooves. “Uhhhh...” She blinked at it, then at the fawn. “The heck is this? You and the King are just tossing tokens away this afternoon, aren't ya?”

“Hehehehe...” Eine shook his head. “It's nothing quite so formal, but I think you'll appreciate it nonetheless.” He pointed. “It's free access to the Royal Catering service.”

“Yeah, so?” Kera scrunched her nose. She heard a voice clearing, and she turned to look across the way.

Ebon gazed straight at her, pointing at his muzzle while his burgundy lips pronounced a plural, three syllable noun. Eagle Eye stifled a giggle beside him.

Kera squinted... and then her green eyes went wide. “Oh! Ohhhh...” She fidgeted. “Uh... thanks. I'm... sure I'll have my fill all because of you.”

“I'm glad you approve,” Eine said, nodding. “And maybe, after the first wave of initial business is taken care of, you'll consider visiting the Palace again.” He cleared his throat. “With Pilate and Bellesmith too, of course.”

“Sure, whatever...”

“After all...” Eine's yellow eyes sparkled. “I was really hoping that all of the recent changes—though obviously for the better—wouldn't spell an absolute swan song for our friendship.”

There was the loud sound of water spitting.

Kera and Eine turned around.

Zaid wiped his lips, hoofing a dribbling canteen back to Props right beside him. Sputtering, he waved his forelimb and wheezed, “It's all good! Snkkkt! Please! Carry on!”

“Mmmm...” Kera folded her forelimbs. “Yeah. Okay. See you next time, I guess.”

Eine smiled. Then, forcing a solemn expression across his soft face, the Prince bowed low before turning to gallop past Lunarius' side. Lunarius watched the fawn join Queen Azira and Secretary Sharp Quill at the regal stagecoach. Blinking, the King turned towards the Jurists... and smiled before joining his family inside the vehicle. Saikano shouted a few commands, and a company of royal guards swarmed around the wagon in tight formation. Then, after a lasting holler, they marched forward, escorting the House of Evo north—and deep into the bronze heart of Val Roa.

Arcanista and Constable Jake looked on in silence.

Kera gazed at the settling cloud of dust, feeling the weight of the medallion in her grasp. A cold wind blew at her green bangs, and she shuddered slightly.

“Everything alright, darling?” Bellesmith asked, craning her neck.

“Er... yeah... totally...” Kera grumbled before tucking the medallion away. “Why wouldn't it be?”

Roarke unemotionally droned, “She's disappointed that the little royal breeder didn't kiss her fetlock.”

“Snrkkkk!” Kera's eyes crossed. She turned to face Roarke, stamping her hoof. “I am not!

“Heehee! Kera's right!” Props stuck a tongue out, jubilantly. “She'd much prefer on the cheek!”

“Backwards or forwards?” Zaid added, causing Prowse to groan.

“Grrrrrr—” Kera shook and shook... until she felt a striped forelimb resting on her shoulder, steadying her.

“There'll be a time for that,” Pilate said in a serious tone. At that precise moment, deer and ponies were trotting off in various criss-crossing directions, retiring from the arid plateau around Shepherd's Rock. “Alas, for now...”

As the zebra's words trailed off, the Noble Jurists came together. First to meet face to face were Duchess Arcanista and the newly-weds.

“I'm glad that we stayed long enough to see this unexpected ceremony come to fruition,” the Duchess said with a graceful smile. “Though I didn't have much of an opportunity to speak with you two gentlecolts in person, I think I speak for all of Bountiful when I say that your cherishing love has been felt from sea to sea.”

“And now the mountains are gonna feel it,” Josho dripped, strolling past the group. He fluffed Eagle's mane in passing. “I bet one million bits every ounce of snow will fall loose.”

“Nnnngh... old stallion, quit it!”

“Your own dayum fault for not wearing a veil.”

“Heheheh...” Ebon Mane smiled at the Duchess, leaning his cheek on Eagle's shoulder. “It won't exactly be the most exciting honeymoon. We've got days and days ahead of us, riding with Saikano's company.” He swallowed. “And then I'll be tending to Mother most delicately at Ether Point.”

“I have every bit of faith that she'll behave,” the Duchess said. “The fact that she so swiftly relinquished her powers is evidence enough of her ardent humility.”

“Yes, well, my only regret is that she couldn't be here to witness what's happened at Shepherd's Rock this afternoon,” Ebon said.

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash smirked, turning to glance at Roarke, Pilate, and Belle. “Has a changeling ever married before? I mean a changeling changeling?”

“There's a first time for everything,” Pilate remarked.

“Chrysalis is being detained at the military compound until we and Saikano pick her up, Ebon,” Eagle said, giving his husband a peck on the cheek. “I'm totally sure she would have been here if she wanted.”

“Yeah...” Ebon blinked. His tail flicked, and he smiled weakly—albeit rosily. “Yeah, maybe so...”

Duchess Arcanista heard hoofsteps on either side of her. She side-trotted in time for Mamunia and Jet to shuffle forward. The two servants got finished drying their eyes in time to stand before the stallions, fidgeting.



“We just... erm...”

“We just wanted to say...”

Then, almost in perfect cadence, both mares gushed ridiculously.

“You two are the most adorable couple everrrrrrr!”

Before Ebon and Eagle could react, Props burst through between them, wrapping her forelimbs around each stallion. “I know, righttttttt?” She pulled the two in so she could nuzzle both their cheeks at once. “Heeeeeee!”

“Propsssssyyy!” Ebon protested, eyes crossed. “Not so hardddd!”

“Tell me about it, bro.” Zaid trotted to a stop, folding his forelimbs. “She's super rough, ain't she?”

Props froze in mid-squee, glaring daggers at the stallion.

“Erm...” Zaid gulped, backtrotting. “...maybe I should just make my exit early...”

“What a bloody blessing that would be,” Prowse muttered, trotting forward. He cleared his throat before bowing the Duchess' way. “Leaving so soon, your Honor?”

“I'm afraid we have to,” Arcanista said, nodding. “I've been far away from Bountiful for too long. While there is much to do here in the Council, I would be doing the House of Sehlp a dishonor if I ignored the needs of my subjects back at home.”

“I imagine that's even tougher now,” Booster Spice said. “I mean... with you being down one Duke and all.”

Arcanista took a deep breath. “Indeed. Albeit, Floyd always knew his place.” She smiled delicately. “It's about time I came to learn the place that he has chosen as well.”

“I'm sorry, Duchess,” Pilate said, his ears folding back slightly. “I wish there was a... warmer method that Mr. Floydien could have utilized in parting ways with you.”

“With us as well,” Belle added.

“Yeah...” Props sniffled, hanging her head while Zaid patted her shoulder. “I'm going to miss Handsome super-super hard. After all those warm days spent in his beloved Nancy's steamy womb...”

Prowse did a double-take. “Buh?”

“Heh... for once, I'll have something to explain to you, Uncle Red Whiskers,” Zaid said with a smirk. He turned towards Arcanista. “Best luck to you in Bountiful, Duchess. We sorta... uhhhh... left a lot of black and white stripes at your doorstop.”

Kera giggled.

“Mmmm... indeed.” Arcanista smiled. “But it's a task we shall take on with great fervor.” She looked aside. “Isn't that right, Chancellor?”

Everypony turned to look.

Fishberry trembled slightly, tilting her head up. “I... uhm... I figure that I could assist the Duchess in finding a new home for the zebras of the southern provinces.”

“So long as they don't crap on my bed mat!” hollered Jake's voice from a distance.

Lucky Strike winced. “What's up with that guy, anyways?”

“You really don't know when to shut up, do you, brother?” Tweak grumbled. Lucky merely shrugged.

Fishberry continued: “If Val Roa's to have a promising future, it's going to need leaders who will care for its well-being more than their own interests. Seeing as I've quite a few lessons in humility to learn... I figure a place named 'Bountiful' is a good place to start.” She smiled slightly.

“We wish you the best of luck, Chancellor,” Bellesmith said, bowing. “And with the Council as well.”

“Oh, trust me...” Fishberry nodded. “It's in much better hooves now.”

Nilla trotted up, smiling. “And the Chancellor is in mine!” She turned to wink at the elk. “I've volunteered to act as the chief clerk of the House of Sehlp, responsible for carrying missives to and from Val Roa proper!”

