• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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I Shall Call The Pebble "Dare"

By noon, several ponies were strolling leisurely along the balconies of the Val Roan Royal Palace. The Jurists all clung together, with Rainbow Dash hovering a little bit above the group.

“So, according to Props' Uncle, he'll be flying by Amulek on the way back west to the Frozen Sea,,” Booster Spice said. His goggles glinted in the bright sunlight, and he smiled. “I can't wait to tell Merigold all about the King and Queen's proposition.”

“After all of the gorgeous tech that you've gotten your hooves on!” Props stammered, occasionally leaning on Zaid in mid-trot. “You're going to give it all up to go live in that tiny mining town again?”

“Yes, well...” Booster bit his lip, squirming slightly. “I have my obligations back in Amulek, but—first chance I get—I'd love to make the pilgrimage back to Val Roa proper and see if... well...”

“Well what?” Zaid asked.

“If Bellesmith and Pilate have made any progress with their technological exploits.”

“Well of course they will have!” Kera stuck her tongue out. “Belle and Pilate are awesome!”

“Won't get any argument from me,” Rainbow Dash said.

“It would be a blessing and an honor, Mr. Spice,” Pilate said.

“You've got a genius mind that won't quit,” Belle added. “I'm certain you could assist us wonderfully.”

“Spark knows we'll be having trouble and a half trying to explain the O.A.S.I.S. Sphere to the locals,” Pilate muttered. “Not to mention our side project of integrating the runic neural matrix with the Ocular Array.”

That, I should be able to assist with,” Roarke spoke up, trotting closest to Rainbow. “It's Lounge technology, and odds are I'll be meeting with the naga quite regularly while I attempt to build the Cartel out of the ashes.”

“Will you even have time, Roarke?” Belle asked, chestnut eyes blinking. “I mean, that's quite gracious of you, but won't it be enough trouble dealing with the goblins?”

“The imps will have to learn to integrate themselves with Val Roans, instead of conflicting with them.” Roarke took a calm breath as the wind kicked at her scarlet bangs. “That will necessitate several trips for... erm... diplomatic reasons.”

Props smirked. “Or how about just for loneliness' sake?”

“I stand by what I said,” Roarke said, causing Belle, Pilate, and Kera to chuckle. “Besides, I'm certain Josho will miss the fine cuisine.”

“What'll it matter?” Josho muttered. “Ebon will be far off in Ether Point, cooking for a former changeling queen.”

“Not forever!” Ebon exclaimed. “At least... I-I hope not...” Eagle Eye gave him a loving pat on the shoulder.

“What of the boomers that joined blonde boomer's uncle on the flight flight?” Floydien asked.

“Hmm?” Eagle Eye blinked across the group. “Oh, you mean Crimson, Phoenix, and the rest?”

“Secchy told me they're heading back west on the Tarkington,” Josho muttered. “Their work here is done, ain't that right, Princess?”

“Yup. Hey...” Eagle smiled. “I wonder if they'll swing by Abinadi and say 'Hi' to Elma.”

“Heeheehee!” Props grinned. “I'll make sure that we do! I'm sure she'll be overjoyed to hear about what happened with the Changeling Queen!”

“Erm...” Ebon fidgeted. “Just... be a dear, Propsy, and leave out the whole 'Mother violently ripping off her horn and bleeding all over the place' part.”

“Okie dokie lokie!”

Midnite giggled. “Seems like you all had this a long time coming!”

Pilate pivoted about to gaze in her general direction. “How do you mean, Ms. Bastion?”

“Oh... uhm...” Midnite glanced nervously at Floydien, then at the others. “Only that you all seem to have everything so squared away... almost as if you were planning for this moment.”

Belle and Pilate were silent.

Ebon and Eagle Eye hung their heads.

“It's not exactly... erm... a new song and d-dance,” Zaid stammered.

“Yeah, we've kinda done this before.” Kera gulped hard, but smiled on the other end of the expression. “Only, this time, we're totally cool.”

“Yeah...” Rainbow Dash sighed. “What she said.” She glanced softly at Roarke.

“I... almost wish I had joined you guys much sooner,” Booster said. “I mean... I don't envy the sort of horrible things you all spoke of in the past, but... but being with you guys?” He sighed pleasantly. “As God is my witness, it's the single most spectacular moment of my life.”

Belle smiled. “We were more than glad to have you on board, Mr. Spice... as long as the Noble Jury lasted.”

“And Nancy lasted a long time,” Floydien muttered. “Yes yes yessss.” A moment of silence. He glanced aside at Midnite. “As long as we live, inside our shimmer glimmer, Floydien thinks.”

