• Published 31st May 2022
  • 1,212 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Knight - PhantomBulwark

Sunset Shimmer, a young squire, becomes so much more than what destiny had planned. Is she truly a knight? Is she more than the peasant she was born as?

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Chapter 19: Day Six

Six days. Six damn days they had been fighting. And Sunset had never been so tired. She’d lived just on the edge of starvation for half her life; and she had never been this hungry. Her armor was dented and rent in places. Food was becoming scarce; no one could hunt or gather supplies for the Changelings attacking.

The battle raged, night and day. Chrysalis, it seemed, had no shortage of men to sacrifice. Their relief was a full three days overdue and it seemed unlikely that they were even still alive. Given the chance Sunset would have fallen back to a better position, kept her people safe until a new plan could be hatched. Now, with nothing to protect their exposed backs in a retreat, that was not an option. They were stuck.

The flap of her hastily made tent swung open and AJ’s head poked in. “Another two have fallen,” she said gravely, “Iron Hoof of Canterlot, and Cherry Chase of Cloudsdale.”

Sunset scribbled down the names and placed her quill back into the ink pot a bit more forcefully than strictly necessary. “Any sign of the others? We can’t keep this up for much longer. Our people are weary and the more we lose the lower morale gets.”

AJ stepped fully inside, her left arm was obscured by a bandage, “I don’t think they’re coming, commander,” she admitted. The use of her title made Sunset feel the gravity of the words two fold. “I think we’re on our own.”

“Then there’s nothing for it.” Sunset clambered to her feet, “if no help comes by sundown… then tomorrow we ride out to meet our death.” Her face was set in a grim line, this decision was not lightly made but they all knew that the Changeling’s could not be allowed to take the gorge. When their comrades had not shown themselves on day three, Sunset had devised a backup plan. (It was a horrible plan, really, an absolute last resort.) “If we see no reinforcements by sundown, tomorrow we ride out to meet their charge. And Flash will see to it that the walls of Ghastly Gorge come down on their heads.”

Morning had just begun to wane when hope finally reappeared. Sunset could not see them, the changeling's ranks were too thick, but she heard them. A host of horns, the signal of their trap being sprung. She wanted to find Blueblood and box him around the ears for taking so long, but that would have to wait, she had a war to wage and a friendship with the Night to repair.

She hastily snatched a newly minted spear from Flash and began bellowing orders, “Archers back to the ridge as quick as you're able! Swordsmen to the front, relieve our fellows! Lancers and spears to the horses.” Sunset mounted her horse, a beautiful red mare with soft white dappling on her rump. She had managed to pull her from the jaws of a nasty changeling trap and had grown quite fond of the fearless beast.

She led the spear users to the front line, just behind the waiting rows of swordsmen. Dash was perched far above on the ridge, she would give the signal when it was time. Sunset let the din of the fighting fade and watched Dash's hand, in it was a long length of red cloth.

Another horn sounded, louder and closer, the enemy began to turn this way and that, searching for the source of the signal. And then Dash thrust the flag into the air.

Chaos reigned.

Sunset let loose a roar like a raging bull and drove her heels into her steed. The line of swordsmen parted before the cavalry and they burst forth like a wave, breaking the changeling's line. As the fighting began in earnest, she finally saw their backup. There were half as many as there should be and she could not see Blueblood's high blond plume anywhere among them. In his stead was the man Sunset remembered as Rockhoof. He was making quick work of the enemy around him but she did not know if he and his men would be enough. There seemed to be leagues of changelings between them. And though the plan was working, there were still at least four changeling warriors to every one of her people. The trap had snapped closed, and the enemy was pressed from both sides. Would it be enough?

She swallowed her concerns and began barking orders between attacks, throwing herself full force into the fight ahead.

The organized battle quickly became an all out brawl as the lines on both sides splintered. Sunset fought on horseback until the poor mare could run no more and then she sent her back to the gorge and fought on her feet. Slowly, the distance between her men and Rockhoof began to close. As the two converged, the changeling's faltered. The enemy fought like snakes in a pit and with the pincer of the Dark Regiment ever closing, the end was upon them.

Sweat rolled and stung her eyes. Her arms were sore. The light of day was waning swiftly, but she fought on. Rainbow was somewhere above them, the blue fletchings of her arrows whiping past to land in the bodies beyond. AJ had made her way to the south with Pinkie, taking on swordsmen and forcing the remaining enemy closer together. Spitfire was nearby, struggling against a particularly ugly swordsman. Sunset dispatched him for her before returning to her own opponents.

When she and Rockhoof met on the battlefield, it was over the body of an enemy general.

“Well met, Commander!” He greeted her, “my apologies for our delay.”

Sunset could not help her exhausted smile, “and what delayed you my friend? We were nearly at our end when I finally heard your horn-call.”

The mountain of a man clapped her on the back, “first, you must declare this battle won and send our soldiers to rest and then... I will tell you a tale.”

She shook her head but took the horn he extended to her and drew breath. Three great blasts rent the air and the world went still. When she had the attention of everyone around, she gave the command. “We are finished here! Return to your tents, and eat hearty, you will need your strength. We've just pissed on Chrysalis’s parade!” A great cheer went up around them and they moved toward their base en masse.

Just as she was crossing the final feet between battlefield and rest, a dull thunk drew her attention. It was followed, as the sound of an arrow on armor often is, by pain. Before she had even turned to face her attacker, he was dead. His chest was pierced with three blue fletched arrows.

He fell.

And Sunset Shimmer's world went dark...

Author's Note:

ahhhh... its good to be back! :moustache: Hullo friends, hope you haven't all forgotten me yet. Rest assured that I intend to finish this little project (although it might take a while and maybe a few plot twists yet).

I'll hopefully be able to get back to a regular-ish schedule now that I am unburdened by life and all the happier for it! Many thanks for following along and for your comments, I do read them all and they motivate me!