“Well, good for you!” Kera said. “Guess it'll be super exciting leaving a big city for once. Trust me.” The filly winked. “I know!”

“You've... all been such a great inspiration to me,” Nilla said, her eyes watering slightly as she smiled. “To think that so few heroes could make so many massive changes...”

Seclorum smirked. “Especially when the 'so few' are 'very massive.'” He nudged Arcshod. “Right, buddy?”

“Mmmm...” The Xonan nodded. “Dreit.” His two companions chuckled, causing him to smirk.

“She's right in every aspect,” Arcanista said, her gaze wandering across the faces in the group. “I know many of you thank me for getting you into the city, but I... can't even begin to express my gratitude for restoring my country... my household... and m-my brother's legacy.” At last, her eyes fell upon Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow smiled back. She paused to paw at the earth, blushing slightly.

Arcanista took a deep breath. Her voice wavered slightly. “He believed in you. I hope you realize that.” She gulped. “Because of you, he now has the courage to go anywhere he wants... and with whomever he wants.” She dried her eyes in a blink. “I never thought that either he or I would have had a second chance at life... and love.”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow looked up. “...I don't think he flew us all the way out here just on my account. He... he loved you, Arcanista.” Her jaw clenched firmly. “If there wasn't a part of him deep inside that did, he wouldn't have tried from the beginning to preserve himself.”

“That's a delightful thought to cherish,” the Duchess said. “And I hope you hold onto many of your own.”

“Heh... uhhh...” Rainbow glanced briefly at the warm bodies in her peripheral. “...I'll need it.” She sensed the Duchess' shadow over her. She looked up.

Arcanista's eyes were firm. “You will make it, Rainbow Dash. If there's anypony who's ever lived, you are the one soul to make the impossible happen. Floydien believed in you, and so do I. You will reach grand places... and pierce beyond.”

“Thanks, Duchess,” Rainbow Dash said quietly. “I'll remember that.”

“I'm glad.” Arcanista exhaled, her face momentarily soft... fragile. Then, with a tilt of her head, she smiled down at Kera. “And you, my little princess...” She knelt low enough to smile at eye-level with the Xonan filly. “...if ever you need more fabulous dresses, come back to Bountiful anytime. I'm certain Mamunia and Jet can fashion you something thrice as beautiful as they've prepared before.”

“Jee, thanks, Duchess,” the filly muttered, eyes rolling. “But what would I need another dress for?”

“Oh, you never know. A formal dance. A ball...” Arcanista stood up, wincing. “...perhaps even a more pressing engagement.”

Belle held a hoof over her smiling muzzle.

Kera blinked. “What's she mean?” She looked up at the various Jurists. “For real, what does she mean by that?”

While Ebon giggled, Eagle Eye leaned forward. “Uhm... Your Honor? I don't suppose that the same invitation might also extend to—”

“You and your husband are welcome anytime as well, Eagle Eye.” Arcanista curtsied. “I'm certain Mamunia and Jet would be pleased.”

“Eheheheh...” Eagle leaned back while Josho groaned. “Just checking.”

Mamunia and Jet looked up at Rainbow Dash.

“It was a pleasure associating with you, Miss Dash,” Mamunia said.

Jet spoke up: “Though we may not have expected much thrill and suspense in our lives... well...”

“It was still quite... fun adventuring with you,” Mamunia added. “For the most part.”

“Back at ya, ladies,” Rainbow Dash winked. “Try wearing something not plain and brown for once.”

“Heh... no promises.” The servants trotted off, escorting Fishberry and Nilla to the stagecoach where the Constable stood.

Arcanista backtrotted, paused, and performed a lasting bow. “Jurists... ever noble to the end. How could you be otherwise?”

The gathered ponies waved and bowed in return.

Arcanista turned around and trotted her way to the stagecoach.

“Ready to go, Duchy Arky?” Jake drooled.

“But of course, Constable.”

“You know...” The moose's eyes thinned as he smiled. “...since Midnite went off with that prissy panty-waisted brother of yours—”

“Just pull the wagon, Jake,” Arcanista droned, stepping into the coach. “There is much work to be done.”

Porno! Wouldn't have it any other way, your elkness!” The moose slapped the stagecoach door shut and swiveled his antlers in the group's direction. “Hrmmf! What are you punks looking at?”

“So long, Constable,” Ebon Mane said, waving his hoof.

“Thanks for everything!” Belle exclaimed.

“Rainbow Dash!” Jake stood tall and proud, beady eyes straight. “If you're going to starve to death out in the Choke, at least make sure your death pose looks smextastical for the next changeling queen who decides to buzz the desert landscape a hundred years from now!”

“Get yourself a damn napkin already, ya crazy garbage cow!” Rainbow hollered back. “Luna Poop...” She waved. “Just make sure Arcanista and Fishberry get to Bountiful in one piece, okay?”

“Mrmmmff... if I'm lucky, I'll get to kill a few imps along the way.” He blinked, spotting Roarke's glare from afar. “Oh. Yeah. The sun's already set on that noise, huh? BAH!” He slobbered, spinning around and rigging himself to the front of the wagon. “Guess I'll have to pick up squirrel-whispering again. Wagonssss wesssst! Pimps! My testicles are full of dust from just saying that...”

“So long!”


“Good luck with the zebras!”

“Grfff...” Constable Jake grunted, pulling the wagon swiftly west as he carried the House of Sehlps party's back home “No more good-bye's! It's five hundred and twenty miles to Bountiful, daisy-munchers! Knock 'em out!” And with a final roll of his rasping voice, the stagecoach dwindled in the distance, making a solid bee-line for the West Gate.

Ebon Mane and Eagle Eye stopped waving, watching the vehicle become a tiny speck as they shared a mutual sigh.

Kera bit her lip, leaning into Belle as the older mare gently stroked her green mane.

Vrmmmm—VRSHHHH! Skystone engines suddenly came to life, rolling thunderously across the arid landscape.

The group turned about, facing the Tarkington.

The lights flickered on across the dull green hull of the craft. After a few seconds, Basso trotted into view from inside the open door along the port side. He winced slightly from all the eyes plastered on him.

“Uhm...” He pointed at the engine. “I did just as you told me, Prowse. I... I hope nopony minds...”

“Right...” Prowse nodded. “Good work, boyo.” He cracked the joints in his neck. “About time we got this show on the road.”

“Awwwww...” Belle chuckled breathily. “You didn't want to stay a little longer?”

“For what?!” Prowse gnashed his teeth. “Caber tossin'?! I've got me a bunch of loyal blokes here who are needin' to see their families again!”

“Prowse's right,” Crimson said, nodding. “My beloved's likely prepared to kill me ten times over by now.”

“I've got you beat by twenty times over!” Tweak said, plopping his hat back on and bearing a crystal smirk. “And—what's worse—my little lady's got two scampy tykes just ready to help her with shovel and pitchfork!”

Lucky Strike grinned cheesily. “I've got no wife or foals!”

“Mrmmfff...” Tweak began shuffling towards the Tarkington. “We're using you as bait to trap the Killas back in Aurum, I swear.”

“Heheheh...” Lucky Strike sighed, then glanced aside at Phoenix. “Guess you and I are sharing hammocks on the way back home again.”

“Brrrr...” Phoenix shuddered. “Like sleeping with a gravestone, I swear to the Spark...”

“Better say your good-byes while you still can, ya fluffers!” Tweak hollered back, twirling and holstering his gun before hopping into the Tarkington besides Basso. “Aatxe's ship doesn't run on sap, y'know!”

Zetta turned about. “Uhm...” She smiled bashfully, tucking her mane back behind her ears. “I know I wasn't around much for anything... but...” She looked over at Rainbow Dash, grinning. “It was an absolute blessing to see you again, Rainbow.” She winked. “And to help you save the day once more.”

Rainbow smirked. “I wouldn't have it any other way.” She gestured. “You go on home and live a long, healthy life with your family.”

“I'll be sure to, thanks to Queen Lux.” She giggled inwardly. “And thanks to you as well. I mean... what are the odds? Running into you more than once in a single lifetime of miracles!”

“How about three times?” Rainbow muttered.

