• Published 31st May 2022
  • 1,217 Views, 80 Comments

The Red Knight - PhantomBulwark

Sunset Shimmer, a young squire, becomes so much more than what destiny had planned. Is she truly a knight? Is she more than the peasant she was born as?

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Chapter 6: Luna

Sunset received many laughs and insults regarding her armor, until the other knights saw it in action. The more she fought in it the more comfortable she became. She found the melee was much easier when she could be the fastest on the field. In the back of her mind however, was her lady. The desperate need for her to win, to impress this ‘Lord Night’, was always gripping her heart.

She scored well in the melee and won the javelin event without much difficulty but the joust worried them all. There were many knights in Roan and all of them were accomplished. Both battle hardened soldiers and knights who only fought for sport were in attendance. All of them were after the title of tournament champion. One such knight was Lord Timber Spruce. And Sunset was set to compete against him in the joust.

The first two days of the tournament went well. Her opponents in the joust were all lower level knights and a few lords. She advanced through the ranks well enough and on the final day, she finally made her way up the lists to compete with the favorites. She had seen her friend, Nightmare Moon already competing and Sir Timber Spruce had been brutal in all of his victories. Both of them were finalists like herself and they were all worried she might be out of her league.

“I dunno Sun,” AJ tugged at the collar of her linen shirt, “Nightmare took you down in the sword. She’s strong and has experience.”

Rainbow nodded, “and Lord Spruce killed one of his opponents yesterday. He’s a lion on the battlefield.”

“What do we know about him? Nightmare is a decent sort and I know she’ll be fair but him… there’s something in his eyes that unsettles me.”

“Would that be because he’s courting your lady friend?” Pinkie teased.

“No, it’s more than that.” Sunset turned and watched as Lord Spruce’s company followed on his heels as he rode into the stadium. “He’s about to face Nightmare now, maybe she’ll put him out of commission.”

They sat near the entrance of the stadium on Nightmare’s side and watched as the knights prepared for the joust. Nightmare looked at ease on her massive red steed and held her lance with the confidence of any King. Lord Spruce, by contrast, seemed to be having a heated exchange with his squires. The argument abruptly ended on the approach of his herald.

Timber’s face became redder and redder as the other man spoke. When the herald finished speaking, Timber hurled his lance and stormed away with a bellow of rage. There was a painfully quiet moment on the field as Lord Spruce’s herald removed his master’s shield from its stand.

Lord Spruce had withdrawn, losing his chance at tournament champion.

“I’m telling you, a withdraw like that means royalty,” AJ snapped, shoving Sunset back. “You can’t endanger a royal, Sunset. If she’s important enough for a man like Spruce to withdraw then competing against her is a mistake.”

Sunset shook her head and turned to Pinkie, “go and find out who Nightmare Moon really is. She’s disguised like me so she can compete. I won’t dishonor her by withdrawing but I do want to know who I’m competing against.”

Pinkie sped away and AJ glowered, “you’re going to get yourself killed.”

Sunset was already preparing when Pinkie finally returned. She was panting, dirty, and sweating profusely. “You have to withdraw!” she cried, “if you compete against her it’s suicide.”

“What? Why? Who is it?” Dash asked, gripping Sunset’s lance, her eyes wide.

“Her true name is Luna,” Pinkie said breathlessly, “Luna Solaris, the Princess of the Night.”

Sunset was stunned; she turned from her friends to the other end of the field where the Princess was readying herself for their match. Dimly she was aware of AJ ordering Pinkie to forfeit but her mind was already racing past that in favor of other thoughts. As Pinkie hurdled toward the lists, Sunset saw Luna’s head hang in dejection. Clearly the Princess knew exactly what the herald was rushing to do.

Annoyed on her friend’s behalf and with her blood boiling, Sunset wheeled her horse around and snatched her lance from Rainbow’s grip. With a battle cry she spurred her horse toward the field. When she heard it, Luna’s head jerked up and she immediately turned and barreled onto the field as well. A cheer rose from the crowd and without looking Sunset knew that AJ and Dash both had their head in their hands.

The first match was a draw, both of them too unsteady to get in a clean hit at top speed. As the second run began, Sunset gripped her lance tightly and despite the danger to her eyes she kept them firmly locked on Luna. At the last second, she saw her opening. Luna’s lance was keen and it would strike her in the chest, however, she was leaving her left breast completely open. Sunset thrust her lance hard and felt the impact radiate up her arm.

There was a crack like thunder as her lance snapped in almost perfect unison with her opponents. Her chest plate practically vibrated from the blow. Luna did not fair nearly as well. Her friend’s chest plate was badly dented and the blow had also glanced off her shoulder. She had been thrown backward by Sunset’s hit and was nearly flung from her saddle. As Luna struggled upright Sunset could hear the way her breath was wheezy and pained.

Once she saw that Luna was alright, (Most likely sore and with her shoulder in need of doctoring, but alright). Sunset returned to her side of the field. She waited patiently as Luna was fussed over by her servants. As the Princess finally climbed to her feet, Sunset wondered vaguely if she would be beheaded. When that thought floated away, she wondered whether or not her lady’s father had been impressed with her.

The flag for the final match was raised and she returned to her place. She took slow deep breaths as she prepared for the retribution that was no doubt coming. But, instead of riding at speed, Luna slowly trotted out and held up a hand. Slowly, Sunset joined her in the center field.

“Well done, Ser Solaris,” Luna complimented, “I have never had anyone come so close to unhorsing me. You and that armor of yours are as stout as an anvil.”

“You have my compliments as well my Lady,” Sunset laughed, removing her helmet so that Luna could see her. “If I am an anvil then you are the hammer.”

The Princess nodded and rode slightly closer. “I am finished, Ser Solaris,” she admitted, “That last blow has snapped a few of my ribs; I can hardly breathe to speak to you. But it is not in me to lose, not like this…”

“Then we will declare the match a draw and you can withdraw quietly, with your honor intact… your highness.”

Luna’s eyes widened behind her visor and she fumbled to remove her helmet. “You knew my title! And still you rode against me?” There was a roar of shock from the crowd as the Princess exposed her identity.

“You said that it is not in you to withdraw… it is not in me either, my lady.” Sunset gave a helpless sort of shrug. "I know my actions and accept their consequences."

“Well…” she smiled, “it happens. I see no reason to blame you my friend.”

“Thank you, Princess.”

The royal waved her hand and shook her head, “please, I find that I am very fond of you already. Call me ‘my lady' if you must, I prefer Luna.”

“Luna… I would be very honored to speak to you so informally. I wish you luck in future tournaments.”

"And you as well, Solaris."