• Published 31st May 2022
  • 1,218 Views, 80 Comments

The Red Knight - PhantomBulwark

Sunset Shimmer, a young squire, becomes so much more than what destiny had planned. Is she truly a knight? Is she more than the peasant she was born as?

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Chapter 10: Sunset Shimmer

It was hard to tell how long it had been, at least three days based on the sliver of light she could see through a crack in the wall. The cell was dark, and damp, and they had not fed her since her capture. Dressed in rags and her hands bound to a post, Sunset Shimmer had never looked less like herself. It had to be nearly noon based on the light shining on the wall when the door to her cell was flung open.

A guard entered, a hooded figure by his side. “Leave us,” the hooded man said coolly. The guard bowed and started for the door when the man spoke again. “How long has it been since she’s eaten?”

“Uh- three… no, nearly four days, my lord,” he answered. “She was knocked unconscious for the first day and his Lordship has commanded she be given nothing on the days following.”

“His lordship is a fine example of unnecessary cruelty. Bring me a bowl of water, a slab of whatever meat you can find and some bread, the fresher the better.”

“But his lordsh-” a sword pointed at his chest cut off his argument.

“Lord Night has shamed himself and his family with his malice and lack of honor. Bring the girl something to fucking eat or I’ll see to it that you take her place!”

Sunset watched their interactions, her expression carefully placid. When the man turned back to speak she greeted him, “Shining Armor, to what do I owe this visit?”

He threw off his hood looking startled, “I will not ask how you knew. I’ve come on my sister’s behalf… and my own. I am sorry, for several things my father has done, you’re imprisonment not the least among them.”

Sunset rolled her eyes, “I’m not a noble and you don’t need to speak to me like one. Your father’s actions are his, this isn’t your fault. Tell Twilight it isn't hers either.” She turned away from him and resolved not to say anymore.

“They mean to put you in the stocks, Solaris. And then they will hang you. I have pleaded your case the best I can but my father is without compassion and he despises you.”

When the guard eventually returned, she accepted the meal without a word and then turned away again. Shining Armor’s attempts at apologies were ignored and eventually he left with one last muttered apology. “I’m sorry Solaris, truly.”



“My name, my real name, it’s Sunset Shimmer. Someone should know it, might as well be you.” Shining left her in peace after that, and if nothing else she was glad to see a friendly face and have a last meal.

When she was dragged from her cell an hour later, she expected to be led to the stocks for her humiliation. Instead she found herself guided by a phalanx of guards toward a massive mansion near the edge of the city. She caught only glimpses of the people and her other surroundings through the crush of bodies around her. Servants and other soldiers rushed back and forth. Everyone was dressed in black, purple, and deep blue with the image of a crescent moon depicted on their chests. The ceilings were high and arched, beautifully made and grand.

In time they came to a stop before a massive wooden door. A guard in intricate armor was positioned on either side, gleaming swords at their sides. The one to the right spoke, “state your business and identify yourself.”

The guard standing in front of her was familiar. She recognized him as the captain who had apprehended her. “Captain Bulwark of squadron fourteen. We are escorting the prisoner to Princess Luna, at her behest.”

The guard nodded once and turned to knock twice on the door. Moments later it swung slowly open and an announcement rang out. “Presenting the prisoner known as Solaris Incarnate. She is to stand before her majesty, Princess Luna Selene of house Solaris. Princess of the Night and Moon,” a herald called out.

Sunset was shoved to her knees before a towering silver throne and her heart felt as if it was being crushed in a vice. The Luna who stared down at her was not the friend she knew. She looked at Sunset as if she were the greatest traitor in history. Sunset dropped her head low and said nothing as the charges against her were read.

“The accused stands to be placed in the stocks,” the herald announced in a bored tone. “She is then sentenced to hang by the neck until she is dead, as is the penalty for impersonating a member of the nobility. The charges laid against her are as follows: impersonation of a noble, illegal entrance to a tournament, theft from the crown, the deceit of-”

“I’ve heard enough,” Luna interrupted emotionlessly. “Leave us.”

“Your majesty,” one of the guards hesitated, “surely you cannot trust this street rat to-”

Leave us.

Sunset did not move as the room cleared. She did not move as Luna descended from her throne. She dared not even breathe when the Princess approached her.

Faster than Sunset could ever hope to counter with her chained hands, Luna’s booted foot made contact with her stomach. Reeling, she toppled over with a muffled grunt of pain. “Look at me!” the princess snarled. “You called yourself my friend and lied to me in the very same breath… you didn’t even give me your true name. If you can lie to my face then I demand that you look me in the eye now.”

Chest aching worse than her stomach, Sunest slowly raised her eyes. “I would swear to you princess, on the only family I have, that the only lie I told you was my name.”

Luna sneered in a way that put Sunset in mind of Lord Night, “How could I trust anything you say? How would I know what was truth and what was a lie? You have lied about your name, you have lied about your origin, you are a liar and I have no sympathy for liars.”

“I have nothing left to lie about,” Sunset sighed, and lowered her gaze again. “All that I feared has already come to pass, your highness. You have, and have always had my respect and my friendship should you still want it. On all that I hold precious in this world, I swear to tell you only the truth. And I will tell you all you want to know, if only you would agree to listen. Please,” she pleaded, “let me at least attempt to right this wrong.”

“What is your true name? Surely you have one. Solaris Incarnate was a lie. I will not speak to a lie.”

“Sunset. My friends named me Sunset Shimmer.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed, “what do you mean when you say that your friends named you?”

And so, Sunset told her. She told her everything she knew about the village she was from, about her life with Lord Sunburst Starwatcher. She told her about Dash and Pinkie, about AJ, about Flash. She even told her about Twilight, about all the love she had for her, and about her fear. She told the Princess everything, every fear and every triumph, no matter how small. And when she was finished, she fell silent as Luna took in this information.

“You are a foolish and brave soul indeed, Sol-Sunset,” she said finally.