Zetta blinked. “Huh?”

“Nothing...” Rainbow waved. “Go run to Basso.”

“Uhm...” Zetta blushed noticeably. “I-I just might... eheh...” Then, with a final twirl of her mane, she trotted off. “Bye!”

As the mare made her exit, Crimson and Phoenix shuffled along the line of Jurists, shaking hooves and saying parting words. When the two ex-mercenaries reached Belle and Pilate, they lingered slightly.

“So I see you've got a little family thing going here,” Crimson said with a smirk.

“Indeed we do, Mr. Crimson,” Pilate said, smiling back. “Do you approve?”

“You know I do, Pilate,” Crimson replied softly. “A thousand times over.” He exhaled, shuddering slightly. “How I wish things could have been much... much smoother for you ponies from the start.”

“It's all for the best,” Belle said. She giggled slightly. “Even better than best.”

“Don't live with regret, Mr. Crimson,” Pilate said, shaking his head. “We don't.”

“No...” Crimson slowly shook his head, smiling placidly. “I suppose you don't.” He looked down at Kera. “You take care of them, okay? They didn't survive a burning forest and two epic free-falls just to stub their toes on a trouble-maker, now!”

“Eh... I'm not so bad once you get used to me,” Kera said. Suddenly, the filly blinked. “Wait...” She craned her neck towards the two adults standing above her. “Two epic free-falls?”

“Erm...” Pilate shuffled. “I only remember one...”

“You were tossed over the side of something twice, Beloved,” Bellesmith murmured.

“Are you certain? I only remember that one time on the Steel Wing.”

Belle blinked. “Wait... perhaps you're right. It was I who fell in Blue Nova... or maybe that was in Deep Ridge...

“You and I plummeted west of Blue Nova,” Phoenix said. “In the forests, remember?”

“Ohhhhhh yeahhhhh... with the prison transport.”

“Yeah. With the explosions.”

“Nightshade and I hoofglided.” Kera frowned, her ears folding. “It was not as awesome as I thought...”

“Come to think of it, Eagle Eye and I fell too,” Crimson said. “And that fat stallion he was stuck with also....”

“Whatever the case.” Pilate smirked. “We all did our time with gravity. I think it's time to retire to solid ground.”

“Hey... I'm totally cool with that!” Phoenix turned to look at Belle. He smiled tranquilly. “It makes me so incredibly happy that you're in a good place, Belle.”

“I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, Phoenix.”

“Please...” The bearded stallion bowed low, smiling with glazed eyes. “I'm the one who owes you everything. Don't pretend it's even remotely otherwise. My parents and I... my family...” He slowly shook his head, sighing. “Things are just so peaceful in Aurum. I wish the same for you and your beloveds.”

“Consider it fulfilled.” Belle leaned forward and hugged Phoenix close.

Phoenix exhaled calmly. Once the embrace was over, he reached in and shook hooves with Pilate. Crimson also got a chance to shake a hoof or two. As the two soldiers turned about, they bumped into Roarke—smiled awkwardly—and shuffled straight past her to the petite blue pegasus hovering at her side.

“Rainbow... is there ever an adventure where you're not soaking up the spotlight?”

“Helps to match the color of the sky.” Rainbow winked. “That way, you're awesome everywhere the sun shines.”

“I'll have to remember that one,” Crimson said, nodding. “Once I get back to Aurum, I'm thinking of taking up writing. A lot of ponies deserve to know what you've done across these lands.”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow saluted. “I hope you're right-hoof'd.”

Roarke coughed loudly.

“Snkkkt!” Phoenix held a hoof over his muzzle.

Rainbow winced. “Uhhhh... erm...”

“Heh... it's quite fine...” Crimson shifted his weight on his prosthetic. He smirked up at Rainbow Dash. “Even if I wanted to hit you, I'd miss by a mile.”

Rainbow giggled, then nodded with a warm-eyed gaze. “It was super cool of you to show up at our doorstep again, Crimson. Thanks for laying the hammer down right when we needed it. The King may have given me some cool, shiny loot...” She pointed. “But it's you and Prowse and Seclorum who deserve the medals.”

“Seeing you manifest Harmony in a broken land is rewarding enough,” Crimson said. He bowed slightly. “And to think we got to witness it more than once in our lives...”

“Yeah... uh... what he said,” Phoenix remarked, pointing at his superior. “Also, thanks for all the laughs.”

“Yeah, well, thanks for sporting a goatee so you looked less like a foalnapper.”

Phoenix opened his mouth, blinked, then shrugged. “Well... she used to be funny.” He turned around—but froze on the spot.

“... ... ...?” Crimson turned to look as well.

Eagle Eye stood between them and the Tarkington, fidgeting. Every time he tried to look up, he only squirmed harder. The edges of his violet eyes grew progressively moist.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat and hovered away, joined by Roarke and the others.

Crimson and Phoenix trotted forward to their former comrade-in-arms, with the larger stallion reaching Eagle first.

“Heya, kid,” Crimson said.

“H-hey...” Eagle Eye wheezed. He cleared his dainty throat and spoke in a slightly firmer tone. “Every t-time I think it's our last good bye...”

Crimson smirked. “Never the last,” he said. “Some way, some how...” He nodded, winking. “...we'll cross paths again.”

“Yeah...” Phoenix added in a wispy tone. “Val Roa could make a killer summer retreat...”

“Heheh... just don't swing your wagon too far north. There's a crater there and... uh...” Eagle Eye tried to wink. “I don't think Mrs. Crimson would like it.”

“I bet my folks would,” Phoenix said. He attempted laughter, but it died out far too swiftly.

Eagle Eye bit his lip. A tear ran down his cheek. “Crimson, I...”

“Hey... hey now...” Crimson trotted over and placed his good hoof on the petite unicorn's shoulder. “This is a happy day, EE. A wonderful day. This is the beginning of the rest of your life.” He smirked. “The life you always wanted... that you fought for.”

“I... I know...” Eagle squeaked, sniffling. “But now that I'm on this side... I-I'm afraid that I might not have what it t-takes to carry it onwards...”

“I know you do, kiddo,” Crimson said. “You carried more than enough weight in your time.”

“Yeah, princess...” Phoenix added with a wink. “You carried us.”

Eagle sniffed, blinking towards the other stallion. “Zenith too?”

“Even Zenith,” Phoenix said, nodding. “Though the creep could never admit it.”

“Yeah... he was a smelly fuzzhead.”

“Heheheh...” Crimson chuckled, nodding.

Eagle sighed. “Rest in peace, Zenith.”

All three soldiers were briefly silent.

At last, Eagle's gaze raised towards Crimson. “I... I've been thinking about what you said to me, Crimson.” He gulped. “You know... about my father...”

Crimson slowly nodded.

“And... and I don't think it's any surprise that I won't be heading back to Franzington anytime soon,” Eagle said. “Or Aurum for that matter.”

“Right.” Crimson nodded yet again. “Understood.”

But...” Eagle looked over his shoulder as Ebon Mane stepped up. “I want you to tell him this.” He leaned over to nuzzle his husband, then gazed seriously at the two ex-mercenaries. “Tell him that when the day comes that Ebon and I come back to visit... it will be our decision made on our time. But... th-that shouldn't change the fact that... that since day one...” Eagle Eye shuddered, another tear falling loose. “I've never... ever stopped loving him and Mom.” He swallowed hard, then found the strength to firmly say, “But now it's time that I take care of my family.”

“We'll tell him, EE,” Crimson said.

“Yeah...” Phoenix breathed, nodding. “Every word.”

Ebon smiled at the stallions, his eyes glossy.

Phoenix reached in, and he and Eagle Eye shook hooves. Crimson did the same—only Eagle Eye leaned in, falling into Crimson's warm hug. Crimson patted Eagle's back as the unicorn quietly wept over the larger pony's shoulder.

We made it... we made it, Crimson...!” Eagle clenched his eyes shut, smiling as he whimpered. “We totally... actually made it!”

“Yeah...” Crimson shuddered, clenching his jaw shut as he glanced over at Phoenix. “We d-did, didn't we?”