Midnite bit her lip, smiling tearfully.

“What of you, Ms. Bastion?” Belle asked. “What's next in your life?”

“Oh... me?” The group had come to a stop at the edge of a balcony at this point. The sunlight warmed them while brief gusts of wind brought pleasant chills. “I... I'm not sure, actually.”

“Your Daddy's alive!” Props exclaimed, grinning wide. “That's gotta be a good thing!”

“Right. And... as wonderful as it is to know that he's around, it's... strange.” Midnite gulped. “Though I've no doubt he'd sacrifice everything for me in an instant, he's... st-still not the same General who helped us all just recently...”

Ebon slowly nodded. “I think Mother had realized the war was lost a long, long time ago. She tried to carry on the masquerade, but she simply couldn't.” His eyes narrowed. “But know this: what she felt for you... what he felt was merely a piece borrowed from the heart of your father. I think, in a lot of ways, it was you and your trusting relationship with General Saikano that truly saved the day.”

“You... you really think that?”

“That's the whole point,” Eagle said with a smile. “Chrysalis was starved of misery and pain. Detached from the Hive Mind, she could only do that which was natural to her kind... and that was bask in joy and Harmony.” He glanced across the balcony. “Isn't that right, Rainbow?”

Rainbow hovered in silence, staring east. Beyond the buildings and bronze skyscrapers, the Grand Choke loomed. The Yaerfaerda pulsed at a distance, the brightest it had ever been. The lavender nearly burned itself into Rainbow's retinae.

“Hey, speedy,” Josho droned. “Princess dropped the 'H' word. That's your dayum cue, ain't it?”

Rainbow looked over. Her lips parted, but she hesitated.

Belle, Pilate, Kera, Roarke, Eagle Eye, Ebon Mane, Props, Zaid, Josho, Floydien, Booster Spice, and Midnite Bastion all stared back.

Rainbow's ears folded. At last, her voice cracked, “The last time I left my cl-closest friends... they were nothing but a circle of dead ashes. But now...” She shuddered. “I see that the circle is breaking. But... but it's a good thing.” Her eyes were glossy above a timid smile. “I'd rather the circle be broken than dead. It makes me think that—someday, somehow—it will all be rejoined. Sorta like...” She shuddered, sniffling. “Sorta like Urohringer, y'know?” She gulped. “Maybe... maybe that's the p-point of all this. The whole point in the end...”

Eagle Eye fought the tears as he said, “You... you don't have to leave right away, right? You could... you c-could stay for a while.”

“Y-yeah!” Ebon leaned against Eagle Eye, trying not to shiver. “You could hang out for a while. Help us get Mother situated. Assist Belle and Pilate with their lectures.”

“Wear out Roarke's leg muscles,” Zaid added. Whap! He barely cringed. “I'm not even going to ask who did it that time...”

“I... I...” Rainbow fidgeted in midair. She glanced at Roarke, and her pupils shrank. At last, she smiled warmly. “I have to do this. I... I really can't wait. After all—I may seem fine now—but we all know that just waiting in place only delays the inevitable.” She rubbed her forelimbs together. “The chaos will consume me if I don't reach more beacons. And... y'know... I'm not just doing this because I'm a coward who wants to live. Nothing would be awesomer than staying here with all of you guys... with my friends. But... but if I don't do this...”

“Every little boomer we ever make won't have a future,” Floydien spoke up. “Because the world will have fallen into dark dark.”

The group was dead silent.

“Right...” Rainbow shuddered. “What he said. There's always been crazy business with this plane. So long as I'm Austraeoh... so long as Axan flies around out there, stalking me... so long as I've got beacons of light blinking at me from beyond the horizon... I gotta make my way to the Midnight Armory.”

Kera shivered in Belle's embrace as she said, “Do... do any of the prophecies say that you'll live to come back?”

Zaid bit his lip and glanced aside.

Roarke merely looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Well, kiddo, unfortunately the only book that could have given me a clue was torn to bits with the Jury,” Rainbow said. “But... I-I think that's kind of a good thing. An important thing.” She smiled devilishly. “It means I've got nothing to hold me back. There's no doubt to weigh me down. The sky's the limit, y'know?”

Kera bit her lip. “You really think so?”

“I think...” Rainbow flapped her wings and pivoted once more to gaze at the Grand Choke. She took a deep breath. “...I think I've got a lot of prep-work to do.” Her eyes narrowed. “And ponies to talk to.”

Midnite Bastion nodded. “And I know just the ones, too.”

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