• Published 31st May 2022
  • 1,212 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Knight - PhantomBulwark

Sunset Shimmer, a young squire, becomes so much more than what destiny had planned. Is she truly a knight? Is she more than the peasant she was born as?

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Chapter 14: The Dark Regiment

The men and women the guards brought her were not what Sunset had hoped for. As the largest prison in Equestria, the fortress held over a thousand prisoners. The ones brought before her numbered less than four hundred.

“This is all?” Captain Bulwark grunted, “how many are there here?”

The guard they had met at the gate shifted uncomfortably; “Three hundred and seventy-six, Sir. That was all that volunteered. The rest are either far too old, or young, or outright refused.”

Sunset sighed, and glanced at AJ, “Still think it was a good idea to follow me?”

The squire grimaced back.

Sunset nodded, the expressions her company wore told her more than enough. She turned and faced the crowd, and drew in a breath. “Here!” she bellowed, and again, “HERE!” Heads turned and the roar died down.

Captain Bulwark waved her down and stepped forward. “Hear now the order of Luna: High Commander of Equestria’s legions, Princess of the Night. ‘Those of able body and having committed no capital crime shall be permitted to volunteer to serve under the command of Sunset Shimmer, Shield of the Night. Those who volunteer shall earn their freedom at this war’s end and return in peace with honor.’” Bulwark then stepped down and waved to Sunset. “This is your leader! This is your commander. This. Is. Your Captain! Obey her and she will lead you home, defy her and death will surely follow.” He stepped away then and Sunset was left to speak to them alone.

“How many of you have military training?” None answered and Sunset felt unease take hold. “Very well, can you at least form ranks? I imagine you know what those are.” There was shuffling as they formed into crooked columns. “I will train you all as I was trained. We are few and we march directly to the front. Look to your left, look to your right, look forward and behind, these are your shield brothers and sisters. This is now your family. On my word you will break rank and find a friend amongst those around you. Each of you will have one, that will be your partner, that person is your responsibility in training and in battle. Go now and welcome to the Dark Regiment.”

The next few weeks were more grueling for all of them than they cared to admit. The others, having trained Sunset but never participated themselves had to learn more combat and help keep the new recruits in line.

It was not easy, even for seasoned squires.

Dash had always been good with a bow but found the immense draw weight of one built to penetrate armor a challenge.

Applejack took to a sword well and carried her armor far better than most but became frustrated with the balance and awkwardness of her shield.

Flash, similarly, was keen on carrying a lance but found out the hard way that it takes a great deal of arm strength to wield and even more to throw.

Pinkie was surprisingly deadly with a pair of dual daggers and had picked up a short sword. But she firmly refused to wear any more than a light leather tunic and a chain mail collar to protect her throat.

Between training grumbling prisoners and learning what battle strategies Bulwark could teach in such limited time, Sunset had her hands full. And the people of Stalliongrad seemed to look upon her like she was a ghost.

Starting at sunrise she trained with her soldiers. She walked amongst them and came to know many quite well, teaching and placing them based on where they seemed to thrive. And after the sun set each day she met with Bulwark for instruction and planning.

She knew that the time of their departure did not care if they were ready or not and it drew ever closer. The progress of her new regiment was slow but, only a few of the unruly recruits found themselves returned to their cells.

Three days before they were set to leave, a cart with a lone driver arrived and Sunset was awoken by shouts and threats of bodily harm.

Stumbling from her tent, her tunic inside-out and one of Pinkie’s daggers as her only weapon she shoved her way forward. “Where’s the fire?” She barked; cowing the soldiers around her, “make a hole!” The crush of bodies around her retreated and she strode forward, dagger pointed. “What business have you here?” she demanded as she caught sight of the interloper. Her friends had him well surrounded and he did not seem a threat.

“Forgive me, Commander.” The man said, his voice low but somehow familiar. “I came looking for you, in the hope that you might accept one more to your company. Her Highness, Princess Luna told me where to find you.”

At the mention of Luna, Sunset stiffened. “And what proof do you have of that?”

He smiled and lifted his head so that their eyes met and removed his hood. “None, except my word.”

“Shining Armor?” Sunset stepped back in surprise. “What in hells name are you doing here? How is Twilight? Has she married that leech-brained Count?”

Shining drew his sword and dropped to one knee before Sunset’s feet. “I have come to offer you my services, Sunset Shimmer, Shield of the Night. I am no longer Shining Armor son of Night Light. My father has banished me. He has stripped my titles and sent me away.” Here he looked up, “I hope with your help, I might return that humiliation one day.”

“None of my men kneel to me Shining Armor, especially not my friends,” Sunset said with a smile. “I am sorry to hear that your father has failed to see reason once again… Welcome to the Dark Regiment.” She turned and started back to her tent calling over her shoulder, “have Flash Sentry outfit you and see AJ and Pinkie for breakfast. When you’re done, come and see me in my tent.”

Sunset dressed slowly, her mind and heart racing. She was glad to see Shining Armor again but thoughts of what could have become of Twilight made her waver. She found the new armor Flash produced for her even more comfortable than her old set and yet today it felt too tight. It was as if her chest was bound in chains and she could not even appreciate the black gleam of her breast plate and the lightness of her chain mail.

Finally she resolved to just sit behind the roughhewn desk she’d been provided, reviewing her maps of the battlefield until Shining showed himself.

She did not wait long.

He poked his head through only a few minutes after she began and waited for her to notice him.

She knew there were more important questions but the only one that found its way out of her throat was, “Where’s Twilight?” And once that question had hung in the air a moment, the rest spewed forth in a stream. “Is she alright? Has your father forced her to marry Timber Spruce? Why did he disown you? Why did you come here?”

“Are you done?” he asked. “I want to be sure before I answer all that.” When her only answer was a scowl he nodded. “The truth is that I don’t know where she’s gone. Father intended to marry her off to Spruce but I knew what such a marriage would do to her so I gave her all the money I had and sent her away. I made her promise not to tell anyone where she was going, not even me. She took her lady in waiting, Fluttershy, with her and disappeared. As for my father, he has become more paranoid with every day. He’s accused me of treason and shut himself away. When Twi did not return the night before last he banished me. I went to Luna and she advised me to find you. I’ve known her all my life and I’d wager she has her

Sunset nodded slowly, “If Twilight is free of your father then that is all I could hope for. I will have to put her out of my mind for now; I have to focus on the battles to come.” With this, she turned and called out to her company and began relaying the daily schedule.