Phoenix leaned in, and all three soldiers held each other in a gently-rocking embrace. After a good minute, the trio parted for the last time. Crimson and Phoenix saluted, with Eagle Eye dutifully returning the gesture. Both Franzington stallions turned and trotted off for the Tarkington. Meanwhile, Ebon Mane trotted back in, kissing Eagle Eye on the cheek and waving towards the pair.

“Thank you... thank you for everything...”

“Don't mention it!” Phoenix called back, waving a hoof as he smirked into the air. “Just remember to tell him 'no' when he asks to spritz his sleeping bag with lavender perfume!” He squinted up at the desert sky and grumbled. “Dang this dry air! Can't wait to go home...”

“What for?” Crimson muttered over his shoulder as he boarded the Tarkington. “So you can get more bugs in your beard?”

“Oh hush.” Phoenix hopped into the ship right after him.

Around that same time, several feet over, Seclorum trotted alongside Josho. The two old friends sighed as yet another bitter wind blew at their graying manes.

“...and if they don't walk in line, then threaten 'em. Give them the same gruff that we gave those punks in the lower barrens,” Seclorum said.

“Secchy, how many darn times do I have to tell you?” Josho grumbled. “Those days of old Ledomaritan tactics are way the buck behind me.”

“Nah, you're thinking of Blue Briar. I'm talking about the rattlesnake campaign. Remember? Those yokels were hogging up all the well water?”

“Ohhhhhh...” Josho chuckled. “Though... I'm not sure threatening to piss into the goblins' reservoir is gonna convince the imps not to drink. They've been consuming that dirty stuff for years.”

“Well, then there's still hope for you, old friend!” Seclorum turned to smirk at the obese stallion as the two shuffled to a stop. “For once, you'll be in company with a bunch of idiots who'll withstand your farts!”

“Well... almost company,” Josho muttered.

Seclorum squinted, leaning his head to look past the other unicorn's shoulder. He spotted Roarke standing beside Rainbow Dash. “You sure she won't... you know... murder you in your sleep? She's Searonese, after all.”

“She's had plenty of opportunities all these months on board the Jury,” Josho said. “And Ledo knows I gave her twice as many reasons.”

“Just answer me one thing, old friend.” Seclorum leaned back, gazing quizzically. “What in Spark's name got you to last so long with a bunch of random, freaky whippersnappers?”

“Well, for one, they didn't rob me of the prettiest wench in every brothel like you.”


“And for another...” Josho exhaled quietly through his nostrils. “...they got me sober,” he eventually muttered. “In more ways than one.”

“Or perhaps just one?”

“Hrmmm...” Josho kicked at the ground. “...I never thought I'd ever find a place where I could settle. Hell... I still don't think I ever will, especially not with this new job of babysitting bipedal freakshits alongside a cyber-broad. But... for a while there... I had the next best thing.”

“And what did you think?”

“Aside from a few explosions every now and then, it was boring as balls.”


“But... hey... the food was great.”

“Yeah. And the booze?”

Also behind me, buddy. I even sipped water while everypony else was saluting with cider.”

“Now I know why I don't have to feel so down in the muzzle for saying 'goodbye,'” Seclorum said, waving. “Cuz you're already dead.”

“Meh.” Josho nodded as the other old stallion trotted off. “Smell you never, mop-head.”

“Yeah. Uh huh.” Seclorum brushed past Arcshod and his two companions. “Glad I got that over with.”

“Pfft! One last thing!” Josho barked.

“Ughhh... I knew it.” Seclorum twirled about, eyelashes fluttering. “Yes, darling?

“Did you ever see this coming, Secchy?” Josho smirked. “A day where I ride off to a glorious unknown future, and meanwhile you're settling down with a bunch of tattooed warmongerers?”

Arcshod blinked curiously.

“Are ya kidding?” Seclorum waved a hoof. “At least these guys don't eat the whole pantry clean! Come on, fellas. We gotta start planning how to make the Frozen Wastes less Wasteful.”

While the two Xonans followed Seclorum into the Tarkington, Arcshod lingered slightly. He squinted Josho's way and spoke in a booming voice: “Ba'renna sela'theem thriulen trenna dren, Ledomulien psy'co.”


At precisely that time, Prowse trotted in a circle, making the rounds. “All board! The Tarkington Express waits for nopony!” He squinted across the crowd. “Oh, for bloody heaven's sake, Propsicle! Get a move on—!”

“Oh go stuff your rasberry toilet beard, ya overgrown praying mantis!” Zaid promptly gargled, bearing an icy frown. “Give us a minute or I swear to Goddess I'll give you a year of pain!”

Prowse opened his mouth, but only a tiny squeak came out. Ears folded, he backed up and waited besides the humming engines of the Tarkington.

Clearing his throat, Zaid turned and resumed holding a hoof around Props shoulder and grinning at his friends. “Well... uhm... so... we uh... uhm...”

Booster Spice stepped forward. “I'll be sure to tell Merigold back at Amulek about all that's happened here,” the stallion said.

“Er... yeah!” Zaid cleared his throat, trembling slightly. “You go first, buddy.”

Booster smiled sheepishly at him, then turned to gaze at the rest of the Jurists. “I... I-I'll be sure to tell everypony I ever see about what's happened! And... and wh-when I come back to Val Roa to assist you and your husband, Ms. Belle, I'll make sure there's a record of the Noble Jury kept in the Royal Archives!”

“That would be splending, Booster,” Belle said.

“Yeah.” Rainbow nodded, floating alongside Roarke. “Totally awesome.”

“Very nice of you, Booster,” Ebon remarked with a grin. “Eagle and I look forward to seeing you again sometime soon.”

“Well... uhm...” Booster fidgeted, backtrotting so that he stood behind Props and Zaid. “That's about it. I... I guess it's just as well I got that over with. I mean... I-I wasn't with you guys for very long, and... and I-I know that I didn't contribute much—”

A throng of voices loudly objected as the group closed in, taking turns shaking his hoof and hugging him.

“Pffft! You kidding?”

“Don't be like that, duuuude!”

“You're a stand up kind of a stallion!”

“Nancy's womb would have dried up without you to help me! Heehee!”

Roarke leaned in, grasping Booster's hoof as she said, “Each and every one of us benefited from your continuous assistance. If there's one thing I've come to respect above all else, it's unwavering loyalty.”

Booster looked at her, his jaw agape. He smiled, a thin fog overcoming his green goggles. “That... that means a lot, coming from you, Ms. Roarke.”

“Yeah,” Zaid said with a smirk. “Especially since she hasn't killed him for wrecking Whizzball.”


“You kidding?” Josho grumbled. “I'm still mulling over murder for nearly getting stranded in the skystone fields!”

“Joshoooo...” Eagle sighed.

Booster chuckled. “I... I-I mean it.” He looked up, smiling sweetly. “Having you swing through Amulek is the best thing that could have happened in my life. I've always wanted to help as many ponies as possible, and now I could...” He turned to look up at Rainbow, smiling with a shuddering breath. “...and now I did.” He bowed low. “Thanks.”

“Anytime, bro,” Rainbow said. “Anytime.” She smiled—but upon hearing the shuffle of hooves, she looked down and went immediately deadpan.

Props stood between the Tarkington and the Jurists, her blonde head hung. Her shoulders shook as she sat there for a few tense, quiet seconds.

Ebon bit his lip, eyes glossy. Eagle Eye held him close.

“I... I uh...” Props sighed. “...buck it. I can only do this one way, anyhow—”

“Oh goddess—” Zaid grabbed his ears. “Brace yourselves—!”

Fwoosh! Props rushed forward, nuzzling cheeks with Bellesmith. “Sooooo pretty!” Fwooosh! She ran her hoof through Pilate's mane. “So stripesssy!”

Eagle giggled—nearly reeling as it was his turn to be plastered in peach-coated nuzzles.

“So lavenderyyyyyy!” Props rushed over and pressed her ear to Josho's chest. “So heavyyyyy!” She cartwheeled over and ran her chin across several of Roarke's steam plugs. “So cyberneticallyyyyyyy!” He twirled about, blue eyes ablaze with mania.

“Ah jeez...!” Kera reeled back, hiding behind Belle's legs.

Props skidded to a stop before the filly. She blinked, her bottom lip extended as she pouted with a little puppy dog sound.

