• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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The Rebirth of Endurance Into Purpose

“The wind has carried you far, Austraeoh,” Queen Whitemane said, trotting gracefully across the balcony's edge. “You have arrived.”

“I...” Rainbow retched, eyes bulging. “Arrived?!?” She gawked at the sleepy landscape looming below. “But... it... you...!” She shook, shivered, and her voice cracked, “This is Verdestone! How in the buck could I have arrived here?!?”

“Your fearlessness and determination is unmatched,” the alicorn continued, staring nonchalantly towards the hazy spires of Darkstine beyond the eastern mountains. “Out of all the souls who have been capable, you have made it the farthest. You truly are the Austraeoh.”

“Dang it!” Rainbow stomped her hooves. “Listen to me, you overgrown snowy melon fudge!” She barked, “How did all of this happen?! How am I all the way back here again?!?”

“You've allowed your endurance to be reborn,” Whitemane calmly said. Her wings folded by her sides. “Eljunbyro has helped you find your speed. Now, that swiftness shall carry you through the next phase of your journey, from discovery into purpose.”

Rainbow Dash snarled. She was about to shout something else—when her body froze. She blinked, face scrunching. “Wait...” She raised a dainty hoof from beneath her robe, pointing. “Whitemane, didn't you once tell me that you were done giving me messages?” The pegasus blinked. “Yeah... back in Blue Shelf, when I found the ruby flame inside the buried spire, you came to me in a vision... and t-told me that the spell you put on me had faded. That was the last time we ever 'talked.'” She gulped a lump down her throat. “Then... how come you're showing up again... and now?

Slowly, the alicorn turned around to gaze at her.

Rainbow's ears folded back. “None of this is real,” she droned.

“You are real,” the Queen said. “And in the deepest recesses of your mind, in the quietest pocket of your heart, Whitemane still lingers, watching over you.” A calm smile. “We felt that taking her form would instill... confidence.”

“Who... what are you?” Rainbow asked, softly shuffling closer to the large white equine. “Is this some sort of message left inside that tower I just found? Are you the angels that Khao and the Herald spoke of?”

Whitemane simply stared with a persistent smile.

“Are you the ponies...” Rainbow winced slightly. “...the creatures who built Urohringr? Or the ones who tore it apart?!” She stared up at Whitemane's face, eyes glossy with wonder. “Please. I have to know. These towers... these beacons of flame and this whole Yaerfaerda nonsense...” She shuddered. “It all keeps extending my life, staving off the chaos inside me. I... I-I feel...” The mare sighed, plopping back on her haunches as she gazed dully into the Emeraldine valley below. “I feel yanked around like a dead weight on a chain.”

A gentle hoof brushed the bottom of Rainbow's chin.

The pegasus looked up, sniffling.

Whitemane smiled. “We are that which waits. And you?” Her blue eyes sparkled. “You are that which restores.”

“But... b-but why?!” Rainbow stammered. “Is it in my blood, like Commander Hurricane?” She seethed. “I only wanted to reach the Midnight Armory because it was so friggin' impossible to do! Is it all really... j-just some bogus destiny nonsense?!”

“The wind and the will are easily confused with one another,” Whitemane said. “In some ways, they are both different and yet the same, much like you.”

“Much... like m-me?”

Whitemane caressed Rainbow's cheek. “Your journey is a perilous one. But is it always a lonely one?”

Rainbow bowed her head. Tears collected in the corners of her eyes as she gazed down at the balcony's edge.

The alicorn waited patiently.

“I... I've had to leave so much behind... so v-very much...” Rainbow sniffled, reaching a forelimb up to rub her cheek dry. “It didn't make sense, and yet... it did? I dunno. I...” Rainbow squeaked, tears doubling. “I miss my friends.” She clenched her eyes shut as she endured the crest of a sob. “All my friends.”

Whitemane quietly spoke: “For every sacrifice, there is a gift. The Austraeoh's journey is hers and hers alone... but she doesn't have to be alone for the entirety of it, now does she?”

Rainbow's eyes fluttered open. She shook her head, gazing back up at Whitemane. “I... I-I don't understand...”

“This world has aged in such a curious way,” Whitemane said. “To be whole once again with Urohringr, it must operate by its own rules as much as the ones imparted it.”

“To... be whole again...?” Rainbow's muzzle hung agape. “Is that what the purpose is?” She leaned forward. “To reform Urohringr?”

“You are the purpose, Austraeoh,” Whitemane said. “Endurance has been reborn, and you are a product of Eljunbyro as much as yourself. There is no holding back the wind's might any longer. Much like Urohringr, that which empowers Austraeoh desires to be whole. Even now, it struggles against that which has constrained it for so long.”

“Rainbow Dash... … ...”

The pegasus twirled about, panting. Her eyes darted in every direction for the source of that last whisper. It rang with the same tone that haunted her in the Grand Choke, a voice which woke her from fitful slumber. Slowly—trembling—she turned to squint at Whitemane once more.

“What's happening to me...?”

“You are receiving,” Whitemane said. “And someday, sooner than later, you will once again be giving. You will not reach that destination alone.” She stood up tall, staring down at Rainbow. “But, then again, you've never truly been.”

Rainbow blinked. A flicker of lavender appeared in her peripheral. She looked east, past the spires of Darkstine, and there Yaefaerda loomed—but something was happening to it. It was fluctuating, melting, being drained of all its color.

“Now, Austraeoh, it is time,” Whitemane said.

Rainbow flashed her a confused look. “Time?!” Her teeth chattered. “Time for what?!”

Whitemane leaned forward, her blue eyes ablaze.

“Time for you to foal yesterday.”


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