• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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Mountains Beyond Mountains, There's No End

Rainbow couldn't remember the last time her hooves ached so much.

She clenched her teeth to the point of breaking, her upper body quivering as the mare pulled... tugged... and flexed her forelimb muscles. At last, with much strain, she pulled her body up onto the next ascending crag of rock above her. Once she was level with the cliff, she planted her wingtips against the stone surface for extra leverage. Finally, with a dull groan, she rolled herself up and onto even flooring.

The mare lay on her back, heaving and panting for breath. It was awkward and uncomfortable to lie there with the backpacks between her and the rocky surfaces. The contents of her satchels knifed into her flesh, but it was still the most comfort she had experienced in hours.

At last, her lungs wheezed less frantically. The mare sat up with a shudder to her shoulders. Gulping, she glanced down the way she had climbed.

The ascent had been mercilessly steep. It didn't appear that way from the valley when she had originally chosen this part of the mountain to climb. And yet, upon scaling the cliff-faces, she discovered the hard way just how jagged the southwestern edge of the ridge was. Staring down, she saw several meters of stone hidden behind the shadow of a morning sunrise. It wasn't the satisfying sight of accomplishment that she was hoping for.

Gulping a dry lump down her throat, Rainbow turned to the east and looked up, squinting.

It was impossible to see the mountain peak. A fine layer of mists had gathered over fifty meters above her. All was gray and ghastly, and the only thing Rainbow knew for certain was just how terribly steep the path was ahead.

So, with a prolonged sigh, she stood up, winced from her aching muscles, and proceeded to hug the southwestern face once again... climbing and clawing her way up towards the nearest cliff—even if she couldn't see it yet.

Rainbow Dash had found level hoofing—but it was of very little consolation. A thin shelf of undulating stone wrapped around the south end of the mountain at that level. The only way to reach the next cliff-face within sight was to hug the wall and slide along—her body upright—at a migraine-inducing five inches per minute. Rainbow grunted, rubbing her belly against the uneven wall until her flesh was red and raw. Despite the pain, there was no other way to proceed—not unless she wished to lose half a day's worth of progress by backtracking.

The winds did not sympathize with her. Wicked gales shook and shocked her several times. They nearly tore her mane hairs from their roots; they did an even worse number on her nerves. Several times, Rainbow Dash felt like spreading her wings and just falling back into the wind current. On each time, she had to suppress that pegasus instinct, knowing that the wings wouldn't do her any good in that part of the Choke.

With panting breaths, Rainbow stopped to rest her muscles. She stared straight down, spotting nothing but a dipping crevice of rock filled with mist and shadow. There was no telling just how far she'd have to slip between the parallel mountain faces before she'd be reduced to a fine red puddle. Her nostrils flared as she paused and looked at her wingtips. The feathers had been worn away, their ends grimy and threadbare with the quills exposed. It was a direct consequence of Rainbow constantly having to use her wings like fifth and sixth limbs.

It mattered little. It was not as though Rainbow Dash was going to start flying again anytime soon.

If ever.

Biting her lip, Rainbow relished the brief, delicious anger rolling through her. She scuffled her lower limbs from side to side, resumed hugging the mountain, and strafed her way icily across the south face of the mountain. She may or may not have been making progress. The mare didn't care.

At least she was moving.

Rainbow Dash reached a wide plateau looming beneath the mountain's summit. This meant an even stretch of earth leading smoothly eastward.

She didn't care. The pegasus was freezing to death.

Night had fallen, and with it came agonizing high altitude chills. For some reason, Rainbow's pegasus senses weren't withstanding the cold like they normally did. She had one good idea why.

Rainbow needed to build a fire. But, what was more, she needed shelter. With the way in which the wind kept blowing, she was almost certain it would ruin any camp she might try to make—or any blaze that she might kindle.

Frantically—as shivers overwhelmed her—she flashed her eyes left and right. The mare didn't stop galloping, not for one second. The important thing was to keep moving, to keep her blood rushing. If Rainbow had to do pony hippity-hops in place while spinning in circles, she was both able and willing. It didn't matter how stupid it looked, and Rainbow realized that things must have looked very... very stupid.

Minutes wore on.

The sky grew darker.

The stars were beacons of doom—flickering to life one by one like coyote eyes beyond the deathly black veil of emptiness. Rainbow refused to look at them, and she hissed under her teeth at the first hint of moonlight. The night was her enemy—as was time. She couldn't out run it. She couldn't fly past it. She could barely stand.

Wheezing, Rainbow Dash skirted past a cluster of stones. She felt a dip in the wind, and this brought her momentarily relief—until she nearly plunged off a sheer drop.

With a gasp, the mare caught her hoofing—a difficult task with cold, numb limbs. She looked down to see a black swath of earth, darker than the sky above. She realized that she was standing on the edge of a deep, deep ravine. A steep canyon loomed on the east side of the mountain that she had spent the entire day previous scaling. This might have proven to be a difficult thing to traverse by sunrise—assuming Rainbow had a hope of surviving long enough to see it.

Shuddering, she spun about. Eyes peering. All she could see was rock and darkness—a solid opaqueness in every direction. In desperation, she brought a hoof up—a hoof that she could no longer feel—and rubbed it across where she knew her Loyalty Pendant to be. A pulse of ruby light winked, pitifully short. But in that brief blink of scarlet illumination, Rainbow spotted a hollow in a nearby wall of stone facing east, as if it was carved by daggers of sunlight.

Without a second thought, Rainbow galloped straight for it. She had barely pierced the mouth of the cave before her muzzle slammed painfully into a concave wall. She grimaced, almost grateful for the pain bringing nerves back to life in her extremities. It was a shallow enclosure, but she knew it would do. So, squatting down, she opened her satchels—practically tearing them apart—and reached in for Val Roan flint and tender. She ignored a disintegrating Heaven's Slice, steaming into the starlight, and instead she yanked out several toiletry items. Wadding them up, she cast a few sparks on them and gave her pendant a rub, hoping that somehow the Harmonic Energy might be enough to contain the blossoming flames.

It worked... or at least Rainbow dreamt such. The cave warmed up, gradually, and Rainbow's hooves began to tingle. She squatted before the miniature blaze, stretching her forelimbs out as shivers overtook her. Only once she could sense her chattering teeth again did she realize just how exhausted she was... how aching... how hungry...

There was no fighting the pitiful squeak from her lips. The mare's eyes rolled back as she teetered between warmth and blissful oblivion. Her head swayed left... swayed right... and then her ears folded back, carrying her skull with them. She collapsed on her back, rolled to her side, and quivered before the advancing waves of darkness. The last thing she remembered hearing was a frightened sob, and it repulsed her so much that she was almost glad to experience nothing but pure darkness upon contemplation.

Rainbow Dash spread her wings, exhaled, and flew daringly into the void.

And the cold lingered on.

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