Belle chuckled, nudging the tattooe foal.

“Nnnngh...” Kera sighed and sauntered forward. “Oh alright—”

“SOOOOOOOO FUZZZZZZZYYY!” Props nuzzled and nuzzled and nuzzled Kera, ruffling her green mane while smiling with red cheeks. “Heeheeheeheee!” She smiled at the foal, face to face. “Remember what Belle toldja!”

“Twenty times each emerald lock right before and after bed... yeah I get it.” Kera rolled her eyes, then smirked. “Thanks for being a pretty cool girl to hang out with, Props.”

“Really?” Props leaned back, blinking. “It was already steamy and hot inside Nancy's womb!”

“Ughhhh...” Kera tried not to laugh; she failed. “Heehee—you know what I mean.”

“So long as one of us does!” Props stood up tall, smirking at Belle. “Your family is so... sooooo adorbs!”

“Why, thank you, Props,” Belle said with a smile. “I'm starting to think that myself.”

“Best of luck to you and your endeavors, Props,” Pilate said, extending a blind hoof. “We owe a lot to Mr. Floydien, but even he couldn't have gotten us anywhere if it weren't for you and your versatile talents.”

“Heehee! I know!” The blonde mare reached out and shook Pilate's forelimb. “My versatility was a match for his handsomnimity... handsometrility...” She blinked, cross-eyed, then glanced back at Zaid. “Handsometastrophe?”

“Good enough.” Zaid winked.

“Woohoo!” Props blinked, the shifted nervously. “Uhm... Belle?”

“It was such a pleasure having another feminine soul on board to relax and chat with, Props,” Belle said with a nodding smile. “Rainbow Dash is my best friend—but Spark help her when it came to needing help with straightening my mane in the back.”

“Oh, so is that what we did?” Props giggle-snorted. “And here I thought we were checking each other for steam lice!”

“Steam... lice...?” Belle blinked.

“Uhm... by the way...” Props leaned forward, fidgeting yet again. “There's been something I've been wanting to say to you, Belle, but I-I didn't wanna come across as a rude bottle of soot...”

Belle pursed her lips. “What's that, Props?”

The mare bit her lip. Eyes on Pilate, she leaned in and hoarsely whispered into Belle's ear. “I don't think your husband can see very well...”

“Heheheheheheh...—” Belle stopped laughing. She blinked deadpan. As Props turned away, she gazed stupidly into the horizon, her lips trailing with soundless words.

Slowly, one shuffling step after another, Props came to a stop in front of Ebon. She stood there, biting her lip.

Ebon gazed at her lovingly... waiting...

“I... I-I feel like I'm running out of hugging buddies.” Props sniffled, her voice squeaking. “I-I just didn't feel it until just now.”

“I think we can hand the title over to Zaid for the time being, Propsy,” Ebon said in a wavering tone. “But... if ever you come back by here again...” He sniffled, his eyes wet. “I-I'll be sure to come out of retirement.”

“Can... c-can you do something for me real quick-like?” Props asked in a foalish voice.

“Anything, Props.”

She bit her lip. “Can I see the real Ebony?” Her eyes sparkled. “Pleeeeeease?”

Ebon Mane blinked. He smiled, pulled the wingnut off of his “horn” and temporarily hoofed it to Eagle Eye. Then, with a flicker of green flame, he returned to his chitinous self, suddenly smaller and lighter than all the rests of the Jurists.

Props trotted over. In one swift stride, she scooped the changeling up and held him like a giant puppy, nuzzling her cheek into the small of his neck. “Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!”

“Ugh...” Josho held a hoof over his flabby chest. “...there it is. Friggin' A...”

“Heh...” Rainbow smirked aside at Roarke. “The nuzzle to end all nuzzles.”

“If I'd seen you like this when we first met at Gray Smoke... heehee...” Props leaned back, staring at Ebon with glossy eyes. “...I would have hugged you nonstop and never let go!”

“Yes... but...” The changeling's glossy eyes blinked. “You did that anyways, Propsy.”

“Oh yeah! I did! Heeeheeheee!” Props snorted, then gazed silently at the metamorph. She shuddered. “Thankies thankies for being best friendies...”

Ebon leaned in, kissing her cheek before saying, “In dark soot or high winds...”

“Take care of yourself, Ebony,” Props said. She sniffled slightly as she backtrotted. “And take care of EE! When I come back to visit someday...” She pointed at the two stallions. “...I wanna see tons and tons of adorable lavender-and-burgundy babies!”

“Uhhhhhhhh...” Eagle Eye looked at Ebon.

“Uhhhmmm...” Ebon Mane looked at Eagle, then back at Props. “...we'll try... our b-best?”

“And leave nature to the resssst!” Props cavorted about, then skidded to a stop in Rainbow's shadow. She looked up, then grinned sweetly. “And you, Dashie... try and be alive while you stay alive, okie dokie lokie?”

“I'm sure I'll have plenty of times to test that, Props,” Rainbow said, waving. “Best of luck back in Sugarc—I mean...” She gnashed her teeth. “Celestia dang it!

“Huh?” Props leaned her head aside. “What was that, Dashie?”

“Er... best of luck back in Gray Smoke!” Rainbow exclaimed, waving again. “If your tail ever twitches, watch your head!”

“Heeheehee!” Props giggled, hugging herself. “You were always so mysterious, silly!”

“And you were always so...” Rainbow blinked, then burped out the side of her mouth. “Sexy.” She winced, glancing down at Roarke. “N-no offense.”

“None taken,” Roarke said, fanning herself. “She really, truly is.”

“Yeah...” Rainbow exhaled. She jerked, then gawked at Roarke. “Wait? How long have you been—?”

“Ah-ah-ah-ahemmm.” Zaid rested his hoof around Props' shoulder as the two stood beside Booster Spice. “Well, I'd like to say it's been fun... what, between all the bruises and welts and all...”

“Yeah?” Josho leaned his head aside, glaring. “And?”

“... ... ...” Zaid smirked devilishly. “It's been really... really friggin' fun.”

“Those were some marvelous flying skills you showed at the last second, Mr. Zaid,” Pilate said. “The Jury wouldn't have lasted as long either here or in Stratopolis if it weren't for you.”

“Not to mention all of his assistance in the Sacred Hold,” Roarke droned.

“H-Heyyyyy!” Zaid pointed at Roarke, grinning from ear to ear. “Sexy Senpai noticed me! Alright!” He held a hoof above Booster. “Up top!”

Booster lunged—

“Too slow!” Zaid lowered his hoof. (WHUMP!) He trotted over Booster's body and smirked down at Kera. “But, most of all, I wanna say 'thank you' to this little bottle of stinky scamp-stylze right here. Way to go, kid.”

Kera blinked. “What for? What did I ever do?”

“You triumphed,” Zaid said in a steady tone. “Before the rest of us knew that we could... or should. If I hadn't had a reason to go chasing after your fluffy green tail, I'd just be a lazy, pathetic footnote in Khao's biopick.”

“Yeah...” Eagle Eye giggled. “Instead you're now a lazy, pathetic footnote in Props'!”

Zaid pointed. “And don't you forget it, sister!” Zaid stood up, pacing back to his beloved's side. “I don't care if I'm scraping soot out the crack of hippopotamus buttcheeks up in Gray Smoke! So long as I got blondeness to frolic home to!” He nuzzled his noses against Props'. “Am I right or am I right?”

“Heeee! Righter than Richard Neighxon!” Props chirped.

“Ha HA!” Zaid smirked proudly. “She's learning quick!”

“You were more of a blessing than you realized, Mr. Zaid,” Belle said. “If nothing else, you gave us something to smile about.”

“Pffft. Yeah, well, Mr. Bug Cook over there gave me grilled cheese, so let's consider everything even!”

“Wait...” Josho blinked. “Wasn't it in the sex crater that you—”

“Aw shut up. Point is, I was a bum before I met you guys.” Zaid looked up at Rainbow Dash. His lips pursed, and quietly he said, “And now I think I know what it means to matter at something.” He gulped. “Like... really matter.”

Rainbow smiled. “I needed a slap or two in the right direction myself, if I recall.”

