• Published 31st May 2022
  • 1,212 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Knight - PhantomBulwark

Sunset Shimmer, a young squire, becomes so much more than what destiny had planned. Is she truly a knight? Is she more than the peasant she was born as?

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Chapter 15: The March

Having Shining Armor around was a great benefit to Sunset. He was a born leader and became well liked among the newly minted soldiers. The men and women chose sergeants from amongst their own ranks to represent them, and preparation began.

The summer heat of Stalliongrad made training intense and Shining Armor was a merciless foe to face. He and Sunset often trained together once Captain Bulwark took his leave. They stayed in the ring from dawn until the sun was directly overhead. Sweat beaded in her eyes, and still they fought on, trading blows like circling tigers.

“Come now Sunset,” He jeered, “Surely the Red Right hand of High Commander Luna isn’t so weak as to falter at the likes of me?” He thrust forward, his sword coming within inches of her stomach and Sunset smiled.

With a great heave of effort she snapped the shaft of her spear up and forward, shoving his sword away and knocking him off balance. He stumbled. She smashed the butt of her spear into his chest, sending him sprawling.

“Awe, come now Shinning,” she taunted, pointing her weapon in his face. “Surely it must sting to lose to a common criminal.” She extended a hand and pulled him to his feet.

“HA!” he smiled, “you might be a criminal Sunset Shimmer but you most definitely aren’t common.”

The days passed quickly, though each seemed long in the thick of it. Criminals became soldiers, each with a story. When she wasn’t practicing with her daggers, Pinkie spoke to them, writing down many stories and often relaying them to Sunset at night. She began to think of these brave souls as not just soldiers but her soldiers. All of them longed for their freedom and to that, she thought she could relate most. Common men and women, some barely older than teenagers and some older than even Sir Sunburst had been. And they all had turned to crime to live, not at all different from her.

When the sun rose over the mountains the morning of their departure all but a few stragglers were already up and moving.

To their surprise, quite a few townsfolk had come out to see them off. Sunset ordered them into long rows and columns, each convoy accompanied by a Sargent on either side. Three companies: two of archers, two of swordsmen, and two of spearman fell into semi-neat lines. And each Sargent carried a banner, whipping in the wind, Luna’s silver crescent moon on a deep blue background.

Sunset swung into the saddle of her horse. She was an unusually tall mare, her coat gleaming like obsidian. She had never faltered with Sunset on her back, not even at fire-arrows or the slashing of swords.

She glanced at AJ and Shining, “We march in a line through town, once we make it to the road we’ll spread out. AJ you can take your company to my left and Shining to the right.” They wheeled their own steeds around and cantered to their places. Ahead of her, Flash, Rainbow, and Pinkie were already waiting with Flash’s wagon. She stood up in her stirrups and turned “Forward! March!”

Flash flicked the reins and the wagon jolted and slowly picked up speed. Sunset followed close behind with Shinning and AJ on either side. Her sergeants repeated her call and the men fell in line. The sound of hundreds of boots followed them like the rolling thunder of an oncoming storm.

Crowds of townspeople waved and wished them well on either side, and when they reached the outskirts, her army spread out. Three convoys, one behind her, and one to either side following Shinning and AJ. Not nearly enough soldiers for a proper legion, and still they were brave… or stupid enough to follow her into hell. Sunset’s helm, newly altered by Flash with its high and easily visible red plume, felt very heavy.

Their orders from Luna, delivered early that morning, were to proceed North-East to their border with the Changeling empire. The front line was being pushed back and they were to relieve the tired souls there. Luna hoped that they might be able to push back the enemy.

On their march it became clear why they had not yet been able to repel the changelings. The rocky cliffs that bordered their lands were tall and jagged. Changelings were born in those hills, and most had long fingers with tough nails. They wore light armor that moved freely to let them climb and were used to the daunting terrain. Any attempt made to climb by the Solar Guard was quickly killed by underhanded tactics: ambushes and traps.

As they marched further toward the battle at hand, Sunset formulated a plan. It would let them push back their enemies and win the day for a war weary Equestrian army… or it would result in all their deaths.

They were on their third day of marching, drawing closer by the hour to the encampment, when AJ rode up beside her. “What’s our odds of actually making it through this do ya think?”

“Hm, I’d say eighty-twenty… in their favor.”

Applejack hummed and was silent for a long moment. “… honestly that’s better than I expected… though I do think I might should write a letter to that pretty seamstress in Ponyville. I'd like to let her know I’m sweet on her. Ya know, just case I die a foolhardy death at the end of some Changeling’s blade.”

Sunset nodded, “have Pinkie help you, she’s very eloquent for someone so enamored with Rainbow Dash of all people.” They shared a laugh, and to Sunset’s amusement AJ spurred her horse forward to catch up with the cart and speak to Pinkie.