“Don't I flippin' know it.” Josho rubbed his fetlock. “My hoof still stings. Yeesh, with an iron chin like that, it's a wonder you haven't given Mrs. Robo-Smex a second hysterectomy by now!”

“Uhhhh—” Roarke's mouth hung open.

“Whelp! On that note!” Zaid trotted off towards the Tarkington. “Come on, blondies, we've got blonding to do!”

“Heh... yeah, sure...” Booster Spice smiled and trotted along.

“About bloody time,” Prowse said, then smirked Rainbow's way. “Don't think that we're turnin' arses'n'runnin'. If Val Roa rings its bell, you can bet yer shinin' lights we'll come back to defend yer friends in a heartbeat.”

“Somehow, I don't think it'll come to that.” Rainbow waved. “Thanks again for everything, Prowse. Aatxe would be proud of what you and Seclorum have made of his ship.”

Prowse took a deep breath, nodding. “Well, bollocks, that's enough to live off of for a while.” Nostrils flaring, he turned about. “Alright, lads and lassies!” He hopped aboard the vessel and crawled his way towards the cockpit. “Enough fartin' and more flyin'!”

Booster Spice, Zaid, and Props stood in the doorframe, waving.

“God speed to all of you!” Booster said.

“Cheese and grits!” Zaid winked, then leaned aside. “Say goodbye, Props!”

“'Goodbye, Props!' Eeeh hee hee he—”

SLAM! The door shut. With thundering thrusters, the Tarkington lifted off. The Jurists and several other onlookers stepped back, guarding themselves against the artificial winds as the slender vessel pivoted west, activated its skystone engines, and bulleted towards the horizon in an olive streak. It disappeared just a few blinks later, leaving a low bass howl of cycloning air.

Then all was silent once again, enshrouding the remaining members in awkward stillness.

Before anypony could say anything, General Saikano cleared his voice from a distance and called out. “I do believe that we need to get moving. I've... delayed the caravan as long as I've been able to. Trust me, I wish I could do so more.”

Ebon Mane turned back into his burgundy form, just in time to bite his lip sorrowfully. Eagle Eye rested a hoof on his shoulder.

Rainbow Dash flew over. “Uhhh... thanks for hanging out so long, Saikano.” She smiled sheepishly. “I know how important it is to get Chrysalis to Ether Point as swiftly as possible.”

“It's the least I could do,” Saikano said. “I feel like I've gained many allies today.” His lips lingered. He cleared his throat again and softly said, “And yet I've lost a daughter...”

Rainbow Dash stopped flapping her wings. With a rattle of her pendant, she landed, then trotted over to stand before the general. She grasped one of his hooves in her own. “Please, believe me, a pony who's seen what an obsessive career can do to a stallion who pretends to raise a kid.” She titled her gaze up at him. “You've won Midnite's love and respect... forever and ever.” Her eyes narrowed. “What she did for this kingdom, she did for you. Not 'cuz she wanted to spite you... but because she loved you and wanted the best for all that you've put your hard work to. And now that she's free to be where she wants to be, I have every confidence she knows you love her too.”

Saikano's good eye quivered. He took a few breaths before managing: “You truly are the embodiment of Harmony... aren't you?”

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. “I try not to brag about it...”

“Yeah,” Belle spoke up. “Except when it comes time to save entire kingdoms.” Pilate and Kera chuckled.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Yeah... well...” Rainbow smirked at the General. “Just know that your daughter had loads of fun helping me, and we owe it all to her.”

“Yes... yes, indeed...” He bore a weary smile. Then, turning about, he trotted towards the carriage next to where several soldiers stood at ease. He opened the vehicle, then slowly turned to look at the newlyweds.

Eagle Eye and Ebon Mane quietly shuffled about. A loud sniffling lit the air, and they looked Bellesmith's way.

The mare held a hoof over her muzzle, staring straight into the desert floor as tears leaked out of her eyes. Pilate leaned over to nuzzle her... but he stepped aside upon hearing a light step of hoofsteps. Belle gazed up, her wet eyes reflecting a lavender shade with a lavender smile. Choking on a sob, she flew forward, flinging her arms around Eagle Eye's neck.

Eagle Eye squeezed her back, nuzzling her cheek and mane. The tiny soldier and the chestnut mare cuddled for a melancholic minute. When they parted ways, they leaned their foreheads together—horn to stub.

“You're so precious,” Belle whimpered. “And sweet... and so very valiant.”

“Not as much as you, Belle,” Eagle Eye whispered back. He caressed her cheek and smiled. “You've got a beautiful family.”

Belle sniffled and managed a tiny smile. “So... d-do you...”

Eagle Eye leaned back, smiling delicately. He pivoted about and leaned into Pilate, hugging him just as tightly. “You take care of her, okay?” The ex-mercenary swallowed and whispered, “We all know you can. You're the strongest of us all, Pilate. Just your integrity alone has saved us more times than we can pretend to know...”

“Hmmm... is that so?” Pilate smirked over the stallion's shoulder as he patted his back. “Sounds like something we can discuss over tea sometime.”

“Yes... heehee...” Eagle leaned back, wiping his cheek dry. “Lots and lots of tea.” As he knelt down to give Kera a hug, it was Ebon's turn to trot forward.

The cook gave Belle a dear hug, then gazed at her with a prolonged smile. “If it weren't for ponies like you, I'd never catch my bearings. Thanks for giving me the most beautiful blueprint of all.”

“And thanks for nourishing us, Ebon...” Belle kissed his cheek and smiled. “In more ways than one.”

“I-I'll be thinking up grasshopper recipes while keeping warm in Ether Point!” Ebon grinned, then looked down at Kera. “Ya hear that, Kera?”

“Snkkkt...” Kera wheezed, squirming in Eagle's tight embrace. “Y-yessss...”

Ebon trotted over and shook Pilate's hoof. “Pilate... I... I just...”

“It's been a blessing and an honor, Ebon,” Pilate said. “You are truly a shining example to your own kind.”

Ebon blinked. “Wowsers!” He chuckled breathily, stroking his own bangs. “I-I was going to say the same to you!”

“Oh, were you now?” Pilate's lips curved. “I look forward to these future tea conversations more and more.”

“Yes... yes...” Ebon giggled. “Good thing I stayed aboard the Jury and not Jasper—or else you would have had some major brain competition!”

“I think I enjoyed the exercise my heart went through all the more,” Pilate said. He tilted his head in both stallions' direction. “May the Spark bless you both in everything you do, in this life and the next.”

“Thank you, Pilate,” Eagle Eye said, standing tall and proud next to his husband. He turned towards the side. “Roarke?”

The metal mare titled her brow forward. “Breeders...”

Ebon groaned.

“Unnngh...” Eagle Eye sighed. “Are you ever going to stop doing that?”

The edge of Roarke's lips curved. “Would you ever miss it?”

Ebon shuddered at the sight of the brown-fuzz'd smile. “Some changes are creepier than others.” A lavender hoof swatted his mane. “Erm! I mean!” He waved with a nervous smile. “I look forward to our future chats, Roarke Most Rawr! I-I mean—”

“I get it... I get it,” Roarke said, chuckling lightly. “We may have started off on the wrong hoof, Ebon, but that was the old me.” She took a calm breath. “Save the trembling for the cold weather, friends. I'll do my best to not stink of imps when we meet again.”

“Yeah...” Eagle Eye smiled. “Yeah, okay.” He looked over at Rainbow Dash, and instantly his ears folded back. “Uhm...” He gulped. “And of course... uhm...”

“I'll save you the trouble.” Rainbow flapped her wings once and glided over, giving the unicorn a warm hug.

Eagle gasped, then deflated as he surrendered to her embrace. He nuzzled her mane, fighting back a shudder or two.

“The first moment I saw you,” Rainbow murmured. “Something about the way you looked... the very color of your friggin' coat... it freaked me out something terrible.” The mare leaned back, gulping. She gazed into his eyes. “But, now I realize, that it was a good scare, y'know?”

Eagle Eye sniffled, stroking her cheek. “You saved my life, Rainbow Dash. You gave me... life.” He broke into a fragile smile. “Thank you.”

“And thank you too.”

“For what?” he asked.

“For constantly being what I could never exactly be.” Her ruby eyes hardened. “Righteous. I... I would have gotten lost without the likes of you.”

Eagle bit his lip. Slowly, he nodded with a weak smile, then—after a lingering touch of hoof-to-hoof—he backed away from Rainbow Dash.

Ebon Mane stepped forward. “You... you realize that you're pretty much a savior to all changeling kind, right?”

“Yup.” Rainbow tilted her chin up with a smug grin. “I know.”

“But...” Ebon squeaked. “To me... you're my friend.” He reached a hoof forward. “I... I think that's the best thing I can share with Mother... th-that I had something so special with you—.”

Rainbow gripped his hoof and looked into his eyes. “Share with her your feelings... in a way that she could never get it by mind-zapping or leeching. Teach her, Ebon,” Rainbow said. “I know you can. You've taught me enough as it is.”

Ebon nodded. He trotted backwards, then turned to smile at Eagle Eye. But after a prolonged stare, he blinked.

Eagle Eye was gazing numbly across the way.

Josho stood at a distance, his normally round face long and melancholic.

Ebon stroked a hoof lovingly across Eagle's shoulder, brushing off with a loving pat. That seemed to be what did it. Eagle felt urged forward. It began as a trot, rolled into a shuffle, and melted into a full-on gallop. When he arrived, Josho embraced him with two strong forelimbs, holding the sobbing stallion close.

Pilate cocked his head to the side while Belle gazed quietly with her tears. Kera and Rainbow Dash looked on.

Eagle Eye buried his face in Josho's shoulder while the larger pony held him close. After a good long minute of this, Eagle seethed, leaning back and muttering: “No. No. We'll see each other soon.” He sobbed and sniffled. “Neither one of us will be too far away. We'll... we'll...”

“It's fine, kid,” Josho droned. “Get it out.”

Eagle clenched his eyes shut, crying quietly as he leaned his face against Josho's chest. The stallion held a forelimb around him, rocking him lightly.

Roarke ice blue eyes reflected the embrace from afar. Ebon watched, trembling, trying to contain his own breaths.

After his tears were spent, Eagle stepped back. He gulped hard, then frowned. “You be careful, okay?” He pointed. “Whatever Roarke says, you do it, old stallion.”

“I will.”

“Don't go... nnngh... t-teleporting like a meatheaded freak into goblin gang fights or strange tunnels full of electric eels or... or...” Eagle choked on another sob. “Or anything st-stupid...” He covered his face. “I'm... I-I'm sorry. I'm so predictably lame. You're stronger than I am.”

“It's okay...”

“I do this... I always d-do this...”

“Eagle, it's okay.” Josho furrowed his brow. “...I'm a dumbass. But don't you worry. I'll live to gross you out again. Sooner than you think.”

“Okay... okay...” Eagle nodded, shuddering. At last, he brove a weak smile. “You know, I told Crimson that my home is here...”

“I heard, kiddo.”

Eagle slowly shook his head. “But I don't think that's true. My home is where Ebon is...” He bit his lip, the blurted, “And where you are.”

“Funny that we both decided to stop moving at the same time.” Josho smirked. “You know, it may have been Rainbow Dash who got my ass this far...” His eyes narrowed. “But it was you who saved me.”

Eagle took a deep, deep breath, then exhaled. “... ... ...I love you, Josho.”

Josho nodded, then reached forward to pat Eagle's shoulder. Hard. “Love you too, son.”

Eagle sharply inhaled as he froze in place. Josho nochalantly trotted past him to stand by Roarke's side. Numb, Eagle turned towards Ebon, smiling, face practically melting.

“Ohhhhhh...” Ebon leaned in, letting Ebon rest his muzzle in the crook of his shoulder. “Now you've gone and done it.” He turned to smile sweetly at Josho. “This is gonna be a chariot ride and half.”

“You're welcome, ya cricket.”

Ebon smirked. “How are you ever gonna get your fill without me, a kitchen away, chopping your vegetables?”

“Eh... I think I'm done being fat, sailboat,” Josho said, glancing aside at Roarke. “Time to dish out what I can, y'know?”

“Best wishes to you,” Ebon said. “To you both.”

“Until next time, Ebon... Eagle,” Roarke said, nodding. “I look forward to your progress with your mother.”

“Well... pffft... best not to let you down then.” Ebon smirked, then nuzzled Ebon gently. The other stallion nodded, and the two newlyweds trotted off to their wagon while Saikano held the door open for them.

Ebon Mane stepped in first, his burgundy figure disappearing within. Eagle Eye took a dainty step in. After Saikano had closed the door, he leaned out the stagecoach's open window, tossing his silken violet mane so he could see everypony clearly. “So long, everypony.” He swallowed a lump down his throat and bore a soft smile, waving his hoof. “...it's been very... pretty.”

Saikano shouted a command to his troops. The reindeer stood at attention, pivoted southwest towards the distant military compound, and trotted at a brisk pace. The stagecoach rolled off along with them, carrying the lavender smile away, until it vanished like a shadow beyond the nearby ridge.

It was growing eerily quiet besides Shepherd's rock. With Saikano's company gone, most of the reindeer and citizens of Val Roa had vanished, having trotted back into the main Capital. The six ponies stood amidst the dust and shadows of the waning afternoon, listening to the distant hum of looming Lounge spheres.

“Well... uhm...” Pilate cleared his throat, attempting to pacify the tense quiet. He wasn't all that successful. “I suppose... uhm... all things considered...”

Kera leaned her head to the side. “Rainbow...?”

“... ... ...” Rainbow Dash was staring east the whole time, her ears folded back in a painful manner.

The Yaerfaerda symbol glowed the brightest that she had seen it, pulsing with lavender streams of energy, almost as if it was sailing towards her, though she knew that wasn't the case. She felt her hooves squirming, as if she was about to tip over... tip forward.

“I do believe that we have made our reptilian allies wait long enough,” Roarke icily murmured.

Rainbow fought the lump down her throat. “Right.” She swiveled about, facing all five of her remaining friends with a devilish smirk. “Guess the Southern Cartel's not going to jump-start themselves on their own.”

“Indeed.” Roarke motioned towards the spheres looming in the south. “Shall we...?”

“What?” Josho raised an eyebrow as the group began trotting past Shepherd's Rock and towards the black vehicles. “You mean there's no luncheon?”

“Luncheon?!” Kera blinked, then giggled. “What the heck do you mean, old timer?!”

“Well...” Josho grumbled. “This was a Ledo-dayum wedding, wasn't it?”

“I do believe that ship has sailed, Mr. Josho,” Belle eloquently said. “With a sailboat, even.” She sighed.

“Uhm...” Pilate cleared his throat. “Beloved?”

“Hmmm?” Belle looked aside at him, noticing that the zebra had slowed his pace. She blinked, then tugged on Kera's tail, forcing the filly to slow as well. At last, Josho hung back, gazing with a deadpan expression as the two mares ahead of the group moved side by side.

Roarke and Rainbow Dash began the long trot towards the waiting naga and their vessels.

“So...” Rainbow muttered.

“Mmmmm...” Roarke nodded.

“You suppose they'll let you—the Vaughan—rebuild a lot of your old tech?” Rainbow asked with a hopeful smirk.

“The whole point of this venture is making it so that I won't have to use my weapons,” Roarke said. “This mission of mine and Josho's is one of peace and harmony, after all.”

“Oh.” Rainbow gulped. “Right. Right...”


Roarke fidgeted in mid-step. “But... yes... I would very much enjoy having an arsenal of Lounge weapons attached to me.”

“Heeheehee...” Rainbow giggled... then sighed... then quietly spoke: “We... k-kinda said all that was needed to be said last night?”

“Mmmm... indeed...” Roarke nodded. “Some of us even squealed it.”


“Heaved and screamed it, might I add—”

“Okay... okay!” Rainbow's voice cracked. “For crying out loud, metal mouth, we've got a filly present!”

Kera squeaked from a distance. “I get it! It's like wrestling!”

“Kera!” Belle's voice gasped while both Pilate and Josho chuckled. “Honestly, darling!”

“Hmmm...” Roarke stopped and turned to face Rainbow with a smirk. “I taught my apprentice well.”

“Yeah, or you taught her wrong!” Rainbow hissed back.

“Heheheh...” Roarke chuckled.

“Heeheehee!” Rainbow giggled. She giggled harder, her head and body shaking. But then those giggles quickly morphed into heaves, then gasps as she clenched her tearing eyes shut, leaning forward.

Without a word, Roarke snaked a hoof forward, scooping Rainbow into her embrace, stroking the back of her mane.

Rainbow whimpered once... sniffled twice... then exhaled calmly. After a few seconds, she lifted her face with a weak smile. “Roarke. About... about what I said last night. I... I didn't want to come across as possessive or anything.” She winced. “I mean... what you do or don't do with your life is—”

“I'm happy Rainbow Dash,” Roarke said. “And you know why?”

“... ... ...?” Rainbow gazed intently at her.

Roarke stroked the pegasus' face. “I know where my place is.” She leaned in, whispering. “You think I've committed to salvaging the Cartel?” She shook her head. “That's a lie. An utter fabrication.”

Rainbow gaped. “It... it is...?”

“Mmmhmmm.” Roarke leaned back. “Oh, I will be guiding the goblins to a Harmonic future, for certain. But the reason I'm really here?” She stroked Rainbow's mane again. “It's too look after your friends... your family... and mine.”

Rainbow clenched her jaw shut. “Belle... Pilate... Kera...”

“I will keep Eljunbyro safe, Rainbow Dash,” Roarke said. “I will preserve them for as long as I live. Your love is my love... and they will see nothing but joy and prosperity for long as we share the same breaths.” Roarke grinned. “That is my loyalty to you... and to them.”

Rainbow sighed, her eyes tearing. “Somehow, I had no doubt.”

“Sure you did,” Roarke droned. “You just had to beat it out of me in the middle of an ancient forest one day.”

“Nnnngh...” Rainbow hung her head. “...is that always going to be my lasting impression on you?”

“What? That you beat me?”


Roarke tilted Rainbow's head up.

Rainbow looked, quivering slightly.

Roarke leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. She whispered, “You won me, Rainbow Dash. And then you gave me the greatest prize there is.” She kissed her forehead next... then drifted away. “Now... go win even more.”

Rainbow bit her lip. A tear rolled down her cheek as she smiled, then pronounced two silent words, nodding. An even bigger smile hung off her fuzzy face.

Roarke stared and stared at her... then turned to face the others. She gazed at Belle and Pilate.

Belle smiled. She held Pilate close, nuzzling him as her gaze remain locked on Roarke. She mouthed “Thank you” more than once, her eyes turning glossy and glossier.

Roarke nodded back. She then trotted over and knelt before Kera.

Kera did her best to stand tall and proud, but she was undeniably trembling.

“I can only protect you half of the time,” Roarke said in a dull tone.

Kera sniffled. Nevertheless, she clenched her jaw and stood tall. “I won't let you down, Roarke.”

“Is that all...?”

Kera blinked. She produced a little squeak, the blurted, “I... I'm trying, Roarke. I really am...” Her ears folded back as her tattooed facial muscles flexed. “I don't think anypony can ever be as t-tough as you.”

“And that is a good thing.” Roarke caressed Kera's chin, a gesture that almost made the filly gasp. “In this life, I've had many sisters,” Roarke said. “Only one can I say I'm truly proud of.”

Kera gulped. “Th-then why don't you c-come back sometime soon and say it?”

“Depends...” Roarke stood up. “I'd better catch you exercising your magic when I do.”

Kera clenched her eyes shut, holding the tears in.

Roarke trotted back the way she came, brushing past Josho. “Come along, Josho. We have many goblins to smack.”

“Yes ma'am.” Josho smirked. He shrugged his shoulders and passed by Rainbow and the others.

Pilate tilted his head up. “Don't you wish to say good bye, Mr. Josho?”

The fat stallion belched over his shoulder, “I already did, ya fecking zebra!”

“Huh?” Pilate blinked. A few seconds later, he sniffed the air... then sniffed again. “...gah!”

“Aaaaugh!” Belle grimaced, waving a hoof back and forth across her muzzle.

“Snkkkt...” Rainbow held a hoof against her nostrils, wincing. “Crkk...heeheehee!”

“Hahahahahah!” Kera laughed, wiping a tear off her lined muzzle. She smirked. “It's like the Val Roan sewers all over again!”

“Mmmff...” Belle rolled her eyes and smirked. “Never change, Mr. Josho.”

“Sorry...” Josho hopped up onto the lowest Lounge Sphere, standing next to Jex. “...but I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.” He shuddered. “One of these days.” He turned to look at the imp. “Why, hello there.”

“Erm...” Jex shifted nervously. “Hello.”

“Have I tried killing you before?”

“Uhm...” Jex gulped. “Maybe?”

“Well...” Josho cracked the joints in his neck. “...that's as good a start to a friendship as any in my book.”

Roarke hopped up with the help of the Lounge leader. “That's a pretty moldy book.”

“Erm... alright, then,” Jex said, shuddering.

“Take care, Josho,” Rainbow Dash said, smiling up at him. “Look on the bright side: maybe the goblins will name their new nation after you.”

“Don't kid yourself. We're headed to a total dump,” Josho grumbled. “But... I started this adventure by stumbling out of an outhouse... guess it sorta fits that I dive right back into a cesspool.” He stifled a burp and glanced aside. “Let's get this shit on the road, eh?”

“Curious,” the Lounge leader crackled through his helmet. “Are all warm-blooded partings this lengthy?

“Only the cool ones,” Roarke said.

“A most curious sentiment, coming form the Vaughan.”

“No... that name was a farce,” Roarke droned. She gazed at the four ponies below, her eyes settling upon a ruby pendant and the adorable face lingering above it. “I think 'Roarke Most Awesome' will suffice from now on.”

Rainbow smiled softly.

“Very well, Roarke Most Awesome.” The Lounge leader gestured towards his brethren. The other naga nodded with their helmets and rushed to their stations. Their superior looked at the metal mare. “Are you ready to change this world?

“I was foaled ready,” Roarke said. “Only now... I feel it.” She slowly, calmly raised a hoof up.

Rainbow Dash did the same.

Black metal separated the two. Schwissssh! There was a flicker of ice blue eyes, and Roarke and Josho were gone.

The sphere rose into the sky, swiftly joined by its glossy black companions. Twirling about, the vessels glowed with amber skystone, then shot southward, departing like wayward thoughts.

“... ... ...” Rainbow's smile faded. She stared into the desolate mountains, the colors of her mane disturbed by a persistent wind.

The silence in the valley was deaffening. The shadows cooled, stretching across the dead stone in tapering bands.

Pilate, Belle, and Kera looked on, silent and still.

Rainbow Dash took a long breath... and then a longer one. “Well...” She gulped. “Uhm... I...” She fidgeted where she stood, not turning around to face them. Not ready to.

“Yeah...” Belle bit her lip. “It... that is...”

“Your stuff,” Kera hoarsely blurted.

“Right...” Rainbow blinked. “R-right!” She blinked again, rubbing her muzzle dry before turning swiftly around. She trotted past the three before they could even swivel to face her. Slowly, the group shuffled behind Rainbow Dash, following her as she returned to a lone stone besides Shepherd's Rock. With quiet, diligent grace, Rainbow slipped the midnight blue satchel onto her petite figure, tightening it and shaking the weight until it distributed evenly on either side of her flank.

Belle and Pilate hesitated... but eventually grasped Arcanista's pack. They raised it high, waiting.

Rainbow finished fidgeting with Princess Luna's saddlebags. She paused, then looked over her shoulder. A faint smile traced her lips. She hobbled backwards, squatting slightly.

Belle and Pilate placed the pack of things onto Rainbow's backside so that it rested neatly between the bags of Princess Luna's satchel. Kera reached in, tightening the straps in place, careful not to pull on them too hard.

A few murmuring breaths hummed between them, until Rainbow Dash gently nodded. The three ponies shuffled backwards, fidgeting slightly.

Rainbow took a deep breath, tilting her head up until a lavender symbol raised in the center of her vision. Before the dead horizon, the plateau jutted up, forming a sharp rise higher than the rest of the landscape... a perfect vantage point.

Gulping, Rainbow Dash slowly trotted forward...

And Bellesmith, Pilate, and Kera patiently... dutifully followed.

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